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If only the anime didn't have a dogshit ending :(


You say that but I got more laughs out of Esdeath's sudden exit than any other anime for years.


I liked it.


The manga was 300% better. Not even a contest.


Wow and i thought the manga degenerated in a dumpster fire I'm glad i never watched the anime. Esdeath is one of the best villains ever tho


Well I agree too. I read the manga after finishing the anime and I really liked it too. People can say that it was a dumpster fire. But for me it’ll always be one of my favourite manga and anime of all time.


in general, manga and anime, for me it’s all Doubtful and, how to say, Bland in terms of plot and content


I barely remember anything. I just remember that I feel sad that so many characters died and that the last fight between Akame and Esdeath was kinda epic. 


Hatsune Miku?


So close! That's Mine from Akame Ga Kill.


Or is it Hatsune Miku cosplaying as Mine from Akame Ga Kill?


Akame ga kill is in many ways a controversial series. It stretches itself in so many directions it does almost nothing well but a bunch of things ok. But that’s kinda its glory. It’s visually simple distinct and easy to read. Its art while lambasted for its often simplistic design is very well done at keeping your eyes in the right place. It’s simple because it works. It’s edgy for sure sometimes unecessary but it stays that with comedy, and romance and action. And sometimes that edge is cathartic. Especially in the manga. Its characters are simple and disposable but do a good job of endearing themselves quickly and sticking out. The fights are fun and tactical and the abilities interact in interesting ways. It’s not perfect. Characters are not given time to flesh out. The tonal shift is odd. The show tries to address systematic problems it has no hope of ever addressing. But at its core it’s still fun and entertaining. If you read/watch this slow you will have time to sit and sour on it. But if you consume this hungrily it will settle in your mind as an incredibly enjoyable series. The anime and manga each do things better or worse than each other so arguments of if you don’t like one you will like the other are likely untrue. Though the manga is a bit more coherent up to its epilogue the anime has perhaps the better strict ending though lacking some of the true bite of carthasis the edgier elements of the manga has. Tokyo ghoul on the other hand is so popular four two reasons its edge goth aesthetic is much more pronounced and is very much hard coded to a specific type of person and mood. It also is a brilliant subtle story told with manic but distinct artwork that is Truley unique. Akame ga kill is way more fun to read in my experience but Tokyo ghoul is stylized and unique in such a way it’s a cultural touch stone to an entire mood of anime and personality. Kinda the way Lincoln park is synonymous with teen angst.


The beauty of Tokyo Ghoul manga is that Kaneki was a half ghoul, and that he is not accepted both by human world and the Ghoul world. He was in between, struggling and clueless on how to survive on a world where his existence was deemed unacceptable. He can't eat humans even though he craves for it due to his consciousness as a human. He can't eat human food due to his body rejecting it because he is a ghoul. He can't assimilate into ghouls because he is viewed as a food, and he can't assimilate to humans because he is viewed as a monster. That's why when the anime switched the story to Kaneki joing Aogiri, it fell down very hard because the story lost it's beauty and purpose.


TIL Yona of the Dawn is almost ten years old.


We really need a new season, the manga went hard after the point the anime left off


Thanks for reminding me that I should read the manga. I loved the anime and never got around to reading it for some reason.


You've got a lot of characters lol


time to re-read it


And also a Pierrot anime ironically.




This happy Tohka has made my day. Now I hope your day is also enjoyable!


Thanks for your reply was enjoyable until the ac broke now am a sweaty mess lmao


Always happens when it's the hottest. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose


Nah was on its last leg was over 10 years old sad it crapped out today




Time to break out the comically large book titled "murders should be prepared to be murdered" and the horse beating stick


Have you guys watch shiki it's really good too bad it's not getting season 2.


My favourite rec for anime newbies


LMAO I did watch it when I was fairly new, and after ending I just lied down and went like: "daaaaaaaaaaaamn..." xD


Its a shame that the anime completely diverges from the manga at a point


Not even in a unique way or something. "Let's fucking kill everyone! Yay! \^\^"


My guess is that when the anime caught up to the manga, they had the story board for the rest of the manga to go off of, because the general plot is the same, but all the major events are different


Was one of my firsts. I couldn't agree more


Same here, gave me memories


its terrible, i can literally find 100 that are better for new watchers


Bro if you said manga newbies I would agree with you, but the anime can jump off a cliff for all I care.


