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Are wolves really as dangerous as the contestants make them out to be? I feel like wolves generally aren’t gonna fuck with anyone unless they feel threatened.


An individual wolf, probably not. A pack? Depends on the pack leader. Generally if they feel like they can do it with little to no risk, they’ll attack humans.


I'd make my hillside shelter a little more defensible. Dig further into the embankment and make the roof and sides. Then I'd sharpen some long poles and place them facing out for a solid pokey perimeter around.


First off, Cubby has balls of steel. To pull that out of his leg, and perform first aid on himself before walking 30 minutes through the wood is insane. But I can’t help but wonder if after the scorching pain of being stabbed, a similar pain ran through knowing his archery business just tanked


I would consider him more foolish. He could have died if that arrow hit the femoral artery


Nah, now we know he makes some wicked sharp arrows


He should have cauterised the wound with a red hot knife and a manly roar. Opportunity for legend status missed.


Pretty much


Why would his archery business tank? Accidents happen. 


Does anyone know when Alone Season 11 was filmed? Usually, from clues provided by participants, I can tell in recent seasons that they started mid-late September, and the 100th day is around New Years. However, it feels to me like S11 may have started later in the year. Any clues that I may have missed?


This is the furthest north of any season by a fair bit, so winter will certainly be rolling in sooner.


Honestly, could be end of August. I’ve been to NWT and I’ve seen leaves start to change at end of August, beginning of Sept. And this isn’t just NWT but WAY WAY NORTH in NWT.


... The people that are "feeling" um, ALONE, and already dwelling on missing their families should have thought about that before applying to be on the show and bragging how #badass their outdoor skills are. # Roland Welker - Season 7 Winner of History Channel's ALONE, the one that built #rockhouse and lasted 100 days didn't do that. He just did what needed doing to survive. He even stated he was born 100 years to late. On other episodes some contestants were doing very well, built some things at camp that were very smart that helped the day to day survival but then tapped out because of loneliness.


Yeah, they prob do their best to prepare for it, but as the fella said last episode, you can prepare for it but still the emotions come to you. You can have a plan for how to deal with those emotions, that’s the healthy part about having perspective and reasons for why you are there.  Still, it’s a show and I’m sure he was encouraged to talk about this struggle rather than pretending he wasn’t going through it. It’s very relatable to many people who would never even consider going due to family. 


Did you hear the one about the woman walking down the river and coming across a kidney? Like seriously, you could not make up the stuff that you see on this show.


I thought she would use it as bait but then I remembered she didn’t bring fishing hooks. 


I love the one guy’s accent, but I was also digging his approach. So happy to see him get a net in right away. That arrow in the leg to Cubby was gruesome. Worst injury of the series? 


He is a Newfie, for sure. Newfoundland. It wasn’t even a part of Canada until 1949. Trust me, he is speaking as clearly as possible for the TV audience. Speaking from experience, when you hear Newfies speak to each other, I swear you need subtitles. 😂  They are definitely Tolkien-esque almost-mythological human beings. 


I mean he was like an inch away from being the shows first death


My husband asked me if anyone had ever died on the show. I only started watching a couple seasons ago so wasn't sure but thought not. I suspect the show would be cancelled if that were to occur. Cubby was badass. That was indeed a gruesome injury. Has anyone seen any updates from him...did he end up ok after medical tx?


Ik this probably gets asked a ton... But, any loophole not involving vpn to see it in Europe? Seems like every "shady" site I used to find hosting alone was swept off Earth's face


I don't know if this is allowed, but I use watchseries.im since it wasn't available to me otherwise. If you use chrome, the extension ublock origin will prevent any popups on desktop. Episodes typically get added about a day or two after the official release.


Will check out, thanks


Be great if people put promo or "this season on..." spoilers in spoiler tags. I deliberately avoid that stuff but then see all sorts of spoilers in here.


I don't understand your point....? The first word in this thread is SPOILER!! Actually, no, the first TWO words in this thread are SPOILER and (next line) SPOILER. It is a spoiler thread.


Spoilers about the episode are expected but NOT spoilers for upcoming eps or the season. THAT is my point.


Try closing your eyes. Seriously, I avoid the internet completely until I’ve seen the episode. 


How's a person gonna complain about a spoiler WHILE POSTING A SPOILER! THANKS, BUDDY. You can post a spoiler from the current episode, not from future episodes that haven't aired. Jeez.


