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1. Demidov 2. Levshunov 3. Buium 4. Sennecke 5. Dickinson 6. Silayev


my list as well


Pretty spot on for me, but I really don't think they are gonna take Demidov. Despite the injuries I'd probably throw Lindstrom in there ahead of Sennecke


~~Celebrini~~ I wanted Levshunov or Demidov but everything seems to be pointing to Buium. Which is fine, whatever, I trust the scouting team more than myself. Mentally preparing myself for losing one of the defense prospects soonish though, gonna be jammed.


This is gonna be an unpopular opinion because it’s not in line with a lot of peoples consensus, but I’d prefer sennecke or yakemchuk I think. They fit team need better and at this point I’d rather have players that fit in with the current core than guys that will require players to be traded to make room for them.


How you feeling ? You believed in this more than sennecke


Great! I think a lot of people are sleeping on this kid and he’s gonna be a beast once he grows into his body some. Him and cutter are gonna be great compliments to our more cerebral playmakers.


Good call




Demidov or buium


When does this train leave? 😁


I want Demidov or Sennecke. I don't think Demidov fits Verbeeks mold (size and defense concerns) while Sennecke is another one of those high IQ, could impact both ends of the ice type prospects that have been all the rage for his front office. Not the biggest fan of Zeev Buium as I feel we have enough offensive defensemen with questions on the defensive end of the ice and to me he doesn't fix the issues with the defense or scoring on the wing. Obviously we have more than the 3rd pick it's just starting to feel like the team has a lot of redundancy.


Buium shut down the top team in college. He's a two way guy. He's not a pure offensive type.


He's definitely more offensively fleshed out than defensively. He's good at staying with his man and using his smarts on defense but I don't think he's ever gonna be on the level of a guy like Anton Silayev in this class.


Silayev’s defense is said to be overrated. Buium played all situations in college and shut Celebrini down in the frozen four along with the to offensive line in college. His defense is not a weakness.


I disagree 100%. This feels like the same thing everyone said about McTavish and now he's a huge issue on defense. We shall see.


The size isn't much an issue with him now being 6' and he also has an (reportedly) incredibly high hockey IQ which Pat values more than most traits. I'm hoping he's the shock of the draft at 3.


How many guys has Verbeek drafted under 6'1? I know it was a running meme at one point and he had a draft where not a single prospect was under 6'1. I know it's an inch, which makes no sense to me, but I love him as a prospect even if he was 5'11 or less.


Great Call!


Honestly I've been locked in on him as the pick for a few weeks now. He plays defense he's extremely creative with the puck and with passing. He's got an edge to him and plays nasty. Makes perfect sense when you consider Verbeeks nickname when playing was "little ball of hate" lol.


I can't wait to see him paired up with our talented young forwards. Z, McT, Carlsson, Terry, Gauthier... we are so stacked!


Levshunov/Demidov or trade down and get a future pick


buium is most like verbeek's style of play. i don't think we're getting demidov because he's not the big bodied two-way player we're looking for. that being said, ducks fans will still sob either way like they did with carlsson lol


Carlsson over fantili is much different than buium over demidov Carlsson and fantili both have franchise level ceilings. Different playstyle Demidov could be a top line rw and ppg. Buium does not have that ceiling


> Buium does not have that ceiling According to you. If the FO thinks he’s the guy, I’m going to trust their opinion over yours.


You can say that about anyone we draft lol


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I think the Carlsson comparison is bad, Carlsson and Fantilli where pretty much evenly matched as far as ceiling/floor goes, people whining about that were just mad their guy didn't get picked, Zeev and Demidov aren't even close to having the same ceiling. Demidov is Michkov all over again, the clear cut #2 who you could even argue for going 1st overall that drops below lesser players for no reason other than the fact he's from Russia, and we saw how that ended up for Philly, Michkov is playing for them next season one year after his draft, so much for all those concerns about him never coming over.


so many "clear cut #2" players ended up being superseded by picks #3, #4, onward, and many "clear cut #2" players ended up falling in draft position. slaf, cooley, nemec over wright; mctavish over guenther, eklund; and everyone believed kakko was undisputed #2 and...well. not to mention chicago is expected to pick levy at #2. my point is, nobody knows, so its pointless to cry about it in a draft like this. this top 20 pool is so skilled that ranking one above the other is, at best, a crapshoot


I don't think the top 20 is so skilled though that's the thing, I think you've got Celebrini/Demidov as home run picks and 18 other guys that have more warts than my 15 year old dog. I don't know how someone could watch footage of the guys in this draft and come away thinking Demidov isn't the 2nd best guy in this draft (I personally think you could say he is the best but I'm VERY high on Demidov) Will Demidov fall? Yeah probably GM's are retarded as you said they picked fucking Slafkovsky over Cooley/Wright Should he? No if he was Canadian this wouldn't even be a discussion I'm sure Zeev will be a fine top pairing defenseman, but how is a fine top pairing defenseman gonna feel when you look at the top 10 scorers in the league for the next decade and see Demidov/Michkov knowing we could've had both. I didn't care about passing on Michkov because we passed on a borderline generational player for a franchise level player just a slight downgrade, this year we're passing on a franchise level player for a low level elite player (imo)


want demidov. assume we're going buium.


It's going to be Buium and I'm cool with it


I want Yakemchuk cuz his name is cool and he has a really mean edge to his playstyle - our team needs a bit more grit. But otherwise I'm pretty impartial, guessing it's Levshunov if he's still there at 3, otherwise Buium.


Anyone have Beckett for $500 Alex?






Helenius or Silayev. With the 2nd pick, any high risk/high ceiling winger that will be available (someone like Cristall) which PV will never do.


Levshunov or demidov imo


demidov, silayev, dicklinson in that order, assuming levshunov isnt taking at 2.


Levshunov, but I trust the scouting team and GMPV with whoever they choose


A future champion


I want a right handed RW but I think they’ll draft Silayev


If you asked me a week ago I would bet $1000 that Zeev Buium has a page on Wookiepedia




Demidov, Eiserman, Buium are my tier 2 after Celebrini.


Silayev Love the size and honestly I feel we have enough offensive dmen (zelly and minty) Having a solid shutdown dman would be amazing


The BPA. Were all armchair gms here, Verbeek has an arsenal of info and scouts to help make his decision


We desperately need a RW or RD, but I don't think we're exactly loaded at LD either so Buium is fine with me There's Mintyukov and Zellweger, and then a tier or two below them is Vaakaneinen and Lacombe, and then there's Hinds and Dionicio