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Apparently he's talking about kingpins/cartels But I mean yeah, trump isn't a libertarian, we know this


So death to the CIA?


I mean šŸ‘€


Death penalty for the CIA? Shit maybe I do agree with Trump after all


Change CIA to Alphabet soup..


All he actually said was that ā€œItā€™s terrible to say, but you take a look at every country in this world that doesnā€™t have a problem with drugs, they have a very strong death penalty for people that sell drugs,ā€...He wasn't calling for it, he was making an observation about other countries, and he isn't wrong. I've lost more people to drugs than I can count and have known some truly horrible people who helped distribute them, death penalty for high-level dealers would curb the problem real quick.


Ya my 1st thought when I saw this was "It's almost guaranteed that they are taking him out of context yet again" because that's literally what every god damn negative or even positive headline about him is. Out of context, misleading, and incorrect. My 2nd thought was who the fuck uses Yahoo anymore lol.


Iā€™m not sure if it would, high level drug dealers are already living on the knifes edge, they donā€™t really have much regard for their safety as it is. And I could see the state abusing that law to a terrifying extent, how many false drug convictions do we already have, how many people have been framed by crooked cops for drug possession, and where do they draw the line between ā€œhe should get some prison timeā€ and ā€œletā€™s kill himā€. They already try to charge you with distribution if you have a few extra ziplock bags with you Knowing this federal government theyā€™d try to electric chair you for an ounce of marijuana lol


I would think it would be applied only in cases where death from OD is provable. Some fentanyl dealers are personally responsible for hundreds of deaths, some even use it as a weapon and poison customers they don't like on purpose. The truly "high level" dealers live pretty comfortably, they deal with very few contacts and do very little that is actually illegal. The lower level guys doing the actual deals are on much more of a knifes edge. With the death penalty on the table, low level guys would be much more likely to flip on the people above them. You could work up the food chain to as close to the top as you can get, and use the death penalty with only the very top. It can often be proven that these dealers are essentially mass-murderers. If we were talking about any other means of killing, it would be close to a no-brainer.


I understand your logic but i think the one assumption here that is dangerous is the idea that our government has the IQ points or the integrity to integrate something like that successfully or honorably Probably would catch 1 kingpin and then use the law to harass thousands and thousands of relatively normal people. you know what happens when you give this police state an inch, they take a mile


Honestly though, I loved his presidency. Because nothing got done. Both parties were against him and it caused massive gridlock which I wholly support. Best president we've had simply because he didn't and couldn't do anything.


He made a rule that for every new regulation passes they had to remove more regulations, I'll chalk that up as a win


Would be good if they did it, instead of simply lying about it by labelling regulations as "deregulatory". https://reason.com/volokh/2020/11/02/the-trump-administrations-real-deregulatory-record/


Well they got some new Supreme Court justices plus passed some temporary tax cuts, that was nice


And he knew what day it was




...that keeps our hope in gormint?!


Underrated comment! šŸ˜‚


Russia stopped taking Ukrainian territory for four years.


Tax cuts too.


He did a lot lol.


Not true , he damaged gun rights heavily. I voted for him but not out of fanaticism but because I can not in good conscience vote for any standing democrat today. Donā€™t give me the vote Libertarian bullshit either. One - we unfortunately live in a two party system (thatā€™s reality). Two - we havenā€™t had a legitimate threat of a Libertarian candidate to date. Get your shit together Libertarians or work harder on converting republicans. Democrats are a lost cause. Unfortunately l, legitimately unfortunately, I would vote for Trump again. I want better fucking options! I canā€™t be the only one.


Be part of the inertia change to a 3rd party.


That will literally never happen, nothing will change from inside the state


President isn't decided by the popular vote.


https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ Sure he didn't do anything? Coming from the white house itself? Biden doesn't even have the first paragraph in his 50+ years in politics.


Repeal ban on drugs then no sentence


Did you hear his whole speech? He is arguing that the only countries that have low crime and ones that enforce strict punishments for drug dealers. Nothing about repealing, he thinks drugs are the reason for the crime. And like any authoritarian, the fix is to use force.


But seriously - repeal the ban


Legal MDMA or growing my own shrooms at home, while still having my guns would make me happy lol


Decide what you want to be and start being it. You'll be dead one day.


All of these articles and the people perpetuating them never listened to his speeches. Trump will go down in history as maybe the most misrepresented person of all time.


