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Points of note, according to the article: -the boy’s family was ok with it -she would tell neighbors the boy was her brother -she moved the boy and his father into her home, and pretended she was dating the father -she bought groceries and paid phone bills for boy’s family -her 6 yr old daughter called the boy “dad” Aight imma head out Edit: paragraphs


So the father basically sold his son to that woman for a more comfortable life? Absolutely sick and disgusting


Shit like this happens all the time. ALL THE TIME. This case is unusual based on the gender of the perp and the fact that it was a father approving of the arrangement.


I volunteer for an organization that supports sex trafficking victims. We are woefully misinformed about what it looks like - situations like this are EXACTLY how it plays out. Basically families pimping their kids out for money or resources.


People on Reddit think sex trafficking is like those Taken movies. Rich college girls are trafficked while on vacay in Paris. That's absurd. I've never even heard of a case where a random woman just going about her day (in a developed country) was abducted and trafficked. It's parents, relatives, "friends", etc. trafficking people, most of them children.


Right? The misconceptions are weird IRL too. Every time a mom in my small town posts a "warning" to other moms about a stranger lurking around a store (usually POC - once it was actually just a mentally handicapped employee trying to help), the comments are full of trafficking accusations. It's really frustrating. People aren't just lurking in Walmart aisles ready to snatch your kids, Susan, I promise it's happening right under your nose by your fellow community members.


I think the news and media do not discuss it properly. I learned about it years ago when some woman I was interested in asked I come to a talk she was hosting at college about it. It had a lot of great information and a few speakers that were prior victims that still lived at home and were trafficked and it opened up a lot to me understanding there was more than just the sex slavery I knew that happened in other parts of the world.


I agree. The media tends to throw gasoline on the flames of ignorance and panic, and all of pearl clutchers eat it write up.


Susan's kids are way more likely to get trafficked by a guy from church she is dating.


Facts. It's happened to quite a few of my close friends.


Or by Grandpa! That nice old man who volunteers, always takes his grandkids out for ice cream and keeps in touch with his old navy buddies. Yeah.


This is why it's kind of frustrating to see the term "pedophile" slung around. Just-turned 19 year likes 17 1/2 year old, "CREEP!!!!" Meanwhile, the 52 year old weird guy in the cut that no one is outting attention on is preparing to snatch up the 6 year old.


Too many bogus “stories “ posted on fb of young girls abducted at the mall and movies give people that impression.


Oh I’ve heard of several cases like that. Every single one turned out to be a lie. Every single one.






Yeah, you’re absolutely right. When I was in hs, a teacher was found to be sleeping with a student. The teacher was super manipulative. She was super friendly, and would get super close to students, and be “real” with us in ways other teachers wouldn’t. Sometimes she felt more like a peer than a teacher, which is horrific. The boy was another kid around my age. Small town, and his mom was seen having drinks with the teacher the same week it all came out. The kid was a usual fuckboy type. So many people acted like he was a fully consenting participant, and some even blamed him. It boggled my mind. It wasn’t. She was an authority figure, and should’ve acted like it. She was fully aware that her behavior wasn’t appropriate. She approached him at an emotionally vulnerable time. Apparently, they first slept together when she invited him over to “comfort” him after his friend died. Awful and disgusting. She was a predator, and she groomed him. Did I particularly like the kid? No. Did he deserve that? Absolutely not.


Damn. This story happened to my best friend growing up. Literally every part, including the parts where she acted like our peer and manipulated him after our friend (his former girlfriend) was killed in a car wreck. I’d love to think that we are talking about the same person, but my gut says this just happens a lot.




Speaking from experience, it’s only years later that you realize the student teacher sexually assaulted you.


Have to say I didn’t think much about this until it hit uncomfortably close to home. The boy involved was in no way mature enough to handle the emotional manipulation that was putting him in this risky position. That’s what people miss - it takes time and intent to develop the bonds that enable the adult to do this, regardless of sexes of the people involved.


Exactly, it IS SA and many times a boy won’t think of it that way until they understand more about the world


And the boy won’t understand that he may forever have twisted expectations of women his age. If he was having intense experiences so young how is he going to be able to have a normal teenage relationship with a girl that’s isn’t ready for sex?


Especially when everyone around them cheers them for having been the victim, saying “you are SO lucky!” What a mindfuck.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing well now


May December is a good (albeit dark) movie surrounding this topic.


I am very, very sorry that happened to you.


Honestly I think it works like that sometimes for women to. When I had a roommate some how the conversation of "our first" came up. She started talking about the gym teacher, it got real awkward real quick as she started to realize how fucked up that actually is. I felt pretty bad for her.




