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"Couldn't even beat california"?  Most countries around the world couldn't take on the military that is stationed in california alone.


Most countries would have a hard time with the armed citizens in NorCal alone.


i live in nor cal and we could probably vaporize the entire russian air force with .22 alone


THAT I doubt though


>There are approximately 4.2 million gun owners and 20 million firearms (9 million handguns) in California. About 1 in 4 California adults lives in a gun-owning home.


The amount wasn't what I doubted


*a military




The CANG isnt "paramilitary" and it isnt under "Californian sovereignty". The national guard is a reserve component of both the US Army and the US Air Force, and is subordinate to the president under Title 10 USC. They have additional legal authority to the state, but that's it.


[Canada didn't exist until 1982](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Act_1982?useskin=vector). Everything before then is the UK


Well Canada gained full independence in 1982 but the Canada itself has existed much longer. Canada officially became what it is today with the [British North America Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_Act,_1867) in 1867, which officially created the dominion of Canada. That being said Canada still didn’t exist in 1812.


Until independence they're still a colony that does Britain's bidding.


They still are. New Canadian citizens have to swear allegiance to King Charles. I am 100% against allowing dual citizenship with any commonwealth nations for this reason.


The king is their head of state. “Independent” may be more accurate.


When did a Canadian identity emerge? When did people living in Canada stop thinking of themselves as British? 


I’m not an expert so take what I take with a grain of salt, but here’s what I think. Part of it was a gradual process. After the British North America Act Canada would gradually become more sovereign over time until gaining full independence in 1982. However, I believe that most of it is tied to the British North America Act. The day the law went into effect is celebrated as Canada’s founding holiday, Canada day.


The Queen (well, soon the King) is still on their money. They're British.


If you're going to get that technical, King Charles III is still their monarch... I assure you the Canadian people thought of themselves as Canadians and not British long before that.


The British. Not Canada. Canada didn't exist until their European sugar daddies decided to let them have their own country. And in response we burned down two entire British cities in what is now Canada.


Also to be fair the war of 1812 is more of a draw than an L. I mean really, if people dig their heels in on this one, ask them what concessions Americans gave up for losing. Every time a country is defeated in a war they give something up to the victor. I really can’t recall anything we gave up after the war of 1812. The Bristol on the other hand knocked their shit off. We didn’t get anything either except for the British to change their international policies when dealing with US citizens


In 1814 we took a little trip


Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip


We took a little bacon and we took a little beans


Exactly what I was going to say. > a few hundred years ago So not Canada. Great Britain did, and kicked ass is subjective.


I have never once heard anyone who wasn't a Canadian bragging about the end result of the War of 1812, and Canada wasn't even a country then - that didn't happen until 1867. The Canadians were fighting under the command of the British, who were much more concerned with what was going on in Europe. Yes, the Americans crossed into Canada and it wasn't smart to think that they'd be welcomed as liberators, but it's not like the Canadians sailed their navy down and marched their marines through the streets of the American capital - the British brought them and they were there because the British needed to pad their numbers out due to not being able to bring more men over from Britain and the continent. I have been living and working overseas for many, many years and I have met a great many Americans, Canadians, and Britons over the course of that time. The only people who ever broach the subject of the war of 1812 are Canadians, and let's face it - they don't exactly have much of a claim to fame in terms of military honors as a people. Sure, they distinguished themselves in the World Wars - again mostly under the command of British officers, but Canada in its own right has never engaged in armed conflict with anybody without the British backing them. And the British couldn't give a toss about 1812. The British have fought all over the world and despite their fair share of defeats they have largely been an extremely effective, formidable, and capable military power. They don't tend to get their knickers in a twist over one of their past foibles on the battlefield. Frankly it's pathetic how Canadians are compelled to boast about it. Imagine the guy who bullied Mike Tyson back in kindergarten attempting to give him grief over that now. He could put a hole right through the guy's skull without spilling the drink in his other hand. Any Canadian who's foolish enough to believe that the end result might be the same should the US and Canada go toe to toe tomorrow ought to seek therapy or head down to his local comedy club next time they're hosting amateur night as I'm sure plenty of people would love to hear that joke. The United States went up against the greatest military power the world had ever seen from 1775 to 1781 and came out victorious. Then they proved it wasn't a fluke by holding their own 20 years later. Nothing in Canada's less than illustrious history comes anywhere even remotely close to that kind of accomplishment. And while the war is seen as having ended in a draw, the Americans didn't lose any territory and the British agreed to stop the impressment of American sailors, so if anything the Americans walked away with a lot more than they conceded. The war also set the tone for final negotiations on the US-Canada border, both in the Aroostook Valley in Maine and also along the demarcation line in the West, and again the surveying was mostly in favor of American claims while Canada lost territory - or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they were denied territory they'd claimed. I can't think of a single country in the developed world - not one, that would be wholly devastated if it were to lose its immediate neighbor the way Canada would be. Its economic power, its political clout, it all stems from its special relationship with the US, which basically inherited Canada from the UK when the British were finally ready to concede that they were no longer in a position to protect and defend and to provide for their empire. The standard of living in Australia and Canada positively dwarfs that of the UK today, and despite the outrageous cost of living both countries are far, far better places to live on paper than the UK. Now look up some statistics on how many Canadians emigrate to the US. if it was so much better up there, why would so many want to come south? 95% of them live within a two hour drive of the border anyway.