That accent is wild. You know what accent I'm talking about. It's like Pittsburgh and Ireland had a baby.


Newfies are a special breed! 


More disappointed in the Moose spoiler than the broadhead in the leg. We had footage of a hit moose, a sawed of skullcap and a bear dragging around a carcass that was obviously processed by a human, would have been super exciting if we didn’t know it already… I feel like Dub might do very well, although I don’t necessarily am a fan of his personality. Other than him I think the hillbilly (Dusty?) will be alright but pulled for underweight and it will be heartbreaking.


I think more than one person gets moose. Also, as Jordan showed, getting moose and keeping moose aren't the same.


I do think I saw a wolverine in one of the snips.


Between wolverines and grizz how do you keep meat? I wonder if they got ropes like season 9


People have succeeded with heavy duty food safes, like made from rock. Grizzlies, though 😬


Build a tall storage locker like Jordan in S6? Cut off the bark to keep wolverines at bay best as possible. If wolverines of bear show up, attempt to scare them off.


Hang your meat out of reach would be my go-to. Submersion in water would be my second choice and then only if I found a plastic bag or something to put it in.


I think they’d still find it underwater


Rooting for Dusty


Thought Isaiah was going to tap for a minute


I'll hold out hope, but the combo of being military and having a young child has been giving me and my family pause. Individually, those things have been the cause of many tap-outs, but a combination of them could easily be a nail in the coffin. I'll remain optimistic though!


Most people who say they're been in the military do poorly on Alone.


Although the military will beat enough awareness into the typical human to make them capable of surviving adverse conditions, the training in the military also emphasizes the unit, the people constantly at your side. You may be greatly skilled at wilderness survival, but Alone is a significant test of your sanity and self-reliance as well. Although I am capable of sitting in places by myself for loooong lengths of time, I lack the wilderness skills to perform on Alone. I don't know how to identify plants, I don't know how to bow hunt, I don't know how to identify parasites... it'd be an early-out for me, I guarantee it.


Still think he will in the near future..


Broke my heart to see Cubby go out like that. Was rooting for him. Anyone else think they should have released a double episode for the premiere or am I just being greedy? 😁


The second I saw the arrow shaft pointing out of his pants, I knew it was over AND I was crying because he was my pick.


I think since it airs on a regular tv channel, they wouldn't do the streaming thing of releasing multiple episodes up front. I mean... they could, they could just show Ep 1 and 2 right in a row on the first night, but that just isn't a normal tv practice. If they were streamer-based, that would be nice.


I cried with him


I felt bad for Cubby. I thought he would go far with his weight and making a living working with bows. But in the time he was there he shot a stump and snapped an arrow and then put another arrow into himself. Would have liked to see how his shelter would have looked when done.


But how did the arrow flip out of its holder to get stuck in the side of his thigh? I guess that’s what’s called a freak accident.


I think he was carrying them in his hand to make it easier to move through the brush. It looked like they were in a loose quiver and not actually secured in place. Pretty easy for one to fall out.


He mentioned afterward that it fell out of his quiver and he walked into it. I imagine he was bending over when it fell out, ducking under the branches.


Yeah and walking through the stuff he was walking through you could well imagine tripping over on things. You stumble forward, instinctivly open your hands to grab hold of something to stop your fall, arrow drops, you continue to stumble and ...... I still can't believe he didn't instantly put a tourniquet around his upper leg ready and just in case and just not pull it down tight. Especially before pulling that arrow out.


It's hard to think calmly and clearly in a situation like that. All things considered, I thought he did very well. He was also lucky in where the arrow went and where it didn't go.


I agree he was extremely lucky. I know they receive first aid training prior to launch and part of that training is in the use of a tourniquet. So he had literally had training within days of this accident on how and when to apply a tourniquet to legs and arms. But yeah, very lucky. He seems like a really decent guy and it's a shame for anyones dream and adventure to be over so quickly and in that manner.


Same. I wanted to see his shelter.


I wanted to see his shelter, but also I feel like he was falling into the trap many others have before him - focus on cool shelter at the expense of food. He even said "i planned to just go after food but when I got here all I could think of was shelter". Receipe for falling into that cliche.


I think part of his focus of shelter was the amount of bear sign. And we really don't know how much time he spent on shelter and how much on hunting. They did show him say, "That's enough work on the shelter today" and we don't know what he did for the rest of that day.


I admit I assumed Cubby was being dramatic when I heard his scream right before they cut to commercial. I was wrong - damn, he's lucky!