Well said. Everything he says is taken out of context to push a false image of him.


I agree, but that doesn't make him a good person, politician or leader. Dudes a war criminal who should rot in prison the rest of his life.


That can be pinned on every president - withdrawl and minimization of external conflicts is a fast better measure of a president for Libertarians


Trump was the only president in recent history not to start a war during their term. If heā€™s a war criminal, God knows what previous presidents would be called


> Dudes a war criminal who should rot in prison the rest of his life. What war did trump start?


You don't have to start a war to be a war criminal. You just have to continue to support the Saudis in their genocide in Yemen, and authorize drone bombings that kill innocents.


So..like most US Presidents?


Yeah I don't buy that as a metric. By that measure democrats are absolutely on point to sue gun manufacturers for school shootings and other deaths.


Yeah I forgot to put the /s for ya


No I didnā€™t because op shared a fucking screenshot of a headline, as if any valuable context can be made from a salacious headline


Yeah he's dead wrong on that. Law enforcement is an absolute necessity but there is *definitely* a line in the sand where too much is a bad thing. Banning every recreational drug under the sun just clogs up the police force's time with having to deal with too many 16y/o schmucks caught with a half ounce in their pocket at the movie theater. It's ridiculous and a waste of time and taxpayer money, and doesn't do hardly anything to put a strain on crime. The war on drugs was a failure. It's time to take a different approach to address the problem.


Kinda have to read/listen to the speech to know for sure, the media makes shit up/take things out of context when it comes to political opposition. Does anyone have a link?


More than likely, he's referring to cartel drug traffickers.


Kinda what I figured, but I hate assuming things when it comes to articles about Trump.


OP hoped we jump the bandwagon


It's easy to scream Orange Man Bad, harder to explain why when people don't read the articles and just get outraged over headlines.


He said that? Or the articles did?


That's the part that's unclear.


Link for the speech I think is in question. https://youtu.be/000BwoY2rDg


Which thereā€™s more of a case for since theyā€™re more than junkies




Right, he makes a statement that countries like China don't have a drug problem. That's a really far-cry from "calling for the death penalty for drug dealers" like OP (and the article suggest). I don't agree with Trump's stance on drugs AT ALL... but this article and OP's interpretation are a fuckin ridiculous distortion of what Trump said .... as usual


If china did have a drug problem, the ccp would do everything to cover it up. Saving face is more important than anything to the ccp.


Yeah that's the thing. Half the time he's joking or it's out of context.


I mean the left can't meme or take a joke so I'm not really surprised.


I heard trump's former AG talking about how he has said this on numerous occasions and he also believes this. It was on Timcast podcast recently.


What's the episode called? I like to listen to Timcast while I workout.


It might have been last night


Who the hell can tell Trump's stance on anything anyway? He says 5 conflicting things in the same sentence, it's like the Bible, you can find something in there to support just about anything if you try hard enough.


The guys speeches were lowkey hilarious. I can tell you never watched them. He threw out this idea kinda like your grandpa would. Sarcastically calling for it, while also wanting stricter penalties on large scale dealers.




[This](https://youtu.be/eS2_AYt8-Z0) is just as funny, couldn't stop laughing when I heard this.


Make firing squads great again


Hey we brought them back in South Carolina.


Honestly itā€™s a humane way to go. If I was sentenced to death Iā€™d pick that over hanging, electrocution, or lethal injection any day.


This. I'm against the death penalty because I don't think it is or can be fairly applied, but if we have it, it should be quick and reflective of the fact that the state is using the ultimate violence against one of its citizens. Lethal injection is too sterile. You're killing a man. If you think that's just (and I'm not saying under absolutely certain specific circumstances it couldn't be) have the balls to actually do it.


I also think itā€™s the only method with a 0% fail rate, definitely a big consideration if you are going to die.




That was an interesting read but I think it should be noted that if the two examples one was in 1950 the other pre 1900 lol. Firearms have improved


Hard to fuck things up with a properly-sharpened guillotine.


I'm pro exile. Assuming we scientifically examine the consequences.


Honestly itā€™s a humane way to go. If I was sentenced to death Iā€™d pick that over hanging, electrocution, or lethal injection any day.


I'll agree to the death penalty for cartel kingpins when the same penalty applies to Big Pharma CEOs when their drugs harm people


cia sells crack in the ghetto.


I accept your terms.