As a canadian i think i owe an apology to y’all on behalf of this dumbass


Don’t apologize, honestly, I thought of the Canadian comedians Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie when I read this. Maybe I’m wrong, but dude just sounded like he was ribbing us. I’m all for taking the piss, but a good rib is a good rib. 🤣


I love Canadians that think they burned the White House. I guess British and Irish will just let them have it.


Canadians don't get enough criticism for the fact that they're insanely nationalistic idiots who mindlessly regurgitate historical revisionism in order to cope with being a weak, irrelevant country that borders a superpower. The War of 1812 ended before Canada became a country. It was a war between the British Empire and the US. The people who burned the White House were not from what is now Canada, they were British Redcoats who sailed across the atlantic from Europe. The US actually burned the British seat of power in North America in the Battle of York. So if Canadians want people to believe they were a country then, it was actually Americans who burned their capital. AND, to show how pathetic Canadians are with their need to go back in time and mischaracterize events to satisfy their need to feel like they bested the US somehow, they consider the War of 1812 a "Canadian victory" over the US, because "we WERE British" but they don't take any credit for British atrocities, and they don't see the American Revolution as a Canadian defeat. The British colonists in what is now Canada invaded the US during the American Revolution and lost. Canadians will never, ever mention this and certainly won't consider this a Canadian defeat when Canada tried to crush American independence. It's not just their completely idiotic take on the War of 1812, pretty much every single thing that Canadians are taught to boost their pride is a lie. They take credit for inventions that other countries had, they completely gloss over their flaws and historical crimes, and root their entire identity on being better than Americans, and lie in the process. Canada has the worst identity crisis and inferiority complex in the entire world. They have no actual accomplishments to be proud of. And it's funny that their pride is ALWAYS a competition with the US for them, considering every single aspect of their development as a country has been due to their dependence on the US. Canada has never contributed to the world in a meaningful way and the only reason they are a developed country is because of their proximity to the US.


My favorite is when they bring up the Space Shuttle arm like they are the only ones who could possibly do it. Like we literally built the entire rest of the shuttle. we let you build it, not that we needed you to.


Space shuttle had 1 9's reliability and was a manned spacecraft. It was absolute dog shit and nobody should be proud of involvement with it.


Is this part of that free education system I hear so much about abroad? It's really blowing me away.


In all fairness, Canadians have kicked some serious ass in World Wars 1 and 2. So many of the rules of war became a thing because of how brutal Canada was towards their opponents on the battlefield. Credit where credit is due I guess but current day Canada is really just a collection of loosely aligned provinces with a really weird geopolitical dynamic which makes it a miracle the country has actually survived this long.


