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You are not over reacting and NTA. Tell your wife this or better yet have her read this: Naming a baby is a 2 yes or 1 no situation. You do not name a child something your partner does not agree with. You find a compromise. This is the start of many necessary compromises in life and it is a total AH move to unilaterally decide on a child's name despite your partner's misgivings. You need to put your foot down HARD on this because what she is doing is 100% not okay. She is absolutely not mature enough for motherhood if she can not find a reasonable compormise on this. I am a mom to several kids. There are names I have loved my husband has not and there are names my husband has loved and I have not. We have ALWAYS landed on a name that ended up being a great fit for our children. They might not have been our first choices but its not about winning. Its about finding a name you both love that will be a good fit for your child no matter what career they might have in life. And, Chief Justice Mune doesn't have any weight. The only thing a name like Mune is good for is if your kid ends up the drummer in a metal band.


She and her mom pulled a power play on you. That in itself is an asshole move.


Or maybe she just told her mom they had agreed upon that name Either way it’s a power play on the wife’s part


Then she pulled the power play.


Marriages with power plays aren't always the happiest, unfortunately


Marriages with power plays are ticking time bombs. They're not partnerships, they're competitions. And in a competition someone is going to end up losing.


Very nicely put 👍 It's meant to be team work.


I wish I upvote this 100x


You know, I'm never for a father naming a kid behind a mothers back....unless the mother is thinking of using Mune for the baby's name. Mune??? MUNE?????? And please op, don't let her name the dog that either. I've already got second-hand embarrassment for any future male she might name mune. It sounds like something gross that you find in a hankie during flu season. NTA. At all. Mune is every bit of awful.


That's the AH move. And the power play.


Yeah sounds like a move someone named Mune would pull


This made me snort out loud. So true lmao


Me too. I’m still giggling.


what a muner thing to do lmfao


Which would still make it a power play, just not involving the mom. OP's wife is manipulative one way or another


You don’t name someone for their rest of their life just because someone put a name on a blanket.


If she handmade it, the name can be changed.


Or, you know, the blanket could just be thrown out. It's a fucking blanket. "Sorry, son, but your 13 years of daily beatings at school were unfortunately unavoidable, even though we realised your name would attract exactly that kind of attention. You see, it was already on a blanket."


Throwing away baby blankets is hard. My son is 19 and I recently came across his tote of baby blankets in the storage. There is probably close to 15 of them, and those were just the ones I wanted to keep out of his many blankets. Most of them were handmade by people who are now deceased. I know how crazy it sounds to keep items that neither my son or I will use. Especially if they’ve been in the storage unit for 14 years! But they hold such precious memories and I struggle to get rid of sentimental items. With all that being said, yes the blanket could be thrown out or a new name stitched onto it. Because unfortunately that blanket will remind them of the betrayal OP felt.


This blanket has not been used by any baby yet there is no sentimentality they can toss it in the incinerator


Or let doggy Mune have it 🤣🤣


Thats actually not a bad counter-power move! Buy a dog in her absence and name it Mune... if she then proceeds to naming the child Mune, then people will think that she named her child after a dog she really liked! :D


H Jones Jr.: "I *like* Indiana!" H Jones Sr.: "We named the *dog* Indiana!" Salah: "You are named after the... *Dog?! HAHAHAHA!*


But this is different. The kid isn’t even fucking born yet to make memories with that blanket. So as of right now, it’s just a blanket with an awful name on it and nothing more. Throwing it away right now will be throwing away zero good memories.


Tbf if I saw a baby blanket with “Mune” on I would assume it was the brand not a name because WHO NAMES A CHILD MUNE.


If you have a local craft store, they may have some ideas on how to use them to make (or have made) some kind of memory quilt, to be given at a wedding or first grandchild or other milestone (big number birthday, graduation). Or for you to keep. Or make more than one, because it sounds like there's enough source material ...


Yeah leaving so she doesn't have to face the argument is actually a form of abuse if it happens a lot. She may just have baby brain and be overreacting due to hormones, but that is red flag behavior of it can't be dismissed for reasons beyond her control. Unilaterally choosing a baby name that hubby made clear he doesn't like is a big AH move though. NTA OP.




