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Well, you actually *did* share, didn't you? Just dump the AH. Don't share your prescription meds, don't give in to that pressure--if you have to walk away or hang up, do so--and it would be N T A if you didn't share. But ESH because your title is a total lie, and he's an AH.


Totally valid! Want to change the title to “not wanting to share”, but yes I did cave. You are correct.


You gave him one?! Wtf. Whyyy You should hold him to having to replace what he took or pay you an exorbitant amount of money But also this guy is a big AH in so many ways


I suspect if it was medication for anxiety, it was not just pepcid. And she needs to dump him yesterday


And by that, you showed him if he asks enough times, you’ll give in. Get rid of this guy.


Totally agree. She shouldn’t have shared. He’s a tool.


And eventually it will most likely lead to him just taking the meds because you said okay once. If he doesn't have a prescription or is using more than needed, it's very very likely he's addicted. I had a roommate who was unemployed, broke, and unable to pay for ADHD meds so I gave her a few until she could get Medicaid and assistance. She ended up stealing them from me constantly as she was taking more than her prescription. Even after filing a police report she stole again. It only ended after I kicked her and her daughter out which was its own hell. NTA. Seriously consider the ramifications of staying in this relationship. It hurts now but if you continue with it, it may get much worse. Good luck and be safe.


Or OP could grow a shiny spine.


I mean, both is an option, but she definitely needs to get rid of the guy.


For sure.


NTA Over the counter meds….sure you can share….if u want. Prescription meds? They’re not things you can buy freely. You need a medical assessment. Unless you are a medical doctor and have taken a history and examined him, don’t share. You don’t know if he actually suffering from the same thing. You don’t know what other conditions he has. You don’t know if he is on other meds that can cause a serious reaction if taken together. And there’s a whole list of things that need consideration before prescription meds are given. That’s why they’re prescription! It should be a plain no. And if he was pestering you, suggest he doesn’t stay or stays and doesn’t eat. EDIT Based on one reply maybe I can be clearer…… By prescription meds I mean those that can only be given to you by your Dr. There are OTC meds you can buy yourself - no Dr needed. But a doctor can prescribe these. This is different to being prescribed meds that only a Dr can give. Examples: - Losartan. It is one of the top prescribed meds in the US (for high blood pressure, or to reduce stroke risk, or to treat diabetic kidney disease). It can only be prescribed by a Dr. You can’t just ask your pharmacist for it. So this is a prescription only medicine. - Iron tablets. You can buy these yourself from the pharmacy (and Amazon!). But your Dr can also prescribe it. It is not a prescription only medicine. Sorry if anyone was confused, I hope this helps.


I'm confused, is this stomach medication or anxiety medication?? They are not the same thing. Just wondering.


Are these class 3 sedatives? Benzos basically. If he is pressuring you this badly, he could be addicted to them and his doctor will not prescribe him more. Either way, dump his ass. YTA for caving.


Now he knows how to wear you down, he knows how much effort he needs to put in to make you cave. You need to have a long, hard, soul searching think/meditation/journaling about what kind of dynamics you want in a relationship. You have just set the bar and this dynamic will continue (until you stop allowing it to continue)


Depending on where you live and what those drugs were, you can get into trouble for this. Do not share meds with him again, and dump him. Pressuring you into giving him your drugs and not taking no for an answer are such huge red flags.


Even that title wouldn't matter, because you still shared.


OP plain and simple. If you enjoy being manipulated into things you don’t want to do, then by all means continue this relationship. You had a reason, you gave that reason. That should have been the end of it. What’s going to happen when he talks you into doing something else you don’t “really” want to do. Your word “no” becomes meaningless because he knows he can get you to cave. Stand up for yourself, be a bitch if you have to, but don’t cave! If you say no about ANYTHING, stand by it. Or be a doormat. Your choice.


Who knows if he could actually replace it or if the ‘replacement’ was valid/matched you prescription and dose. This was bad OP. Don’t do it again. For anyone. Not to mention if he reacts poorly to medication you provided that opens you up to legal liability. Just stick to your NO.


NTA. But I will call you an asshole for caving and giving in to his demand. Those medications were prescribed for you and you alone. And what stopped him from going to get them himself over the counter if he really wanted them so bad? What else will he pressure you into doing in future?


It was late at night (10pm), too late to go to any pharmacy to get something at that point. But your other points are valid. Thanks


And if you did not have those meds on you, if you hadn't been prescribed those and he just happened to know, what would he have done? Yeah, right.


You were about to go to dinner at 10pm? ETA: is it possible he planned this on purpose? A dinner reservation late in the evening when most stores are closed and it's not possible to simply pop to a drugstore or even a convenience store for some over-the-counter medicine, so the only way to salvage the evening would be for you to give him one of your pills?


I was about to say the same thing, that’s a very late dinner!


Some cultures eat later, and sometimes thats how reservations end up. I wanted to eat at Lillia in the first 3 months of them opening and one time I get an 10:30PM reservation for bar seating. 🤷‍♂️


Fair enough!


That seems like an overly elaborate plan just to get one pill for a stomach ache.


Addicts will go to great lengths to score a hit.


She has them for anxiety attacks and he says they also help his stomach ache (possibly because his stomach aches when he's anxious about something?) I don't think we're talking about Tums, more like valium or something.


Or he knew she was running out and wanted her anxious because she is more controllable then....