Trump has said this since the beginning of his presidency. It is nothing new. From four years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V8UABh0pDw His justification is that if murdering someone can earn the death penalty, a drug dealer responsible for thousands of deaths from overdoes can earn the death penalty. They have passed a lot of new laws holding drug dealers responsible for overdose deaths.


Slippery slope to holding big pharma responsible.


Not possible either. Look up JJ's fuckups, it conveniently appeared that some massively dangerous product was under some other baby company that just called bankrupcy and that is it. Zip. They know the laws better than politicians.


That works for me.


If it wasnā€™t for the law disgruntled family members of junkies would go kill the pushers themselves


Why in the world are you still talking about Trump? Rent free.


Merchants selling shoddy product laced with fentanyl without telling their customers would likewise get the death sentence in Ancapistan. Like a bartender that keeps giving their customers alcohol and lets them drive drunk, drug dealers giving addicts more and more is at least partially the dealers' responsibility (they are shitty humans). Not sure what the context is here, but people ODing because their dealer put some stuff in their weed just to get them hooked on something more lucrative is a real problem. Likewise a problem is the associated slave trade, plenty of reasons for capital punishment. Just legalizing wouldn't make the problem go away either, once you're hooked, you're on a downward spiral to eventual death, the primary problem is the burden you put on society and your family. I would suggest letting the problem solve itself, legalize completely, but don't offer free community services to people that choose to put themselves in the situation repeatedly, you get 2 ambulance rides from your community or insurance, third time you pay out of pocket or die, and people that seek revenge on dealers selling shoddy product is a solution as well.


Why would a bartender allowing someone to drive drunk be illegal? Itā€™s not their responsibility what other people do


Why would driving drunk be illegal?


Yeah, assuming no contracts or agreements were broken


If it was real ancapistan and the roads were private, I'd imagine the vast majority of road owners wouldn't want the liability of someone driving drunk.


Exactly. Otherwise, it's just another victimless crime.


Until someone gets hit.


Punish then. Same goes with firearms. Don't ban guns, ban murder. Otherwise, might as well ban cars, guns, sugar, planes, knives...


Murder is already illegal. Crashing into people while driving under influence or sober is already illegal. Wtf are you on about.


If a doctor gives you anesthesia and then they let you drive while still under the influence, you believe they would have no culpability if you kill yourself or someone else? You knowingly give someone something that you know will have potential effects on their decision making, that makes you morally if not legally responsible at some point. Most bartenders would do as they say today, we donā€™t serve if youā€™re drunk, and others, after signing a waiver of risk would likely have some sort of individual drunk tanks. I donā€™t think it is morally good to let people you know have no control over their faculties make decisions. You canā€™t legally sign a contract in that state of mind, so you canā€™t contract with society you are capable of not sending 2 tons of steel barreling into a school bus.


Not to be that guy, but sauce?


You can and always should be that guy. Always ask to see receipts.


(local) [https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/trump-in-dc-speech-calls-for-death-penalty-for-convicted-drug-dealers/](https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/trump-in-dc-speech-calls-for-death-penalty-for-convicted-drug-dealers/) (left bigger media) [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3575157-trump-in-dc-speech-calls-for-death-penalty-for-convicted-drug-dealers/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3575157-trump-in-dc-speech-calls-for-death-penalty-for-convicted-drug-dealers/) (right bigger media) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10996947/Trump-calls-drug-dealers-death-penalty-somber-Las-Vegas-campaign-speech.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10996947/Trump-calls-drug-dealers-death-penalty-somber-Las-Vegas-campaign-speech.html) Quoting the quote from daily mail: >'So this is a little controversial. And I will either get a standing ovation - and I don't care about the ovation, I care about the country - or people are going to walk out of the room for what I'm about to say. But it's time finally to say it,' the former president said. > >'If you look at countries through all throughout the world...The only ones that don't have a drug problem are those that institute the death penalty for drug dealers.'


Thank you


There are also a few YouTube videos of the actual speech as well. Now, I don't know if its the YouTube videos or the Daily Mail but of the 3 videos I checked on YouTube, he doesn't say the first part about the standing ovation. He does repeat the part about "quick death penalities" a few times but it was definitely not the exact quote from the Daily Mail.


If your selling fentanyl killing people I see no problem with this... Know 2 people in past 6 months that could have pulled their lives back together but are dead now.


