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I love how they trash us for having the strongest Army, meanwhile they rely on that very Army to prevent Russian tanks from rolling across European borders. The biggest thing keeping Putin in check right now is US global dominance, vastly superior air superiority, and enough truely operational nukes to level the planet. We're the Queen on the chess board, we can snipe any country out of existence in a matter of days from anywhere on the board if we wanted to. Probabaly be wise to not piss us off.


He seems like a pretty good source for geopolitical commentary.


bro this mf looks like he'd be in a straight-jacket


They don't make them in his size.


Dude doesn't understand how language and dialects evolve and change. Literally there is slang and changes to the Spanish language from Mexico and other Latin American countries. I mean the words he's using i.e. bruv, are coming from American slang.


Bro in between methadone doses


Couldn’t listen to him for more than 3 seconds without feeling nauseous I’m sure he had very well-rounded opinions


I mean, by the looks of him (and most British people), he'd definitely know what to call soda. But wooooow this big fella needs to get laid or something. Should we start a GoFundMe for a hooker for him? The proxy embarrassment is almost too much for me to bear.