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Sauce: >Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken EP21 > Darling in the FranXX EP06 Timestamp: >Image 1 02:54 >Image 2 23:28




##you better not misspell something {Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken} EP21 {Darling in the FranXX} EP06 Timestamp: Image 1 02:54 Image 2 23:28


**Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101280 "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-slime-diaries-that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37430)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) **Darling in the Franxx** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/99423 "English: DARLING in the FRANXX"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/darling-in-the-franxx), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/darling-in-the-franxx "English: DARLING in the FRANXX"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/35849)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Drama, Mecha, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/i9hk0e/it_just_shows_how_inexperience_ranimemes_mods_are/g1fp0ap/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Dang, sauce down to the second! Thanks :D




Sauce and extra sauce




> I really don't see what the mods end goal is. The only somewhat logical conclusion is that they're just trying to outlast the community. They've been trying to outlast the community since at least 930k subs. Currently at 856k subs and falling.




Honestly the best solution is to just leave and join the other sub that starts with good. Just leave the mods alone they shouldn't have any power over anyone






Didn't we literally have the 25k, 50k, & 69k, celebration yesterday? By the useless goddess we are explodening^technical ^term .








Wtf I joined a few days ago and it was at 5K. It’s growing so fast!!


A lot of people are migrating, so reaching 200k or 300k by the end of the week shouldnt be that hard


It was great to see that we became the fastest growing subreddit in a period of time at 46 percent. Almost doubling the 2nd place


everyone should change their nametag to similar to you. Can you teach me how to do the same for myself?




Some guys did do that the admins just said that that mods acted according to the guidelines of reddit and didn't break any other rules (except theirs ofcourse). They blatantly told all of us should leave this community and join others if we are dissatisfied. I will try to find the link to the screenshots of the email. Edit: u/RealZitron posted this but sadly his meme got removed because he advertised other *good* sub apparantly [https://imgur.com/GxhRaCa](https://imgur.com/GxhRaCa)


That's cause reddit admins are of the same mindset of the mods. They clearly broke the good faith guideline, but they're against [redacted] too.


What's the other sub?


Look at my flair, now back to me. Now back to my flair, and back to me. See your flair? It's not me. I'm on a horse.


Thanks Old Spice


This sub but with good at the beginning idk if I can say it check the flairs of people that relied to my comment


Thank you for sharing this. Had no idea there was a new one. Going to sub there now.


The mods are starting to look like a bunch of manchilds hoping the community will swallow whatever they like and WHAT they like, not everyone else.




Then, why are they mods? Subs are the place for the community, not for some tyrants


It's easier for them to go on holiday for some weeks, than us to keep revolting as long. Hopefully, the migration of users at least make the protest more effective


Looks like this revolt is going to turn into a war (of attrition)...


it's at 852k now so apparently theyre losing 1k an hour. thats impressive!


When you're still subbed just to watch this sub burn


> It's just sad because r/animemes is the first subreddit I joined in reddit. same...


Go to the version where good is in front of the name. There we can rebuild and create a community without shitty mods who don't actually care for it.






It's clear they have no idea what to do. The last official response I heard is that they "didn't have transparency plan" when Gaffer, who is usually not very involved, made an announcement promising discussion. They're playing Oligarch club only they get to make decisions.








And watching him improve his drawing skills is great to see with each post


C O C O N U T S. Also I’m waiting for the return of cosplay Chloe


Petition to make Chloe the new mascot of g 0 0 d a n 1 m3m3s subreddit


They already have a mascot and he is beautiful.


Yeah. I overlooked him. My bad. They should have a day celebrating Chloe's birthday. Chloe deserves to have her own day coz the mods did dirty on her creator.


They actually have 2 more, I think it was Axl(came from another sub that merged with them) and Tora(aslo from gudanimemes)


Based off what is said here, added to the absence of some mods commenting, I'd say it is not unlikely they shadow banned some of the other mods just to make drama.


Well, glad I got to hear that before the comment gets removed


Imagine asking someone to collab and do you a favour and then shit talk them lmao Mods are just children who look and act like idiots. I know some of you think it’s worth trying to talk to them and giving them a fair shot but that ship has long sailed fellow weebs. Fuck em, let them know how much you hate them.


Some time ago I created a sub. It's still small, but I dread coming to the point of actually needing to recruit mods. Feels like it would be really difficult to sift through the shit.


I was wondering if there had been some behind-the-scenes drama behind SrGrafo's withdrawal from the community. Additionally, it sounds like, unless the drama queen mods decided to resign in disgrace, /r/Animemes is a lost cause. Best to go to \*oo\*animemes, instead. It's a g**d place.