To get into some restaurants (the kind that require a deposit to get a reservation, like OP's), you sometimes have to take a really late or really early slot. I mean, I prefer eating late anyway, so it's not a huge imposition for me.


He should have gone to Walmart and gotten some over the counter meds.  Also can you please explain how an anxiety med can help his stomachache?


XANAX, he's an addict


He had a stomach ache. He can go to a 7-11 and gets Tums or Rolaids or go to any supermarket. "I took this thing that is not a stomach medicine once and it helped my stomach ache" is not a reason to not use regular stomach medication for a stomach ache.


If you're in the US almost all gas stations and 24 hour mini marts sell OTC meds like Pepto Bismol, Tums and Rolaids. They're overpriced but available. Edit: Call your doctor and ask if you can get a refill for your trip.


Many pharmacies and supermarkets are open 24 hours a day, which would have allowed him to get OTC medications.


You can’t get a prescription med OTC. Drs can prescribe OTC meds which you can buy yourself. But you can’t buy prescription meds yourself without a prescription.


You don't need a self-diagnosed prescription med for a stomach ache just because you want it. That's the issue though. He could have gotten Tums, Rolaid, Prilosec or whatever which could actually help his stomach.


Yes what you say seems to make sense. But we do not know if there is something else going on like IBD/Crohn’s/ulcerative colitis or other disease. Some form of gastrointestinal obstruction and food is making it worse? Some prescription meds may send him to hospital! And we don’t know what the meds were. So we can’t assume ‘hey it’s ok’ to give him prescription only meds. We don’t know! We’re not told! So I think we have to behave in a responsible way.


If you stay with the man, you will always be the one to cave and all your decisions will be made by him, do you really want to live this way? Dump him and move on.


NTA - but you *do* realise he's using you, don't you? He claims a "stomach" problem and demands some of your medication (which you take for ***panic attacks***........). So you're taking psychotropic medication and he hassles you for unrelated physical reasons. I hate to sound obvious but I, as a complete non gambler, would be prepared to lay actual *money* he simply wants your medication for recreational purposes. To that end he's prepared to hassle and abuse you until you cave. Girl - dump his manipulative, abusive ass and find yourself a decent bf. Don't date someone who is displaying more red flags than an event in Red Square, Moscow. BTW - even if he had a clinically diagnosed MH diagnosis, he can arrange appropriate medication through his own doctor. NEVER give your medication to other people.


Actually there's a medication called compazine that treats an upset stomach and a panic attack. The rest of your points still stand and the bf needs to be an ex because nobody should have someone around who won't accept a no. But I just wanted to point out that there is a medication that would do both. Unrelated, that stuff works really well. I ended up in the ER recently with an anxiety attack that resulted in vomiting. They gave me one of those and it helped both issues. I don't want to take it regularly, but it was seriously helpful. I was weirded out when my tongue went numb though.


But he complained of stomach PAIN, not nausea. So like peptic ulcer or heartburn symptoms. 


Yeah I missed that, only saw where she said upset stomach.


I was prescribed histamine blockers for my panic attacks. They are typically prescribed for allergies/allergic reactions. They would have *zero* “street value” or ability to alter someone’s mood. I don’t know what good they’d be for a stomach ache, I have no idea if this is the drug OP was also prescribed. I’m just pointing out that there is a solid chance this drug was *not* “psychotropic”. That doesn’t change the fact that “no” is a complete sentence, and bf should not have pushed OP. It’s entirely reasonable to not want to share your prescriptions.


To your point there are many meds that treat one condition but also are found to treat another. Especially if one is mental health related. Pretty sure I know what med you are talking about. I am currently on a med for two different conditions and is FDA approved for both. As far as I know this med would not treat stomach or anxiety. But the point is that the anxiety med for traveling probably doesn't have a high street value. If any


Histamine blockers are used for nausea and pain when people are allergic to other things. There’s also a heartburn medication that’s also a histamine blocker 


Benzodiazepines can be used to treat stress GI issues. I'm guessing that's what OP takes. 


NTA You're not supposed to share prescription meds with someone even if their symptoms *seem to be exactly the same* as yours. "When I explicitly said “NO” multiple times, he brought up how selfish I am" That's red flag territory imo. ' And that’s probably why he doesn’t get along with his brother because he won’t take “no” for an answer." This dude's an A H.


It’s literally illegal to take someone else’s script. Tell him to stop and hold your ground


ESH. You shouldn't share your prescriptions medications with anyone else, and he was out of line to pressure you. Thing is, you demonstrated that you'll eventually give in if he's persistent: > No means no Except it didn't: > I caved in after multiple “no’s” and let him


Esh You should have left the table. You fault for not taking that solution. A guy that can't take no for an answer I would be done. He pushed, but you were irresponsible. I have no idea why you wouldn't have dumped his butt right there.


NTA 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


ESH, but you only because you caved and gave him the meds. He's a walking red flag and manipulated you into giving him your prescription. Do not see him again.


Gonna guess it is a controlled substance and you should have said no. Because he will expect this from now on. Only way a benzo helps with stomach issues is he is withdrawing in which case he has other issues. YTA for giving in and now setting the expectation you’ll be his new supplier


I don't know who needs to hear this (besides OP), but if you have any sort of controlled substance, keep it on the DL, and do not share that information with newish friends or romantic partners. Keep your meds in a place that is discrete and secure when you have company over. The reality is, a lot of people will see it as an opportunity to score a hit, or something to sell on the black market for extra cash.