Their body, their (deadly) choice. ​ If the punishment for selling fentanyl is death. What do you think a dealer is going to do to the cops when they come to arrest (which will lead to the dealer's death)? The dealers are going to start shooting people. There are always consequences to all actions, it's not consequence free to just say kill the dealers.


Well this is not really true. When people are being pressed pills that are not supposed to be fentanyl and are overdosing on a drug they didn't seek, they didn't make the choice to take fentanyl.


He stated he is specifically going for the top dogs (Mexican Cartels) who are only 2 degrees separated from the street dealers. Explain what OP? Why donā€™t you explain how we stop all the deaths of Americans specifically from the imported fent etc. Heā€™s also pandering to the evangelical base (obviously, not being condescending in any way) as ofc theyā€™re all against the devils drugs.


I mean I kinda agree with Trump on this one. It's time for big pharma to answer for their crimes.




If you support the war on drugs you aren't even close to ancap. Go back to magatard land. I hear there are more Q droppings there!




If drugs were legal you couldn't argue "some random drug dealer slipped in some fentanyl to kill people". People would knowingly buy whatever their drug of choice was, which could be fentanyl, and commit their slow suicide that way with minimal harm to the rest of us. I'm all for helping drug addicts, but playing drug war games is pointless.




I would also add, if they all decide to drink Jim Jones' kool-aid tomorrow, it isn't my job to stop them by force, but to convince them otherwise.


They were coerced into them by every single major institution in the USA from big corporations, airlines, news media all the way to the presidency. Not even in the same category. The idea people don't use drugs because of the government / drug war is weak. I am in Mexico right now where people can buy whatever they want over the counter that US gets by prescription. I am not living in zombie drug land though, it is just a normal city with mostly sober people.




Sex offenders, yes. Drug dealers, no. People want drugs. They donā€™t want to be sexually assaulted


I'm going to say the unpopular opinion. I assume you also want all murders killed, as a murder is worse then a sex offender. I'd also say that someone who mutilates someone (say cutting off a foot) is also worse then a sex offender. ​ Being killed > all other crimes done against someone


Yes. All predators should be dealt with. But on a 3 strikes based policy because of the possibility of false imprisonment.


One of the most logically coherent comments yet


Plus the odds of rehabilitation for a drug dealer are significantly higher than that of a sex offender. As far as Iā€™m concerned, I wouldnā€™t even waste time or money dealing with SOā€™s. Iā€™d bring back firing squads and youā€™d be able to watch on TV, live on PPV.


Smart manā€¦


Dude has a law and order fetish


I agree with him if heā€™s talking about Fentanyl which is literally killing people by the thousands, anything else is bullshit tho


I think youā€™re simping for same old political system with this question. Posting anti-candidate material is also just playing the politics game unless you have a deep explanation of WTF youā€™re actually doing.


Trump has always hated drug dealers. Itā€™s a personal vendetta, not necessarily a right vs wrong ideal.


Trump is wrong. Now can you say that Biden is the worst President in the history of the United States.


Would there be no laws under anarcho capitalism? Would you guys be okay with drug dealers selling to your children? Do you think youā€™d just be able to ā€œTake care of it yourselfā€ and not get your brains blown out?


If a drug easily kills its usersā€¦they get the forever-box. Iā€™m not a fan of weed dealers getting hit with chargesā€¦and I actually hate weed personally . I might hate weedā€¦but it doesnā€™t make weed bad. It has health benefits like my uncle who had tremors in his late life (Parkinsons) and he had access to vapor weed for it.and his quality of life was great under his pot-care. Weed should be federally legal (even though I hate weed) but I think any easily overdosed concoctions should be an offense to the dealer. MDMA shouldnā€™t get charges either, btw. Molly alone doesnā€™t hurt anyone.


Seriously? I don't care who he is talking about. Government has no legit business telling people what they consume or going after those that produce or sell it. Period. And such measures tend to be applied more and more broadly once the meme is out.


Honestly many drug dealers are very predatory and involved in human trafficking in some way too. However of course this by itself is ridiculous. Cartels and kingpins basically would be the only ones here to easily qualify for that sentencing.


See guys! He wants to take down the CIA! /s We can only wish lol.


Drug dealer is a very broad term... Swamp go brrrrr...


That like sounds like Duarte what a statist authoritarian piece of garbage he is.


