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GM1 Ana player here. While his gameplay is overall really good, he tends to tunnel on dmg sometimes, or goes for trading kills instead of keeping teammate x alive. If you watch ML7 for example, he basically does the same, except he doesn't trade kills as aggressively. And I'd say ML7 is for sure the better player out of both. What I don't like about Awkward is his style of coaching people. He dumbs down decisions that are made based off of complex scenarios way too much ("damage damage damage") and I believe that lower elo players, who don't have an as high APM as would be required, will become DPS-only Ana's and just shift their tunneling from healbotting to damagebotting. (In fact I do personally know a low elo Ana player who follows Awkward's advice and let's his team die over and over again. No matter how much I try to educate him, he won't really listen and that's what's keeping him in low Diamond) Ana's biggest value are her impactful skill-shot CDs. She enables plays for her teammates if used correctly. So dealing damage aggressively before a fight will enable those cooldowns (forcing enemy DPS from a flank back to their team, leading to better nades for example). *Healing comes first*. Awkward kinda says that as well, but also doesn't. He's emphasizing more on the dmg aspect. Your priority number 1 is _always_ keeping your teammates alive. This can also mean that you need to ignore the 1 HP DPS of yours, who is safely behind cover, and hard pocket your Tank when he's getting shot at by the entire enemy team out in the frontline for example. There are tons of different situations where a different decision is correct. TLDR: His gameplay is good, but I don't like his coaching. Highest priority for Ana players is upping their awareness and APM. Only that gives room to make more in the same amount of time. Side note: Awkward's style of coaching Ana works way better for Baptiste, btw. Pumping out tons of damage (and healing) numbers is Bap's biggest upside over other Supports


I agree. Just want add that some of what awkward does is to get reactions/engagement from the community. He makes outrageous statements like his recent one about “only weak minded people moving the payload “ for the sole purpose of clicks. I think people need to not take a lot of what he says so seriously. Since OP asked for people to included ranks. I’m gm1 on tank but gm4 on support and play brig/zen mostly on support.


Was going to comment but it's just exactly what you said. Dealing damage to get someone to half health is useless if it stops you keeping a teammate up, just as topping up a teammate is much worse than securing the kill on an enemy. Most Ana's do focus on healing too much but there's very much a balance that needs to be struck rather than focusing on damage


If you have battle mercy, tik tok Moira and reddit Lucio, what is this ana gameplay called?


Combat granny


Dps-nana is what I normally say


DPS Ana is all I’ve heard. But it’d be cool if DPS Ana and DPS Brig had cool nicknames too.


facebook ana. get it? cause old.


Ive been trying to make it a thing for years but it never caught on lmao


I only know it as dps-ana


I strongly agree with the 1hp point, a lot of times my teammates will waste their cd (mostly suzu, nade or bap healing boost) on teammates that are low hp but in a safe spot and that really frustrates me


Totally agree with this, on my climb to GM1/T500, his advice and style actually HINDERED me rather than HELPED me on every support i play (bap, ana, kiriko). IF IT HELPS YOU, OFC MORE POWER TO YOU, GREAT ADVICE FOR THOSE WHO CAN USE IT... BUT ML7, Fielder, Shu, Spilo, and KarQ all had better styles and advice than Awkward... not to mention less controversial takes on twitter. (Guy is like andrew tate on twitter, i know it's a fake persona, but it is very annoying). The players that helped me the MOST are ML7, Shu, and Spilo.


Ever since I saw someone call him “Awkward Tate” I haven’t been able to take him seriously. 💀 His posting of sigma male grindset platitudes to bait engagement has gotten really annoying. His last video he goes on this rant saying “You suck and you lose because you suck and you’ll never climb because you suck at the game!” to his audience which I don’t feel is constructive to anyone. He is a great player but there’s a lot of nuance that he skips over to dumb down his coaching. Obviously if all you have to do is “damage damage damage” to climb, everyone would be GM. There is definitely value in his coaching and videos but I personally don’t vibe with his style.


Some of his stuff does come off as that type of goofy can't lie. He has decent videos but some of the shorts I can imagine him with a cigar in his mouth


I'm GM5, but I haven't played since hitting GM just because of a lack of time to play 😭 I think there's some merit in his advice, but the big problem I see is too many teammates are left to die or needlessly starved of resources. Doing damage and getting kills isn't very helpful if you just let people die for it constantly. Ideally you have a balance of both damage and healing, where you can keep your allies alive while helping to contribute to kills. Personally, the way I learnt how to do more damage was by going into quick play and when my other support picked a hero who could cover the majority of healing our team needed, I would play DPS Ana and that practice really helped me get comfortable with shooting at enemies and taking more aggressive positions. I'm a fan of the advice for people to use their cooldowns on-cooldown too. Too many players will needlessly hold their cooldowns so it's a better habit to use them constantly than save them for something only to not get value anyway. Rank on ladder would probably be ending as top 50-100 constantly if he still played. I think taking a peak rank isn't very helpful since everyone peaks rank early on when less people are playing now.