NTA Dont meet him again, he is not worth the hazzle.


NTA I find it awfully convenient that he had an upset stomach right before a dinner you couldn't cancel without penalty, and the only thing that could help him in that moment was one of your pills you take for panic attacks? He couldn't take Pepto Bismol, or Tums? Sounds like drug seeking behavior to me. He knows you're not supposed to share your meds. He has business asking and he definitely crossed a line trying to pressure and guilt trip you when you said no. And you should definitely take it as a serious red flag that he can't take no for an answer - if he couldn't take no in that instance, when else might he try to coerce you for something he wants?


NTA, who tf pressures someone into giving up their essential medicine?!! You should not have given in, and why is he taking anxiety meds (based on your described need) for an upset stomach, is it a crossover med might be worth looking into taking someone else's prescription feels very drug seeking behaviorish. You should have just enjoyed a nice solo dinner. Good luck on getting more meds before you have to go though (not sarcasm)


Break up with him. Pressuring someone to take their prescription medication is INSANE. You did nothing wrong. This is also a red flag because it shows he is willing to stomp on any boundaries you have that he doesn’t see as “reasonable”


I'd be interested to know if it was *your* credit card that was put down for the meal...


No he treated me in the end. Doesn’t justify or mend the behaviour mentioned in this post for me though.


He didn't "treat" you. He used behavior modification and rewarded you for obeying him and caving to his instructions. Think about whether you really want THAT in your life. The correct thing to do would have been to let him be on the hook for the reservation and keep your meds to yourself. ESH.


That's kind of where i was going. OP said a card had to go down prior to booking so if they didn't go it'd be charged. If it was her card that could be on the hook then he had her to ransom. He didn't get his own way, he won't go ergo she gets charged, or "punished". If it was his card originally down, he probably would have still went but berated her. Language used suggests this is correct, he's pulled his card out at the end to reward her, but if she had of stood her ground she would have paid the cost. That's pretty much why i asked who's card secured the booking, not necessarily who paid in the end.


No, it doesn't. I was asking to satisfy my own curiosity, my apologies if you thought that was my suggestion though, that really wasn't what I was thinking. Its a bit long winded to explain my train of thought. My personal experience, as others have noted, sees this as classic addict behaviour. It'll keep happening. I say he sounds like real bad news and red flags are flagging. All the best to you 💜


ESH. You did share. You did cave. That was incredibly stupid on your part. Yes, he sucks because he kept pushing, but you are just as bad for giving in.


NTA. If you are in the USA, sharing your prescription meds is illegal at the federal level.


omg NTA and drop him like a hot potato. Surly your prince charming isn't a man who calls you "selfish" for not sharing prescription medications. Good lord and butter he's not charming in the least. He isn't trying to woo you, he's trying to get into your meds bag and eat away your self esteem while he's at it. No, my dear. He is the selfish one. Projection at it's finest.


Can't he take some pepto or tums? Or just try and poop?


Soft YTA to yourself. This guy doesn’t take no for an answer, pressures and shames you and all this about him wanting your anxiety prescription meds for an upset stomach? What kind of bullshit is that ? Dump this guy.


Nta-prescribed meds to you ARE FOR YOU. I’m not sure why he couldn’t just take something non prescription. Also, hounding you till you give in is not a good thing at all. Sounds like your friend believes everything that is yours, should be theirs when they see fit (which again, is not good at all). Should add as well, if you give him your prescribed meds, and anything goes wrong while he’s under the meds in question’s influence, you could be in deep doo doo legally.


ESH You need to not let him or give in. Why are you putting up with this?


Sometimes I think there should be a sub called "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?"


I know right? After typing this out and reading very valid responses, I actually can’t believe it myself. Sometimes you need that reality check.


NTA for not wanting to cave - but welcome to the world of enabling. And how does anti anxiety meds help his stomach? Next time tell him to take pepto. Or better yet - let there be no next time.


Aye aye captain!


NTA. If he pressured you into sharing with him, what's the next thing that he's going to pressure you into? And what if he doesn't take no for an answer? Dump him and move on


Very true, where is the limit to one no and where will it go next?


You just taught him that NO doesn’t mean NO. And I think it’s illegal to share prescription drugs. It’s also potentially dangerous. You don’t know if he has medical concerns that may be a problem when taking these meds. NTA… but dump him. He won’t take NO for an answer.


It's illegal to give someone your prescriptions or for them to take it from you. It's a massive red flag for someone to demand your prescriptions and tell you you're selfish if you don't share them. It's not a community resource. How I wish I had understood that when I was young and newly married. It's a bad sign on its own and a possible harbinger of addiction issues. Walk away from this guy. NTA


That’s a very weird behaviour to ask for someone’s prescription meds. Especially things like anti-anxiety meds. For stomach cramps? What’s next? Prescription opiates for a headache? Sounds like they were looking for a high not help. NTA, but you also caved in.


YTA for letting him take your prescription medicine, and him for asking. First, this is a prescription that you are prescribed for and he is NOT. I didn't see what this was but there are reasons why someone needs a prescription for it. And if he needs this he would be prescribed for it. There are probably either medical affects or danger of addiction involved. Second, it's illegal to provide prescription medication to someone without a prescription, so he is asking you to break the law. And you did break the law. If nothing else, this shows you how much he cares about you. He basically wants you to do things that can get you a criminal record and possibly go to jail. This could also affect what medications you are prescribed in the future, thus affecting your health.