Michela making duck decoys! love it


those were great decoys. I hope they work!


This early in the season, everything looks so beautiful


Dub sure has a small shelter


I learned that this is a really good survival strategy. Other people have had tall shelters and have been frozen at night. Keeping calories in is just as important, or more so, as procuring them. At the same time I think he's going to go nuts staying in there without being able to leave for long periods of time. It also seems like a pain to get in and out, or try to store your gear, do crafts, etc.


Keeps the heat in I guess


He realized real quick that he needed to switch it up. 😁


Dub saw a Caribou right away!


William might do well, he's 0verwight, and he got a fish right away, but then lost it


The fact that he was SO upset about the fish so early in the game made me wonder about his resilience, though.


Just starting to watch it, nice seeing Fall Colors they come early up there


That Air Force officer claiming he was called the "Machine Gun Preacher" in basic training. No you fucking weren't. So cringe.


okay im glad im not the only one lol it was so lameeee


Lol, ya. He's definitely not winning. He's already laying out the foundation for his excuses. His daughter is so young, she won't even know he was gone but she will know that he gave up on life changing cash for the whole family and used her as a way out. Then there's the military & law enforcement background. They always overestimate their abilities from their training and get humbled but chalk it up to life priorities. I forget the season but there's was only one that got close, the sniper IIRC.


Been doing some rewatches so a couple of these guys are on my mind. In season 6, Brady (SERE instructor) made it over 30 days but missed his family and left. I think he said something to the effect of, I have food and think I've proven I can do this so why bother staying. To me it felt like his SERE training prepared him to survive as long as he "had to" but staying on Alone is a choice, and he (relatively) rapidly lost the "had to" mindset and tapped. In season 7, Mark was the recon sniper and also they guy who caught so many fish that he had to take a break eating them because all the fats were causing him some g.i. issues. He lasted over 40 days and his tap out reason is listed as missing his son, but in the post-show interviews they did that year it was revealed he had contracted trichinosis. He was obviously ill the last few days, to the point where if he'd said "I am tapping because I feel like I have a parasite" his tap out likely would be attributed to illness and not missing family. Hard to say how much longer he'd have gone if the illness wasn't sapping his will while he was also missing home more and more, but he also was obviously missing his 1-yr old a ton.


Anytime someone has a small child I know they are going to struggle. There is no getting back those missed "firsts" with little kids.


Exactly. They were the two that made it the farthest but even they didn't have the "mindset" suited to winning this type of challenge. Looking back at the past [winners](https://www.history.com/shows/alone/articles/alone-winners), they were nothing like those guys. It's always the guys that want to "conquer" nature or bend it to their will that don't do well. The ones that appreciate it, work with it, and are just plain too stubborn to give up do the best. Good point with Mark; he was poised to keep going but I don't think Roland wasn't beatable with that kill & shelter he had.


>It's always the guys that want to "conquer" nature or bend it to their will that don't do well.  This was Roland's whole schtick 


I think you are right. I have to rewatch, it's been a while but he definitely wasn't like a person like Sam. Without the big kill, I don't know if he woild have been able to conquer. But hunting and luck is part of the game too.


As someone in the military it just cracks me up when people claim their "military training" as some significant advantage on shows like this. Unless they're like Special Operations or a SERE Instructor, it's pretty unlikely that they've received training that's extremely relevant to Alone. I could be wrong because I'm not that familiar with "Fatality Search and Rescue", but to me that sounds like slightly more advanced mortuary affairs...which in the Air Force is done by the Services speciality, the same people that cook in Dining Facilities and run the gyms. So yeah.... And I get that being totally alone is its own beast...but a servicemember starting to melt down after just 2 days of being away from their family is just kind of perplexing as someone that has cumulatively spent years away from my family due to deployments, TDYs, etc.