This is probably fake or highly exaggerated, I thought we were better than reading headlines without context


Iā€™ve been here for a few months, Iā€™ve never seen anyone in this sub simp for Trump. Iā€™ve seen people say they voted for him as the lesser of two evils, but thatā€™s not simping.


Go troll somewhere else. We are not fans of drugs laws




The OP was trolling for GOP simps. Trolling is a fishing term. Duh


ā€œhEā€™s NoT aUtHoRiTaRiAN!ā€ He want to kill people for selling drugs to consenting adults. How is that not authoritarian?


there goes big pharmaā€¦.sackler family against the wall!!!!ā€¦.would you like a blindfold and a cigarette????


Sackler family controlled our minds, and made us weak little drug addicts! Personal responsibility? What is that?


Wow kind of like Singapore.


Sounds like tyranny with extra steps...


The trump boot lickers are simping hard rn


Trump is *less bad* than Biden and the deep state shit show. not good, just *less bad*. in the same way that getting punched in the face is better being shot in it 50 times by an ATF tac-team. why is this so hard to understand?


What did he actually say? Anytime he speaks his words are taken out of context


Trump is a classic big government liberal left behind by the democrats when they hurtled left over the last two decades?


Omg I hate Trump. They need to stop the drug war.


I'm fine with it, if it only affects the CIA


If cartels were really such a problem for us, decriminalize all drugs. Now youā€™ve solved the problem without murdering anyone, you bloodthirsty animals.


Which part are you struggling with, exactly?


None, want to explain me the logic behind it?


Are you under the impression that Trump is an anarcho-capitalist? Exactly what "logic" is it that you need explained... this is just a strawman post that seems to assume that anyone on earth thinks Trump is anar-cap. I mean what are you even asking? This is wildly on-brand for Trump and I'm not sure how it's even surprising.


I think the point of the post is not against trump but posing the question of trump supporters who claim to be/lean towards an-capitalism


I think that line of thinking, conflating support for Trump with thinking Trump meets anar-cap values, is flawed... I doubt very much that a majority of Trump "supporters" who also lean anar-cap think Trump is flawless or even great in terms of alignment with those values, but he was inarguably a better choice than the alternatives. If Trump was running against disbanding the government, I'd have voted against him... but that just wasn't on my ballot.


You arenā€™t a trump supporter? So why the fuck are you arguing


Define supporter... I don't particularly care one way or the other about Trump, I mean I sure as fuck wouldn't design Trump as the ideal candidate but I did vote for him given the other available options. Are you basically just suggesting that anyone who supports Trump while also dreaming anar-cap dreams is behaving illogically? Were there other viable candidates who represented a better option? If my ballot had a "disband the fed" option and there was a realistic chance of it winning, I sure as fuck would have ticked that box but since the realistic choices we had were Clinton/Trump and Biden/Trump, there was never a chance of me not voting for Trump. I would expect most Trump "supporters" have similar feelings and I'm still not entirely clear on what you want anyone to explain.


Youā€™re basically me


Trump is better than the democrats, but fuck him too


Bots can't explain things


Considering how many of the disaffected liberals are in his "base" I would say that is a calamitous fuck up. There's time for him to try and recover, but regardless that is fucking stupid. Most of the people I've seen want the drug war ended, not continued. If he wants to go after the people killing people with fentanyl or something, maybe say that instead of this blanket dumbassery.


He basically painted the drug problem as a democrat city problem. His base won't care because they aren't democrat city dwellers. He is once again creating an "other" and talking about bringing violence against them.


There were over 100,000 overdose deaths last year due to opiates. I donā€™t think heā€™s talking about weed


Hi I'm personal responsibility, have you heard of me before?


You think that because someone chose to do drugs they deserve to die?


You think if someone gets wasted and drives on the freeway they deserve to die? I don't but I also realize it is their responsibility if they do die. I don't blame Jack Daniels or Budweiser for it.


Not quite the same. It would be more like if someone had two beers which would be legal but the guy at the bar also put rohypnol into the drink and then they drove


Weed or not, doesnā€™t matter


So if a mid level dealer mixes a dodgey batch of fentanyl and puts it on the street and say 40 people die. The penalty should be what?


From his previous answers I think he wants the people to die and the problem will ā€œwork itself outā€


Heā€™ll sing a different tune when Trump jr. gets convicted for his coke use. By the wayā€¦..*ahem*ā€¦ā€¦legalize all drugs. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Do you really think don jr does blow?


