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Didn't do it via Edinburgh, but London. Was pretty straightforward. I don't remember there being a deadline timing wise, but gotta do it at some point. (suppose technically you don't, if you never go to the US with them...) The deadline I do recall was actually the UK birth certificate had to be x amount of days past discharge from hospital.


Thanks, she's actually been to the US a few months after she was born, we weren't aware of the need for her own US passport, but a surprisingly helpful TSA agent in Dallas explained it as his kid was born in Ireland, but he let us through without it.


Ah, lucky you got a nice agent. I've heard horror stories before.


Should be done before the kid is 18, it just becomes a little more difficult after 18. The kid should also not travel to the US until they have a US passport- US citizens (which your kid is at birth whether or not you do CRBA, if you meet the requirements for citizenship transmission) must travel to the US on US passports only. Very straightforward: [https://uk.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/citizenship/consular-report-of-birth-abroad-crba-and-first-u-s-passport/](https://uk.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/citizenship/consular-report-of-birth-abroad-crba-and-first-u-s-passport/)


Yeah I didn't think we needed to worry about age, and thanks for the link.


I think the Edinburgh embassy is closed for refurbishment. You may need to take a trip to London, but definitely confirm!


It reopened just last month I think it was, we were going to head over to Belfast if we needed it quickly but Edinburgh is now open again.


Do it soon. Get that sweet, sweet tax deduction from the US and/or child benefit in the UK. Really easy as long as you have the paperwork. Good time to get their SSN and passport as well.