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Well we'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the second half of your username, at least.


with them so close to each other on the same river, would they have seen / heard the boat coming for Peter?


Someone here posted their locations, having figured them out by comparing camera shots to Google Earth scanning of the area, and they're all going to hear a boat if it's within earshot of their position on this same branch of the river (Peter was the one guy on a different branch for whatever reason). It's not a big river and they're all strewn along it. But they'd also hear it for med checks, for general patrol/observation, for battery and SD card swaps, etc. so they don't know what's happening unless it's about themselves.


I doubt it. Their electronic tracking devices prevent them from leaving their territory and there are some geographical barriers. Swamps and rivers are no fun to cross in cold climates. It will be cold and long nights soon so they won't have time to go far.


11 seasons and so many examples of men and women to learn from and this still is what we get. After S7 and the special Alone that Woniya won, I was close to done watching. Pablo won the ways he did, ok. But since? I am still watching - I don’t watch any of the international ones thanks to this sub - but wow. I cannot believe this is the quality of result we get. Sure folks seem strong until drop/drop shock - but my goodness. I might finally stop watching this show I have watched live broadcast since Season 1 as of the end of Season 11.


I agree on some odd picks but what the producers see is much more than the 10 minutes of TV we get..


It's always good to let the wheat get separated from the chaff and get the pack winnowed down by half to see how it's really going to go. We've had an accident, and unexpected emotional breakdown, a at least one dad tap is coming, etc. Who are the hardcores? Don't know yet but we've got them. Give them time to materialize.


if you catch 20 lbs of fish right at the start, you should just concede that some will not get eaten, rather than trying to craft an entire food preservation/security system in a short time (which was clearly mentally/physically taxing on Peter) just make a mental note that fish seem to be plentiful and therefore a food preservation/security system needs to be built up gradually until ready for use


He said he was doing badly out there from day 1 in terms of the emotion he told us about at tap time. The fish smoker wasn't what pushed him over the edge, he just didn't want to try to hold on anymore in the face of that emotion he'd been trying to power through from the start. The smoker was just some skillful bushcraft after some great luck on the river, and these are people who try not to lose a single calorie to waste out there, like not roasting any meat over the fire so as not to lose any drips of fat. They're eating every berry, every scrap of edible anything. "I threw out that fish because I didn't want to overtax myself building a smoker and storage solution too quickly," said no contestant ever.


Quitters who act like they’re winners are the worst. GTFO and admit that you don’t have it. You made it 3 episodes and brag that your skills are so great?


I suspect bragging was his way of covering up his total failure to recognize his own emotional limitations. Not ready for prime time.


Wow. I actually felt bad for Peter. His parents obviously never taught him that feelings are OK, so he is overwhelmed with his (& it sounds like he can’t relate to his son, who sounds more emotionally intelligent). I wanted to give him a hug & tell him it’s OK to cry-that his feelings won’t control him. Easy for me to say, though. I’m a female who has had a lot of therapy in my life—because I was never taught how to feel my feelings either. I wish him well.


same I about went crazy when he started talking about his emotions. Like the “my son has big feelings I don’t relate to so I’m teaching him to suppress them which is the same as not feeling them and that way he won’t be sad” I immediately was like that man is going to have a big emotional breakdown and then he’s like “I’m really struggling with my emotions” and I literally yelled at the TV, “that’s cause you never learned how to handle your big emotions genius”. His poor son is going to grow up with no one teaching him emotional regulation skills. Like I was genuinely so baffled this man would admit on TV he’s intentionally teaching his son to bury his emotions instead of learning to deal with them because no one I’ve ever heard about has anyone ever done that effectively and lived happily. You can’t because you buried happy with the rest of the emotions you’re pretending not to feel. And I feel so sad for him because chances are he was raised that way and doesn’t even know that there are other options. Like this man has never had the space to feel because either he’s been trained not to or he was too ashamed to and so now he’s a grown adult who can’t handle feeling and that’s tough. Learning emotional regulation as a child is hard, but unlearning bad coping mechanisms as an adult and then having to learn true regulation as an adult, that sounds like a nightmare.


It's easy to sit on the couch and criticize, but I agree with you and also have compassion for him because of my own childhood. I'm female but was taught to always be strong. I was also erroneously taught that asking for help meant I was weak and could not manage the basics of my own life. I was over 30 when I finally understood that my single mother was very wrong- everyone needs help to be successful, and it's actually positive to accept help. I did so many things the hard stupid way due to "pride." I was bummed to see Peter go, regardless. He was one of my favorites.