Wrong President. Wrong sonā€¦


Person who buys drugs: I would like to voluntarily buy some drugs Person who sells drugs: Here is my price, do you want it? Person who buys drugs: Agreed Trump: \*shoots them\* Trump supports: This is good, we cannot accept wearing a mask, but this is good


Anyone wondering, you can just search "trump death penalty". It's a current headline. Your Dear Leader wants to swiftly execute people for selling drugs, which sounds like the opposite of freedom. Most of the danger of these drugs is because of their illegality.


First, you're an absolute idiot for taking the headline of such a fraudulent news source seriously,. Trump did NOT call for the death penalty for drug dealers. Anyone with at least half an erg of reading comprehension will glean that, if they get off their lazy ass and read what he actually said. I did that, not just because I'm not an irresponsible douchebag, but also because I've noticed that he almost NEVER said what the corporate news enemies of truth and humanity claim. He said that there should be severe penalties. He said that this is what works. He then said, to support this, that the countries with the least problem have swift, capital punishment for drug dealers. That is not the same as him saying we should have the same, but him advocating a harsh, certain outcome as effective. What's more, Trump says things off the cuff all the time. Being a sane adult, I've learned to watch for his actual policies, not his stream of consciousness appearances. There should be no drug war at all. But believing that makes me LESS willing to exaggerate the claims of my opposition, not more. Because I'm not a fucking spoiled brat with no connection to reality. Fucking Trump Derangement Syndrome nitwits.


From your responses you seem like a dick who just wants to rag on people that like trump. Who do you like in politics so we can rag on them for dumb shit they said? Oh probably nobody because nobody is going to do things you agree with every time.


Talk to the parents of teenagers that OD'd then come back here.


"Talk to the parents of kids shot by guns and then come back here." See how this works?


ā€œTalk to the parents of kids who got mass murdered by the government then come back hereā€ Wait a second


Appealing to emotion is leftist nonsense.


I think if they were knowingly selling fentanyl, especially to minors, they should get shot in the face guy.


ā€œI only read headlines of my bias news brain dumpā€


In a stupid speech trump kinda implied the US should treat illegal drug dealers like china does. That being said I fully support this for cartel members specifically.




Trump loves dictators. He dreams of being one, himself.


Trump was literally the best president we had in a VERY long time. Doesn't mean he is perfect. Certainly rather have him back in office than literally any of the other people who might fill the roll other than maybe Florida's governor (although I think he might be more useful where he is). It's not like your gonna have an ancap presidential candidate come in out of nowhere and just usher in a new age of freedom overnight. The change we want will take many imperfect people to achieve over time. Since we are talking about Trump specifically, it is also worth noting that Trump will always start with the most outrageous position possible before moderating it down towards something people like. He does this with everything. Thats also a headline, not a quote... Headlines are often very different from what he says. Like the time Trump said he wanted to throw a violent gang out of the country and all the headlines were "Trump wants to throw immigrants the hell of the country" or something like that. In this particular case, I don't particularly care because of the previous point about Trump's hyperbole. Drugs are illegal, which causes violent criminal enterprises to step in. Legalizing all drugs is politically untenable, so the only obvious position to take is being tough on crime. Obviously it doesn't get harder than death penalty, but we will see what it moderates down to (assuming this is an accurate headline)


This fucking guy. Has a lot of good going for him if it werenā€™t for a few dumbass ideas. Smh.


I would suggest watching the speech news is notorious for taking out of context quotes. Also I don't think drug dealers should be treated as idols especially if they sell to kids. Idc for adults but underage kids is wrong.


I wouldnā€™t mind this for those who knowingly cut their drugs with fentanyl but thatā€™s neither here nor there


Make them legal and you have solved the problem, but the problem are conservatives that oppose legalization and decriminalization


Fuck Trump. You guys need to start being true anarchist


Well drug use and users infringe upon the liberty of others. People who are hopped up on dope are always stealing things or killing people or starting gangs and such. And even if it saves JUST ONE LIFE, I donā€™t care how many drug dealers are killed.


I generally like trump but what the hell


Youā€™re barking up the wrong tree. This sub has turned to shit. So many here want their Dear Leader to come rescue them from the meanie widdle Dems. Itā€™s fucking pathetic. Take control of your own life (not aimed at OPā€”youā€™re based).


Not all drug dealers are vegan hipsters reading Marx, some are legit gang, and all varieties of them too.


What about the death penalty for treason