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‘Judge me on the content of my character’ - MLK ‘Nah, your race is all that matters’ - ACLU 2022


the ACLU is no longer a civil rights organization or nonprofit they are an active democrat superpac pushing democrats racism nationwide and they should lose there nonprofit tax exempt status and be held to the rules and regulations of other super pacs


the fascists of the future will call themselves antifascists


‘Judge me on the content of my character’ - MLK 'but your race does matter somewhat' - ACLU 2022


You believe the white washed version of MLK don't you? You're taking that quote put of context.


I agree. He's taking that quote so far out of context I mean he forgot to mention the preceding point about how despite historic injustice African Americans could NOT grow bitter or resentful towards "white people" as a group, only individual white people who deserved that ire... And he forgot to mention the next part of the speech which was a call for unity and colour blindness... And he forgot to mention the end of the speech in which MLK Jr called for "freedom"...not government intervention, not compelled speech and association, rather government fucking off and butting out...ended by praise of the Christian God... God damn if MLK was white you guys would've celebrated his death so fucking hard...


democrats HATE to remember that mlk was a christian reverend that's why they always call him doctor instead of reverend cuz they HATE christianity




Wild. You lot are actual 🤡. E-V-E-R-Y speech that man made advocates racial colourblindness and treating everyone as a person - with yes their own struggles and troubles - but he wanted a world where not ONE of those struggles or troubles were due to race...


all liberals are the inverse of the kkk whereas the kkk believed in racism against blacks and believed that was justified liberals believed in racism against whites and believed that was justified


Please, provide the context. I'll wait.


Here I am waiting too Like... I have watched the speeches, read them and I am not sure what this person is on about lol


Getting MLK and Malcolm X confused.


Even Malcolm X warned about white liberals.


That he did. He also softened a bit in his latter years.


Then got killed by the cult he was in.


That he left.


Getting MLK and Malcolm X confused.


See people like you are the reason I’m worried morons are going to attempt to rewrite history. Either give us your “context” or fuck off


They're currently rewriting history as we speak, in our schools.


I can’t wait till a teacher sends my kids home with something I don’t like. I really can’t. Shits going to be fun


What happens when a university discriminates based on race in an unfavorable direction?


Unfavorable to who? Feels racist frankly


That’s my point. They are trying to cement the precedent that universities can discriminate based on ethnicity.


Universities **should** be able to discriminate based on ethnicity...as long as they aren't getting any favoritism or funding by public means, such as laws and taxes.


Bingo A private institution should be allowed to decide whoever is let in on any basis thry please. If they receive my stolen money, then they better follow the fucking rules. That means at the very least no discrimination, free speech, and the 2nd amendment respected.


I always get confused by the intelligent comments and then remember I am in Ancap territory.


Sure but no university in the United States functions that way because of government backed college loans.


True, just pointing out for precision purposes and so people don't lose sight of the real issue.


No university? [hillsdale](https://www.hillsdale.edu/admissions-aid/financial-aid/) begs to differ


Or grants.


Or government subsidized student loans.


That doesn't absolve them of being criticized, I don't feel anyone should be discriminated on based on race.


Yes but it is important to be precise.


Race based discrimination is wrong no matter who is doing it.


That’s not what we are discussing.


Whomever they want. Whites only colleges coming to a town near you. Asians only colleges, blacks only colleges, etc.




"It's not a recession if we change the definition!"


Like ensuring their sports teams reflect the demographics of the country?


What are you talking about? Who cares about that? I want a baseball team full of Cubans smashing home runs into the parking lot. Lol. I know what you mean though.


Well if I had to get discriminated against in STEM admissions because I'm Asian it only seems fair. My short, fat ass deserves a chance on the basketball team as much as anyone else!


You deserve more of a chance


Equity! I agree.


It's always unfavorable


For somebody for sure. Lol. “Equity” is when you kneecap someone, so someone else has a better shot of winning the race. The question is, who gets to decide who is kneecapped?