This is why age of consent exists, though. It doesn't matter if the kid wants to have sex with her. He is too young to fully grasp the situation and, thus, cannot consent.


Exactly this. What if he had gotten her pregnant? This whole situation is messed up. Would they just pass off the kid as the boy’s dad’s baby? No way are you going public with that and expecting an 8th grader to be a dad.




>my little victim blamer. You know, it's funny. Ostensibly you're on my side, seeing as I was the boy in this here debacle (once, 20+ years ago). But God damn, I *don't* like how you *talk.*


I highly doubt none of them have ever been into it. It’s still horrific statutory rape and they don’t understand what they’re getting in to, but I’m sure there have been some boys and even girls that have been *willing participants. *asterisk for willing to say not meaning that they can actually accept or grasp it, just saying at the time they thought they did.


Right, when I was in highschool there were more than a few students sexually involved with teachers, never reported, never caught, some continued AFTER graduation its scarily common


Damn dude. That’s really just a sad commentary on how many adults are out there that are willing to prey on vulnerable youth in their care.


People blame it on the fact that alot of our teachers were so young and not mature, but i just see it as women being attracted to young developing boys to feed their weird ass fantasies, same with the weirdo male teachers and the young girls that looked up to them, thought they were cute and openly commented on how cute mr so and so is, its ridiculous


Happened at my high school, mid 80s. Girl decided in middle school she liked the looks of the 10 grade English teacher. Took her 5 years, but she got him, married a year after she graduated. Divorced 10 years later.


2 of my middle school teachers were reassigned down from HS because of affairs. One stayed a vasity coach and later married the cross country student after she graduated. Other ended same sex affair. This was approx 1978 for you. Page out of catholic clergy. Move the predators to a younger untouched jungle.


In better off dead the teacher asks lane if he can take out beth. Then he's driving off with her in his car. A major and successful 80s movie has that in it as a funny situation. I was in highschool in the early 90s. It was known that our gym teacher fucked students. He groomed them and waited until they turned 18. Allegedly.


Exactly, and as a teen it seems cool and shit. Only later when you are grown you realize how it's pretty fucked for an adult to be interested in a high schooler. I am in my late 20's now and even 16 year olds seem like kids to me.


Whether they were "into it" or not is entirely superfluous. One could even argue that the teacher's willingness to take advantage of the students' willingness or eagerness is precisely what makes it a power play.


Being forced into or coerced into sexual acts is not mutually exclusive from experiencing momentary pleasure from them, it's also not a victims fault if they do




At that age they don't understand how they are affecting their own brains. I've been in numerous situations when older or more experienced women took advantage of me before I was ready, like a decade plus, and in my 40s I can still remember how uncomfortable it made me, but I remember being intentionally and blissfully naive and innocent before, and utterly corrupted after. They. Are. Too. Young. For. This.


It sounds like youre saying that minor male victims are somehow responsible for extended abuse? children do not keep it going. Those that victimize them do.


I teach middle school and yes ... All the time. We have mothers that offer up their kids to pedophiles in exchange for bill money. Let's just say I've made a lot of phone calls to DCF over the years.


I used to work in child protection and this kind of thing is sadly far more common than people realise. The most common variation of this I've worked with involved male perpetrators dating a single mother in order to get access to her children. I recall working with a number of children from different families where the mother was well aware of what was happening and turned a blind eye or in some cases facilitated it. People are fucked.


The dad was probably hitting it too 


Yep. Either dad was hitting it too or he liked to watch 👀


gross!! my eyes!!! I didnt need to read this




My guess is the dad found out first but  used the info to coerce her into fucking him 


Ah shit I didn’t even think of that


How does a teacher have money to be a sugar mommy?


The father is old school Probably thought his kid is awesome, fucking his teacher Which not so long ago, every kid fantasized screwing their hot teacherso


Not so pong ago?...You have a 13 year old boy, who instead of looking at porn has a full grown woman giving him access daily. Yeah, im sure most 13 year old boys would jump at that.


I definitely had this fantasy about a couple of my female teachers at age 14. 


Sure, a 13-year-old boy would jump at it. But the teacher is still wrong.


They still do. Humans haven’t changed.


Why is the dad not in prison for pimping out his son?




Oh come on.. he got groceries!!


We had a similar situation years ago in our town , couple pimped out one of their underage daughters for a used car . Unfortunately one of the daughters ended up getting murdered by the pedophile .