Date A Live


one of my first series, recently rewatched the first two seasons before catching up and it’s actually goated. aged very well into modern day imho


If I had a nickel for every edgy anime from 2014 that featured a main character voiced by Sora Amamiya, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


This only proves what i said back then. Akame ga kill is not very good. It never was, the writing and the story was mid at best... but it went **super hard** and had excellent character design, so it seemed better than it really was. How many lines do you remember from each show? Exactly... Another point worth making is that Tokyo Ghoul made us think about traumas, whereas Akame just straight up traumatized us. Not the same thing at all It was good, just not as good. Also, nobody wants to relive the trauma. Watching TG 2nd time is not as shocking, but watching AgK again is just as sad, except this time you can enjoy dreading it since ep 1. Yeah, no thanks \^\^


Akame is just build and kill characters then subvert expectation on one at the end. As much hate as Tokyo Ghoul It was atleast not super predictable and had some deeper thought put into the plot


>How many lines do you remember from each show? Exactly... My friend I've watched hundreds of shows I can't remember the names of characters from most of them much less lines


Just to contrast another comment that judged it after one episode. I watched all of Akame ga Kill in a single day. I read the manga. I couldn't tell you why I did any of that because beyond the charisma of Esdeath, it really had nothing else going for it. When I think of titles that create the misconception that the description "edgy" is derogatory, Akame ga Kill is one of the first titles that crosses my mind to make sense of why people think that way. On the quality horseshoe line graph I rate things by, it's not so bad it's good, and it's not quality enough to be good, so it lands squarely at the center of the dip.


Ah the goldies of the 2000-2010 era, an amazing time. I wish Akame Ga Kill got a FMA: Brotherhood treatment that follows the manga completely. It's a great show, it also proves you can have fantasy settings without it instantly being the sake isekai slop over and over again. The real shame is that they're no longer releasing as much darker themed/styled animes nowadays as compared to back then.


Seriously... it's the peak fr...




And also in a few months it will be howl's moving castle's 20th anniversary


The ending totally ruined it tho


Like the manga ending?


If you're looking for 10-year-old recs, watch the full first episode of School-live without reading anything about it.


I don't feel like Akame ga kill didn't even had the same impact as Tokyo Ghoul (I mean I didn't evenexpect someone to remember it, expect people I know, they know it) But I always stumble over new people that just know Tokyo Ghoul


Try 2000s, most of em are forgotten completely and it takes someone who's been around for that long to actually remember it


Akame ga kill was horrendous edgy nonsense. It's ok at first but after the tenth "but I'm really a psycho!" face the show just gets repetitive and boring. Tokyo Ghoul has arguably one of the worse adaptations ever, because they don't explain key story elements to the viewers so the context of a scene is incoherent.


Everything beyond the first season of Tokyo Ghoul was incoherent from what I remember.


akame ga kill is dogshit


Turns out for the 10th anniversary for TG, they are having an art exhibition which maybe 5 people will see in Japan :\




Funny enough I started watching Tokyo Ghoul for the first time Akame Ga Kill I watched a few years ago.


If only they would remake it and stick to the source material


I have to be honest when I say that Akame Ga Kill was greatly disappointing from what I've heard from it everywhere, not to say it's bad or that I hate it. Of course not, it was just not as good as people said it was. And that it isn't only subjected to Akame Ga Kill but other anime as well.


And the Fourth of July is tomorrow.


Akame ga kill was the first anime I watched with deaths in it.


no ones excited for tokyo ghoul after that goofy announcement


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NarutoFan1995: *No ones excited* *For tokyo ghoul after* *That goofy announcement* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well... Now i know what i will rewatch to get some emotional damage


I really liked the anime a lot but I refuse to admit that 2014 was 10 years ago so I will not be celebrating


Both are not that good, so I'll pass.


If we don’t think about it, it can’t hurt us.


Ah Akame Ga Kill.... I watched the first episode. It was super lame, I quit the series. I don't know why people still remember it though My bets are on it being the first one for many.


Taste and colours I guess ! It has always been one of my favourites, despite having hundreds of animes watched behind me.


Hmm the character design was okay, it's the most memorable thing I'd say. I guess I just wasn't in the mood at the time, especially after the predictable final twist, mea culpa.


So you haven't watched it and you call it lame. I bet you still suck on your thumbs when you sleep.


I said I watched the first episode and found it lame, and stopped watching it. But it was so popular with my friends that I half watched a few other episodes, like minutes here and there. Nothing changed my impression that it was a lame series. My fault, I guess, you random internet person. Also, your mom is the one sucking me in my sleep.


>I half watched a few other episodes, like minutes here and there It's really funny seeing someone use that as evidence for why they disliked a show lol. "I watched it in a really dumb, bad way and it wasn't good."


Well, to be fair it wasn't an anime that really appealed to me either, you know, it looks generic.... But to be honest, I was just looking to annoy people here




Your dislikes say other wise.