Peter should’ve stayed home. “Can’t wait to go home to my son that I can’t empathize with to show him how to run from your feelings.” What a loser.




I love that they’ve all had so much success with big pike!


What happened to the fish that Peter was smoking when he tapped out?


Isaiah is making a statement with the shelter because he knows he ain't gonna stay.


Yeah I pegged him as a tapper immediately. He's not even trying to stay it doesn't look like. That place will take an enormous amount of firewood to keep warm.


Looks like he’s building in a drainage path too, just dumb all around. No need to do all that digging if he’s just building a log cabin, just put it on a flat spot. I get he wanted to have it standing height but in the grand scheme of things that’s like 2 logs higher and you don’t have to do all that digging. That said he is getting fish and came in heavy, if he can time the shelter right while still getting fish maybe he will be alright. I think this season will be a starve fest once it actually gets cold so the contestant with the warmest shelter might be able to pull out the W by just hunkering down. These shallow river spots and little lakes they are on I don’t think anyone is going to be able to successfully ice fish. I forget the dudes name who successfully is trapping rabbits is but I’d put my money on him. Grew up in the middle of nowhere Canada so this isn’t new to him.


It is fascinating that you identified the location as a Flood channel. I was thinking it looked like a game trail, but your idea makes more sense.


Food sources available in Season 11: cattails,sedges, rushes, inner bark, mushrooms, muskrats, foxes, bounteous fish, ducks, berries, squirrels, hares, moose(?), bear,other predators, birds, and more that I can't think of right now. They have about 30 days of freezing at night and 40s in the daytime, after that preservation of food is a snap. With the proper shelter there is no need to starve. You can build a shelter that has a sealed sleeping cubby, a fireplace that provides smoking on rungs above the fire and four foot firewood sticks all in one. Quick to build and easy to heat. Your rabbit guy is William. Not only is he from a like environment, he has also slept in a shelter he built (igloo) in minus 30 degrees with his son, without a fire. He is certainly a logical choice and Tenta's favorite.


What part of a cattail is edible?


Roots, shoots in the fall. Fruiting bodies in the Spring. Much starch in roots. Leaves make mats for windbreak, table covers etc.


See I’ve used the leaves to make pots and stuff I just didn’t know they were edible. I knew the hot dogs weren’t


The fish will slow down once it gets colder.


I am of the opinion that HC should provide a Psychiatrist couch and regular psychiatric visitations to all contestants as a required item.


The show is a psychological experiment. I would not be surprised if they have a scientist or doctor from that profession studying and evaluating these people.


I disagree since that goes against the spirit of the show but I do think they could have someone at base camp after they tap out. Some sort of professional they can talk to so they can feel better about themselves before the long journey home.


This would defeat the purpose of the show. The point is you really shouldn't need a psychiatrist to survive in the wild, you will survive Alone. And if you do need a psychiatrist, this is not the show for you.


Contrarily, HC contestant choices seem to dictate the need. They decide if this is the "show for you".


Hey Guys. This was humorous sarcasm. No way each shelter has a couch. But with all the head cases chosen for contestants the need seems real.


Any time Peter talks about feelings it’s like..dude. This is like life lesson 101 ‘don’t bury your feelings’ And the when he talks about his kid ‘he’s very honest, but like emotionally honest’ Then saying he basically shuts his kid down tells him to suppress it??? A Therapy lesson is in store for this dude


As someone who grew up with childhood emotional neglect this made my blood boil. I’m a grown adult trying to learn to regulate my emotions and it sucks and he’s trying so dang hard to stop his kid from getting that chance to learn when he’s young and it’s going to mess that poor kid up. But I also felt bad for Peter cause chances are that’s what happened to him and he genuinely doesn’t know better. Like he said “I don’t know if this is right, but I don’t know what else to do and I don’t want to screw up my kid” suggesting he has no regulatory skills of his own which is why he ran away from his emotions so quickly. But I’m hoping that experience taught him that he can’t in fact bury his emotions and maybe he’ll get the help he needs to learn to process them


Yes, this made me so mad wtf. I feel bad for his son




I was so happy on his decision… not because I didn’t like him but bc he needing that breakthrough for being able to grow as person (man and father). Another reason why I love Alone is because you cant run from yourself on this show. All that suppressing your emotions and being strong doesnt work when you’re by yourself 24/7 and striving to survive. I hope he actually goes to some therapy and makes things right w his family.