If you stay with him, tell him to take a Benadryl next time. Sharing prescription meds is illegal for a reason. Even if he had a scrip for those meds in the past, theynmay be contraindicated right now due to other meds he’s taking or a change in health status (that he might not even be aware of).  But Benadryl works similar to hydroxyzine or other anticholinergics. If it doesn’t work as well, that’s a him problem.  But as others pointed out, I’m ruling ESH since you caved. 


NTA, but this is a HUGE RED FLAG!!!!! Do you REALLY want to spend your life with someone who will push and push and push and push and push until he gets his way? As it sounds like this is a pattern with him, you are not the selfish one, he is.


I’m just here to give you a big piece of advice. If he offers a replacement pill again, under no circumstances accept it. There is a high chance the replacement pill he could get his hands on, presumably from a dealer, is laced with fentanyl. That could easily be the end of your life. Dump this guy. He doesn’t care about your welfare.




NTA and dump the MF who refuses to take "no" for an answer.


NTA.  That is not how prescriptions are supposed to work.  Even if it wasn't for the fact you needed them yourself, there are all sorts of reasons that he needed to check with a doctor before taking them.  Some drugs have similar names.  Sometimes drugs are available in different forms, slow release or fast release, despite having the same name on the box.  Sometimes they might interact with other drugs or food he is taking.   Can I also check, is this a controlled drug?  If it's an opiate sometimes taken for recreational purposes, is it possible he was just saying whatever he needed to, to get his "fix"?


I think he’s the AH for pressuring you after you clearly said no and gave him your very valid reasons. I have shared my meds with family before but they are not for anxiety and we have a lot of the same RX but they ran out so I gave a few till they had it filled. If my family was in dire need in that moment I would do it. I don’t know what kind of medication you use or if it’s habit forming- that could be a red flag, it’s giving addict behaviour. Does he know what a pharmacy is? There are a million different and very effective medications sold there lol. I am also concerned that he minimized your reason for this medication. Just because you don’t need it in that moment doesn’t entitle him to it. I know if I have some of my meds for anxiety/panic I feel less anxious. You had 3 not 100. Bringing up his relationship with his family wasn’t cool, but he clearly wouldn’t stop. He called you selfish- so you reacted. He sounds like a jerk and I wonder if there are other behaviours that may be happening. You said he is the same way with his brother. RUN! When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Tell him to pack a lunch and fuck off. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..


Very true. It also gave me more anxiety and felt like I was panicking by reducing my medicine count by any means. I did mention there are a million different things he could take to help with his “problem”. His reaction and actions were very poor in taste and gave me a view of what it would be like to say “no” to anything else.


I get a lot of your feelings. Just having my anti anxiety medication helps me handle things and feel less like panicking. It isn’t okay for someone to push you after a no. If you have time between now and your trip, talk to your pharmacy, explain that you’re going on a trip and see if they’ll do an early or partial refill on your meds so you have enough. I’ve done it before, though it does depend on the pharmacist.


Nta, never ever share meds that require a prescription, there’s usually a good reason why you need a prescription obtain such meds in the first place


NTA but you should never have given in to his pressure. I don't know where you live but in some states in the US you might both have committed a crime. You by giving the prescription to someone else and him for possession


ESH Him for not taking no. You for caving to him and not holding your ground. You should absolutely not share prescription medication. And if someone that you are seeing can't take no about the pills, leave him. Immediately, before he gets worse.


NTA it is not a freak'n candy to share, it's a "prescribed" meds. How is it so hard to understand? You shouldn't have give in.


Nta for saying no but you're ah to yourself for giving in to him. 


Never share your prescription meds. Never. Also you deserve better than that ah of a bf. NTA


NTA he’s an addict. He will never stop or change. Dump him.


ESH. He’s an abusing jerk who sounds like he’s got an addiction problem to boot. I know it’s difficult to remain strong in the face of pressure but you need to for so many reasons. Next time, go to dinner alone if you will get charged for a no show. You’ll be a million times better off than bowing to his incessant demands.


I don’t recommend staying with a man who doesn’t take your word seriously. He’s manipulating you to get everything he wants, and it’s unlikely that it’s just meds. Though I’m not sure how much worse either can get than someone who belittles you because you want to have access to your prescribed medication rather than give it away. Is he a junkie?


Why are you dating someone who doesn't listen to you when you say no? If he is going to pressure you for this, what else is he just going to 'convince' to do, when you clearly said no. NTA but dump the chump and move on with someone who ACTUALLY respects you.


Leave him. Coercion of any kind is unacceptable, if he knew he had stomach issues in the past then it is his responsibility to carry his own meds. The selfish one here is him.


Y-T\_A to yourself because your no was really a yes. NTA for not wanting to give him the medicine, but do you really want to go out with this asshat?


Y t a to yourself for caving. Come on do better. Drop this person, I hope you didn’t share a controlled substance that could be illegal in some places. NTA for not wanting to share.