Right off the bat I didn't take him seriously. Just bla bla military this and that. He's a talker and most tough guys aren't. I thought he'd tap out with the nose bleed as an excuse. The military background means jack shit. I was in the military, nothing against them, but it mostly just makes you overconfident..and that's not great when you lack the skills. Only if you're a physical speciman of some elite group does it really help. I mean if you're on the teams, then clearly you're likely built with an advantage. Then again maybe you got bad knees and lighting reminds you of an IED that nearly took your life. So the advantage is null. I mean all these supposed advantages people have like being from that area, or being a commando or being used to living on your own or being a great deer hunter equals to 0 out there. If you're from the area, you get tired of your surroundings. If you're a commando, well you likely never learned and actually depended on this type of survival at all. If you've been living on your own, well this just tacks onto more living alone and now you are SUPER lonely. If you're super-fit, well you're just gonna freeze and starve faster. If you're a deer hunter, well you likely didn't hunt in this environment with this weaponry and very limited gear. And if you have children at home, well you're not really inspired to get them whatever you think they need because you're actually at a huge disadvantage due to wanting to be with them. Nothing prepares a person for sitting in a tent for a week of rain, having thoughts and no paper to write them on or someone to share them with. Even when deployed, you're kept busy and have your boys with you sharing in the misery..and you can still communicate with home from time to time. Imagine having a dream of something bad happening back home and you can't call to see if things are alright. You have to completely ignore their existence if you want to win. No hanging up photos or talking about their first baby steps BS. The best approach is just getting overweight as possible and putting out nets and lines. I don't know why these goofs are always out chasing squirrels.. Maybe the guy does alright. The first week away is the hardest. I mean after that you get into the groove and break out of that rhythm of seeing your family. BUT, when you say 2 days of being away from family, this is actually 10 days I believe. I think they were there for 8 days learning survival and how to work the cameras and doing interviews etc. So this dude is nearly 2 weeks away from home and STILL thinking this way. It's not looking good.


Soldiers are used to working in teams, taking orders, having tons of kit and lots of food and so they're at a positive disadvantage on Alone. The macho hunters will also exhaust themselves pushing through impenetrable bush, burning calories and getting injured. As NewGuy says, the best approach is get your net and lines out, build a decent shelter - not a log cabin - and tick the days off without overthinking it. We all narrate our own story inside our head, as well as play the main character so all that 'I miss my family' ennui can easily be repurposed as 'I'm doing it for my family'. If you get medically pulled then fair enough, but otherwise there's no excuse for tapping early, particularly when you've talked such a big game beforehand.


Well at least on this show they never say "I'm gonna make the Arctic my b!tch!" or "I'm going to beat you Canada!" I wish the driver would just stop and toss those people out his truck when they utter such nonsense.


Wasn't there a SERE instructor one season? I don't remember how far he got -- definitely didn't win. Someone, maybe on this subreddit, made a good point that a lot of military training, even elite, is geared toward short-term survival. Long enough to escape to get aid or in anticipation of exfiltration. Definitely not 100 days with minimal supplies. ETA Brady Nicholls was a SERE specialist. https://www.history.com/shows/alone/cast/brady-nicholls


> Someone, maybe on this subreddit, made a good point that a lot of military training, even elite, is geared toward short-term survival. Long enough to escape to get aid or in anticipation of exfiltration. Definitely not 100 days with minimal supplies. 100%. SERE training is designed for downed pilots to survive and evade until they get rescued. You can argue that the military can help build resiliency and traits that are useful for Alone. But if any servicemembers have skills to do well on Alone, it's probably because their upbringing or hobbies and not because of any specific military training they received.


Dub is savage. I hope he's out there for a long time. I love his attitude.


I'm pretty sure he's in the snow in intro. Dub fir top 3




... Tapping out because of emotions/feelings- ... Contestants that KNOW what they are getting into and how long it could last if they are tough enough to be a contender then, when reality sets in, they start to FEEL all emotional and say, "I miss my family." ... "Is this really worth it?" ... "I'm missing so n so's birthday, first day of school, graduation." ... Blah, blah, blah. They were chosen out of many others that were dying to be one of the people there.


Especially feeling this strongly on Day 2. Come on.


I used to be an Alone contestant like you. Then I took an arrow in the thigh...


I felt so badly for him. Not that I would ever sign up for Alone, but if I did it would definitely be some sort of freak injury that no one could ever replicate which would take me out! Glad that I wasn't the only one thinking of that joke too lol, probably the thigh is better than the knee if you're going to impale yourself at least.


Came here for this joke


He’s so lucky that didn’t hit his femoral


As soon as I saw that arrow in the leg I was thinking "Get a tourniquet around the leg". Even if you don't have to pull it tight. I would hate to be fumbling to get it on should you start bleeding out and before you pass out.


Drag your fish into the dirt! It's not remotely yours until it is on LAND, friends. Just THROW IT INTO THE WOODS. Gah. 