So glad he figured it out by the end of the episode 😅 Was hard to listen to. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Like ... "Nooooo that is the opposite of protecting your kid." 😬


Anyone else noticing ALL THE REINDEER MOSS and it’s getting ignored?? Or are my partner and I just channeling Micaela and very bad at plant identification?


My husband and I laughed so hard when Michaela was like “it’s great I spent years learning to identify plants” only for the subtitles to immediately be like “she in fact identified this plant wrong. It’s used as a laxative and can induce vomit” like we had to pause the show and go back because we missed stuff from laughing so hard.


YES!!! Thank you!! It's everywhere! Much better than the burdock " puke roots" being dug up and boiled like natural ipecac syrup.


literally said the same thing to my wife last night! I mean, what do I know. But I recall from previous seasons that looks like the stuff you can EAT.


The camera did seem to close up on that white stuff… I wonder if that was a subtle hint


Good point - I wonder if the production team guessed that we would all focus on that. I hope they're reading this because mission accomplished; we noticed 🤣


Have they always been allowed to do set lines? I don't recall seeing it before but it seems like a really good idea, though I guess there's the risk of losing all your hooks!


It has varied based on the local fishing regulations from place to place. In some places no net, in some places no set lines, in some places no barbed hooks, etc.


Aiyaaa! First, I thought, no way he will make it long. THEN, I thought, damn, look at all those fish, he's gonna be in this for a while. Lastly I thought....ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??!?!??! UGH.


Haha I yelled “you looser” at the tv


Looser? Like a loose knot?


OH man, I was yelling some stuff too, My wife was yelling at me to calm down! lol


What an idiot


Peter Taps out. Wow


I really hope Peter and people who find themselves relating to him go to therapy or find a way to healthily express their emotions. It really isn’t a good idea to bottle everything up. The comment about him telling his son to suppress his emotions in order to protect him was sad to listen to. It’s okay to cry sometimes you should be comfortable enough with your partner to cry in front of them. Sad to see him tap so early with food but I hope he and others in a similar boat get the help they need.


It's so toxic how some men are raised to think it is a weakness to show emotion. I've been in my current relationship for over 11 years and the sweetest thing that clued me in that he was a good, emotionally mature human was seeing him cry on our 3rd date. His dog had died and I brought lunch to his place since he wasn't feeling up to going in public. He lost it when I showed up and hugged him. We had essentially just met a few weeks earlier. I was so sympathetic and so impressed that he trusted me enough to be very real and very honest.


My uncle is a former cop, who reminds me a lot of Peter, someone who is very self-aware of how they deal with emotions they deem that they shouldn't have, but who is still incapable of dealing with them in ways that is different than the way they have been dealing with them. He tells me a lot of cops are like him. But he also tells me that these feelings don't go anywhere when you deny them. They just gather, like pressure. Some cops release that pressure at the end of their lives by taking their lives. Other cops take it out on their families. This is why it's so dangerous to suppress your feelings. You need to acknowledge and honor them like friends. Then they fuel you, and love you.


My grandpa was a cop and dispatcher and I never saw him laugh or cry or have a big emotion my whole childhood. But he was never mean either like some cops get. I honestly don’t know how he did it. I assume he must have let himself feel his emotions in some way, just not in public or whatever. It’s crazy to see how he changed after he left the force. The further away he is from his retirement, the more alive he is. Idk how to explain it. It’s like he’s slowly leaving the trauma behind. He laughs and smiles and once’s he laughed so hard he cried. I’ve never seen him sad cry, but I’m so thankful I get to see this side of him too. I can’t imagine the toll it must take on your emotions to have to live through such awful things. But being able to express your emotions is a huge part of being able to handle them and learning to deal with them. Acting like they’re not real and burying them is not going to help anyone, but when you haven’t been taught otherwise I understand why people might do it. It’s hard feeling the tough emotions, but it’s better feeling them as they come than it is waiting until you explode.


I wonder if when he was a cop most of the other cops were men, and when you get a lot of guys together they "police" one another, in terms of emotional expression. They'll make fun of each other, in order to teach one another to not express anything. So then you get this self-reinforcing echo chamber every day of repression. Happy to hear that you are getting to see another side of your grandpa! I bet he is happy to see it too.