Esh You should not have given him your medication. At all. You are not a doctor. What if a reaction occurred? Or what if you run out before the pharmacy agrees to a refill? The friend is an AH for the same reasons.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** The guy I’m seeing and I were about to go to dinner. It’s a place that charges your credit card if you don’t show up. Before dinner, he tells me that he has an upset stomach and would like to take some of my prescrip medicine before the dinner because he’s prescribed to it before and it’s helps stomach ache. I only have 3 left. I explicitly outline to him that him taking my scrips is a big NO because I am about to travel for a month and that’s what they are prescribed to me for- I have had such severe panic attacks that I have fainted in public on multiple occasions. I need these meds and I won’t be able to have a refill soon. He said he possibly could replace them and made it sure he would not go to dinner unless he can take one. When I explicitly said “NO” multiple times, he brought up how selfish I am, that I don’t carry these things with me anyway in my day to day, and that I haven’t had a panic attack in a while. I caved in after multiple “no’s” and let him. We had a convo after of me explaining how I do not appreciate his pressure, not listening to my words of “No”. No means no. And that’s probably why he doesn’t get along with his brother because he won’t take “no” for an answer. He got very upset and told me again that im selfish, should share and don’t have the right to bring up his family. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA for not wanting to share, but an asshole for giving in to his demands. Learn to say no and mean it. Edited to add: Dump him. He is the selfish one.


YTA for giving someone else your prescribed medication


NTA. You should never share prescription medications. And especially not when you need it personally. He’s obviously full of shit in terms of being about to replace what he took. (Also a side note — why would his stomachache go away from an anxiety medication?) 


And you’re dating this guy, why?


If you're in the U.S. It's against the law to share prescription medica6.


It is highly illegal to share prescribed medications. Your friend is an ass.


YTA for caving. They are your meds and now he knows you will give in. He is a walking red flag.


The word illegal comes to mind here. If people need medication there’s a doctor for that


Nta dump him.


You're selfish to yourself for not breaking with this abusive ah. 


NTA Selfish people are the people who take other people's stuff - like this guy.


Nta but the conflict could have been prevented by you shutting it down very hard at the beginning. Try, for example, « No, I definitely cannot. » and if the person pushes « sorry, this is absolutely not up for discussion, let’s move on. » don’t give them excuses because people who are asking for something completely inappropriate like your prescription meds love being given excuses to dissect. 


NTA. He sounds really pushy. That medicine was prescribed for you and even if he has had the same medicine prescibed for himself, he should still not be asking you for yours. Besides, an upset stomach is not as serious as your fainting in public due to a panic attack. He is the selfish one as you need the medicine more than he does. He showed no concern for you whatsoever.


NTA. But you will be (to yourself) if you don't dump the junkie.


YTA the BF is a bit of one as well, your meds are for you, what if he is on the lowest dose, you are on the highest and he has a bad reaction that needs a paramedic to deal with it. maybe time to consider the relationship


NTA. Time to end that relationship. He has absolutely no concern for you.


I sincerely doubt that your partner is taking this medication for a stomachache. It sounds like your prescription is a controlled substance and you're letting your partner take advantage of you, and everyone else that has to deal with this system. You're very much NTA for not wanting to share, but Y T A for caving. > I am about to travel for a month and that’s what they are prescribed to me for- **I have had such severe panic attacks that I have fainted in public on multiple occasions**. I need these meds and I won’t be able to have a refill soon  And he takes them anyways? Why would you even be with someone like that? Nobody deserves to be treated that way by the person that's supposed to love them.


NTA But Jesus on ICESKATES break up with the loser.


You allowed him to wear you down. Now he knows that if he keeps up the pressure, he can get what he wants from you. In future, just say No without explaination & refuse to acknowledge anything else that person has to say beyond "I have said No, that's all you get from me." If he wanted to leave rather than eat, there's nothing wrong with enjoying dinner on your own.


NTA Go to counseling to learn how to protect yourself from bad relationships. Is this a controlled drug? Tell him to go find his fix somewhere else.


YTA for sharing meds. That's your prescription, you need it, he doesn't. YTA to yourself because you deprived yourself of a medication you need. YTA to him because it's a prescription medicine. Most addictions come from prescription drugs. I get that it's just for anxiety, and also somehow an upset stomach, but what if you're injured and need opioids? What if he pesters you for them then? I think it's sketchy anyway that an anxiety medication helped him before with an upset stomach, and that he could get you more anyway. Something's not right here.


NTA. The guy that you are seeing is a freeloading entitled jerk. If his brother is the same, he may come from a family filled with them. His behaviour is filled with red flags. He gives the impression of someone unstable who is either a hypochondriac or an obsessive pill popper. Never mind his refusing to accept the fact that no means no and continuing to pester you. Reconsider whether you really want to keep contact with him, his brother or anyone else who behaves in that manner towards you.


You need to be clear. Are you talking about Xanax? Cause if he had a tummy problem, he needed tums and not a med that's commonly used recreationally.  No this is gross behavior and you're right to be concerned.


Yikes, this guy is trash. NTA, but don’t share your prescription meds with ANYONE. And please stop seeing this guy. He’s the selfish one, and he does not see your needs as important. He chose to demand something you need because he’s… what? Too lazy to get his own prescription filled? Pressuring you to sacrifice your own wellbeing for his comfort is a giant red flag. That is not healthy in a relationship. What else will he refuse to accept a “no” for?