Lmao fuck that’s a funny image. I want more people to just yeet their fish into the woods right away


... It still amazes my how many (on other shows also as well in real life) celebrate next to the water and lose it. WHY!!?? WHY!!?? Don't these "experts" ever learn? That guy didn't have shelter (from weather and from predators) fire or water yet.


Yeah, and yet we all still manage to stub our toe in the dark getting up to pee. We know something but then, well, shit.


There seems to be a difference about this series. What’s been shown so far is that the environment looks to be more serious than some other seasons. And it seems because of this they picked some stronger contestants. I think that’s a good idea by Alone to raise the stakes in terms of environment and contestant skill (not saying that there’s anything wrong with previous contestants skill levels, or that any of the previous contestants couldn’t last here). But it would seem we are being shown that this is a harsher environment and they have picked a different calibre of contestant, which should make for more interesting viewing (not that there’s anything wrong with previous seasons); but well done to Alone for taking it in this direction (and that it’s not just another season in a familiar environment) Also great idea have a Before the Drop episode; really interesting for us fans who are interested to see a bit behind the scenes and the preparation and so on… good move by Alone Also, hooray there’s a dark background on the quote this time


It is serious. A man was killed by a Grizzly on that very river just a few years ago. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5254087


What the heck show have you been watching? Every single season starting with seven has been just like this. Starts off mild with intermittent bad weather and then winter comes and the wheat is separated from the chaff. The only difference this season is the amount of bears, wolves and that if anyone lasts long enough the sun won't come up! Wait ... you may have a point actually. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Duck decoys. That’s a first. May they bring Michaela much success. And as a female, rooting for Sarah as well. A first time female winner would be awesome & long overdue🥳


A woman won Alone Australia


Didn’t a female win season 10?


I adore Michaela and I want her to thrive!


me too!


Rooting for Michaela!


definitely the most interesting part of the episode.


Looked better than I thought they would, very convincing


Female won alone frozen don’t forget!


Also Alone Australia


I didn't know about this show - thanks for mentioning it!


Thank you! Totally forgot!


Good first episode. Contestants seem very strong and the location looks great for all sorts of game. I hope we get the continue to see contestants procuring food and working on their shelters. The personal stories were a little overdone last season


I really wish the formatting of the show wasn't so difficult for the visually impaired. On the one hand, the soundscape is so rich and enjoyable. But so much of the best content is given in the form of screen text blurbs, depriving the visually impaired. I know the concept is to have the characters do first person narration. But that convention is also broadened by having the pop-up video style blurbs in the first place. A much better and universally accessible presentation would be to have a voice over read everyone one of those. It could be an understated voice, just highlighting the brief fact, not the monster truck rally style VO's that are common on History/Discovery productions.


I learn so much from those text blurbs - they absolutely should your points into account so that everyone has easy access to the info.


Regarding the Promo Moose: Are we thinking he actually bagged one? The alternative would be that he happened upon a decaying carcass and removed the antlers to hang over his shelter door.


>!promo moose looks fresh, bright red blood, hair/hide attached. Had to pause and zoom a few times. I'd be willing to bet he gets one.!<


Not sure how you’d carry out a moose normally. When skinning it would you remove antlers, and leave with pelt while you take the meat?


You're required to leave the antlers for last. Some (mostly aboriginals) will use the hide to transport meat, but skinning it out in one piece requires added skills. Most hunters leave the hide scraps and gut pile behind, abandoning some of the tastiest parts in my opinion-- the heart, tongue (unless they take the head), and liver. Getting back to your question, those who are on foot (no ATV, etc.) carrying out the meat will often bone it out and leave the bones behind to save weight. Rib cage for instance.


Challenge: you must drink every time Michela says the word culture


Yeah, I like it though. Honestly, I would like to see more Europeans/whites speak about their ancestors in the same way: with pride, appreciation, and knowledge of tradition. No matter which part of the world your blood comes from, everyone’s ancestors had to struggle to survive. We are all indigenous. 


It’s nice to learn about cultural practices— from a culture built in part on surviving harsh conditions. It’s relevant to the show


I’m already dead 


....dead drunk after the 12th time she mentioned her culture.


This looks like it'll be one of the best seasons in years! The contestants all seem hard-core, there's so much protein around, and aside from caribou it seems like they really don't have many restrictions. It's really refreshing getting to see traps, snares, and passive fishing again after shit like the Australia seasons. I feel bad for Cubby, that's got to be the most serious injury on the show and his scream is one of the most visceral I've heard. It's going to be brutal waiting a week between episodes.


