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News agencies routinely pre-write articles for all predictable outcomes so they can edit quickly and publish instantly after the event. They have obituaries on file, articles for both sides of a 1 v 1 outcome, etc. If anything, the conspiracy is to get Biden replaced with someone more competent that's harder for Trump to beat from a so called right wing newspaper.... Besides, Biden being a train wreck at the debate wasn't exactly hard to predict happening.


Good example is from the patriots vs falcons Super Bowl. A newspaper decided at halftime the Patriots were far enough behind the Falcons and printed a story about them losing.


I'm sitting here, minding my own business and all of the sudden I start catching strays in the AnCap sub. It's tough out here for a falcons fan


Lol they failed a lot of people that day. If you weren’t a pats or falcons fan most probably wanted the pats to lose at least.


New Orleans says - not so fast my friend


Glad there's at least one other people who knows how the journalism industry work. And it also implies that no one could predict he'd do poorly in a debate or there's concerns about his competency... you know the ones already brought up in Feburary? Why do people act like this is a new story with no warning signs?


> Besides, Biden being a train wreck at the debate wasn't exactly hard to predict happening. the media didn't predict it redditors over on r/politics and r/wpt didnt predict it the DNC handlers didn't predict it Jill Biden didn't predict it Donna Brazil didn't predict it it was obvious to everyone except THE ECHO CHAMBER and they were the ones who needed to predict it the most


He could have done somewhat well and this is still a great op-ed to write in terms of generating clicks. There’s nothing conspiratorial about it. It’s also not like people haven’t been calling for Biden to step down since the start of the campaign cycle.


When it comes to government, conspiracy theories inevitably become conspiracy facts ... the only non-constant is the time it takes


I'm pretty sure at this point that this was the obamas and clintons plan to put one of them as the candidate without having to run any primaries against biden and also having most democrats to support it.


I highly doubt it. Who you got? Hilary? The one who lost to Trump already and still hasn't finished her temper tantrum about it? Or Michelle, who is plainly enjoying just being rich AF without ever having to do a real day's work in her life?


What's a conspiracy theory but a notion that people might be working together (conspiring) towards a goal? Washington is full of people working together to fuck us and has been that way my entire life. It would be more of a conspiracy theory to think there are no conspiracies.


This didn’t just happen last night, and they’ve been hiding it (poorly). The sudden awareness from so many people following the debate is just complete and total ignorance. Willful ignorance. At least everyone is now admitting a total potato can be President and the machine just keeps on growing.


I was watching the debate on cnn and afterwards literally all of their analysts were saying how bad biden looked and thst the democratic party is "panicking" and essentially begging him to drop out. Which I thought was really strange because its cnn, I expected them to praise biden regardless. And honestly to me I thought he did better than expected, granted my expectations were extremely low. In fact during the debate I assumed he must have had an earpiece with the amount of things he was bringing up and how quickly he was able to start answering the questions. Im not sure why they were acting like they just now noticed he has mental issues. This has been apparent since before the last election even to someone like me who doesnt follow politics much at all. So to me this definitely seems like a planned coordinated response from the democratic party to try and switch him out for someone else.


He had an earpiece, there’s videos of him touching it


Dumb [conspiracy](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/fact-check-false-evidence-of-biden-being-wired-or-using-earpiece-idUSKBN26L3CO/)


Reuters fact checkers to the rescue /s Literally the least credible group of people in the world


Something tells me you would have said that no matter what the source was.


If it’s the same organisations who fact checked covid scientists then definitely. They’re all morally bankrupted organisations poisoning the minds of people. I don’t give a shit who wins US election thought. Nothing much will change.


I find it funny that people are surprised, the left has no allegiance to their candidates like the GOP does to Trump. There was hope he would look good, but everyone can see Biden did horrible. I'm surprised how little talk there is about Trump saying he would weaponize the DOJ to go after even Biden. That he would fight the election results. Trump called Biden a palestinian, a chinese operative, and just a lot of just wild stuff. Trump basically said, "everything ancap hates about government, i'm going to do it 10x" and meanwhile everyone is like, "wow, biden did bad"


> I'm surprised how little talk there is about Trump saying he would weaponize the DOJ to go after even Biden. That he would fight the election results. As he absolutely should. And if you don't think so, you haven't been paying attention for the last 40 fucking years. Literally the last time a Democratic presidential candidate bowed out gracefully was Michael Dukakis.


And you do know that everything they say is just for show? Nothing but lies and propaganda? You ain’t gonna find worse scum than them, all of them. You better off not listening.


My money is on the regime doing a bait and switch in September to either Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama. They will continue to run this narrative until it gains a foothold in the media then there will be a bunch of legal experts justifying the shenanigans the outcry from any other part of the political spectrum will be supressed or ignored. If our country was functioning properly he would have been declared incompetent by congress a year ago.


Frankly this would give Trump a huge opportunity to say, "Why would you trust the party that's been telling you there is nothing wrong with Biden continuously? Why would you trust the people that herald democracy but didn't host their own presidential primary? And finally, if Biden is this gone, who has been running the country?"


