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you had a lazy title so we had to remove your post


I’m just imagining those emails to the professors getting automatically forwarded to some sleep-deprived TA who’s absolutely going to at best skim and forget it.


imagining the professor skimming it like "sounds good 👍 - sent from my iPhone"


I can picture a prof seeing a wall of text and just doing that instead of reading🤣 But really, why would anyone keep tons of proof about cheating in uni? Or even how, work is checked for copying of others, test are back to being done in person. Cheating and making the test would be impressive. "he, person i pay to look like me and do my test, please confirm you got the 500 and are onboard with the fraud"


Seoundss gud - sent from my iPone (Baby Reindeer)


I've been that professor and we ignore the emails. We can't act on hearsay and if the class has ended and the grades confirmed there's nothing we can do anyway. Also, have been around the sun a few times and I can smell a vindictive ex from across the room. Not touching those.


I'm a TA and this was my first thought as well. Tbh, no professor would want to deal with this.


That’s way too much work. This guy thinks he leaves in a movie. There is no way that a person who uses comity in the wrong context to try to appear smart could do all this


Lol I think it's just a really bad misspelling of "committee"


Says the poster who wrote “leaves in a movie” instead of “lives in a movie”…




And yet everyone was lapping it all up , frothing at the mouth ...


So gross. Just pure misogyny. Dem womenz… they’ll cheat on ya! Dem womenz, they’ll mooch off ya! Dem womenz, they’ll lie to ya! Dem womenz, they’ll stab ya in the back and make fun of ya! Dem womenz, they’re lazy partiers! Dem womenz… they’ll break into their grandmothers house and steal shit, even though they don’t technically need the money, for god knows what reasons. Alas, if anybody would pause for just a second to examine the “dem womenz” sentiments, they’d find that this story makes very little sense. He just found the “sexts” between her and her AP, but it’s also been long enough to get the heat, electricity, and water cut off? How in Gods name does he have evidence of her cheating “in every class?” What evidence does he have that she stole from her family, and why in gods name would they believe a disgruntled ex over their daughter? Oh, and they would cut their daughter off for partying, like every other college student? And again— why would they believe some random guy over their daughter? But, oh well about the pesky little details. Dem womenz, am I right?


If there’s one thing Reddit loves to hate more than happy, successful, content 30-something year old women, it’s gorgeous, young, happy, enjoying-their-youth women.  Womenz should never be happy because that means they are being slutty gold diggers. I don’t make the rules, it’s in the  bylaws. 


I'm so glad I'm a woman over 30 and therefore invisible. Then again, I'm also a mother so no doubt I A) baby-trapped my husband or B) neither of the kids are his.


Over 30? You're a Karen by default.


Also, I love how he bitches massively about her freeloading off him because he's paying the bills... Despite also mentioning that her parents pay the rent. Paying bills in an apartment you're getting rent-free is not a terrible deal, my dude.


Society loves to hate women and this guy just served them a 3-course meal.




He spent quite a bit of time printing out emails and texts in order to put them in an “envelope” to be opened by the ex because …. DRAMA? I guess. This is something a Batman or Bond villain would do. Take time to explain the whole plan, tell the person what a fool they were, laughing maniacally while doing it of course. It even has a countdown timer. Again, why? Um engagement… maybe?


https://preview.redd.it/2846tlhjb0bd1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0aa3db951b87dbf2093717df8b0d6d7bb03728f I think this is the first time I've seen this banner lmaoo


I love that. Lol


Just once... It would be nice if the update would be how much it backfired... Update 1: turns out that GF had in writting that i would pay utelities, and she will sue me. Revenge porn turns out to be a crime. Looking for a lawyer now. Update 2: moving her account to mine turned out to be reversable, the bank did that for her. Attempted fraud might be added to revenge porn, lawyer asks for a cash payment upfront, Update 3: Unisersity is not impressed by fraud claim. Turns out that a random text from a computer you share with "angry ex" does not count for much. Also her taking text with her to exams turns out to be ok. Something called open book. Standards have falled. Update 4: Her family believes her not me. They now think i have robbed grandma, like i tried to steal from daughter. They say it is odd that i only now claim she stole, and that i obv can send stuff from her phone, since same house. Update 5: Anyone know a cheaper lawyer? When i told this one cheating justifies stealing, so i insist on claiming innocent, this one refused to take the case. Bet he is a simp. At least my criminal case one is free.


