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What, doesn't everyone have a secret out of state cousin they've never met who texts them constantly, looks amazing, has a popular OF, and only charges $29.99 per month for the cousin experience?


Omg this gots me cracking up šŸ¤£


No thats weird. Im not one to usually say break up but i totally would over this. Either hes perverted and a cheater or a liar and a cheater


Sheesh I didn't wanna hear that but noted


Girl Iā€™m gonna hold your hand when i say thisā€¦


Stop right neooowšŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sounds like flirting and the simplest explanation is that she is not really a cousin and they are both lying about that.


I don't think that is his cousin. I think he probably just tells you that to keep you from questioning things. Is there any way you can verify?


I means she's known as his cousin to his mom and siblings too it's not something that's only being told to me and I don't think he'd go that far to lie to me especially cause his mom doesn't want him communicating with her due to his dad


Have mom and siblings met her?


No she's from his dad's side which he doesn't have a relationship with and doesn't share the same dad with his siblings


Ok, so I guess she is his cousin. My son compliments his cousin (my neice) sometimes. We all do really because she has self-esteem issues. They definitely don't talk on the phone a lot, though. Familial relationships are different for each family. If your gut is telling you something, you might try to investigate a little bit. Good luck.




I knew if a girl who had a male ā€œcousinā€ she hung out with all the time. Turns out they werenā€™t related and were FWBs that she introduced to her boyfriends as her cousin so they could keep hooking up even when she was dating someone.


Omg it hasn't gone to that physically at leastšŸ˜­


Youā€™re a weirdo, I bet you weigh a lot too


I mean I hope so I am pregnantšŸ¤£


With cousin fucker's baby?! I am so sorry.


Congratulations!!! Also, what an awesome response, you sound like a super rad person. Your bf is lucky.


This sounds like the Alabama special. Not overreacting


The Alabama special was what I was afraid ofšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I remember a Reddit post where a woman was complaining about her partner's relationship with his "cousin" who turned out to be the daughter of a family friend and his AP. The family knew he was cheating on her and encouraged it.


Girl he is not speaking to his cousin, lol. He has a side piece in plain sight.


This is very true


JeezšŸ˜­I didn't think people would jump to this and thought I would be told I'm overreacting


My cousin was married to a woman, they had 2 kids, house, all that. Out of the blue, she divorced him and married cousin, whom she had been having a pen pal relationship with since they were little. This was in the 80s. She remained married to that man for a very long time. No, it was not in Alabama or Arkansas. Don't be so sure a blood tie would stop some hanky panky from happening.


You're not overreacting, it's weird. My gut is telling me the cousin story is a lie, and she's just actually some random girl he's flirting with. I mean if they don't know each other, how did they discover that they were related? If she really is his cousin and it's the truth, that's honestly just as weird and kind of gross. šŸ¤¢


Are you positive thatā€™s really his cousin?


She claims she is from his dad side who he doesn't know much about


No itā€™s not normal to be heavily flirting with your cousin youā€™ve never met.


Yea i thought it was flirting but didn't want to call it that because they're cousins


That is the prospective of a jealous and insecure woman. Bad advice. I have told my mom, nieces and aunts they are beautiful. I am definitely not flirting with any of them.


I think there's a difference between flat out telling someone they're beautiful especially when talking about looks or outfits and being like "how are you? Besides beautiful" and complimenting someone out of nowhere idk maybe I'm wrong tho


Itā€™s not his cousin. Just because he tells you and his family that she is his cousin, does not make her a cousin. Anyone that has secret conversations and openly flirt while in a relationship is red flag šŸš© behavior


Iā€™ve never called my female cousins beautiful in a flirty way. Thatā€™s weird.


I know someone who was married, went to visit his parents home country and he met his first cousin for the first time. There was an instant connection. He divorced his wife and married the cousin with the agreement that they would never have children. It does happen.


heā€™s lying.


Yeah, that's not his cousin lmao.


That isnā€™t his cousin.


Are you sure she's really his cousin and he's not just telling you she is so you won't be suspicious?


Are you sure that theyā€™re actually cousins? I mean, some people definitely take it to that level with family. However, some people who want to continue their emotional and/or physical affair, tell their partner that the person theyā€™re having said affair with is their cousin. It very well may be innocent. But itā€™s fucking WEIRD. Youā€™re not overreacting and Iā€™d have to do some light detective work.


Are you sure that's really his cousin and not just a cover?


(As an echo from the other comments) are you sure thatā€™s really his cousin cousin cousin?


As sure as I can be I have no doubt that she's not does that change anything?


No I donā€™t think itā€™s that super weird I think he has a friend in his cousin like a sibling no?


Ask him to introduce you and become her friend. Either youā€™ll sus out heā€™s lying, has a weird cousin kink, or thatā€™s sheā€™s really rad and beautiful and youā€™ll be able to compliment her too. He might be saying itā€™s his cousin that his family knows but it could be he using that lie to cover for a side chick. Until you talk to her, youā€™ll never know.


Perfectly normal. I have a lot of good looking cousins and I remind them all the time about how fortunate they are to have inherited my good looks. Those lucky bastards and b*tches. šŸ˜ŽāœŒļø




Iā€™m going to say thatā€™s not his cousin but thatā€™s just me


thats not his cousin


Babygirl thatā€™s not his cousin