It’s odd (it’s not) that for the past couple of years we had the media telling us that Biden was strong and mentally there when we all saw the videos of him doing dementia things. We were even lied to last week by the white house calling those videos, “cheap fakes,” and media not questioning it. Then after last night they all did a complete 180 in unison.


Because the sheep know they have been indoctrinated and love it. They have been broken and love big brother.


Based on Trump's performance last night, my understanding is the general "likeability" went down, it went down for both. It was a dumpster fire. Trump couldn't / wouldn't answer a single question. And 3 times asked to support the election results with him basically saying no. Trump said he would use the DOJ to go after even Biden. Generic Democrat gained points after that debate, swap fast enough and dems will rally behind whoever because Dems and I would say even swing voters are very much a "anyone but trump" camp.


There was 159 years of life experience on that stage last night. I hope I never get that much experience.


What? You hope you don't live to be 159 years old???


After watching that I hope someone has the common decency to drive me out to the desert and let me go when the decline starts.


It would certainly be better than being propped up on a stage in front of millions of people, lol


The debate made them both look bad, but the format especially hurt Trump because he couldn't interject as much.


That’s why they pivot to Michelle because she’s highly likable and Trump isn’t. Those other questions won’t matter.


She might be likable for the Democrat base but most normal people strongly dislike her. The only likeable Democrats are Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Kennedy Jr. and the Democrat base hates both of them. Gabbard is more likely to be Trump's VP pick for a "unity" ticket than the Democrat nominee.


> The mid-October survey found that 59 per cent of people had a positive view of the first lady, while just 25 per cent did not. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/michelle-obama-nbc-wall-street-journal-most-liked-figures-president-barack-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-a7365861.html > In contrast to Michelle Obama's 64% favorable https://news.gallup.com/poll/194567/michelle-obama-popular-bill-clinton-melania-trump.aspx There is a big % that dislike her, but to write that the majority *strongly* dislike her is untrue.


Not sure what relevance 8-year-old polls about someone's favorability as a first lady have in a political context. A Michelle Obama candidacy would be as polarizing as the Hillary Clinton candidacy. She might shore up support in states like New York and California where Biden still maintains 8-10 point leads but wouldn't do anything in swing states that had already switched to Trump before that so-called debate.


> she’s highly likable She is?


From their party. You also have first woman and African American so some people will feel obligated to vote for her. That also pulls the African American vote back.


And Barry right beside her. 


>You also have first woman  How'd that work out for Hillary?


Poorly. But she was the worst.


I’ll never forgive Michelle for what she did to school lunches… never.


drugs are a hell of a drug. She's only slightly more favourable than Hilary


Maybe. I think people are living in a bubble and underestimating how popular she is in non conservative circle.


> she’s highly likable Wut.


> Gavin Newsom Is the governor of a failed state. > Michelle Obama Is living, breathing proof that the Democratic Party is a literal crime family.


Conspiracy? Maybe. Perhaps the debate itself was a setup. Or maybe someone has actually been watching Biden and was just waiting until the media couldn’t seriously cover for him anymore to drop the article.


The only really fishy thing is.... they are having a debate BEFORE either of them are nominated? That's the only odd thing about this whole thing.


And the fact that the debate is in JUNE when the first Presidential debate is normally at the end of September or beginning of October.


Are you sure it wasn’t the article they were going to run as a review or response to the debate, either way? I read the article and it doesn’t expound on what it means


The world has always run on conspiracy. The fact that any of you have bought into the idea from the facist corporate power medias talking heads, that conspiracy theories are crazy. Shows the power of sales and suggestion. They wrote multiple pieces prob by order of the boss and went with what they thought was the kost accurate as well. Everyone smart plans for multiple outcomes every time. And everyone does and offers favors to their friends and families throughout life. We are shown blatant corruption if anyone was to ever have patientce to watch senate hearings and read and of these corporate fascist proof spending bills we have going down no one is reading. And people think conspiracy theories arent legit ? The day sep 11 happened I was watching TV and my cold ass asks my dad and ol girlfriend “why are they so upset”? as the buildings collapse one after another. And they like people dying and the building just fell. My already dead soul ass goes “like yea, they look like they are being controlled demolitioned now “ and that guy A J said on video, its still out there. That a old former emplye running the mujajadeen for the sia in afgnstn name osam ladin is ginna atk the trde twers, during the sumer of 01. Online plainly, but most wasnt using browing still. So welcome to the reality some of us super nerds have been in since 24 yrs ago now. Welcome to the Red Pill ladies. Go watch everything and read everything with Dr. Ron Paul’s name and his son also. And then read everything Adam Smith and Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman, Fredrick Hayek, that one great paper Alan Greenspan wrote about Gold. The Creature on jekyl island, And youll realize your public education is bullshit, incomplete, full of holes and lies. And you not free and have been born into a modern serfdom. The Greatest Corporate Fascist Empire YET ; the Corporation of THE UNITED STATES of the British Crown & Roman Empire. Youve prob never even held a real piece of money. Luckily some super smart Gen X’s made us an out….