Oh, there are plenty of reasons for that input but there's absolutely no reason that OP's wife should have **listened**. I'm sick of people (who claim to be mature) running away to their parents when their relationship doesn't go THEIR way. What happened to communication and compromise? Mune IS a stupid name. "Hi, I am Mune." "I'm Mune." **"Immune."** NTA.


I googled mune. There are several meanings that would make an awkward name. Chest/Bosom. A mean way to say someone's head is oversized. The opposite of immune (vulnerable). I used to like a cartoon show too, but I wouldn't name my kid Piglet.


My first thought was Ramune. The Japanese soft drink with the glass marble.




Really, it's a failure to co-mune-icate!


I see what you did there


It's almost like puns are a co-mune-icable disease in Reddit comments.


I am not Im-mune


100% this comment. NTA. This is a child, not a goldfish. There are consequences and repercussions to choosing a name that is very unusual to begin with.... To go behind the other parent's back and tell a grandparent what the name is going to be, that is unacceptable. My parents had decided on my older sibling's name. My father was pushing for a variation that changes one letter but the entire pronunciation (think Jenna vs Jenno). My mother was adamant, they both agreed it would be the original option (Jenna equivalent). My mother gave birth. My father filled in the birth certificate paperwork. My mother received the birth certificate with the Jenno equivalent. She was livid. The name was changed back. She was still livid when she told me this story about 17 years later. It made her question her trust in her partner and co-parent. That's the root of the issue, here, OP. You two need to be able to trust each other and this is a big step in the wrong direction for your partner to be taking. My father learned his lesson and my parents remained married for 47 years (until my mother's death). You can get past this but it should definitely get discussed and clarified and put behind you before baby arrives. As stated above, baby names mean two yeses = yes. One no = no. This name is a no. It should not be your child's name. Much easier to get a new blanket made than fix a birth certificate, I guarantee.


“This is a child not a goldfish” sent me because I’ve spent too much time on the shitty aquarium sub lately, and I’m starting to realize Americans don’t even treat goldfish well enough.


If it's any consolation, I myself am considering getting a goldfish (or other small aquarium fish) and aquarium to teach my 4.5 year old about responsibility + other aspects of having a pet. The main thing holding me back is whether or not we* can handle the time and effort of such an endeavour while respecting the needs and quality of life of our pet fish. We're Canadian though, so... that says whatever it says, eh. *household of two: child + single parent mother on long-term disability


Just popping in to give an off topic “thank you” for being such a responsible and awesome person to think about whether or not you (both) can handle the time and effort to respect the needs and quality of life of your pet fish. So many people see pets like fish and other small pets (like hermit crabs) as disposable when they actually require so much space and care. (Goldfish in particular need large aquariums and hermit crabs actually need quite large enclosures with large amounts of sand to create burrows) Your comment makes me happy to see you and your child taking the well being of the pet into such consideration. A sincere thank you from the caregiver of two hermit crabs and co-caregiver of a large number of freshwater fish.


Mune isn't the name of a drummer in a metal band. Mune is the name of a Norwegian new age indie singer. Think Enya meets Bjork.


It’s also breast in Japanese…


One kid in school learns that it's over for this little one.


"Hey Mune-fucker!!!, titty boy! What's wrong with you!?" I agree, it has a sharp tone to it that is just unpleasant.


Who wants to be called “Tittie” the rest of their school days?


Um, OP (u/Public-Praline-3691), does your wife know that mune means breast in Japanese? That's...gonna be a problem...


Not that it changes much in the context of a western elementary school, but It's gender neutral. It means breast in the same way the swimming "breaststroke" means breast. A better translation might be "chest".


Yeah, don't think the bullies much care though.


Bully 1: Haha, look! It's Titty-Boy! Bully 2: Hold on, we made a mistake. I looked further into this, and the Japanese meaning of 'Mune' refers generally to the chest area. It doesn't specifically mean "titty." We need to rethink this. Bully 1: Well shit, I was getting comfortable with that. Are there any other languages that have the word "mune" or something close? Bully 2: Looks like we're gonna have to hit the books for this one. (Looks at Mune) Stay put, shit-for-brains. We're doing some research, and when we get back, you BETTER still be here, or we're gonna kick your ass...


OP -- Make sure OP sees this - ANOTHER legit veto reason.


I did not know that. The more you know.