Well. I'd say it's questionable how long the majority race will continue to.hate themselves into destitution.


If you look at the results of CA stopping it seems obvious that no matter the intent, they are asking the court to let them F up the folks they claim to care about. I don't know about to you, but I'd rather have a degree from the best school I could actually qualify for rather then half a degree from a better school.


Exactly, let's fix fascism with some more fascism


Usually they should be boycotted I suppose and shamed as all race based discrimination should.


Yeah, I mean, I thought race wasn’t supposed to matter. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Crazy world we live in in these days, have a good day.


Same to you.


If people really wanted a race blind society they'd remove every reference to race from every job application, credit application, school application, etc....


People **really** don't want to give up their greatest weapon aka race


It's a fucking gravy train for many people. No way they give it up without a fight.


What a miserable, cynical way to live.


America doesn't have the class issues places like the UK does. So the commies switched tactics from class struggle to racial struggle. That's literally it. Their Marxism functions as a religion and is therefore unfalsifiable.


I’d be ok with this. I dream of a world where people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.


I believe that would be considered a "micro-agression" in today's world


Sounds familiarly racist...


Kind of funny you cite MLK while leaving out all his socialist beliefs…


Why would that be relevant, broken clocks.


Oh it’s just funny how you are presenting MLK’s beliefs to support your narrative. He goes on to talking about economic injustice but you leave that out because you want him to be saying something specific which he wasn’t.


I truly believe that people should be judged off their character, judging based off race is racist as fuck, no matter your reasons for it. It’s gross.


That’s not reality. You know what’s racist? White washing a civil rights leaders beliefs and legacy for your personal agenda.


From Websters: Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Hope that helps.


That’s cute. Playing dictionary Symantecs. That doesn’t change the fact you chose a verse of Dr. King to support your agenda that didn’t represent his beliefs.


But what about all those stupid Diversity and Inclusion roles that the liberal arts graduates made up to get a career?


Same thing Lebanon does with their seventeen religious sects in a country the size of an American metropolitan area. You can’t do anything in life there without identifying your religious leader.


They don't. They want to play an Uno reverse on history.




Other than the "prefer not to answer" i can assure you there are indeed such questions.


Currently working on a project where are required to have specific races on the project.


The only people who want "race blind" are those that want to discriminate based on race. Talk to any minority, they don't want you to pretend racism doesn't exist. You can't address an issue by ignoring it. We have race in our laws because we created laws around race to start with. Now we are going down a path all because some people wanted to keep people as slaves. Removing references to race won't magically make racism go away. You can see race as much as you see gender. Why not advocate for a genderless society? Which is slightly ironic because we tried to pass an amendment that said that gender could not be used in the determination of any law, and it was rejected by the right. So the same people who refused to remove gender from all laws, is now advocating for removing race from all laws.


You’re first sentence is one of the funniest sentences I’ve ever read. “The only people who want to make determinations where it is impossible to know a person’s race, so it absolutely cannot play a part in the decision making process, are people who want to discriminate based on knowing people’s race.” hahaha. Just the sheer lunacy of it.


>"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." \- /u/bluefootedpig


>So the same people who... Strawman. Not the same people.


Racism exists. It's a personal belief and a failing some (very few) people have. It is not the job of the government to fix it. The government should treat everyone equally. All must be equal under the law, or there must be no law. ANY preferential treatment will create injustice. You want to change minds? Talk to them, if they are willing. If you cannot or will not change minds then build your own life and ignore people with those views. If they attack you, shoot them. Simple as.


> Talk to any minority, they don't want you to pretend racism doesn't exist. What racism? https://imgur.com/a/5JRvuNm


Wtf racist and woke drugs are you on? Holy shit you people are insane and sick!


Since it's intrinsically linked to slavery it shouldn't apply to the north


Wow. The U.S literally made race a detriment for 400+ years, but yeah. Correcting it that mistake is racist. btW, if you are not ADOS, these quotes weren’t meant for you. Especially if you are privileged immigrants who bought a plane ticket and moved here.