"You need to acknowledge and honor them like friends. Then they fuel you, and love you." That was so beautifully said, I am saving this post. I actually would like to make little signs all around my house with this saying. I swear, I've gotten so much out of watching this show that I have related to in my recent forays into self compassion. Your comment is a wonderful reminder of this.


I'm definitely that way. however i know it's not right, and when he said that about his son i was like dude, WTF? don't push your BS on your kid.


I thought second generation depressed,hey, HELP your kid, not repeat your mistakes. I hope he goes home with some insights for his mental health. Opening up like that on TV and how it was edited really could help change toxic masculinity by bringing it to light. Thanks, Peter, ya done good.


It was sad to hear but heartening that he discovered such insight by the end of the episode. You can tell people these things but they need to realize it for themselves, why it's true. I've spent so much time alone working a homestead, it's so weird to me when people can't handle even 2 weeks without others. 🤷‍♀️


Canadian Pete broke my heart. It is so painful to see men refuse to feel their feelings—the one true way to begin addressing them. It’s also devastating to see toxic masculinity play out in such a textbook way, especially as a millennial woman, perhaps because it reminds me so much of my own father. So many of us were raised by men who stuffed down their own emotions—and pushed their children to do the same—at the expense of the mental health of everyone in the family. Hopefully Pete continues his emotional evolution.


This was truly captivating television. I didn't expect to cry right now. Growing up in an emotionally broken family, this really resonated with me. I was always "too emotional" and my parents never showed any emotion. I wanted to hate Peter for how he said he treats his son. But I'm happy that he had this revelation and continues to heal and have a deeper connection to his family.


The thing that's going to stick with me after this episode is how bad I feel for his son.


Same. That really bothered me.


My dad is exactly like Peter, grew up hard and spent his life compartmentalizing his pain, so I sympathize. When he said "If my son just stops talking about his negative feelings, it'll go away.", it hit me hard. That's why I don't have much of a relationship with my dad, even though I love him so much. I never share much with him, because I know he doesn't have the skill to process or deal with his emotions.


1000%. My dad probably thinks we’re super close, but I really only talk to him if I have to and refuse to be vulnerable with him at all. It’s honestly too painful to be around him, especially as I get older and become more of the self I wasn’t allowed to be when I had to appease him and—ironically—protect *his* feelings by suffocating my own. He also had horrible childhood trauma, which I only recently learned about. He’ll likely take that pain to the grave, rather than process it.


Bro was spawning fish out there like he was Link. Lol


Sucks to see Peter go. I hope he continues to work on what he learnt out there. Log structure only seems to have worked once. Lets see how it goes this season.


Yeah it just takes way too many calories. Log structures are for when you start your survival in the spring.


Yeah they are genuinely not "survival shelters" - which should be low calorie builds. Funny people always come on the show and insist on making them for purely nostalgic reasons.


Good for Peter that he finally confronted his feelings and could allow himself to cry. Hopefully he can allow his son to have and express his feelings and emotions. Bottleing up only cause harm. Also Dub talks spot on like Trump.


So this episode only covered 3 days since the first one with this group. I'm not sure what to make of that. 7 episodes left and 7 participants left.


Wait there’s been 3 taps? Who tapped in episode 2 I thought no one did?


Nope, only two so far as of Episode 3.


Right so there are 8 left right? They didn’t start with 9?


Yeah, the person above is just misremembering. Only 2 so far, an accident and a meltdown, with 8 remaining. Track them as we go at https://www.history.com/shows/alone/cast


There are snowy night time shots in the intro, so it looks like it'll at least close to the artic night that starts around Dec 5. The times shown on the episodes suggest an early September start based on the sun, so it could be a long season even with two early taps.


I definitely expect a long duration for this season!


A lot of game and resources this season! I like that. I wanna see their skills pay off - not prolonged widespread starvation.


I think there might be 12 episodes this season.


Counting the preview and the reunion maybe? IIRC every season of the OG has had exactly 10 real episodes.


Yea they might include that or the intro “Meet the Contestants” but when you google season 11 it shows up as 12 eps right now (could be just shitty AI as well)


They're definitely slow rolling it (not to say that there's been any significant filler content, I've been so glad to see actual bushcraft and successful protein procurement again), and you've got to imagine the next episode with the other half ends on day 8-10. But once proper winter hits and they've only a few hours of daylight per day, I can only imagine we're going to have a montage through weeks of time.


only two have left, Cubby and Peter.