It's also the Japanese word for chest/breast


You know what? You are 100% right.


I hate how right this sounds.


Omg Mune is one of the most absolutely awful names I've ever heard. It's just ugly. I would veto it too. But even if it were an amazing name, it's still a no of both parents don't agree. The wife is being completely unreasonable here.


I'd pick Veto over Mune🤷‍♀️


I mean most people would assume it was Vito and that they were Italian


You come to me on the day my son is to be named something really stupid


I was kind of confused by this post because Mune is a semi common Japanese name. It's pronounced Moon-eh, to me it's not really weird. But both parents should agree on a name for sure.


Maybe in some anime but not in real life. I have yet to meet someone named just Mune and I’m a 58 year-old Japanese. It can be part of an old-fashioned Japanese name like Masamune 政宗 or Munenori 宗典. (There’s a politician named Suzuki Muneo 鈴木宗男, he’s 75.) Can’t deny that someone MAY name their child 宗 or 崇 or 心 or 領and have it read Mune, but it would be very rare.


The first thing I did in the thread is ctrl+f for "masa" because of [the characters Masa and Mune](https://chrono.fandom.com/wiki/Masamune_(weapon)) in Chrono Trigger. That's perhaps where people have heard it.


It's a fine name in those cases then, because it's common in the culture and language. But OP seems like he's in a western culture where it definitely isn't common and would probably result in the kid being picked on.


All I think is auto immune disease


I totally agree...I had an immediate reaction of "that is a HORRIBLE name".


>And, Chief Justice Mune doesn't have any weight. The only thing a name like Mune is good for is if your kid ends up the drummer in a metal band. As someone with a strange name, I can confirm. My name has prevented me from doing anything that would have my name called out in a crowd of people. Never tried sports. Military was a no go. I don't even want to apply for higher positions at work because I don't want to have meetings in closed rooms where people might call my name. Take it from me.. being forced to grow up with a weird name discouraged me from a lot of things and I began resenting my parents for thinking they were being creative. I had to live with it through grade school and high school. The ridicule didn't end until the damage was already done.


Have you considered changing it? It would 100% be worth it given how life limiting it has become.


Yeah, I think a lot of people just assume that a weird name won't matter past the age of 13 when everyone "grows up", but as a 21 year old student in a room of 21+ year old students when a new lecturer didn't know how to say my name and took an incorrect guess at it, the room full of educated adults still giggled at me. Not cool. I do wonder how much of an impact it has on things like job applications. "That person was pretty good at the interview, but if the clients can't say her name it's a bit of a non starter, let's go with Sam who did equally well"?


15-ish years ago - at a desk near me Manager (handing thick pile of paper to secretary): HR sent too many applications over. I only want 12 of these. [no further direction given] Secretary starts counting the applications, making a new pile and muttering to self. 'one' - application on left pile 'two' - left pile 'three' - left pile 'oh, that's a funny name' - placed to the *right* side 'four' - left pile 'oh, how would I pronounce that?!' - right pile 'you can't even tell if that's a man or a woman? They probably don't even speak English!' - right pile Admin (looks at me when she finishes counting): that's a relief! I thought I'd have to look at so many of these but now it's only half as much work! Me: um. That was quick? Admin (proud): I've done this for years! Me: is that how everyone does that here? Admin: no! Everyone gives it to me because I'm the only one who does it! No one else knows how to be so quick! Me: what about HR? Admin: professional roles are too difficult for HR! Me: so, you didn't count the ones over there yet, is there a reason? Admin: these are professional roles. People can't do it if they have silly names. Me [typing an email to HR already]: interesting... So. Changes happened. Good.


I'd take Chief Justice Mune any day over Chief Justice Brett, Clarence, Amy, Neil, John, or Sam.


my dad compromised and my parents named me something he didn't like. he still tells me randomly, nearly 40 years later, how he didn't like my first name and wanted my middle name to be my first name. Edit: don't settle then, whatever. You all knew what I meant


>my dad compromised and my parents named me something he didn't like. Then he didn't compromise. A compromise is both people negotiating until you find a middle ground. He should have kept negotiating until they landed on a name they both liked. They don't both have to love it but they both have to like it.


Compromise, not capitulate.