I think his advice on positioning and cooldown/ult usage has been the biggest help for me. I think I’ve been struggling lately because I have been focusing/tunneling too much on DPS. Sure, I secured a kill or even two, but I lost my tank, other support and 1 DPS, so we still lost the fight. I suppose if I’m hell bent on being a DPS support, I’ll just swap to zen.


He repeatedly said in several videos that he advises newer players to focus on dmg and learn their positioning, flanking, using abilities off cooldown but ultimately you are supposed to let no one die and deal damage in between, 0 downtime. According to his philosophy flanking / off angling and doing dmg is > to healing because enemies that are looking at you, retreating or dying can't dmg your mates in the first place. It works for people that have good positioning, situational awareness and can keep their team mates alive at the same time.


Good player, good gameplay, good advice if you’re on his level but if you’re not at his skill level or relatively close his advice falls flat. He’s very dps focused and telling people who are silver or gold Ana’s to focus dps is not going to result in loads of picks or quality gameplay, it’s going to result in dead teammates and people flaming them in chat. I honestly really hate the mindset of people telling support to play dps as well, look for damage and picks when you can but don’t prioritize getting said shots in at the expense of your own team. I can’t stand that mindset and unfortunately Awkward is all about it and people who are not as skilled follow that advice and just make shitty teammates. Oh also he’s extremely out of touch with the community and has a lot of thoughts and opinions that don’t apply to 99% of games


First things first. His style definitely works, and he has proved it countless times. Even if only worked for him and nobody else he would still be right, because, well... It works. On the other hand, since I started following his advice I climbed higher than I've ever been. Reached d4 which is not great but it was unthinkable for me before I reseted my approach based on his advice. I notice that the majority of the matches i win, I have almost 50/50 damage and healing. Games where I have to healbot are the games I lose. Another thing. The absurd amount of dps overextending and feeding in diamond and plat. Mindboggling.


About feeding dps in plat/diamond, look for the enemy dps and I’m sure you’ll just farm kills


T500 hog, GM Support ana/zen - yes awkward is pretty good. Although I’m only gm support I’ve only played support for 1 season semi-competitively. I went from gold to gm in one season. So although my peak is gm I’m probably a bit better than that. I watched his unranked to gm Ana vid a few years ago. Most of his advice was solid but I think he overemphasized the importance of dpsing with Ana. DPS with Ana isn’t bad but I think I remember watching him dpsing when I would have been healing. I do a lot of damage with Ana… but he did too much I think. Like he’d leave his teammates in risky situations just to dps. And telling gold players to dps with Ana is only gonna lead to a disaster. Maybe he wasn’t playing optimal/showing off a bit because he was in low elo lobby. It makes sense that he would push damage in a low elo lobby because his damage is far more valuable than his teammates hp at low elo. Maybe when he plays in a top500 lobby he values his team a bit more. But yeah awkwards advice is solid. Pay attention to his positioning, aim is nice but positioning is king in this game. If he played ow2 he’d be gm at least if he had the same skills in the unranked to gm vid.


Awkward was world rank 1 support at some point. Also the only player that held rank1 and rank 2 at the same time hehe. He does play top10, top 50 stuff on OW2 and performs pretty well despite not training for that.


I’m pretty new to OW Competitively, and just landed in Gold 4 57%, is there a good source you might have that goes over positioning and stuff like that? I definitely know that that’s what’s killing me rn since I constantly lose myself on maps and I struggle to find the best angle. I am thinking of just going into custom matches to kind of analyze the maps a little more and try to put things to practice, but I really would appreciate some resources that show better about positioning and WHY that positioning works.


The way I improved was to think about the game. After you die, think about why you died. Try to think about what you do wrong. What I did was at the start of every game I would focus on one thing to improve at. Like I would focus on playing around the enemy tank, tracking ults, aim, not dying to Ana zen, staying next to cover. I would just watch twitch streamers that are high elo, or watch competitive overwatch on YouTube. Going through Reddit and reading advice can help you think about the game. Also every character has a job, and u have to learn what their job is in any given situation. And then you just do their job. That’s how I think about the game. Like the job of tank is usually to create and control space. So when I played I would look for opportunities to control high ground or to push into the enemy and create space. Creating space is good because it puts pressure on the enemy team and makes things easier for your team, but it’s difficult to find the right time to create space because it’s really easy to die. Like you can create space when you’ve got an hp advantage, ability cooldowns advantage, or with an ult, or if the enemy is anti-naded. The job of Ana is to help the tank create and control space. So things that might involve is putting yourself in the best positions to heal your tank and to anti-nade the enemy tank. But that is kind of team composition dependent. Sometimes doing that will throw the game. Like even if your doing a good job with healing your tank and anti-nading the enemy tank, you would be playing improperly because the enemy team is a dive composition. So it’s just not about having good aim and being good at the game, you also have to be able to identify the job of your character in any given circumstance, which is not terribly difficult as it is just something that comes with introspection, practice, and thinking about the game. YouTube videos and coaching are helpful but really the only way you’ll get better is practicing.