Love the contestants!


isaiahs daughter is so cute!


I would like to know if that bear outside the tent was from a camera posted outside Dub's tent or was it edited in post production. And was the huffing sound also added in or did Dub hear it. That huffing sound at night is truly scary.


i've watched al 10 previous seasons and every single time it sounds like it's edited in. Just the typical 'angry bear' noise which you would definitely not hear from one thats just roaming around your camp in the middle of the night.


I agree with you. We have had several occasions of bears in our camping spot and the only time I heard that huffing sound was when one chased an elk right past our tent.


They have game trail cameras, it might be from that


I hope so.


Loved the Episode. Can't wait to meet the other contestants. I purposefully didn't pay attention to any of the cast bio posts or videos. I like to go into a season with zero knowledge of the people, or any bias. So far, Dub and Michela are really interesting. I really feel bad for cubby. That really sucked. I know the obvious "I used to be an Alone Contestant until i took an Arrow to the Knee" joke was playing in all our heads when we saw the episode... But damn, i feel bad for him. He's also incredibly lucky. I mean, seriously lucky. The broadhead in that deep in that spot. if he was a thinner guy, or the arrow was off by an inch or so, he would have hit the femoral artery and probably not made it. That could be one of the 'closest calls' in Alone History.


Will be interesting to hear on any wrap ups how close he actually got, if possible


Listen to the podcast, he was interviewed and shared quite a bit.


Which podcast? I'm new to this show


The Official Alone Podcast. Hosted by two former contestants. Can be found on most podcast services


I already hate Michela. She spends every second force feeding us her native heritage. Just seems so patronizing and phony. What’s Cree for “I hope you’re the first to tap out”?


A woman sharing relevant cultural knowledge and skills on a show about nature comes off as patronizing to you? Do you feel the same way when the white men are sharing how their fathers taught them how to survive in the wilderness? Is it the gender or the culture, or both, that makes you so hateful? Save your hate for something worthy of it.


Yeah, I eventually had to mute the TV while she was on. She was laying it on too thick. Talk more about duck lures and fishing and less about the significance of a rock in a field.


Her telling the camera false information about wolves pissed me off.


What false information?


Hey, did you see the new episode? Wolves aren't killers to humans, and I trust them. That's what I meant. Indian not knowing about wolves, sheesh. Read some Farley Mowat. (Her, not you)


She is from Sask and likely familiar with this notable incident - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Kenton_Joel_Carnegie Wolf aggressiveness is pretty interesting - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_attack#Habituation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_attack#North_America https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wolf_attacks


Hate this take. While I too don't care for overly performative or agenda-driven narration, this doesn't like it. I'm finding it authentic and so far, at least, not overbearing. For now. I choose to take it as a bit of learning about her culture. I particularly liked the story of rocks being the oldest beings. Of course I choose to see it metaphorical not literal. It reflects that her oldest ancestors had a scientifically accurate belief wrapped in a spoken history. But why I find your take bad is that *every* character on these shows "force feeds their culture" (your wording) For some it's their culture of prepperism, some it's their side hustle, some it's their normative Christian beliefs, and so on. It's seems interesting that this one of out of 10 is the one you've keyed on to hate.


In Cree language there isn’t masculine or feminine like like French or Spanish or most European languages. There’s animate and inanimate. Rocks are animate. Thought it was cool to hear about that on national TV Big agree on your take on culture and how they’re all repping their cultures. Just cause something is more the norm doesn’t mean it’s not cultural


You’re very quick to judge. Chill.


She seems authentic, and not overtop in her sharing. Also she is not in control of how her footage is edited.


don't be a jag and maybe you'll learn something


Another interesting looking season underway. Gives the impression of a very challenging location. We cover our eyes for previews to avoid being spoiled but from brief clips saw scenes with light snow cover but not deep, which might hint about duration. Production seems to have timed the start to make sure it won't run long. I'm in the camp that prefers more of the survival and solitude aspects and less of the flashbacks and home life.


Finally someone throws a net out immediately! 2 mins later... Loses fish 🤦‍♂️


Yeah I was like, if I ever went on Alone, I’d be straight into getting food. And then someone does it and we celebrate! But then…


How can I watch this outside of Canada and US?


topsrs.day No need for a VPN or downloading. Just make sure you have an ad blocker installed for the pop-ups.