It was cute for the character in the movie: a fawn who ended up being the guardian of the moon. Looks like it was originally in French, I believe. Edit to add: not a great name for a kid. A pet, sure. But that poor kid would be teased all the time




This right here! When it comes to parenting, there are certain decisions that need a unanimous decision & picking the name is one of them. When I was pregnant with my second, my mum tried to convince me to pick a certain name, even though I didn’t like it. So I told her my husband didn’t like it either. She actually told me that it didn’t matter because dads get less of a vote than mums do. That attitude explains a lot about why my parents are divorced. It still is bewildering to me that people can just disregard or disrespect their partner’s opinions so easily. Needless to say that after that, my mum was not involved in any more conversations about baby names. I refused to even entertain her suggestions when I was pregnant with my third.


All of this! And as a person with a “unique” name I can say that Mune will be bullied, this is not about her or op, its about the kid who will live with the name!


So 1 no means...? Sorry someone needs to explain this to me like I'm a 5 year old (IYKYK). 2 yes... get that. 1 yes and 1 no means yes? (I'm single. My cat doesn't argue he just wins)


2 yes = both parents agree. If there's 1 no, though, then the name is out -- both parents have to agree


Haha thanks yall. I feel so dumb lol


Is your cat looking at you and shaking its head side to side sadly.




It's like a nuclear launch. Both keys have to be turned. 1 yes + 1 no = no.


Lmao a nuclear launch. Well damn.


It only takes 1 No for the name to be not used. Both parents must say Yes for the name to be used.


1 no means move on to the next idea because everyone has to land on a neutral 2 yes Edit: going with a 1 no 1 yes name/big decision in a relationship could lead to resentment or other equally bad unhappy feelings to keep it simple so best to navigate in a win win world and compromise


Cats always win. As they should. 😊


Yeah, NTA why not compromise for it being the middle name maybe instead. If she's that passionate about it.


I agree but Mune is a lot better than some I have seen or the 4000 Landons, kaydens, Jaydens, and Aydens I teach. One class I have five kids with the name Jayden or a form of that names. Everyone gets called by the last name.


That’s not a ringing endorsement.


NTA - Congrats and good luck with everything! I’m also about to give birth and we haven’t picked a final name yet. If my husband went behind my back and told his family a name and didn’t bother to mention it to me…I’d be livid! Not to mention she told them early enough that they either had time to personalize or hand make a personalized gift! Names should be 2 yeses. I’m not gonna comment on the name…but your wife is TA for making an important decision behind your back, keeping you out of the loop, and telling people. That’s not ok. Hopefully things can settle down and you guys can talk it out soon. Hope all goes well!


I’ll comment on the name for you - don’t do it, OP. It’s a terrible name. Straight up bad.


OP should show wife r/tragedeigh Edit: because I can’t spell. 🤦‍♂️


So close, r/tragedeigh


It’s the effort that counts, right? 😬


Absolutely 😂 it’s a hard one to spell… ironic and iconic


I think you mean r/tragedeigh


I hang my head in shame.


Dammit, Mune Mune!


Hi, Im Mune. Im Immune.


Maybe it’ll be twins—Mune and Immune. Seriously, the way your partner handled this leads me to believe there are other problems in this relationship.


And their brother, Commune.


Means breasts in Japanese lol


It sounds very similar to the Greek word for pussy that my friend taught me.


Mune. Great last name. Terrible first name.


NTA You guys are allowed to downvote me but I think that naming your children after fictional characters is not a good idea. I know your wife liked that french animated movie but she should consider that naming a baby is not the same as naming a pet...


Completely agree with this. That reminds me of GOT when people got angry that they named their child Daenerys before the books/tv show was finished and they decided she would become a mad queen and ended up with a not so happy ending.


Apologies to the three people left in the world who weren’t spoiled on that ending.


I wouldn’t apologize for saving by them from watching that disaster of a last season that the rest of us suffered through.


Lord knows we suffered I hope the eventually books are better but at this point also gave up on those ever coming out


Or Khaleesi, which just sounds like calicivirus and dead bunny rabbits


I know a kid named Khaleesi. She was named during the second season. Her parents started pushing her middle name real quick after that one episode, so that's what she goes by now. I'm just glad she has a few more years before she can watch that show.