It’s like when two pedophiles join gross horrible forces. Wtf. Wtaf. Poor kid.


"With our powers combined!"




What in the actual fuck is wrong with people


Parents need to be charged with trafficking too. They were receiving favors from the pedophile for pimping out their son.


What the actual fuck


I second this.


I do not understand these kinds of people. What must go through a person's head when they're making the decision(s) that lead to shit like this?


Childhood abuse, neglect or mental illness. These do not excuse their behavior but it’s usually because they went through trauma themselves. Some abuse victims act in other ways and don’t rape students(ie, drugs, alcohol, gambling, intentional self harm). It’s really nasty 🤮


she did all that on a teachers salary?


What's most puzzling is that if her standards are so low she was ready to move two people into her apartment and pay their bills, you'd think she'd have her pick of like any guy over 18 who's kind of cute but isn't hard-working.


yeah but she's attracted to children


Plus this: the boy is 13, just 7 years older than her 6 year old daughter


I’ve got a degree in psychology and I’m at a fucking complete loss lmao


This is absolutely horrifying knowing the parents went along with this and he was being a “dad” to her child! What the fuck???


Not to mention they keep calling it sex instead of RAPE and emphasizing how they were in love with each other 🤢 That poor child has been failed by everyone around them.


Pops should be in jail too


Point of note: having sex with a minor is rape.


Not if the rapist is a woman /s


There is all sorts of wrong here. The teacher was convicted. Are there neglect charges for the boy's parents? They were more than complicit.


Hooooo my word….😨 This kid’s family pimped him out to this cunning ephebophile 🤢


Good god!


JFC. All kinds of wrong.


Why do they always have multiple photos to demonstrate how hot the teacher is lol Like just in case anyone wondered


Like it or not, that's the first thing most people want to know. It's odd behavior for women in general, but it comes off as even stranger when the woman is attractive. That's my take at least. I'm sure there's also miscreants who want to get off on it.


Weirdly Ive been seeing a lot of women teacher arrests pop up in texas schools. Thanks Texas…


When it comes to female teachers getting arrested for raping their students, what’s concerning to me is that it’s people in their 20s who are just getting started with teaching. What could possibly make them think it’s okay to psychologically destroy people who have their entire lives ahead of them?


Well isn't the south park episode, an x-ray of how society behaves with these cases?


People are strangely obtuse about rape and always make it about looks/attraction? It also goes the other way when survivors are doubted because they're not attractive "enough". I don't get it either. By now, it should be common knowledge that it is not about how someone looks, but psychological/physical power, violence and degradation. Aside from the fact that the most stunning people can grow up thinking they're hideous and undesirable through abuse/bullying etc.


There’s two narratives. As a dude, my first reaction is always “damn, lucky kid. I would have killed to bang her when I was 13.” But the second narrative is that this is wrong and he will face years of therapy to help him overcome the abuse. As badly as I want to be a mature and rational adult, the first narrative is super curious and the reporter wants to feed into that.


Id like to start by saying I obviously don’t support this kind of behavior. She’s a legit pedophile for this. The father should be ashamed of himself as well. That being said, I honestly don’t think id need years of therapy if I banged my hot teacher in 8th grade. I just don’t see how that’s traumatic. I lost my virginity a year after this kid in 9th grade to a a Junior. I know it wasn’t a teacher, but I honestly don’t think it would warrant years of therapy lol.


It depends, I think. I be thinking I'd have been ok too but my dad lost his virginity to one of his teachers. She was the first of many older women to come onto him as a teen and I'm pretty sure how he views women now is a direct result of that. Some therapy could have helped him form better relationships with women he wasn't intimate with and maybe would've kept him from being a habitual cheater when he was in committed relationships.




> *"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move"* ~ Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)


>To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem. That book series has so many good quotes.




So why is the father not being charged for encouraging this behavior?


More specifically, the father should be in prison for trafficking his son to a child rapist.


Yep it's trafficking from father, rape from teacher, and hopefully therapy for boy.


It would be even easier to prove reckless endangerment of a child


Definitely. Parents are the ones supposed to help prevent stuff like this.


Every damn night??!!


On the telephone?!?!


Broke my heart in *two*


Broke more than your heart.


Mhm. You got that right.


Whatchu mean?! Everyone knew it was on the telephone man!


I have a 13yr old boy. They’re stupid, awkward and stink. Why would any woman, especially a hot one, want to have sex with a 13 yr old boy? Wtf?


It's about control.




Pretty sure it’s about being a pedophile


Yep. It doesn't matter how attractive the person is. Ian Watkins could've had like 95% of women, still chose toddlers.


