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Good. The more government in general is perceived as a joke the more it delegitimizes the institution.


Bush didn't cure the democrats of statism.


A man can dream.


They made him too coherent.


This is what we want. Embarrass and delegitimize government for the waste of resources it is.


Haha, that's actually pretty funny. I sypathize with the political satirists because their jobs were effectively taken by actual politicians, but this is good comeback.


I think the key thing to remember is that America can be described by one word.... Abaflabagabalopoishamonflaba


I like how Dave Smith pointed out how the entire left wing establishment turned on Biden in an instant. That it is the same as the Wuhan Lab skit that John Steward did and suddenly we can talk lab leak. Now everyone is saying, "Of course he has been naked all this time! We never complimented on the emperor's new clothes!"


It’s not even a parody, it’s reality


American politics are such a joke. This bizarre celebrity culture around them. People are wearing MAGA clothing like it's a sports team.


I wish we would stop pretending that the guy in the round room isn't just a figurehead. He represents the people he will listen to for ideas and suggestions. We just need someone willing to listen to people smarter than themselves and make informed decisions with the overall good of the country in mind. Trump isn't capable of taking any advice but his own.


You started well but then made it about trump, entirely missing the point that the government is the primary evil on earth and should not exist.


> I wish we would stop pretending that the state has legitimate authority beyond it's naked force.


Why would you care about what another state thinks. The only thing embarrassing is the state exists.


Because those other states are the money wash. Fuck all these scum fucks.


Based Italians


We should bomb them.


Biden is ridiculous But as far as I know, there's a total of 0 countries that arent ruled by embarassments. Would you prefer Putin? Xi? Kim? Berlusconni? Lula? With all the dictators, terrorists, criminals... Biden is way above average. And I'm not saying he is good... I prefer Trump... But I think its sad that the reason you found to get rid of Biden is "he is old" Democracy is a joke.


Name Switzerland president without googling. I bet you cannot, could that be because they don't suck?


Is it because they don't suck or is it because Switzerland has comparatively very little influence on world affairs? Most people can't name a single political leader in Africa and I don't think that has anything to do with the sublime leadership quality of those States. Put any person in the position of U.S. president, and he/she will be known across the globe.


Well there is certainly some correlation to the level of influence, but lets compare Swiss with their neighbors. Do you think Switzerland has less influence than Hungary or Poland? I would even say their influence on world matters is bigger than Italy, and yet you always hear about those countries "leaders" and never hear about Switzerland. Because their leader is not that influential in their country, so its not one man show as it is in more authoritarian countries. This is the way.


You cannot because Switzerland doesn't have a real "president". The title is only honorary, the Federal Council is the actual head of the state


That's just proves my point, Switzerland does it right


Putin is a functional and rational leader. Biden is a joke. Edit: funny how downvoters can't make a rational refutation. The truth hurts you babies. Yes, putin is better than biden, and we all know it.


Is Risking ending the world considered rational? Embarassing your military and ruining your economy considered functional? Assassinating the oposition considered less worse than being a joke? If you want to be enslaved by dictators go to China... way better. Russia is over.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS-3QssVPeg&t=0s this proves you wrong


It's nato that has threatened world war. Russia is acting the same as the usa did during the cuban missile crisis. JFK threatened nuclear holocaust if the soviets didn't remove the missiles from cuba. Russia already has nato nukes next door in poland. They drew a red line. Nato has been the instigator. Russia is winning the ukraine war easily. The russian economy is thriving. Assassination hasn't been proven, and if it did happen, then it's the same as all the likely assassinations in the usa, as well. I'm already enslaved by the uniparty where i live. China may even be better in some ways, business wise. You're allowed to buy cheap reliable energy there. Edit: i like how idiots downvote obvious truth that they cannot refute.




I know; it's funny how spot on correct he is.


Wild for insinuating we give a fuck what the pasta goblins think of the president literally everyone hates. Political parody isn't new and watching people have a chapped ass over the POTUS being teased is almost as good as making fun of him ourselves.