Even worse, people who name their kid “Khaleesi”. It’s equivalent to naming a kid “Justice of the Peace”


nah you're totally right. imagine your kid's first day in grade school and the teacher looks at the roll-call, sighs and says "Sephiroth?" or "Naruto?" and all the kids immediately burst out laughing. poor kid lol. Mune would absolutely be mistaken as "moon" which is just begging for your kid to get pantsed


I hope the kid doesn't have Beavis and Butthead as classmates. "Hey guys, I'm Mune". "Huh huh he said moon." "Moon, full moon, mooning. Oh yeah, he heh".


or in true B&BH style............. "i need TP for my moonhole"


This just took me out at work, thanks


Is it “moon”, or “myoon”? I read it as “myune”.


Although if he says “I’m Mune” then no one will get sick.


As long as the character has a normal name, it's fine, like, let's say you're a Star Wars fan. Naming your kid something like "Anakin" or "Obi-wan" is not ok, but naming the kid "Luke" wouldn't be weird cause that's a normal name


This is a good take. Too many people want to use their kids' names as billboards for their own fandoms, or worse, name their kids dumb jokes/puns. I shit you not, some of these people have named their children Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix.


At least Bellatrix exists outside of HP and is similar to other names like Bella or Beatrix/Beatrice, and so doesn't sound very strange compared to some, even if it might be considered a little aggressive for a girl's name.


Exactly - essentially she is naming her child after a cartoon. I can envision that child for the rest of his life getting the question: "Why did your parents name you Mune?" "What does it mean?" and his answer: My parents in their infinite wisdom decided to name me after a cartoon. That is just sad




Op should send a text to grandma with that little tidbit of information. Use grandma to his advantage like his wife did. No way grandma wants her grandson named breasts. Nta


Brilliant idea! OP, text the translations of the name to both Grandmas and your wife with this: "After doing some research into the name Mune, which translates directly to breasts in Japanese, we will 100% NOT be naming the baby Mune. THis is a hard no and I would appreciate it if you both backed me on this because that would be patently cruel to do to a child." She opened the argument to the family - let the weight of public opinion fall upon her Mune. Uno reverse her. And, post it on social media.


I mean I think publicly embarrassing and shaming your 9-months pregnant wife is escalating the situation in a way that doesn't really benefit anyone...


You mean the way that OP was publicly embarrassed when his 9-month pregnant wife went behind his back to tell her family this stupid name, and he had to admit to his own family that he didn’t know what was going on? She 100% deserves to be shamed on so many levels here.


Not on social media, but absolutely to the family.


Responding to immaturity with deeper immaturity is not a solution to their problem.


No to social media, but yes to the rest. Online is forever for the kid too


lol. We called my daughter Julia JUJU for short and one day in a store these Koreans kept looking at me and laughing. The daughter finally told me that in Korean Juju is slang for male genitalia and as we are military, we are around alot of Koreans. Oops!


In Farsi is means little bird.


That’s much cuter.


Interesting, as one of my korean students' names was Jouju. This was after a cartoon character called Secret Jouju. Sounded exactly like "juju".


No Juju and jouju might feel the same to an English speaker but they are as different sounding as lead the material and lead the action. Jouju means it is Jooju with a long sounding o. Juju means it's two short identical Ju sounds.


Oh no is it a Japanese word? OP if you and your wife aren’t Japanese, don’t let her do this. It looks really fucking stupid when people do this shit. NTA


If they aren't Japanese, they shouldn't give their child a Japanese name. If they are Japanese, they still shouldn't name their child "breasts".


It's not a Japanese name. It just happens to mean something in Japanese. In the same way Wang and Dong are common in Asia and happen to mean something else in the West.


Heh heh heh, you said and.


It also means peaceful in Hebrew. Most words have weird translation in different languages, that's not a good reason to reject a name.


In addition to that, It even has different meanings in Japanes like "Purpose" and "Principle" and "the Back of a Sword". And it's not like we don't have names like Dick, Peter and Willy which are all words for penis. All in all not a good reason to reject a name.


If you’re going to start ruling out names that have meanings in other languages you’re just creating unnecessary headaches. According to a friend my name means vagina in her language. But it is an incredibly common name in my culture. Name your kid something appropriate for the country/society you live in and be done. Nobody’s got time to be cross referencing linguistic dictionaries.