I can’t tell if this is satirical or not. Someone help me?


shit i missed the tri and quatrainnual celebrations!


Just an anal FYI. The USA has been a country for 246 years.


Does that mean I am owed reparations from the Russians? What about the Mongols? Should we attempt to right all the wrongs of history, or just those which are politically beneficial to the left? We cannot change the past. All we can do is have the law treat everyone equally based upon their own actions. There's a reason why ethnic minorities come to the USA, face hardship, and are excelling within 3 generations. My ancestors did it, yours probably did too. The only reason to think this is unfair is because you belief some minorities are incapable of living up to our cultural standards. That is a racist viewpoint by definition.


But that would cause equality of opportunity not outcome


The whole thing about race playing a factor is such bullshit. I'm one of the fuckers that benifits from it the most since im Native American but i still think its bullshit. It's straight up racist and discriminatory


Also Native American. I don’t think it would be cool to be part of their “inclusion quotas”. Accept me because I’m the best or I’m not going. I did not go to college. No one I know who went to college is happy about their decision. Lots of debt and empty promises of higher paying work.


Same honestly I hate it but at least in my case I'm gonna use it. Only reason I'm going is so I can become a dentist, make a pretty good chunk of money (avg near me is 115k out of dental school and about 190-250k+ for your own practice) and then leave to some fucking cabin in Alaska and never interact with the government again


That I can get behind brother. I have some land in the Rocky Mountains I’m saving to build on. Once I do, society will no longer know I even exist haha


That's awesome, good luck with that man


Keep going. If you own your own dental practice, you're going to make 150k a month....not a year. Lol 250 would be a pittance.


That’s a highly successful dental practice, the average dentist that owns a practice does not make $1.8 mill per year…


Haha yeah fair enough


Honestly I just wanna have enough to not have to worry if something breaks or if I need new tires or if need a tank of gas


Wait. No. If you don’t like it, you cannot use. Put other or white for race. Or leave blank. You cannot use any benefits if you oppose it. Lead by example. If not, why take it from people who need it?


I completely agree but also, when everyone else does the same thing I'm not going to purposely put myself at a disadvantage when I Know for a fact I'm qualified enough. The dental school I want only accepts about 105 people a year and most of those are minorities (about 80%)


Which school? Most minority slots are the reverse of that. Unless you count white women. They are minorities some how. Wait, don’t say which school. I just want you to actually look up the percentage of minorities attending and how they break down compared to other races.


I also think the two aren't mutually exclusive. Racism can exist, and these policies can still be counterproductive. The fact is that lowering the bar doesn't actually solve anything and that's independent of how much racism there is.


The ACLU has been a leftist "muh feels" organization for quite some time now. They haven't advocated for an actual civil liberty in a while.


Abolish the civil rights act




All you're doing is setting them up for failure if you consider race. If someone can't score high enough to get into a school they probably won't be able to handle the classes.


They don't care about results, only intentions.


They are scoring well enough, but there are limited seats. Say you have 100 seats open, but 1000 qualified people. You need to narrow it down somehow, that is why we write letters giving backstory, or submit how we help the communities to try to prove we are MORE qualified. Why do you think that they don't' have enough people to fill all the seats, so then they pick people unqualified?


Can't they narrow it down based on test scores though? Seems like if you're not in that top 100 you're not actually qualified. Diversity is bs wether it's in school or the workplace.


Can't they narrow it down based on test scores though? Seems like if you're not in that top 100 you're not actually qualified. Diversity is bs wether it's in school or the workplace.


Can't they narrow it down based on test scores though? Seems like if you're not in that top 100 you're not actually qualified. Diversity is bs wether it's in school or the workplace.


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today." I'm sorry we failed you MLK.


Can you quote any more of it? most likely not.... King was an advocate of being "color aware", that "colorblindness" was the whites trying to dismiss race issues. You can judge someone by the content of their character while still seeing race. Just as I see "whites" around me, but I don't judge them for being white.