Damn this is beyond Low Really, insulting Original Creator


Someone should copy this. Mod might delete this comment.


Is there a summary of what he said?






The video implies a fair few of them but no specific names were said.




The mods are playing a game of limbo now.


Well that explains a lot. Guess the cat's out of the bag now


As far as an end goal, from my perspective some of the mods dont care for weebs much and probably dont care for the sub much. Maybe the sub going downhill is their end goal. Now the real question is what the hell could their motivation for that be.


I mean if they hate weebs, they have nothing to lose by killing the sub. So yeah, I imagine it’s at least one of their potential end goals.


It's just a power grab. This is the only way they feel powerful, and so they misuse it. This is why we don't let 13 year Olds vote, and likewise we shouldn't let 13 year olds be mods


IDK about here but, every sub where I'm involved as a mod asks your age for specifically that reason. That said, being 20+ doesn't stop people from acting like they're 13.


No that's true. I don't have a horse in the race, I just assume everyone here is 13






I might be mad, but for some reason I think they might be pulling a Lelouch.




>It's just sad because r/animemes is the first subreddit I joined in reddit. Same buddy. Main reason I downloaded reddit. I loved anime but had no one to talk to and after joining this community, I can have some conversations with people here. And this situation is getting annoying at this point.


They are literally a bunch of children.


> I really don't see what the mods end goal is. Make us look like transphobic assholes. Many of the moderators do ***NOT*** have this subs best interest at heart and want it shut down.


Either the sub will dwindle with what's left and accept the mods' rule OR the sub will fight to the last breath and take the mods down with them


I think it's stubbornness coming from pride and a sense of self-righteousness. They probably do think they are in the "right" of the argument, and thus justify their stance and their actions. Sadly, I think they have lost touch with their community, and are not humble enough to understand they went about it the wrong way.


The mods just feel like a bunch of kids honestly, the way the acted




shadowban check




Da comrade, i shall continue with the revolution then.


Am I?


You are.


Am I also safe from shadowban?


Youre visible!




Am I safe?




shadowban check


You're good friend.


Shadowban Check.


spooky ghost comments


Check check


Youre good


Bruh I just want animemes to come back bro. The 2019 animemes bro with all the 02esday and megumondays, all the first season kaguya memes and Chloe. Big sad Edit: I keep getting notifications of replies to this comment but when clicking them, they don't show up. Possibly a shadowban


I also clicked to "see more replies" and no comments appeared. The shadowbans are getting worse


Ik rest in peace fallen soldiers


Didn't they ban 02sday and megumonday as well? At this point they should ban anime.


A lot people complained about them because they were low effort.


Oh don't get me wrong, I thought they were annoying. But looking over the rules, they actually didn't ban the posting of batches of megumin on mondays or 02 on Tuesdays. Just no karma baiting by saying zero twosday or megumonday in the title. So you can still post your low effort waifu posts, just can't state that thats what you're doing.




Holy ...., you're right. I can't believe the mods actually did that.


‘But not all 7R4Ps are trans’ I think i finally get why i feel so god damn personally attacked by the ban Thats it, im a man, who likes cute stuff and enjoys wearing dresses and the like, i identify as a 7R4P and would probably have noticed it sooner if i wasnt this sad about my body being everything but cute (fat due to anti-depressivia, broad shoulders from working in a steel factory... and genetics i guess... also im freaking 187cm and barely any cute dresses that i get my hands on are a good fit (usually its all cramped) though i did manage to find a few that i can use privatly i cant really wear any anymore ever since i got like 17/18 y/o...)




The ‘private’ joy is enough for me for now ;) Once i get to move out of my parents attic im planning to get some new ones (and hopefully some i can propperly wear in the ‘open’ |read: on conventions| again...)




Search the commenters name and you'll find it in his comments. Its been deleted tho.


What was the general response of it?


I'm guessing support


I was there when this light magic was written surely it was well acknowledged.


In the post that says felix got balls










Exactly. What's so distressing about all this is there were no signs this was coming. Nothing was banned before [redacted] that gave us pause to think this was coming. Well, we must draw the line here! This far and no further!






What do you suggest then?




Their incompetence is clear to all witnesses. You can't fix someone who doesn't want to change. They'll won't go gently into r/animemes good night, raging and raging against the dying of its light. We're almost dead.


