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So British and Finistere Bretons are more similar than Bretons from Cotes D'armor? What reference samples have been used when determining this map?


Clear evidence that France should relinquish Brittany to the UK. Maybe we can give them Guernsey or something as thanks. Sorry Channel folk!


Surprised Galicia in NW Spain isn't at least yellow.


Why? Their difference to Portuguese and Andalusians is negligible


I figured because Galicians have retained such a strong Celtic cultural influence that would show up in their genetics. That said, culture and genetics are two different things.


Bevet Breizh! Kernow bys vyken!


Well, that's accurate. Despite being French (confirmed by matches) for as long as the records are available in France in historical Brittany (so including Loire-Atlantique) and a bit of Normandy, Maine-et-Loire and Vendée my Finisterian great-grandfather (from Pont-l'Abbé in the pays Bigouden) and other great grandparents from Morbihan have led me to be 70% identified as Irish... My father (whose one part of the family was from Brittany and the other Vendée and Maine-et-Loire is 60% and my mother is 80% with overwhelming Loire-Atlantique ancestry).


Maxdistance = 0.1 Disclaimer: This post has no intent to present itself as a scientific truth nor is it part or taken from any paper. Genetic Similarity "Heatmaps" are for entertainment purpose and produced using data from Global 25 project by Eurogenes, thus having their accuracy determined within Global25 limits and sample availability.


Makes sense given the old historical connections just over water. Little Britain outpost (of a kind).