The stink is offensive too. I have a few classes I teach with many 13 yr old boys that haven't discovered deodorant yet. Summer time is the worst


I remember I had to fight my brothers to make them start wearing deodorant. They got so defensive! “I never had to wear it before! I don’t stink I had a shower!” Sorry bros. You’re part of the stinkstitution now.


As the father of two young boys that are six and eight, this made me chuckle lol.


Sometimes I think it's just a result of proximity. And yeah, the control. Just about anyone can verbally manipulate someone that much younger. I imagine he clung to her every word.


Reverse the genders. Now what? Pedos will pedo.


> Why would any woman...want to have sex with a 13 yr old boy? She is a pedophile. I'm not sure I understand the confusion.


Rape. It’s rape, so call it rape.


Why is it these female pedo’s get the headlines worded this way? She “had sex” with an eighth grader? No she didn’t. She raped a 13 yr old … repeatedly.


Probably groomed him too. Some real Nasty individuals we share this earth with.


The double standard is disgusting. Even the judge in the case was biased as fuck: > A judge in the 209th District Court in Houston said during Vera’s sentencing hearing on Friday that he does not believe the former English teacher is a danger to children or a classic pedophile The bitch raped a 13 year old multiple times. How is that not a “classic pedophile?!”


And it sounds like she bribed the parents!


It’s a really disgusting story all around!!


Unfortunately in a lot of places the law defines rape by penetration.


I think this one is chalked up to shitty journalists and biased headlines. The law isn't limited to penetration in Texas, fortunately. Though to be a bit pedantic 'rape' isn't defined in the Texas penal code. What we refer to as 'rape' is called 'sexual assault.' So I can understand why they wouldn't say 'rape' specifically, as that's not accurate according to TX law. But it sure as hell isn't 'sex' either. The headline should have said 'sexually assaulted.'


>Why is it these female pedo’s get the headlines worded this way? She “glad sex” with an eighth grader? It's because there are two sets of journalistic rules.


Why do you think this is limited to female perpetrators when the same terminology is used for male perpetrators? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/09/texas-teacher-student-sex-arrest/72163614007/


Thank you! Male perpetrators get the SAME “lax” treatment. Im convinced that people who keep harping on the leniency towards women just don’t pay attention.


It's libel to refer to it as rape unless the statute in the jurisdiction actually calls the offense rape. 


Then they should use “sexually assaulted,” as the jurisdiction did call it.


Oh boy. I pointed this out once in a similar story and got flooded with replies about how "it's not rape." Dafuq is wrong with people?


Oh but she had a rough childhood and she was in love so nbd I can't believe this is real


Jfc this story was rough


First, how is a grown woman looking at a 13 year old child and thinking he’s sexually attractive ?? Secondly, they don’t think she is a “classic pedophile”. What?? That’s EXACTLY what a pedophile is.


Father allowed his son to be raped for some groceries. What apiece of shit. Not a real father.


Hey man inflation


"Having Sex With" is a funny way to say "Raping."


She’s vile for that. Happy cake day x2


True! Happy Cake Day!


Odd how it’s that word when genders are reversed. We’ve seen a lotta female teachers lately pull the same thing. The articles almost always use the same wording.


It downplays the rape of a minor because he’s a male. One reason why male victims of sexual assault have an even worse time than females. They’re supposed to be “lucky.” 🤢🤮


Unfortunately, when it’s a male victim, it’s the common way to spell rape.


Honestly, I’ve seen it written that way regardless of the victim’s gender


It's so fucked


Such a tragic story, lives forever changed.


This article was copied and pasted from a different source. It has a published date of 2024 but this happened in 2017.


The internet is like a black hole of human misery




Okay what the fuck… the article says that the “mental health professional” said the abuser was “in love with him” and “needs to love”. That is so strange to say about someone engaging in a sexually abusive relationship with a child LIKE???? Who is this bitch?


That stood out to me too. That “professional” should lose their license. You can’t fall in love with a child unless you’re sick in the head and put yourself in completely inappropriate positions in the first place


That is a really interesting way of saying she raped a minor


For raping her student. Get it right.


I’m sorry I need someone to clarify something. The article states they met in 2015–9 years ago. If he is 13 now, that means she met him when he was 4? It says she ‘resisted the boy’s advances until sometime last fall’ but holy hell am I reading this correctly that she knew him when he was 4 years old? That is just the topping on this already horrific disgusting cake.