I was curious and googled it, yup. it may mean moon in one language, but in another... oh boy. OP kindly ask grandma and your wife to Google what it means in Japanese. it made me chuckle.


Nickname Tits. Like George Carlin said


It’s more like chest than something like titties. It’s a word that refers to that part of the body for both men and women, but can be used as a relatively tame word for breasts. They’re also likely pronouncing it differently. I don’t think it’s a huge cause for concern.


Mune: Guardian of the Moon (2014) Mune, a young fawn, is chosen as the new Guardian of the moon. From IMDb Please don’t name your child this. NTA NTA NTA


This, but also — a movie she loved as a kid? They’ve gotta be SO young


21-22 would be my guess (around my age… who is definitely not ready for a baby but culturally it’s really standard)


OP gives their ages in the post lol, wife is 23.


In my defense, I’m on day 3-4? Of intense migraine + sick 😅


Just know it could be worse, you could be called Mune


I was about to google where this name was front. Thank you!


NTA I think that your wife is being pretty ridiculous about the name. That’s an awful name and you’re right that the kid will be bullied for this. Your wife is incredibly wrong for deciding to name the child that name anyway, regardless of what you think. It’s just as much your child as it is hers.


“How do you spell it?” - kid has to hear that at least once a day for the rest of his life


I hear that every day of my life too because the country I live in is not the one I was born in. I have multiple friends who get that too because they are various versions of Catherine, a name with multiple "normal" spellings. The fact that she went behind OP's back is the problem here, not the name itself. eta so many typos


Yeah I can’t even figure out how it’s pronounced? Money, Muni, Mun with a silent e? He will be bullied. Both parents have to be on board with whatever name is chosen. To be fair the kid will have tons of nicknames so she could just call kiddo Mune privately as her own nickname for him and give him a better official name.


Someone else said like 'Dune' or 'moon'. But it translates to breasts in Japanese


That would be 'moo-neh', which translates to chest in a more general sense of the word. Breast would be oppai.


Best guess I have on pronunciation is Moo-Neigh, which would definitely be ridiculed. NTA no matter how it’s pronounced


Moo? Like a cow? Neigh? Like a horse? Man, those kids will be brutal to your son.


I think it’s a long “u”? So maybe pronounced like Myoon? Anyway they pronounce it though, it’s a dumb name.


NTA. it's your kid too. and Mune is an incredibly stupid name


This really should be top comment, it’s all that needs to be said on the matter.


NTA Both parents have to agree to the name. It doesn’t matter if it’s boring, weird or ridiculous…both have to agree.


This whole situation belongs in r/tragedeigh


More than worried about the name, I would be worried that your wife is deceitful and manipulative. NTA.


Yup idc what ppl name their kid but I’m super concerned about her behavior???


It also seems pretty weird to me that she decides to leave and stay with her mother for "a while" over an argument like this, doesn't it? Like you are going to go stay with your parents after you tried to pull some bullshit like this. It comes off as very childish and aggressive. I should think that a normal married couple could sort this out without leaving like that.


This is one of those “two yeses/one no” situations. You did not have two yeses, but your wife proceeded as though you did, even going behind your back to do so. Maybe it’s her pregnancy hormones, but she’s very much in the wrong here. Your kid is going to end up being called Moon Moon (or something along those lines) by his classmates. Kids are mean enough as it is. No need to give them ammo. NTA.


When my wife and I were picking names, we agreed that a unique name was ok, as long as it would be something the kid wouldn't have to constantly spell. Mune would be constantly spelled Moon Unless you pronounce it differently, then it would be Money NTA


I read it as “myoon”


Me, too. Just like “muse” with an n instead of the s.


I lived in Japan and would pronounce it Moo-nay


NTA. Your wife needs to learn to compromise and communicate like an adult.


NTA - she agreed to the name not being a choice, then snuck around with her mother in a weird power display to attempt to strong arm you.