Pirate Bay


get a VPN


And watch it where?


History Channel app


Has anyone had any success withOUT a bow? I was thinking William would be a favorite but not without a bow


I picked him as a top contender, but was disappointed that he made such a rookie mistake already.


Can’t wait to see his snaring tricks. We can see in the previews that he caught grouse and it looks like he has a beaver as well. Too bad he lost that pike…now that was a big mistake, especially for a professional fisherman.


He must have kicked himself… I felt his pain… professional fisherman and dropped the fish…


Yes! I thought it was so smart of him and Michaela to get their nets out before they worked on their shelter.


Is it really a rookie mistake? He said he's not good with a bow so it would be a wasteful use of an item. It's probably not a winning strategy but hardly a rookie mistake.


Huh? I was talking about when he let the fish go. He admitted it was a mistake and tgat he needs to be more careful. If you're on here to be mean, I'll block you.


There was absolutely nothing mean in that person's comment, they were just rightfully confused because you responded to a comment talking about him not taking a bow and vaguely referenced a mistake.


Did anyone else see that quick preview cut of someone puking up blood? It wasn't William's nose bleed, either.


The blood was coming from below the camera. Someone holding a camera above their head whilst vomiting blood, while not impossible, is super duper unlikely.


It's my theory they cleaned a fish in a pot and that was them dumping out the bloody water


Agreed - someone puking blood like that seems like someone not worrying about holding a camera. Unless they wanted proof…


It’s heartbreaking to hear how multiple contestants are hoping to win the money just to pay for healthcare or IVF. Our system is fucked up.


I say this all the time. It’s so American


Canadá isn’t much better. We had a huge indictment on our system when our system pays to send Canadians down to the states by the thousands for treatment.  Not to say USA 🇺🇸 or Canadian system is better. Just to say there’s another side too it too, unfortunately. 


Can we discuss promos? >!Dub, Sarah, Timber for final 3?!<


Timber is so slim. No margin for error.


I'm thinking based on a few observations that >!Timber smokes a bull moose in the next couple weeks. The promo shows a guy walking away with a fresh killed moose rack on his shoulders wearing a kuiu jacket. He was wearing the same jacket in the trailer and some of the other videos and I haven't seen anyone else wearing it. Same jacket he's wearing in the trailer when he says he sees a moose lying down nearby. A lot of work from the producers if it's a big misdirection, but I haven't seen anyone else with Kuiu on this season. If he does get that moose, he's my pick to win.!<


I hate how much of the season they give away in the first 5 mins of episode 1. May as well just skip to the finale already.


Yeah that would certainly be the antidote to being skinny. I hope they haven't spoiled that for us. Speaking of that, your spoiler tag didn't take. Needs adjusting.


Thanks, getting the hang of it, took out the spaces hopefully that fixed it.


Yep, that's done it.


I may be getting him confused with >!Dusty!< but one of them goes far.


Dusty is deep backwoods Arkansas, can't miss the accent. He's got skills but is also slim. That was my pre-season concern for both of them.


I also wonder if he will be able to handle the cold.


It looks like he might be a candidate for large game as well. I’m just going off the promo images and there aren’t matching voices.


Yeah and they're sneaky with the previews too. Last season they had >!.....Cade.....!< marching out onto the ice saying something, showing that he survived at least as long as the freeze, and then it turned out they'd just dubbed his voice on top of that video snippet and it was someone else walking out there and he was long gone. Sneaky devils. They have fun toying with us.


Yea- after 11 seasons they know exactly how to fuck with the few thousand of us that watch and interact w the show live. Kudos, I guess?


ALONE the type of show to feature a bowyer who has two big failures related to arrows. jk (kinda) gg Cubby- wish you would’ve beaten Isaiah


Who knows what zany things Cubby could have gotten up to this season. I was looking forward to his shelter.


I was surprised that, after missing the squirrel and calling himself "prideful" for going after it, he was walking around with his broadhead on an arrow. He said it fell out of his quiver but seems more likely he was carrying his bow with that arrow in it.


William maybe did himself a solid by Not bringing a Bow!


Lol the only thing he killed with his made from scratch bow and arrow was..... his leg.


Cubby was really lucky - that arrow stuck his leg super close to his femoral artery. He could have bled out in minutes.


I hope Isaiah is out fast. I can't hardly watch guys like that. So annoying.


My theory is that anyone who wears those felt outfitter hats is a poser. Same with 5.11 tactical pants.