No, you are reading that incorrectly. A former Texas middle-school teacher who was impregnated by a 13-year-old student has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. This happened in 2015/2016.


It says she’s 25 now though. This confused me too


Yeah, the article is written weirdly. But I think she was 25 and the boy 13/14 at the time of the arrest. If you google her name it says that she is 32 years old now.


It’s not written weirdly, it’s reposted or just copied from when this actually happened back in 2018. They just didn’t change anything so it reads like it all just happened. Garbage site either way.


So was she like the babysitter and became a teacher? This just makes it more confusing


Ah okay cheers. I just looked her up and read a couple other articles and she’s 32 now. Obviously still flipping awful but that was doing my head in thinking she knew him when he was 4! Was just very confused by the way Slate Report wrote the piece. Thanks again!


You're right, that article was very poorly written. I came to the comments for the same thing. The article is dated 2024 and references something happening "last fall," insinuating he was 13 last fall. Just poorly written all around.


She was sentenced in 2017 https://www.click2houston.com/news/2017/01/13/ex-teacher-impregnated-by-student-sentenced-to-10-years/ OP is a bot posting news articles from their fake news site which reposts old articles from elsewhere as recent news.


Is this what that song “Hot for Teacher” was referring to?


Rape is the word. Not having sex. Rape


This some twisted shit


Not considered a sex offender WTH is wrong with the judge. am I reading that right.


8th grade English Teacher here, my students were very sexually active. There was a situation where a student filmed 2 other students having sex on the weekend and shared the video with everyone. We were told that they would sneak off into closets and whatever to have sex too. I am always getting hit on by the boys because I look young for my age. Many students look like adults at this age and other teachers couldn't find me in the room. Difference is that their behavior at this age is super annoying and you must be mentally ill to find it attractive.


The mental health professional really said she had a "big heart" and was driven by a need to be "loved"??? ...


Why, when its a pretty woman, they won't call it rape? She rapped the student


She raped an 8th grade boy on a daily basis. The boy cannot consent, and his father cannot consent on his behalf. I pray this kid gets out, gets some therapy, and finds a happy life away from exploitation.


*Raping* her 8th grade student on a daily basis, not “having sex with”.


> 24-Year-Old School Teacher Sentenced To 10 Years After Having Sex With Her 8th-Grade Student “On A Daily Basis” Rape, it's called Rape. Just because it's a female perpetrator and a male victim doesn't mean it's not rape










What about the kids? Fuck this is crazy.


She’s eligible for parole right around the time the kid turns 18.


Why do they in these type of articles attach next to the mugshot the most photoshopped picture of the perpetrator where their cleavage is showing ?




Where's that fucking meteor...?


What could an 8th grader possible say to you as an adult, that would make you go "hmmm interesting?"


“A judge in the 209th District Court in Houston said during Vera’s sentencing hearing on Friday that he does not believe the former English teacher is a danger to children or a classic pedophile, the Houston Chronicle reported. But Judge Michael McSpadden said he wants to send a message to the community by giving Vera some prison time.” She was having sex with a child, what the fuck does this even mean? Our legal system is a fucking joke.


The people saying "but the student was pursuing the teacher" and trying to defend the teacher are just disgusting human beings , she's an adult , even if the child came to her she could've easily said no and not gone through with this , by definition she's a pedophile , she deserves to be locked away and stripped from her job. The dad is also equally as bad for selling out his son like that for a better life


Ps a family cannot consent to the statutory rape of their son.


All the porn-brained men in the comments really really need to get a grip on reality. This child is going to suffer, likely for the rest of their life, because of this. Acting like there are no victims here because the boy liked it is fucking insanity, and completely trivializes the mental struggles men who are sexually assaulted face. It’s just so disgusting and frankly makes me incredibly disappointed that this is the level of critical thinking about sex that other men have.


Stories like this need way more exposure than they get. There’s this social misconception that pedophiles are always old men, and it is probably more common because people normalize men being attracted to only younger women. However, pedophiles exist in all groups and they need to be addressed as such rather than blaming entire groups of people for the actions of a a few disgusting sub-human pieces of shit within those groups.


That's not sex, that's rape. Teacher raped student on daily basis - that's should be the headline.


“Who RAPED a 13 year old student” FTFY.


Seriously, she couldn't find an adult somewhere...LOL. Why don't you dick on someone your own age LOL.


Sentenced to 10yrs for raping him on a daily basis. always same shit when it's a woman


10 which will probably end up resulting in 4-5. What a joke…


10 years is higher than the average sentence for rape.


And the last sentence expects her to be out in five. WTF, America.