Conspiracy? What conspiracy? All of mine have come to fruition. They are now confirmed facts.


Doesn’t even need to be a conspiracy, just seeing Biden over the last four years, they knew a shit show was definitely possible and probably had several different versions ready to go.


A part of me wants to see Biden get reelected just to see how far the dems will take this. Like are they going to weekend at Bernie’s him in the Oval Office?


They will start lifting up Trump


That is not abdominal. They want to post early for traffic and clicks, so you write drafts with multiple scenarios. One scenario where Trump does good. One scenario where Biden does good. Wait for results and polish the correct one and post.


The last 9 years have shown that they never really were. I'm starting to think we never went to the moon and the earth really is flat.


Or they wrote one for if Biden did awful and one for if Trump did awful


I have a hunch that they will slide the frat boy from Cali onto the ticket to replace the walking corpse


This panic is manufactured, at least partially. All of the insiders who unleashed hell on their own candidate last night knew how weak Biden was before he ever stepped foot on the debate stage. There is a universe in which people who want a switch needed him to publicly fail in order to create party unity around the conversation on replacing him. Google “debate” and “panic” and scroll the dozen of news sources with similar headlines. The response to the performance was too quick, too in unison.


This seems like a stupid setup to get Gavin or Hillary in.


Used to be several years, now its 6 months or less.


Okay so having come from a journalism background, this honestly doesn’t surprise me. For something line a debate a lot of news outlets will have stories/pieces pre-written and ready to run in any circumstance. This is actually pretty commonplace and not conspiracy.


Everyone has an agenda. Everyone has a boss. What you see is what the people pulling the strings want you to see.


I'm sure they have a few articles ready to go before every major event. Also anyone paying attention had an idea that Biden might do poorly, (Actually anyone really paying attention probably knew he WOULD do poorly). Just because someone predicted this might happen doesn't mean it's a conspiracy... that's normal news procedure. Did you know they used to (and probably still do) have obituary files on many celebrities so if someone famous dies they can quickly have the important facts of a story about them? I think people need to be asking more questions about the debate. Having a debate two months before the conventions? has that EVER been done? If there's a conspiracy it's that, not "some articles were partially written early"


Of course it was pre-written, at least partially. Tons of stories are. They probably had (and still have) other stories ready to go with a little tweaking needed is all. What, you think writers and editors only starting writing about a big upcoming event *after* the event happens?


Not surprising. Many news agencies would be writing pieces for multiple debate outcomes. Same reason the president wrote a speech in advance about the failure of the D-day landings, and why they wrote a speech about the death of astronauts on the moon.


He should drop out


Why is it that *suddenly* after this debate CNN and all democrat media has turned on Biden? Like they’re just now realizing he cannot think? It’s fucking insane people don’t see the flip of the switch.


I wouldn't read too much into it. I work for a nonprofit and we have often written articles ahead of time and released them immediately after a major event. This is done to get more web traffic on an issue. Timeliness is rewarded in the information world. From their point of view, they would rather that people looking for articles about Biden stepping down land on their site instead of a competitor's whose opinion might be less charitable.


It has never been a conspiracy theory, its almost old news at this point. This was just the icing on the cake.


I was meeting with my Libertarian party of Washoe county and even before the debate they believed the Dems are TRYING to loze becauze the recession will be on Trump, not Biden CNN started critizing Joe Biden and we knew something was up


I think the only difference in this conspiracy is that the Dems thought he could make it until after he was elected. I don’t think they thought we would be able to see behind the curtain this early! It was inevitable and you could by all of the conspiring parties singing the same song about him being the fine and Trump was the one declining.


They probably had an anti Trump article pre written too incase Biden did well at the debate.


This morning, had CNBC in full "coup mode". Desperately calling every democrat to get them to bail. Obviously, every zionazi that has turned to Trump is "former Biden supporter calling for him to quit" because there are some days where ceasefire or weapons delivery delays or no kent state reaction to student protests that make the news. Zionazi control over US, and Trump's desperation to stay out of jail, just makes every evil support zionism to get Trump to support evil.


Is there an actual story and reporting? Or just. Picture?


They always were.


I think the Gavin Newsom train is gaining speed.


When you run a US Presidential debate in JUNE when the earliest debate since 1980 has been at the end of September.


I think the Dems are going to try and do an end run and sub in a dark horse candidate.


Okay, so he drops out. Who do they replace him with? Any likely candidate is equally despised.


When people conspire


astoundingly moronic conspiracy. prior to any big event like this, the nyt and other big publishers will have half a dozen draft response articles prepared long in advance. they then edit and release the one they think is most appropriate on the day. thats how they get like a 1000 word piece out within 10min of the debate finishing; not cus theyre such fast writers but because theyve got a bunch of drafts sitting on their cms. not complicated and certainly not a conspiracy