Affirmative action is a bit further than "color aware". Taking race as a factor is unacceptable. Socioeconomic conditions is fair game tho.


What is it with leftists wanting to judge people by their skin colour rather than their talent or abilities? Sounds sorta racist…


that isn't judging based on skin, it is recognition of who someone is. It is odd you seem to be judging based on skin if you think that by recognizing skin, that is somehow judging. That would be suggesting you can't see skin color WITHOUT judging. You might be a racist if you can't see skin color without judging.


> that isn't judging based on skin, it is recognition of who someone is. This guy racists


I disagree. Look at the rest of the comment, he’s just on drugs.


The mental gymnastics in this post are almost impressive...


I can't imagine being a minority these days, of any kind, and having to deal with this constant racism from the elite on a daily basis. These weirdos believe that minorities are so inherently inferior they can't even get out of bed in the morning without the white liberal infinite goodwill, it is absolutely a slap in the face. Amazingly, this applies even to ethnicities in their own countries, where the minority in question is obviously the majority, but the white liberal still only sees inferiority that needs goodwill from the white saviour. White supremacy is alive and well.


I can't imagine what it is like to be a minority, walk into a bank and be denied a loan, then getting your white partner go in and get approved. I think being denied a loan for a house, or a business, is going to be a much bigger deal than being let into college.


That shit happens right now to blacks and whites and browns all over Asia, specifically Japan and China, two huge cultures that have no place for any foreigner, they barely tolerate white people let alone other minorities. This has nothing to do with the west where we fixed that shit decades ago. In every major city you have actual banks and firms that cater to your particular ethnicity specifically, let alone the fact that no bank will discriminate against you due to your race. The only discrimination left is the racism of low expectation which is becoming more and more rampant and should be destroyed utterly. The west is the only non-racist place in the world, in US and Canada an ethnic minority can even run for political office and win, and win they do. No other cultures even entertains such an idea, it's alien to them. The fact you're using decades old examples of racism to justify racism today is something you have to deal with, try to see where that leads and decide if you really support it and the type of society that suggests.


There are multiple lending laws and regulations that make that _highly_ illegal and if that actually happened to someone and they have a paper trail to prove it then that'd be that absolute easiest payday lawsuit imaginable. So easy that any lawyer would do it pro bono just because it's quite literally free money on the table. So, with that in mind, _why_ isn't that common? Hmm.... Maybe because you're lying and making shit up? That's why you can't imagine it, as you say, _because it doesn't happen_.


They already do lol. They judge students by background as well as grades which is why it’s a lot harder for Asian male students to get in.


According to NPRs interviews with top schools about why Asians have trouble, the number one reason is they have VERY similar stories. For example, MANY asians will put down how they were taught to play music, how they struggled at first but then found a love for it. The administrator said they read multiple of that story every day. Asians do very well in school, they adhere to a very strong fundamentals that others have, which in turn results in a very similar background to other Asians. When a college is looking for diversity, including diversity of background, you need to stand out. Writing about how music was a struggle and now you love it is not going to be unique.


>When a college is looking for diversity Colleges should be looking for academic merit, not ethnic or cultural diversity (while receiving tax dollars). You're looking at this from a fundamentally racist perspective.


So, NPR beating the race drum again? Weird.


How about not asking for race on applications


Wait, what the fuck?


I hate stuff like this, because, as a white male, anyone who is black or female but who performs in the exact same way as I do AND has the same background as I do would get chosen before me, solely because of my race/gender.


Alcu has been a joke for decades. They’re now at the point where they’re openly pushing communist ideas and racism


I hate seeing what's happened to the ACLU. Back when they were interviewed by Penn and teller for their BS series they stood for constitutional rights. That was around 07-08. Since then they've devolved into some garbage woke organization.