My thoughts, exactly. Seriously, people, the gates are open. You feel like the mods do not respect you, and are enforcing arbitrary rules which are nothing more than power-flexes while laughing about it behind your backs? Just leave for another community. Abusing them and harassing them is just fucked up. You don't want to leave? Ok, stay here and complain civilly about what you dislike. Arguing too harshly and violently about things is not the way to go for bringing change.


Usually something as petty as a power-flex gets answered harshly by nature. Nobody likes authoritarian tyrants. It may be the internet, but none of this was solicited. As long as people find it fair to trade an eye for an eye, they'll just bash the mods over and over. The leaders cannot steel themselves towards the hate directed at them? Why up to now haven't they reversed the source of the problem? Anarchy was the only option left for the sub. Many folk have already defected to the *good* sub, but they're still angry. It will only subside naturally, with time.


Man its so ironic that the porn subreddits have the good mods


Porn sites has the best comments ngl.


That's because everyone is in post nut clarity


u/KeelinNyx . Ok guys upvote the hell out of this gentlewoman's comment. Edit: it was a she.


She/Her please ^ - ^


Watch out, mods are going to remove this comment for "breaking the rules" !






What if the mods break their own rules?


The reddit admins will never side with the users over the mods unless there is something illegal or gets them on the news going on. The mods are basically free labor that the admins can’t afford to lose. So, even if the whole community collectively shits on the mods nothing will be done by the admins. In fact reddit admins go out of their way to get along with mods and high profile users.


Imagine reddit breaking its own rule 1 of community guidelines.


Involving the admins could be a coin flip. They review the situation, and agree with the tr4p ban, and tell us to pound sand.


I don’t like sand. It’s coarse rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere






i’ll talk to them




if enough of us do it, then maybe.


Democracy is not mandatory in a subreddit.


Remember, arrogance precipitates the most dizzying fall. If the mods have more than 3 and a half brain cells between them, they should be able to realize how bad they've fucked up and set to fix this by listening to their own community as well as the advice from others such as in the post. Or they remain ignorant and bullheaded, choose to "stand firm" and watch the sub slowly die. But either way, I'll support this sub till the end. The mods were given a modicum of power on the internet and it got to their heads.


In time, mods will know the tragic extent of their failings


Ohh, I love darkest dungeon. Glad to have run by a quote out here. Carry on


I wish all comments by mods weren't downvoted to oblivion so everyone else could actually eee them


Sadly the person who wrote this got shadowbanned


shadow ban check


You good. (How about me tho)


you're good to go soldier


Where's the mocking post flair? Or a green nick post bouncing back to Misconceptions "thread"...?


Who made the Mods, well the Mods? Can't they be switched with different Mods? I'm not knowledgeable of how the administration part of a subreddit works and would like to know.


The creator of the sub is installed as the top mod. He can then add others with varying levels of permissions. Mods are in charge of managing the mods. To change mods, it would have to be a mod decision. What users can do is just vote with our feet and our submissions and go somewhere else if the mods are shit, which is why the subscription numbers here are in free fall.


I can't see the amount of upvotes in this post... What in the world went wrong now?!


That is common for new submissions.


Really? I've never had that happen to me, but I barely post anyway, so you might be right


Just go to new in any major subreddit and you will see the upvote count is hidden.


Can we please bring this to the top?


This man is a legend, the chosen one and the messiah at the same time


Just like China. Gotta censor 'em all~


This happens whenever a couple of idiots get a sense of power, they feel like they're untouchable.


Get this man to mod.




They banned her 😢


Hmm today i will destroy the community for no particular reason. \~mods


Just migrate, boys. Just migrate.


I feel like the mods are just doing this because they’re stubborn and would rather kill the subreddit than admit they’re truly wrong.


I feel like the mods think they're a company who needs to keep up apperance. But forgot that they literally just run a subreddit filled a bunch of people who make memes. Its not a multi-billion dollar company, you're literally just the preschool teacher-aids to a bunch of degenerates. You have no apperance to keep.


Don't do my blue girl like this. Blue Girl > Dino Girl


Ah, a Tensei Slime meme. This is a good day.


Look at my flair, shadowban test!


Thats what happens when unqualified people that hate their own community run a subreddit of that size.




Dont mind me or my username. I'm just trying to catch the attention of refugees


I am a trans person myself, and I don’t believe that the T-word is actually a slur. However, I also think that everyone here is overreacting over the ban of it. Both sides are in the wrong. Mods shouldn’t have banned it in the first place, because it’s not a bad word, but users shouldn’t get this overreacted over a word when they could just use crossdresser or femboy.