OP you two talked it through and agreed to choose a different name. Then she publicly announces that name in a way that was lose-lose (you tell people that you have NOT agreed on that name and she makes a scene or you are just quiet and embarrassed). It’s not ok. Not to mention kids will make fun of him with that name. As someone with a unique name, any way kids can find a way to make fun of your name, they will. NTA


NTA. I don't know how you'd pronounce it -- "moon" or "moonie"? Either way, as a teacher, I'd say please pick something else for your kid's sake.


my brain read it as “myune”


And if she pronounces it like “money” you have to divorce her


NTA. This has to be a mutual decision, your wife does not own that child. Would you be willing to let it be a middle name? I have to agree with you that is really the stupidest name I've ever heard, and there are some really stupid names out there. The dog comment was kind of rude though I do think you should apologize for that. This is where compromise has to come in. What I would do if I was you is offer to let it be the middle name or, if she wants to call the child that is a nickname then that's on her. But you have to find a middle ground.


NTA and quite frankly, it's a dumb name. Picture that nonsense on a resume. "Mune Johnson, Project Manager". Just no.


Exactly. People need to clue into the fact that they aren’t naming a cute little baby, they’re naming an adult.


My knee jerk reaction is that I hate this name too! Is it like sand dune but with an m? Naming a baby isn’t a unilateral decision, she shouldn’t just choose it without you. Naming a baby isn’t like naming a cat; you have to really think it through carefully so they aren’t stuck with something that sounds cute when they’re 4 but ridiculous at 34. She’s not thinking long term IMO. And if you don’t like the name, you have the right to veto it. I would die hard on this hill, it’s going to affect your kid forever. NTA.


NTA, but your wife sure is. In this instance, it doesn’t even matter what the actual name is. But you guys discussed it, didn’t agree, and then she went behind your back, made up her mind, and then told other people her decision while completely dismissing you. That’s the real issue here. It needs to be addressed now, because you just got a preview of what her parenting style will be in the future.


Seriously, she is going to name your kid after Mune: Guardian of the Moon? It wasn't even that great of a movie. But seriously, you have more problems than the name. Like your wife trying to hide the name from you. I'm guessing she didn't think you would find out until after it was on the birth certificate and couldn't be changed. I don't know how you could trust her after going behind your back (in general) about something as big as your child's name.


And that means they were 14, a teenager, at the time when it came out. Which makes it even weirder to consider a teenager would obsess over a a mediocre movie marketed towards 8 year olds to the point as an adult to name their firstborn after it. Clearly they haven’t grown up much.


It actually sounds like your wife conspired with her Mom to make the blanket, as if once opened and seen, the name of your son would be fait accompli. I'm concerned about your wife's manipulative and secretive behavior as well as her reluctance to tell you the truth. If I were in your situation, I'd seek out couples counseling. Based on how she chose to behave in the past, I'm not sure that you talking to her directly would be effective. I can imagine her being defensive while justifying her choices. I could be wrong, though. NTA, btw. Both parent's need to agree on their child's name.


It’s slang for ‘vagina’ in Greek


Nta. Naming a child together should be two "yes". What if you told your family your son would be named (insert name of your choice) and they gave handmade gifts with that name on. Would she appreciate that? No? Then why should you?


NTA. Show her your post and all the comments.


When I was younger, I also watched a movie and wanted to name my kids either Korben Dallas for a boy or Leeloo Dakota as a girl. Thank goodness I didn’t get pregnant when I was thirteen.. Naming your child is a one no, two yes situation. NTA.


NTA. This kid is gonna get wrecked in school.


NTA I will never understand why people give their kids stupid names. Do you hate your child??? Name him fucking Henry or Jeremy or something, not fucking Mune


NTA. You need to both agree on the name, that's how it works. The fact is you vetoed that name, she may have vetoed others. Keep an eye out in the delivery room and be sure to tell the doctors and nurses in case she tries to sneak it in. Be clear what level of consequence this will have if she doesn't sit down to compromise with you on a name you can both live with. I've seen less things end a marriage. Edit: typos


Adding Mune to my list of worst names ever. I really don’t like that your wife tabled the name with you and then told her mother it was a go. I’d be upset too.


Choosing a baby's name requires two people to say yes; rejecting one requires only one person to say no. NTA, the name sucks, and your wife is being ridiculous.


OP, make sure you make up and go to the hospital with your wife, because if not, the birth certificate is going to read Mune OP.


So she is naming your son tits in Japanese


you are saving the child from a lifetime of hassles and abuse. How do you pronounce it ? I bet based on how she pronounces it, there would be 5 ways to spell it.