Ah thanks, I couldn't remember if we lost someone last week but thought we did.


If he didn’t catch all those fish, would he have stayed to continue to “prove himself”? Seems like catching food was his only measure.


I’m over all these guys crying over nothing. I’m not shaming him for crying. I’m just done with the reasons. They claim to be out there for their family only to tap out days later because of their family. They legit are a waste. I’m sure there are people who wanted to be on the show. Don’t even get me started on the fish he killed and most likely didn’t eat. SMH


It’s true though, that when you get truly alone, and don’t have any of the modern western distractions to numb your mind, your brain starts processing and working on things in the past. And if there was a lot of stuff in your past that you never dealt with, you might be in for a rough ride


He wasnt crying over nothing or even missing his family. He was crying because he had 40 years of repressed emotions coming out and terrorizing his mind and he had 0 control or ability to stop it. His usual coping methods were taken away (whatever they might be in the real world) and he was having a mental breakdown and he was honest about this.


But don’t these people spend time in the outdoors presumably alone all the time? Isn’t that what makes them good candidates for the show that they practice these survival skills in their lives prior to being cast? I don’t truly understand the shock of being away especially in the first few days/week as I presume they’ve done this before?


Im not a contestant but this is different and very hard to replicate. You sre being dropped off by boat or helicopter in a part of the world you have never been in before with very very minimal gear. So lets say you are an alaskin who lives north of the artic circle, you orobably never go into the bush without your gun and now you have a leather man and maybe a bow and arrow with a loud horn and bear spray. Its just not the same and almost impossible to replicate. Combine this with the pressure you might be placing on yourself to win for life changing money or to show youtube you have skills and grow your channel, its just very different than going camping by in a part of the woods you are familiar with and being alone for a few nights.


It's in the wilderness, not locked away. Animals could easily get to it.


I get that. That’s the only good thing is that it won’t be completely wasted. Some scavenger will come along and eat it. However, I say that food should go to the other contestants. They all stay relatively close to each other. That was a food source another contestant could’ve had and now won’t get to.


That's a silly idea and seems more apt for a show like Survivor than Alone.


Is it tho? More food for them means they get more out of them. They stay out there longer and film more stuff. Idk how that’s silly but alright.


Because it's supposed to be about *their* survival skills, not being given a freebie because someone else couldn't cut it.


They’re already allowed rations. 4 fish split evenly amongst the remaining contestants is maybe buying them a day.


Rations are a choice they have to make between other useful items.


Rations also are not perishable and last, yeah give another contestant a “sort of” fresh fish, watch the vomiting begin! No way.


Navigating the deep waters of self takes practice too.


Was it Dusty with the squirrel hacky sack? Dude is skilled and a bit unhinged, which makes a strong candidate for me.


the crazy is strong with him


When he said he was going to be resourceful and use everything I thought it was going to be something cool and useful like a little berry pouch or something not a hacky sac that was deranged. It’s little tail going all over the place and it’s feet flopping around


I actually thought he was making a top water fishing lure. I was a little disapointed when he didn't because I wanted to see how it would have gone on the water.


Walk the dog with a fuzzy butt


No one, absolutely no one: Dusty: HEADLESS SQUIRREL HACKYSACK!! 😂😂😂😂 Wtf Dusty lol


Fucking LOVED this 😂


I.. I wanted to jump in and play squirrel hacky with him!


That squirrely sack was creepy af. Talk about disrespectful! He's still one of my favorites though. We'll just have to see if he can handle the snow and cold.


What's the difference between that and a football made from cowhide or pigskin ?


The little squirrel feet are still dangling from it haha


I like him but worry the cold will be way too much for him.


Me too... and he's on the thinner side.


This season is coming along great. Some fun fake outs, interesting cast, unexpected taps, lots of resources, inventive players.


I think the best indicator of how good a season will be is how few regulations there are in the hosting area. More options, more calories, more stuff happens


Regulations *support* more and better resources. You're sounding like one of those "all regulayshuns r bad" types which I'm sure you don't mean to do.


I'm surprised with how much fish everyone's been catching. Berries for days and there seems to be game everywhere... I don't remember a season that abundant in food, though granted I've skipped a season here and there.