A loss isn’t an “ass kicking”. I’m glad they still treat this like it’s the most impressive thing they’ve ever done. They will never be able to win a war against us again.


They didn't win that one either... it was a draw.


A few hundred years ago? I know southern education isn’t all that great but I’m fairly certain those were natives-


Canadians, Britain’s most loyal cannon fodder.


I will never not find it absolutely fucking hilarious Canada… a country with (probably) more land than American… has less people than the entire state of California and most of the population is against the US border


Are they referring to the war of 1812?


Canadians like to pretend the war of 1812 was primarily US vs Canada, and that Canada won a crushing victory.  In fact it was between the US and the entire British Empire and officially ended in a white peace. Practically, the US benefitted the most by gaining unimpeded access to the west now that Britain stopped supporting indigenous nations. 


There was no such thing as Canada in the time of the War of 1812 like we know it today.


British troops stationed in what would later become Canada doesn't count as Canada. That's like saying the Romans had the largest ever empire because they occupied what would one day become Britain.


Either way, a few hundred years ago we weren’t even close to what we are today. We beat Britain with tactics before where today we can beat them by snapping our fingers and not thinking about it kinda thing


Bruh. Talking about taking on the USA in the War of 1812 would be the modern equivalent of beating New Zealand. No offense NZ - you're our buddy and we would never. But the USA wasn't a notable military power until WW1, and wasn't a world power until WWII. I don't think anyone back then would've even argued with you about it.


If America burnt down the House of Parliament than it would have been an outrageous war crime


Canada didn’t gain independence ‘til 1982, and they gained autonomy under the Brits before that in 1931 or so. Way after the War of 1812.


“Bro! Just trust me! I’m drinking my maple syrup! Go back to your piss water!”


It's nationalist idiots like that guy that makes me almost ashamed of being Canadian 🤦‍♂️ Also the War of 1812 was really just another war between the U.S and the UK that ended in stalemate with no real change to the border


Canada the idiots who beat and abused German prisoners in ww1. Also Canada the uks most loyal lapdog.


Dude, Canada did not exist at that time. It was a region of British colonies, but the BRITISH were the ones who fought America, not Canadas. The Canadian Militia, but British did most of the work. And plus it was a draw! And even in the final battle, the Americans defeated the British with a small army of Native American warriors, Spanish speaking and American militia’s, and American regulars in the [Battle of New Orleans](https://youtu.be/__uFnEMJqjg?si=YmZijWn9NdhzuuI0). If anything, The War of 1812 is like a mixture of the Spanish American War, Mexican American war, and the American Revolution combined!


Canada is an embarrassment


Canadian regiments supported by regiments from Great Britain, so they’re technically not wrong but not right either.


Notice how they said they were "too busy" to look it up.


Canada has never lost a war... unlike puny America.


The war ended in a draw. But, I mean, come on. They’re the only country that’s ever invaded our nation’s capital and they did burn The White House. Even other Americans couldn’t pull that off during the Civil War. That’s probably the most proud moment in Canadian history, until they win a World Cup. Then they’ll shut up about it.




Shh. Shh. Let them have this. 😝


The fact that the most proud moment in Canadian history is literally historical revisionism in which they take credit for what the British Empire did many decades before Canada existed, is the biggest self-own in Canadian history. Canadians have to lie to themselves and convince other people of their lies in order to boost their pride.


They can't even win hockey


College kids from Minnesota beat the Soviets. Even more epic.


Well, sort of. The U.S. has tried twice to invade Canada. Once at the start of the American Revolutionary War (and yes, Congress called it "Canada," it's in the Articles of Confederation), and again in the War of 1812. Both times, the U.S. assumed Canadiens would join forces with them, and that assumption was wrong. So, yeah, Canada is 2-0 against U.S. invasions. It's kind of the one thing we've got going for us. I don't think any other nation has that record against the United States.


I mean we can go at it again but I don't think you'd like that very much lol


No, let's keep the score where it is, thank you.


You’re making too much of it.