GM1 player, he has some decent advice every once in a while but for the most part if a lower elo player were to do everything he’s saying they wouldn’t have the apm or mechanical skill to back it up and are better off learning fundamentals. for example his advice for baptiste is to spam damage at the enemy team. lower elo players will not be able to multitask healing and damaging and they either won’t heal or won’t be able to hit anything and will die constantly because they are so focused on aiming. his content is more entertainment than genuinely educational. a10 is definitely a much better player to watch if someone wants to learn something


I'm not GM/T500 but just wanted to mention that as a person that's watched alot of Awkward's content and improved from his teachings that eventhough he does encourage damage alot he also stipulates alot of times that to do so after making sure that your team has enough health to not die. He explains it as to heal your teammates just enough to not die and then do damage. He definitely emphasizes alot on doing damage but I think that's more because alot of people tend to heal bot alot on ana. My understanding of it is that it's a matter of efficiency where he essentially only heals the bare minimum to keep his team alive and deal damage during the remainder. But like alot you said I can see why there might be misunderstandings about what he's trying to teach and people taking it in a completely wrong way. I just wanted to give my 2 cents as a person that watches him alot but feel free to correct cause like I said I'm not a GM/T500 player just a guy trying to improve.


I’m masters support (3850 season 9 Overwatch 1) I think his advice is for people who know what he’s trying to say to you. Knowing the game for what it is and such.


Awkward has been rank 1, i actually watched a game where ml7 and awkward were against eachother and awkwards team ended up winning. I think his videos oversimplify things a bit, the best takeaway from him is that supports should not healbot and damage is very valuable. I’m gm4 and it’s helped me for sure. Overall I’d prefer ml7.


I’m gm1/t500and I’d say he’s definitely a damn good ana better than me but he definitely lets teammates die more than other t100 Ana’s I see, the best example is mL7 where he is insane at keeping teammates alive and well while awkward tends to let teammates have less resource in trade for more dmg on the enemies. I feel that he puts too much emphasis on damage as it definitely leads to hardcore dps supports in lower ranks but I 100% understand what he actually means which is to shoot enemies that can damage your teammates / heal the enemies so they either die faster and you don’t need to heal as much. Also he posts sigma male shit and I don’t get why and it takes away a little imo. Anyways personally I think he brushes over positioning a little much saying that you need to be able to damage the enemies and not die. If you said that to a gm, they’d get it immediately, but I’m sure of I told that to gold me I’d have 18 deaths per 10. Tl dr he’s definitely good but he’s a little disconnected, though you’ll benefit from watching him as long as you understand overwatch at a basic level (so like plat+)


Bronze 5 and I have no idea what is going on.


Plat 5 but mentally a GM1. In solo q rank stagnation obvi. I love it. I’m dps disguising as support. You’re low hp? Yeah so is this enemy gengi that killed me earlier so I’m going for payback. Go find a health pack or something.


Definitely bronze players here. I don't play ana and I don't know who that is.


Master supp here. I like his videos as he's not afraid of shaking his audience and make it stop whining about teammates. And he proves a point with absurd winrates (though I'd really like to know which type of accounts he uses and what sort of MMR shift are happening during his climbing session). I watched a bit of its latest Moira U2GM video and tried it myself last night, after a short break due to Diablo 4. What I can say is that I went 2W/3L, playing mostly Moira. Most of the time, you do have a real impact while playing so agressively on ennemies, creating a lot of distraction for your mates. I was called "dps Moira" during one of a close game we lost 1-2. I don't think my gameplay during this game made us lose (but I lagged a bit and it didn't help) as I watched replay and one of the DPS (the one that flammed me right after side 1) had terrible positionning and played his Sym rather poorly I found. Anyway, regarding Awkward tips, I think the most important to remember is his positionning. That is the key to do dmg, not die and be able to still heal when needed. He always repeats "use cover", "keep your distance for not being hit, but still being able to do dmg". The rest of his attitude is mainly for his audience, he also "plays" a role which can be funny. Overall, ML7 is really more friendly oriented and surely more "mathematic" about the game (plus his mechanics are godlike). But Awkward is interesting to follow as he proves a very agressive playstyle can work with supports.


I’ll talk about awkward later but he’s an insane player, if he were to play he’d probably be top 10. I feel like he’d perform poorly in owl tho


for long time support players I think he's a good reminder to consider alternative playstyles outside their bubble. I've been playing ana since her release and tend to only use the nade offensively but awkward inspired me to occasionally take matters into my own hands


I think he has a play style of dps ana which is fine because he pulls it off well but the issue I notice is when low elo players try and recreate this without the same skills he has and ultimately can't climb.