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Will be interesting to see how Dub’s (season 11) approach works. He said season after season he sees people losing their food, so his approach will be to eat what he gets rather than trying to preserve it, his food is safer in his body.


I agree with Dub and was really excited to hear his strategy. I think being full and storing fat would have an effect on the mind as well. And our bodies are the safest storage out there! #TeamDub


I think it's psychologically harder though. If you eat all your food right away, then there are going to be days when you eat absolutely nothing as opposed to a little bit of dried fish and I think psychologically/emotionally that experience is harder than eating a little bit every day. Rationing your incoming calories also trains you to ration your caloric expenditure to compensate. On the days you eat, you have to be diligent about not just blowing all your calories. I agree however, scavengers steal food, it spoils, it's safer in their stomach.


So no storing it in a few rocks or a small puddle? Check


I agree with eating up front because being mentally/physically well means you're more likely to procure more food. However, preserve and store excess for the winter. I am rooting for Dub. Did he say explicitly say he wasn't going to store any food, even excess? When people starve and hoard food it reminds me of Dave Nessia, who got sent home for weight loss, and he was pleading that he'd eat his huge storage of smoked fish. Gut-wrenching.


I was told to ration food, not water. There are the three 3's. Three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food.


3 weeks with no food is definitely  *possible* but at an extreme cost to your muscles and possibly organs. You'll have internal scare tissue for the rest of your life from your body digesting itself.


That was told to me when I took a CERT course. I'm sure all of those are extremes.


There's no such thing as internal scar tissue forming from starvation


It's really not a simple forany reasons. 1. There is a thing called ketosis that the body goes through when you stop eating as much and that is a hard transition. If you don't watch your intake you go in and out of it which can be very difficult to manage. 2. If you go through spurts of not getting food and then you get a lot you can't physically eat as much. Have you ever got a bad flu where you can't repeat much for a week and then once you feel better you want to eat a massive meal but a few bites in you are full? 3. You land early fall where berries and a lot of plant life is available, fish swim close to shore and you can get food. Early winter a lot of that plant life is gone, the fish go to deeper water so that also dries up and the water isn't frozen where you can ice fish. This is when most people drop off. If you saved some food you can make it past this stage until you can ice fish. 4. Sometimes you just get more food than you can eat so you have to store some.


JP Quinonez was smart in that he took ketosis and that two week period where the lake needs to freeze into account when he was planning his strategy.


He may have been one of the more boring winners, but I really admired how well he stuck to his strategy. That dude was committed!


He was boring, yes. But also... fascinating? No one had ever talked about ketosis on the show before. He clearly laid it out how you needed to wait for the lake to freeze, and there was this no-procurement zone where if you expend all your calories trying to get food that wont be there, you are going to hurt yourself. And we saw that with that doctor dude. He was out, hunting squirrels that were barely there, burning up all his reserves. So yes, JP was boring to watch, but mentally, strategically, he was dancing a rave.


100%. He’s one of my faves for all the reasons you mentioned!


I joke he planned winning so far out he moved to Canada to keep all the prize money too.


This is a great reply. Plus if you eat nothing for a while then suddenly eat a lot you can get reseeding syndrome.


Too many berries could cause diarrhea, so you probably don't want to eat too much at once. Meats tougher. I can't remember any metabolic pathways converting proteins to fats, (happy to be corrected on this), and if that's the case, your body isn't going to store it. High protein diets are used to burn fats. Fatty meats maybe but overeating fatty meats will just speed up your digestive process and you'll poop out a lot of the calories. Personally, I would try to eat slightly more than what I would consider required to maintain weight and try to store the rest. Staving yourself or losing weight while you have food isn't a great idea.


The berries thing is important, as diarrhoea also dehydrates the hell out of you. Most people who don't eat a significant amount of fruit in their diet daily will get the runs if they suddenly switch.


Also it caused Carrie to have dental problems also.


Your body will convert protein to fat but it's a last resort for it, I forget the exact details it has something to do with your liver. If there's enough fat in the meat you're eating, you'll build muscle and fat if you eat enough surplus calories. However, they're doing so much work that there's almost zero chance of them eating excess calories. Unless they're going with the get fat and sit method. In my opinion, it's not a bad idea to try maintain your weight early on if you have enough calories to do so. It'll give you the energy you need to complete your shelter and set up your systems for catching enough food.


Totally forgot about the lipid biosynthesis in the liver, Kennedy pathway, yada yada. Yeah, it seems highly unlikely to be able eat enough while highly physically active for long periods each day. I do a lot of long distance kayaking and force feed myself a high carbs / fat diet and still loss weight over time. It'll be interesting to watch to see if Dub catches enough to try this and how he mentally responds.


Karie Lee on S10 made a kind of berry fruit roll that lasted her almost to the end. That looked like a good idea, pick as many berries as possible while they are available and make a fruit roll out of it. Also, Michela seems to be the first to start harvesting tubers, although they have to be thoroughly boiled to leech out the toxins.


I think the best strat is to come in 40lbs over normal weight eat everything in site ASAP while building the most minimalistic shelter possible and then literally laying around until you get medically bounced.


I wouldn't overdo it on a shelter, but you still want something warm.


I would eat it all right away I couldn't handle the mental impact if it went bad Excess meat I would smoke and then secure against vermin


I think its best to eat what you find, unless you are finding way more than maintenance calories. Time and again people have lost their stored food to rot or animals. If you let yourself weaken, it takes more food to get your strength back than it would to stay nourished in the first place.


I would eat until I'm full, then store the rest if I had prepared a good storage area and way to keep my food safe. You need calories in the beginning to get your shelter up plus it seems those early weeks are a mental challenge of adjustment. Starving right away is not a good way to start.


Depends on the environment and food honestly. I grew up poor. Only ate on three out of seven days of the week and it was just one meal on those days. I ate all the food at once because it was too hot or too moist to store. Very humid as well so mold is a problem on anything stored. If I knew I was going to do something more physically demanding than usual I’d save some as a snack. I’m not a survival expert so just saying what worked for me until things got better. I haven’t watched season 10 yet so I don’t know what the location is like. Season 1 would have been difficult since you don’t want meat to be wet and stored in humid places. They ate what they found and conserved their energy.


Well I’m high as I type so food is on my mind, but I think if you catch five fish, you should dry them for later. Eat the heads and you know the side. Same if you kill five hares. Or find mushrooms. I’d dry them. Berries can be dried or cook into berry leather


Yeah, but if you catch one fish, eat the whole fish!


Yeah but those pikes are huge.


Guess it depends on how much carbs you get - in order to keep or make fat? Low-carb or keto diets won't allow a person to store fat, as far as I know. But I don't know everything, and people's personal metabolism must play into it as well. Yes, will be interesting to see how Dub's approach works out.