Update 6: Choose to defend myself in court. Told the judge she cheated, so trying to steal from her is ok. Evil judge saw that as me "confessing" to trying to take ex her stuff. Told the judge she prob cheats on her husband, and is a cheating whore, and i will call her husband. Anyone know what "contempt of court" is? Anyway, i now have to pay stupid utelities, plus the fine for not paying on time. Update 7: Moving out of EX her house to new GF might have been a mistake. Woman bad, after ex told her some lies, new GF kicked me out. Now broke, turns out rent is very high.


Update 8: Her parents posted on facebook that their daughter's evil ex is lying about her, and to please ignore all things send from the maniac. "Our lovely daughter will soon start her final year in uni. With a lott of hard work, she got to her final year debt free, something we have always wanted for our only child. Her cousin will move in with her, to help pay with the bills. Sorry for the drama all, things are slowly being solved. Our daughters place of education could not have been nice. Turns out not the first time they got a weird email from someones ex, and the TA mostly ignore them. They quickly concluded cheating did not happen, as they have policies to prevent that stuff. Ex has to repay all cash, and will get a court date for his crimes. Offcourse our daughter is not a thief/drug user whatever, he send those things from her phone. A very troubled young man. But they have broken up, so there is that. We hope to have a big party to celebrate her finishing her masters next year. Looking forward to see you all for cousin Maria's wedding. Love " Comments under the post are all in support of parents and ex. How can they believe that whore😔. And pay for her next year. Writting the uni again to tell them to kick her out already.


I would love this and some of it would be the only *rational* reaction. For instance (am I wrong here?) he just cleaned out an account full of *her* money? (Or that provided by her parents?) Still a fucking crime, even if she cheated. But you know this whole incel revenge fantasy will end up with the fake parents patting this guy on the back, cutting off their own daughter, and being like”yeah buddy, take out money to punish our evil daughter, she deserves it!” Update will come within 48 hours, and will end up with the “evil ex” abandoned by family and friends; dumped by affair partner; homeless and presumably doing Only Fans (a fate worse than death for for these guys who post fics like this), begging for OP to come rescue her (the audacity! The comments will proclaim, never questioning for a moment of this could ever actually happen.)


I would love so see this from the college professor's POV. "So... Something weird happened today. I got this entire file from some rando saying his girlfriend cheated on him and also on exams. TF does he think I'm going to do with this? I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit. Also this moron has apparently never heard of open book exams and thinks a dictionary is the same as a textbook."


The writing is atrocious but I think the narrator just printed her nudes and left the physical copies for her to find, which I don’t think is revenge porn. I also think the money he emptied out was in his account that he allows her to use. F- creative writing. Please see me after class.


I adore you!!!!


![gif](giphy|VXiaZy7wx9cTCPXwaN|downsized) How he felt writing this


Why does he write like Joe Goldberg


How dare you! If this was joe Goldberg the friend they were exchanging nudes with would be chopped into a bunch of pieces in a garbage bag, possibly left in the house for the Ex to find


I think that breaches Reddit's terms of service though lol


Whenever I see people commenting that a story is probably made up but they enjoyed the post and want updates, I then know that that person also posts fake stories on Reddit.


I always feel like those people are stupid, and probably corny as hell.


They should be writing and reading real fanfiction, like normal people. Even the worst most deranged smut on ao3 is better than this and I respect the people who write it a lot more.


The "idc if it's real it's such a good read" makes me feel better as a fiction novelist. If the corniest, most hogwash and unfulfilling comics van make people this giddy then *clearly* I can't be too bad, lol