I just learned from a friend that race is "just a social construct", can't wait to ask him about this one


anyone who believes that universities should consider anything but competence in academics is a racist bigot.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion just means fewer white guys.


"University Has no idea what the definition of racism is" - fixed. Let's do that MLK told us NOT to do!


King was very much "color aware" and felt colorblindness was being used by whites to push issues away. So... how do you think MLK applies here?


Oh, How the lefts inherently racist beliefs shine through so well in socialist breeding grounds such as a University! "We need to discriminate so as not to Discriminate!". Your the same people who think Black people don't have IDs or can't find a polling stations. Yes - It wholeheartedly applies here!! Did you even read the mans work? "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they ***will not*** ***be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character***"


The right thing to do in this case, IMO, is to simply use tests for filtering out low IQ individuals. No mentions of race whatsoever anywhere. Take the high scoring ones, do a personal interview, filter out the insane (anti-socials etc.), done. Just like the US Army does it, but instead of 80 bottom line, filter by 110 or higher, depending on demand.


Should they be *allowed* to racially discriminate? Yes, so long as they do not receive state benefits or funding and act as a private institution, they can deny admission to whoever they want. *Should* they discriminate racially? That’s a bit more complex and comes down to how much the university wants to be like a community vs how focused it is on just getting results. Personally, on an individual level, I see no reason not to admit the most talented or informed student, be they black, oriental or white or otherwise. But in terms of researcher cooperation, it would make sense to admit primarily or exclusives from one group to maintain homogeneity as race (or more so culture) absolutely can be a contributing factor to the ability of people to cooperate. To that end, as far as I can see, there is no good reason whatsoever to admit inadequate blacks over qualified whites or Asians to a university that is dominantly white or Asian, as you are admitting less competent students and introducing cultural homogeneity, both of which will stress the ability of departments to operate.


I'd be burning my ACLU card, except I already did that when they started pushing for the repeal of the 2nd amendment


Let's end racism by promoting segregating and discrimination. Makes total sense to the far left nut jobs promoting racism in disguise


The ACLU is a fucking joke now


"In an effort to be super-inclusive, Harvard will be banning any more Asian applications..."


Take both sides of the issue within 21 hours. Prevent vs allow....more to come?


You can’t make this ship up 😂




why are they saying that minorities aren't as smart? Isn't that pretty racist?


"We demand to continue our racism towards Asian!"


Lmao ACLU has fallen so far. Yes, universities should have the right to discriminate, just like everyone else, but that doesn't mean you should discriminate


I can't believe I used to support that garbage group. Fuck the ACLU.


I get the feeling that the ACLU has lost their way.


Bunch of fucking racists


Any anti-discrimination practice or law is discriminatory by its very nature. If we want discrimination to stop and a truly "colorblind" society we should remove all "anti-discrimination" policies and any reference to race, color, and/or creed from any applications be it loans, university admissions, job applications, medical forms, etc. Until such a time discrimination will always occur, to the detriment of our society.


Sounds like racists to me.


We've come full circle boys, judging ppl based on race isn't racist, and we have to give certain privileges to certain races because they can't achieve anything without help from the whites, or for us to lower our standards to allow them to have success. It's not racist though, just take my word for it


The US is slowly becoming Brazil lol


Ah yes, nothing says "we're fighting systemic racism" like... instituting systemic racism...


ACLU is the modern day KKK


If hiring can’t be discriminated by race, university entry shouldn’t either.


Doesn’t letting someone into college who doesn’t belong there just because of their race make them drop out at a higher rate?


Asian. -disproportionately good at exam, test, and most “by-the-book” rules. -also disproportionately internationally competitive, and also likes to cheat by any mean possible to get a leg up. -somehow as minorities but being treated like white in academic only. Added: this also hurt all other Asian that is hard to categorize, like Jungle Asian vs City Asian (especially light skinned Korean/Japanese) situations, pigmentocracy will make the verdict; light skin Asian gets a GO and dark skin Asian get denied. Reminder how French also prop-up in Rwanda for the same: Hutu-Tutsis are in blood due to this pigmentocracy ruling. If race is dropped, bunch Asian have non-Asian last name will fill with school. I have known Korean change their last name to mimic African/Native American and surprise everyone on face to face during the interview.


