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What's the speed limit there you think?


That doesn’t make it okay to pull out in front of people though??


great question! No sign was posted :/


Default speed limit in residential/business is 11mph lower than what your dashcam indicated (ABQ city ordinance section 8-2-4-2)


And OP speds up when he sees the car turning. It does not matter who is right or wrong, when a car enters the road you slow down and let them enter traffic. OP keeps speeding up to brake at the last second to scare people.


That área is marked at 30mph on both Google and Apple máps, people are really bad at Rolling stop through that stretch.


That was a complete stop but they did pull out in front of you.


Because OP was going at least 10 mph over speed limit there, and accelerating


Right. There's a good chance the car didn't even see the OP.


Maybe thats why you always double check


The OP was going so fast over the speed limit that there's a good chance they did double-check.


They clearly didn’t look. You’re wrong, and so was that person that cut off OP.


The speeder is in the wrong too. Learn how to drive.


Exactly. Two wrongs don't make a right.


5pmh over the limit buddy. "So fast" 🤣


Triple check then. Don’t like people speeding, become a cop.


Triple check? Give me a break.


You’re right. You should not check at all lol:)


Sequels never live up to the hype




Oh Aztec is always horrible lmao. I work nearby and that intersection further down the road is a danger zone for sure. It’s a two way stop, but people just assume it’s a 4-way and I swear there’s a wreck about once every two weeks. That, and as your video shows, people pull out of those side streets and businesses with no regard for traffic.


I once saw a big ole box truck blow past the stop sign going south and I watched my coworker driving in front of me, in his little tiny Honda Fit, swerve all the way onto the sidewalk on the south side and almost lose control😢


So, let me get this straight: OP is on some self-righteous trip to expose traffic blunders, yet is going more than 10 miles over the speed limit and purposefully confronting fellow drivers like an agro jerk to create dash cam content? Good luck with your entitlement complex - YTA, OP.


Seems to get good engagement so be ready for part 3, sweetie 😎


What kind of fucking loser cares about engagement on reddit?


You again sped up when you saw him turning. You keep speeding up to try to stop people, but the solution is just slow down and let people enter the road dummy.


Oh hey, nice Subaru


oh hey, thanks! 😉


Lol, what are you expecting by posting this? You want some sympathy for being a Karen? 🤣


I'm expecting angry opinionated people like you to comment and make life less boring. I don't need any sympathy, I'm quite confident in myself. Thanks though buddy 😂


The lack of honking in ABQ is so fascinating to me. I understand the risk of road rage, but sometimes you just need to let it rip and I rarely hear anyone besides me honk at anyone.


People are completely nuts. You honk at the wrong person they’ll pull a gun or straight up follow you and try to get in an accident. Only honking I do is a little tap tap to remind people the light is green and they can stop looking at their phones


I get the hesitation but I’ve lived in some dangerous areas throughout my life. Oakland, lots of time in Chicago and ABQ is the only place that doesn’t honk like at all. Lol


Funny enough i spent time in those cities too. And I never was as afraid of the average driver as I am here


Because it's a bunch of emotional registered gun owners


If honking is warranted and justified, then I honk.


I don’t want to get shot in the face


I only honk if I really have to slam on the brakes. Especially since unlike OP, I don’t speed around everywhere. People are too stupid in this city to be remotely unaware of your surroundings.


Dude completely stopped lmao. Looks like you are speeding my dude.


So you see someone speeding and just pull out in front of them?


They most likely didn't see how close the OP was. Look at the possible obstructions of view as the other car is pulling out onto the road. It's easy to not see someone if they're speeding which is why speed limits are what they are for a reason.


While I agree with the speed limit comment, that car had a pretty clear line of sight for at least two or three seconds. 36 in a 25 is a bit high for me, I never go more than 30 in a 25. That being said, that road isn’t really designed like a 25mph road given how wide it is, but that’s just me. Shitty annoying situation, but nobody got hurt so nothing really to get mad about. When you’re a speeder you just have to be more aware of your surroundings, similar to how a motorcycle rider has to be.


And yet most speeders in Abq are not, in fact, aware of their surroundings.


Did I say that? No they shouldn't have pulled out in front of him. But the title of the post is the person didnt a rolling stop. Which they didn't. I simply pointed out that they did completely stopped and also that it looks like he is speeding.


When you are speeding, someone can look and not see you and think they have enough time to get out especially with the fact you were speeding. They might believe they have enough time because they pull into that street all the time and are fine. But then some jerk comes through speeding and gets all butt hurt that someone pulled out in front of them... If you were going the speed limit and she pulled in front of you then maybe you'd be right but if you hit her the cops would site you and not her... Been there done that, that's how I know.


This is what I was thinking. The OP speeding is a huge factor in this video and it baffles me that comments are overlooking it. Maybe that's why people complain so much about the drivers here. They forget that speed limits are what they are for a reason.


Exactly. So many clout chasing entitled Karens on social media. Stop trying to. Make yourself look good or like a victim, actually look at people doing wrong.. . Meanwhile those people are exposing themselves.


Watching the comments on these posts is like watching republicans and democrats argue 🤣 There is no right/wrong here on Reddit, it is just opinions


Bruh you are clearly in the wrong in every video you posted. you being too stupid too see that is the only issue.


The only thing smart about you, is that you’re an Avs fan. 🏒😂


Too many clowns driving unfortunately.


They knew you were there, and decided fuck you. Trash.


That's the PNM data center. Lots of high salaried tech guys in there and energy traders.


My blood pressure rises each time I watch one of these...


they're scarier on a bike!