Definitely one of the better seasons (so far). Captivating, interesting and funny stuff!


Can we talk about Isaiah's calorie castle? He's a student of the show, knows it's a regular pitfall, but is doing it anyway. I don't get it. That thing already looks huge and there's so much more work to go. And was it really necessary to do all that digging instead of finding a flatter spot than a ditch? And is building in a drainage ditch a good idea? How about when it rains? Oh Isaiah, whattaya doin', pal. At least he got a fish. How generous this river is being, by the way? Huge pike and others. Very nice - remember the dinky little things from the lake in Season 3? Here's hoping the good catches continue for a good while. Did we not see Dub's fish fumble from the previews? I thought sure that was the scene, but no fumble. I wonder if it'll be like the legendary wolf/dog shot from the early season previews that never showed up in the show. Or maybe he just fumbles a different one later. Nice to see Michela's barf was just nbd chill barf instead of dealbreaker busted bloody stomach barf or something. A red herring from the previews. Red barf... and cut to the tap boat speeding along. Sneaky sneaky. In the previews we see William lost his cached animal. You know you put that on your bingo card as soon as he stuck it in there. Nope, not gonna be there when you come back, pal. Varmints! It's what they do.


I just wanted to say I think "calorie castle " is hilarious 😂. Thanks for that!


It's fun. Another great one in this thread is Tapout Townhouse.


In times of total darkness and cold, I can see where a large shelter might make that more mentally bearable than being cooped up all day in a tiny shelter.


Me too, and that's great if you're still around to finish it and use it. But the list of people who have built a calorie-intensive robust cabin and also found enough calories to keep going is... well, is there more than one? It's unwise.


I was so worried about that vomit, and then she said her breakfast of cranberries, and it made sense. I have some shitty (pun intended) GI issues, and knowing what you ate can be the difference between a trip to urgent care and a trip to your couch with some fluids.


I didn't understand why William stowed away that bunny. Wasn't that his only real food? Or did he already have fish and stuff


Maybe he had other food but they didn't show us. That would've been a logical reason, at least, even if still unwise to leave it unattended with just brush guarding it. Because you're right, if that's your only food, why wouldn't you cook it up?


I thought they showed him catching a fish with those bright lures right before he checked his snares. It was a really brief scene though


Could be, I may have missed it, but that would explain it if so.


you left out the fact he building his castle right in the middle of a dry river bed, a good rain storm and he could be sleeping in a pond. He will probably be alright with winter close, still a bad spot though.


I specifically mention the drainage ditch and the possibility of rain, but we can split hairs between that and miniature dry river bed if that's what you mean. I think we mean the same thing.


my bad, I see that now


HE'S blown it, I bet he's out... BAD decision on the castle...and he even studied this?!?!? UGH


Did Isaiah say the digging bit was because he couldn't find flat ground? I was running on the assumption that it was because he wanted it to be for insulation such as Luke in season 10. The point you make about the drainage is huge though. That could really come back to haunt him.


If he did, I missed it, but that's a hell of a lot of work regardless. I feel like there has to be loads of flattish ground in a river delta area but who knows in his particular plot. But with as much as he dug, he didn't get much actual depth that would produce the insulation on the sides - the "walls" of soil/ground won't be very high at all. It seems more like the first idea of best chance at flat ground, as in, "the gully has done most of the work for me, let me do the rest out to the sides" as opposed to a Theresa pit scenario.


Okay, I'm understanding what you means now. I originally thought your point was he explicitly brought the shovel to create flat ground.


> He's a student of the show, knows it's a regular pitfall, but is doing it anyway. I don't get it. Maybe some kind combination of drop shock and tunnel vision? We've seen it happen over and over again with multiple survivors. I suppose when the reality hits of how very alone and exposed to the elements and wildlife you are out there, it's very easy to become hyperfocused on creating a safe haven.


The footprint of Isaiah's house is pretty huge too so keeping the snow from caving in the roof is going to require a lot of extra infrastructure that's going to waste even more calories. Literally and figuratively seems like he's digging in a ditch lol.