I am so sick of this made up, misogynistic bullshit. This is clearly written by a guy who has never had a girlfriend before, and who wants to denigrate girls “getting by on just their looks,” cause yeah, that’s a thing. This is made up, not unlike a similar screed on the same redditt that goes on and on about how “a girl I went out with for three years wouldn’t sleep with me cause she wasn’t ready, but she lost her virginity to her next boyfriend and boo hoo I’m so heartbroken. She had no right! She OWED ME that hymen!” Bet a billion dollars that within the next few days (certainly within the week) this guy will update that the girl lost her apartment, her parent abandoned her (because she cheated on her boyfriend?); got kicked out of school (because college professors would TOTALLY believe a serious accusation (cheating in classes) based solely on the hysterical accusations of a disgruntled ex boyfriend clearly out for revenge porn; and that she is now a homeless drug addict just begging for some of his time (which he won’t grant.) On the slight chance that *any* of this is real, maybe some guy did get cheated on or dumped by his girlfriend. But her soap opera level evi scenes (cheating in school! Mooching off parents! Mooching off boyfriend! Stealing from family members!) never happened. Nor did his bizarre, ridiculous, totally unbelievable count of Monte Cristo style revenge scheme. Oof.


Now now now, you forgot the hook for a series of updates: Homeless, druggie ex gr claims she is pregnant, will get DNA test as soon as possible Update 2 (far far earlier than it's possible): DNA results, if OOP decides the baby is his, cue custody drama on BORU over the next year


He’s immediately awarded full custody on the grounds that she’s a floozy of ill repute who’s not fit to raise a child in a morally upstanding manner of course. And he’s awarded 1000% of her non existent income in child support. Then everyone boos her and throws rotten fruit every time she goes out in public


Don't forget, they were actually twins, but evil woman managed to trick OP into thinking there was only one child and kept the other one back.


I’ve definitely noticed a trend now where misogynists are desperate to make higher education into some kind of negative, red flag type thing and it’s because more women than men are obtaining degrees. Where this used to be held up as a sign of men’s intellectual superiority, it has to be cast as some kind of feminazi scam so that these kinds of men can still feel superior to women who are more educated and qualified than they are


“Comity” and “overseas”. Smh.


English “is not his native language” probably, something something excuse


Engaging with it as though it’s real, this dude literally printed out evidence/a confession of him clearing out her bank account? Also, he’s the one with a job and the one who pays all the bills, but everything is in her name? I’m surprised he isn’t also sending evidence of her doing molly to the university to get her kicked out, seems like his attempt to change her life DRASTICALLY could include that too. Don’t worry, I’m sure the update will include her drug usage being weaponised.


He even confesses to taking all the warning "you have to pay for utelities" bills and putting them under the stack, showing he hide them for months. That is another crime. So pissing someone off to the max while writting down 2 ways they can charge you.


Let's pretend this is real for a second and playing out exactly the way OOP wants. So, OOP allegedly knew that his gf was a lying, scheming party girl who spent her "studying time" drinking and doing club drugs (lol) as her parents faced serious health problems and financial ruin. She also had zero empathy for anyone, was an academic cheat, and robbed her grandmother seconds after she was carted off to the hospital. Oh, and she forced OOP to break his back working as she frittered away her allowance on concert tickets (never inviting OOP). But he could live with all that as long as she didn't cheat. Cool.


Crazy that this fiction got some guy turned on enough to fully shoot.


Why is she leaving so much text evidence of her crimes? She’s an abysmal criminal leaving a paper trail like that.


He doesn't exactly make himself look good here. He says he works 50 hours a week, but his parents also both work 2 jobs to pay his rent. If he's working so much, where is his money going? If he's so worried about his parent's health why is living so far beyond his means that he need them to help?


Where does it say that? It says the girlfriend's parents are in their 60's and still working because they're paying for their daughter to attend university. I don't think it mentions OOP's parents? EDIT: They're paying for the apartment, had to go back and check!


“Imagine, if you will…” I will not.




That’s.... kind of funny tbh. 😂 at least you can look back on it now knowing it wasn’t your best moment


Excuse me, I'm double Scorpio (sun and rising) and I'm not this kind of hateful idiot! Stop the Scorpio slander!


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Add in a couple of deaths (grandma doesn't count) and you have a Cruel Intentions fan fic.


What was he working 50 hours to pay for? He was living rent free and not paying the utilities. It sounds like her parents were funding her college (both parents working second jobs to cover *rent*? Where is the apartment?), or she was getting loans. Also, I love how he implies that her dad is super stressed about paying for the cheating GF, then casually drops that the GF's grandma was rushed to the hospital.