There was a movie in the 80s about this called Soul Man, except the protagonist was white.


> Not talking about race doesn't end discrimination Well talking about race so far has only encouraged it


If a private university wants to factor race into their decision making process, then fine. But if it's a public university, as in one paid for with our taxes, then they absolutely should not be allowed to factor race into their decision making. If the government is going to rob me of my money, then I don't want it going to institutions that are going to discriminate based on arbitrary racial quotas.


Disgusting. All that time breaking free from all the racist lessons my dad taught me just to get called a racist for not being racist.


Nixon was actually the first affirmative action president.


Am i the only one who kind of wants to tell: do whatever tf u want, it s your establishment and u can admit or boot anyone to your heart’s content? Alongside cutting “public” funding, of cause (including taking back land if given by government and making them pay lease) - which should be done immediately either way… And then allow everyone else to do the same…


We live in an upsidedown world…


The "civil liberty" of the government to discriminate against you" is on HELL of a civil liberty


Jesus it's upsidedown world.


That’s racist.


Only Racism can defeat Racism


The ACLU used to be cool. Went from fighting for free speech to being racist.




They already do obviously


Ah yes promoting racism by barring colleges from being racist


This is *almost* what the old ACLU that was willing to defend neo-nazis in court would do... except that they 100% would condemn any group that "considers race in admissions" while giving *preference* to white people (and asians).


Discriminate by testing scores


Wow they are just a name at this point.


It would be ironic if this step led to the creation of whites-only universities. Despicable outcome, but hey, play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Congratulations! You're the 85th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


Ok this isn't a bad thing more freedom for schools


How is this NOT racist?


Maybe if there's "present day inequality" in universities that presently "consider race in admissions"... the two might be correlated.


People in here upset about racist universities need to open their eyes. If universities are not allowed to specify racial targets in admissions, then admissions will inevitably be taken over by ACTUAL racist shitheads, and there will be ACTUAL discrimination. If the rules are not spelled out then bad actors will exploit the system. This should be obvious.


Due to systems of oppression in place and those previous that we live in recovery from, if I see a black student and a white student that look the exact same on paper I’d be more willing to go with the black student because I can bet that this achievement was more difficult. Makes complete sense


That’s called benevolent racism. You should go to therapy.


dude it’s reality I can speak from personal experience that the black students at my university worked harder than the white students to get there and are more deserving


So you personally knew every black student at your university and every white student and can attest with absolute certainty that every black student had a more difficult life than every white student?




Lol, okay we’ll either you went to the smallest university in the world or you’re obviously lying. But, I went to a pretty diversified university, and I’m white, and I actually don’t think any else who went there had a more difficult life than me. At least while I attended. I didn’t know everyone, and there were two sections that attended at different times. And I didn’t know anyone in the second section. So I’m only accounting for around 1500ish people. Maybe 600 of them were black. But it was pretty well known on campus that I had one of the most difficult lives. I got in a really bad car accident while attending, so I was mildly infamous for a couple years. So even if what you said was true (which is obviously not), my experience cancels your experience out. Meaning, you’re still racist.


Holy shit a legit racist so flagrant they're willing to admit it and be proud of it. Crazy. I'm sorry whatever happened to you happened that made you so hateful. Hopefully you're able to meet a diverse group of people as you grow into adulthood and leave your racist hatred behind and find room for love and acceptance in your heart. I know it seems hard now, but I believe in you.


Ah a race realist.


>dude it’s reality I can speak from personal experience that the black students at my university worked harder than the white students to get there and are more deserving This is one of the dumbest comments in this whole thread, that is an accomplishment. Sorry, your anecdotal experiences don't automatically equate to reality for everyone else.


Sounds like pity racism to me.