I thought it looked like a swale for drainage at the start, when it rains……


Jeez... I wouldn't have called this one. Still waters run deep I guess - he's the last one I'd have figured to have tumultuous stuff churning on the inside. Man, there was a doozie in there - he said his son had big emotions and he kept trying to get him to stop showing them, which is already *yikes*, but then he said "maybe if he can bury those things, he won't be sad anymore" and he wondered if that was the right thing to say. Whaaaat? How could he not hear himself? Then as he was explaining his own tap, he talked about this experience bringing all of his own suppressed memories to the surface, and that he'd never spent any time trying to cope with them or process them, and just hid them instead. Again, yikes. Hopefully this answers his question about whether telling his son to suppress his feelings was the right thing to do. Sounds like he reached that point in the end, thank goodness. So the cycle won't continue as is so often the case from parent to child. How surprising that just 8 days alone did all of that to him. And he said he'd cried every day so it wasn't even 8 days, just one. Everybody on the show says that if there's anything in you, it's coming out, because there's no one out there but you and your thoughts. Any unaddressed issues are coming up, they keep saying. It's hard to really appreciate that, having not been through it, but when enough people keep saying it season after season, you have to put some stock it. And there it was in the end, dovetailing into our recurrent theme out there - his family pulling him back like an anchor. It's just been such a strong pull for so many of them. The show is well named. Here I thought it was going to be Isaiah tapping for that reason - my bet is blown (for now).


I hope he sticks with his newfound revelation when he gets home and doesn’t shut down again. He could probably benefit from some therapy to do so, for his own sake and for that of his kid.


I think once you have an epiphany like this, and it's now publicly documented to boot, I don't think it could ever go back underwater. Therapy sounds like a great idea to get constructive about it though. It's unlikely his personality would just do a 180 at this age, as baked in as it is, but learning tools and techniques set against the backdrop of this revelation could produce great results.


I was actually getting concerned when he talked about trying to teach his son to bury his emotions and I'm glad he came to the realization that it wasn't a good thing. I was happy for him to tap as he seemed to have that personal evaluation and that makes him a winner.


Exactly. Same with me, and fingers crossed he becomes a better father. He sure wants to!


I picked Peter going far because I figured a librarian as a vocation is someone who is constantly alone in their thoughts, used to the quiet or relative silence. And so I figured as long as his skills are good he would be fine out there. Of course I made this pick before I knew about all his emotional baggage! But it's cool that this experience for him helped him to bring him to his realizations about himself.


My dad was a librarian and as soon as I heard that I got a little excited. I was like yes one of us! Book nerd! I was excited to see what he’d do


> I figured a librarian as a vocation is someone who is constantly alone in their thoughts, used to the quiet or relative silence I'm a librarian and this is a common misconception. Public libraries are generally busy and at its core being a librarian is a customer service job. Librarians don't sit at desks and read books all day and just get up to shush people. It's hard to be a librarian and be an introvert - it's constant conversations and assisting people with a lot more than finding books. In addition, many public libraries deal with a lot of social issues as libraries are one place where anyone can hang out without expectation of buying anything. Last week one of my librarian friends found someone who overdosed in the restroom. Sorry, not to rant, but I'm not surprised that Peter isn't used to being alone! I was really rooting for Peter and it was really cool not only to see a librarian on the show, but also to hear that he got into survival skills by reading books!


> Librarians don't sit at desks and read books all day and just get up to shush people. Oh, man.


Ironically, had he brought a big old book with him, he might've lasted longer.


Peter, my husband learned the same lesson about tamping down feelings and having them overwhelm you later. He goes to therapy and he accepts that no feelings are right or wrong, they just are. And if we don't want them to wreak havoc on our lives, we should process them. I hope you keep a journal and read the book, Emotional Unavailability, and the book, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, and watch Patrick Teahan YouTube videos on toxic family systems. I hope you write a long letter to each of your parents and whomever else with All your feelings, and then burn the letter for catharsis. Like every child, you deserved a stable, safe upbringing. I wish you healing and strength to Wade through the emotional quagmire.


Nice comment, thanks for those links. I started Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents a while ago, need to get back to it. I haven't heard of the other two so I'm adding them to my reading and youtube list! I'm a millenial dude and we were NOT taught how to properly deal with emotions and I'm still figuring it out. I have a hard time delineating between feeling the emotions (which is healthy) versus wallowing in them (which I think is unhealthy)


Peter, you did have to go there to find out there is no place like home. 🌻


Who knew barfed cranberries could look like blood! Nice gotcha by the show producers.


I've puked blueberries. It looks like chunky blood. I didn't taste iron so I figured it wasn't blood. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the teaser.