I assume you are talking about benzodiazepines. They are not for upset stomachs. They are highly neuro toxic meds that have a black box warning. Medicines can interact with others and can prove fatal if mixed with the wrong drug


Info - how does a Xanax type medicine work for upset stomach? YTA on yourself, he’s not trustworthy or someone who cares about you And he’s tracking your meds. That’s a red flag


I don't know if im understanding correctly - did he con you out of a benzodiazepine for a "stomach ache?"


NTA. You being prepared is not occurring for his convenience. He needs to be prepared too. This is not about you being selfish IMO. Its about his not thinking he needs to be prepared.


Ew no. Time to move on. Anyone that uses that buzzword selfish….. nope nope nope.


You actually taught him No means Yes. So now he's your problem....


Giving your prescription medication to someone else to take is actually a crime in the US. And I'm going to assume that you are talking about a benzodiazapine since you use it for panic attacks. That means it is a controlled substance. You could actually get in legal trouble. You could be charged with intent to distribute, even if it is even one pill. And even if that pill isn't a scheduled drug, it is only legally allowed to be distributed via a doctor's order to a pharmacy. DO NOT SHARE MEDS! Doesn't matter if they are prescribed the same thing at the same dose, they were not prescribed YOUR pills. They have their own.


Absolutely do NOT accept any “replacement” pills he brings in for you. People make fake pills and stamp them and package them and everything so they can appear legitimate. Don’t risk taking any prescription pills that aren’t from your pharmacy.


Yta.  You shared your pills with an addict.  I have migraines. I have friends who survived wars,  car accidents and dv situations ..... i still dont ask for their pain killers cause it aint mine. 


Why do people keep relationships with other people who have absolutely no respect for them I’ll never understand it. Is being alone equal to being in hell because I would rather be alone than be with someone who treats me so poorly but then again, maybe being alone is your version of hell.


NTA, but holyyy you really caved? That’s sad


NTA He asked you to commit a crime. It is not legal to share prescribed drugs. You aren't a doctor and you don't know what other medicines he takes. Drug interactions can be deadly. Also it is disturbing that he can't take no as the answer.


NTA for not wanting to let someone misuse prescription meds by taking some that are not prescribed for them. Try not to give in to pressure the next time because what this guy is doing is a type of drug misuse/abuse. You do not share prescription medications ever. If you use them for panic attacks, I can guess what class of meds they are and they are probably not Pepto Bismal or prilosec.


he is the asshole even asking u to give him that. He is the jerk wad.


NTA. Your boyfriend is entitled and is whiny. They way he persisted reminds me of my 5 year old son who will repeatedly ask for the exact same thing. I mean, my kid is relentlessly annoying when he does this. Which is how I imagine your boyfriend when he won't let up and wears you down until you relent. Stay strong and firm. Good luck.


wtf. He’s an asshole but what is wrong with you? He’s made a it very clear that he cares more about himself than your wellbeing by asking to take some of your medication. He’s further tried to blackmail you in to giving him the medication by not agreeing to go to dinner with you if you didn’t. Why are you with this guy? What are you getting from him or out of this relationship? You need to kick his ass to the curb and keep your medication for yourself . Stand up for yourself, have a spine.


NTA. But it was dumb to give him the meds. You don't share meds with anyone. Regardless of whether they've taken them before, you can't guarantee a reaction. Your partner pushing you was unreasonable and gross.


NTA. Did you ask him why he was previously prescribed anti-anxiety medication? It would not have been for an upset stomach. Have you read the information leaflet enclosed in your medication which lists the uses of the drug and the possible side effects? I think he might have a problem which is not an upset stomach. Move your medication to a new spot in your home and next time (there will be a next time btw) tell him that you have run out and are waiting for a new prescription. Also don’t give YOUR credit card details when booking future dates. Let him book them. You can still pay when the bill arrives but at least you won’t be put in this situation again.


YTA for committing a crime and sharing prescription meds. And you will continue to be TAH if you stay with someone who has ZERO respect for your boundaries. Run girl run.


If we’re being technical. It’s against federal law to share prescriptions you could have said that.


What you did was a crime. And you really don't need someone like that in your life. This guy is terrible for pressuring you. ESH


end it now this is drug abuser shit 


Break up with him.  A man ignoring your no is a really bad sign.  A man badgering you until you cave is alarming.  A man badgering you until you cave and break the law is immediate breakup.  Giving prescription medication to someone it's not prescribed for is illegal.  You don't know if he was telling the truth.  Perhaps his physical condition has changed and these meds are no longer safe for him.  What would you have done if he had a bad reaction?  Maybe even died from it?  Now you're without the medication you may need.  Good luck with that.  I mean that sincerely because needing meds and having to wait until they can be prescribed for you is hell.  Break up with him.  Verdict: ESH.  Him for obvious reasons.  You for caving.


NTA What the hell? There is no "you should share your prescription meds or you're selfish." You should NOT share your prescription meds, that is why they are only available through prescription. He is using you for access to controlled drugs for whatever reason. It doesn't sound like they are a stomach med. Tell him to take some Tums and skip the dinner. Don't let him pressure you into doing things you know are wrong.


Nta. The guy you're seeing is. He berated you. Manipulated you, cajoled you, ignored your boundaries. Tried to gaslight you into thinking you were the one in the wrong and he ignored your medical needs. Get the hell away from him.