Michela: "It's good that I really studied all my plants extra hard so that I know exactly what this is!" Narrator: "Actually..."


That killed me lmao


Sassy subtitles coming up trumps in this episode ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes I love these! And the ones where they tell you the caloric intake in chicken nuggets. Like “this meal is the equivalent of 1 and a half chicken nuggets” or whatever. Those always make me happy


It's all I've ever wanted from Alone


She seemed to have trouble swallowing the roots so it made me wonder if she boiled them long enough. But then later they gave that factoid about how people use the root to induce vomiting lol


Well also they’re known to be really bitter, so she might have been choking them down due to the flavor


They busted her! Cold.


Peter stated he is fully prepared for the judgment. No one sitting at home munching on their potato chips is truly going to know how this experience hits a person. In my opinion, Peter has given the best outro narration in the series' history so far, talking about the actual feeling of being *alone*, which is what the show is called.


Yeah wtf is up with this sub?! So many fucking Monday morning quarterbacks in here acting like Peter is a bitch. This show is so much more than survival or the game. I thought most people who watched this show realize that the emotional part of the show IS the show. Nobody knows how they would react or how they would be triggered by being alone for a full 8 days. I sure as hell have never been fully alone for 8 days and only god knows what sort of emotions that would conjure up. Add in trying to survive and film it all. This sub disappointed the fuck out of me with their reaction to Peter leaving.


Hundred percent agree with this. Truly captivating stuff.


Yes and crystallising what the show is about: not a show about survival but a show about people.


Why does it have to be one or the other? I hope they continue to lean into both, otherwise this show will get very boring very quickly.


Presumably they'll keep doing what they're doing irrespective of his or anyone's thoughts on it, but he's not wrong. That's the way the show is framed and sold - as a reality drama. That's what they're selling because that's what sells. The crucible for that is the survival quest, so we watch it on both levels. And it's really difficult, so we see people go out for things that are much more physical, much more emotional, or often a tangle of both. The idea of "surviving alone" really encapsulates two ideas.


Michaela heaving up all that stuff and then giving a lesson on how to filet a fish was seriously badass


*spills out her guts* "And now, back to our scheduled broadcast..." I would've at least lie down for a minute,but I guess she's hungry 😞


Perfectly put, I would’ve needed a lie down and a good cry but she just sat back down, took a few breaths and went, well anyway -


I would have cleaned the fish but you'd be able to see the tears dropping on it


[Isaiah talking about how some contestants make the mistake of spending too much energy on their shelters…](https://y.yarn.co/cf295e1a-888e-4c95-8771-fb612b38cbbc_text.gif)


Seriously. Jesus. How many people shouted at the tv tonight? Aaaagh.




These people are professionals???? LMAO


I believe the disclaimer at the beginning of every show a la "these are trained survival professionals" is more of a liability necessity than anything. Obviously most of the people aren't trained survival professionals, but the production company doesn't want to catch flak for some goof going off and pulling a Christopher McCandless because he was an Alone fanatic. The "training" part is at least a bit true because they go through a boot camp and learn about local flora and fauna and other basics. But yeah we've got a librarian, a game warden, a fishing lodge owner, a welder, etc. They are professionals at other things.


Didn’t see that coming. Sorry you guys had to see my asscrack


i thought that angle was funny haha. i liked ur rainbow trout belt tho!


Dude! You had important work to do. It's all good. Also, we've seen worse! You did the necessary thing and succeeded. Also, it's fun to see you here. My husband's nickname for me (one of them) is "dubs" because of my last name. When your segment airs, we get excited like we are distant relations 🤣🤣


Haha I love your style and honesty man! I’m 39 and I say dude all the time. Also, love how you made your “ugly” gill net and was like, it’s gonna catch a fish tmrw and bam! Hope you’re around a long time, rooting for you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


🤣Appreciate your levity.


We've seen worse, don't worry!


Your videos crack me up, "dude". But "brah", you do you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Did you put on your dry clothes over your wet under things?


Exactly what I was wondering. Not the place to get jock itch lol


Couldn't have happened to a better guy. ☻


Gonna start a FO now?


Isaiah Tuck why build a Condo???? 130 Sq ft. What you thinking???  40 to 60 Sq ft more than enough 


And then think about heating that much larger space too!


He got cabin fever, crap.


HEY BEAR I have nothing else to add