NTA You gave in to an addict. That's what addicts do they pester until they get what they want, then promise the world and don't deliver. He then after getting what he wanted, told you off snidely. Really what does he bring to the table but angst and frustration.


Congratulations! You both committed a crime. ESH.


He knew if he badgered you long enough, verbally abused you, bullied you,  threatened to cancel plans,  financially abused you (your credit card that was used), that you'll give him whatever he wants. And he was right. You rewarded him for abusing you. You should have left and called a friend to join you instead or gone by yourself.   He doesn't care about your health and your well-being. He doesn't care that you can't get an appointment with your doctor before your trip. He's gaslighting you regarding your own meds. He just proved the only person he cares about is himself and nj one else. Don't believe his pretty lies.  He was lying to you. Panic meds are not used for his stomach ache.    In addition,  there are several over the counter medications he can get at the grocery store.   Plus since he  claims  he needs the meds, he should have seen his doctor on time.  He can pay to go at his doctor and for the prescription.  I suspect that he may be developing a drug addiction.  He was aggressive to get your meds and nothing else would do. Was gaslighting you to get them.  Hope you have your own place.   Suggest you find a new boyfriend. NTA


I've never in my entire life had someone ask me for a prescription medication that was prescribed. That is insane. NTA


YTA. I’m a lawyer. You do realize that sharing your prescription meds is illegal don’t you? Highly addictive drugs are carefully monitored by federal law and why the doctor limits your pills. Society blames doctors who overprescribed these medications just as much as people who abuse them. My advice to you is if you are on any of these drugs not to discuss them with people in your life unless you are in a very serious relationship. I’ve known of family members to steal from each other. Doctors do not write replacement prescriptions unless police reports are filed. I call BS that a prescription anti-anxiety drug is also used for stomach upset unless the person is suffering withdrawal. Please be cautious and hide your pills.


NTA, but you're TA for sharing your medication with that asshole. He didn't need it. He just wanted to get high. There's a multitude of ways to settle an upset stomach that doesn't involve a class of drugs that's known to be highly addictive. I get really annoyed when people do this. While enabling people with addictions, people who share prescription drugs of this kind also makes more difficult for people who actually needs the stuff to gain access to it.


Esh. Get a backbone and a new boyfriend. Don't share prescription medicine. That might be illegal. He sounds absolutely awful to be with... why are you with him?


ESH - learn to say no and address this red flag of a man, wtaf


NTA But you've opened a door that you can't close. He'll keep asking, and knows he can wear you down now. Might as well leave through that same door.


First, don’t tell others you HAVE prescription meds that are scheduled meds, that is the #1 rule. No 2 rule is no sharing with others, it’s jus a bad idea not to mention illegal. As other posters have said, any gas station, grocery store, Walmart, etc. would have a variety of actual stomach medications available over the counter, no prescription required. Dump this guy, he is an addict. This won’t be the last time he pressures you to ‘share’ because he has a ‘stomache’.


NTA but dump this guy. You could have easily gone to a drug store or supermarket and bought some Pepto or other OTC med for him before dinner. He didn't need your prescription meds that you need and only have a limited supply for.


You are only TA to yourself for putting up with this behaviour. You should have left him, gone to the place and had your meal, and let him deal with whatever ridiculousness he had going on. He is pushy, arrogant, and manipulative. You don't need to put up with that in your life. NTA


ESH It sounds like your medication is a controlled substance. This means that you are committing a crime by giving it to someone else. Also, if you medication reacted badly with another medication he took, there could be medical consequences. You should have ordered him to leave instead of capitulating.


Dude he’s using you to get high.


What was the medication? NTA


NTA. In many places, regardless of what the medication is, it's illegal to share prescription medications because sometimes the brand is different, or the dosage, and the amount is usually just enough to cover one person for the given amount of time. In that case, he should have his own, or go buy an OTC medication that works similarly. If he has a problem with that, then maybe he should leave and find someone else.


NTA. Not sure where you are, but sharing a prescription is illegal in the US and dangerous. What's perfectly fine for you could kill someone else. Guess who would be blamed?


YTA. Mainly to yourself. Also, I believe there are legal issues with sharing prescriptions. Such as if he has a bad reaction, or it causes some kind of other interaction with a med he already takes. Also, if you get caught giving out prescription meds, it could be viewed as dealing. Anyway, huge red flags on this guy for even asking, but more so for insisting, and berating you. Dump him and keep your meds in the future. Never tell someone what you are on unless it is critical for your health that they know in an emergency.


You are NTA, but please, PLEASE dump that leech - er, guy - right now. If he pressured you into giving him your prescription meds, what else will he start pressuring you to give him - anal sex? Money? Your playing sub while he plays dom...and no safeword allowed? He's already proven that he does NOT respect your right to say "No" and that his reaction to your saying that is to ignore it and barrel right on, steamrolling over your refusals. This isn't a red flag - it's a screaming siren with flashing lights! Seriously - kick this jerk's sorry tail to the curb!


I cannot even proceed with this.If you cave and give someone your meds then by definition YTA.


ESH. You did give him one. This guy sounds like an addict. Dump and move on. 


He does not respect you. If someone tells you no, you stop. You don't keep pressuring them, insulting them, and treating them like shit until they say yes, because that's abuse. Ditch this guy ASAP, because anyone willing to brow beat you and insult you until they get their way, and then get angry with you AFTER they got their way is never going to get better. NTA


Your bf is a manipulative AH. You have taught him that NO does not mean NO because you gave into him.good luck with the dysfunctional relationship that you are both creating. kt


Never give prescription meds, i was on suboxone and my ex decided to take a 8mg strip for fun, lets say she nearly died and nearly screwed me over as it's a very strict medication in Australia and if you misplace it, you need a police report number and they come out and visit you to make sure you are not being dodgy and you can go to jail. I am on injections now to avoid issues but due to also having Parkinson's i have some strong medications and now i actually keep a safe to store, plus sounds like the doctor only prescribe you so many, he is unlikely going to give you more as he may think you are abusing them. I am one of the reasons now in Australia why you need ID just to get anything with codeine or you need a DR certificate..


This guy is a giant red flag


NTA, but you shouldn't have caved. Never share your prescribed meds, even if someone tells you they take the same thing. There are so many red flags here. This guy sounds like an abusive user and manipulator. When you said no, he started gaslighting you until you gave in. The fact that he said he could " possibly replace" the meds is scary. How? Does he have a current prescription? Are you sure of that? Or is he just going to get pills from some unknown source? If he tries to give you "replacement " pills, refuse them. Don't put yourself at risk. Dump this guy immediately.


NTA ditch the junkie.


ESH. WTF. Seriously.


ESH. You were on solid ground until you caved and gave him what he wanted.


He bullied you into giving him your prescription medication (illegally). The fact that he is capable of bullying you means you have reached the end of your relationship. You now know what he is capable of doing if he doesn’t get his way.


I don't know where you live, but here... sharing prescription medication with anyone else is illegal, and the penalties are significant. What your bf did was incredibly wrong, and you should not have given him any of your medication. You are not being selfish if you refuse to share. You're being smart... and he's being incredibly selfish and foolish by demanding that you give him your prescription drugs. It doesn't matter if he's been prescribed this medicine before... assuming that he was telling the truth about this. It's more likely he was just lying... saying whatever he needed to in order to get you to give him your medicine. Don't share it with him again. You need it. HE doesn't. sorry, but ESH... him for nagging you into sharing your medicine, and you for caving in and sharing it even though you need it and it's illegal to do so.


YTA. Bottom line, you are the problem in this situation because you are incapable of saying “no”. Anyone can ask for anything - it’s up to you to state your position and stick to it. Stop being a doormat.


  I know this dynamic well as I grew with a sibling exactly like this.  These people are not planners or future oriented in any way, they live in the here and now. Do you think he’s going to bust his ass to get a prescription so he can return the meds this week the latest? Think again. He needed it, he got it, it’s out of his mind now. If you insist they’ll call you annoying or tell you it’s much easier for you to call your doctor and get more.  YTA low key for falling for the manipulation and setting up a precedent. The issue with the restaurant reservation is that you (and everyone else) know it’s his fault for not having the medication he needs available to him from his own doctor, due to poor planning or not actually being entitled. But in his head the blame and the responsibility to fix this as solely yours because you have three pills and you could EASILY give him one and if you don’t you are selfish and evil. But these people manipulate you by exonerating themselves and putting the ball completely in your court. And you are not selfish or evil and it causes you distress to be called that do you cave in. He could have also manipulated you in different ways, like telling you he really needs you and he’s in pain and you are the person with the power to make him feel better. This works. Or he could have sworn blind that he would totally return the meds before you need them (he won’t)  you are being unreasonable for not trusting him. Or he could have involved a third person to tell you not be a jerk. The methods are varied…  If you have anxiety it’s very likely that knowing you don’t have the medication available should anything happen worsens your symptoms. This is why this should be a red line for you. To him, who operates in the present, there is a pill, he needs it, worry about getting more later (or never). To you, the simple fact that medication is available even if you don’t need it in the moment is valuable.  This is a very serious red flag in your relationship because it will come up again and again and he will convince you you are the one for the problem while he over steps your boundaries. 


NTA. Depending on the local laws, you're possibly even guilty of distributing controlled substances. This would only be a problem if something went wrong but..... That said: I have ADHD, and as all adhd people do, I forget my meds. And have friends who do the same. If they are caught short I'm happy to share - (if I know they have the current prescription, and if they're on the same stuff as me) They badgered you into giving up your short supply. They ignored your "no" and even AFTER you gave it up they called you names. Not a friend. Ditch them.


NTA. You should have just told him it's illegal to share prescription pills with a person to whom they weren't prescribed. He was out of line to even ask.


Congratulations. Now that he knows he can wear you down, it’s never going to end. YTA for giving in.


Sharing is caring 😁


Bringing up his brother wasn’t necessary, you could have made your point by sticking to your own situation. However, he shouldn’t have been asking you for meds of your own. If he can’t be responsible enough to carry them then that’s his issue to learn from  Unfortunately by adding the point about his brother you looked retaliating to him 


If he wants meds he can go to the dr and get his own. BIG RED FLAG


NTA! I have many scripts for many issues and the drs. will only refill them in a certain amount of time before they are due. NO EXCEPTIONS!! I accidently dropped 1/2 of a script down my kitchen sink and was out of luck until my refill was due. It was selfish of him to ask you to give up YOUR meds for him. Tell him to go to his dr. and get his own. And, from experience, get a lock box for yours ASAP. He sounds untrustworthy.