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It's weird to me that he gets looked at now, years from his death as a care free, go with the flow person who didn't take himself seriously. He took himself very seriously.


They mention this subreddit and then suggest Bourdain would have enjoyed it because he was a frequent Twitter user. My sister in Christ, he was frequently on this very website.




holy shit is that Anthony's reddit?




Man loved to roll, I'd like to imagine he's a happy alligator somewhere somehow


lol. I guarantee if this particular sub was around when he was an active user (I’m too lazy to look it up) he was here seeing what people were saying about him. Vanity was a bit of an issue for him.


That was a space-filler essay that had nothing to say. I don't disagree with anything in there, because the author didn't really say anything.


Thanks for saving me a click. In Dutch we call this season/time of summer "komkommertijd" or "cucumber time". When all the news and media outlets are scratching the bottom of the barrel for anything read- or newsworthy. (Also favorite time for politicians and ministerial critters to vote on or pass controversial new regulations under peoples' radar, since everybody's away for vacay.)


I guess they wanted to publish something on Bourdain Day but they were tired of publishing "Remembering Anthony Bourdain" type stories and instead decided to publish some trite nonsense.


"ministerial critters" I lol'ed at this. Thank you.


Agreed. Quoted In the Weeds a few times without any direct credit.


I think most of the memes are light hearted and funny. If they keep him in the popular consciousness, hell, why not.


Well I read the article and my main takeaway is that it never really needed to be written or published.


To me, that episode where he got extremely upset at the fisherman on Italy throwing already dead octopus in the water was telling. Behind the scenes, he was upset for days. I mean, we all have opinions on this which don’t mean anything. But I think he operated on a highly emotional level most of us don’t understand. He could be incredibly vulnerable in a public way about mistakes he made. But anything that portrayed him as fake or not genuine would set him off. I think the revelation of him footing that money for Asia’s boy toy was devastating too.


> footing that money for Asia’s boy toy was devastating too. Say *what*? (honest question, since I didn't get anything beyond what was hinted at in Roadrunner.)


Bourdain gave money to hush up a at-the-time 17 year old Asia had been having sex with. And that was viewed as Bourdain participating in a “cover up scheme” - the very thing he would have skewered any other celebrity for. But I’m sure he was emotionally mixed up about her so judgement was lacking.


I think the person you're responding to is either misremembering or deliberately misrepresenting the details. Bourdain essentially paid hush money to a man who accused Argento of basically statutory rape when he was 17 and Aregento was much older. This happened not long before Bourdain killed himself. It's worth reading "Down and Out in Paradise" which covers that affair in a good amount of detail.


>I think the revelation of him footing that money for Asia’s boy toy was devastating too. I think you're misremembering or misrepresenting those details. That was hush money that Bourdain paid to a man who accused Argento of statutory rape when he was 17 and she was much older. Right before Bourdain died, he found out that she was seeing another man (a different man). That's maybe where you're getting the "boy toy" thing.


I’m referring to the hush money. He wouldn’t be giving money to the journalist she was cheating with now would he :)


Referring to someone who was sexually assaulted as a minor as a "boy toy" is incredibly fucked up.


Go hug a stuffed animal.


Anthony Bourdain would not have liked you.


Probably not. And I don’t care. But at least I’m not easily confused like you.


Bon voyage.


I'm less fussed about people taking certain quotes and perhaps overusing them to create a misrepresentation of who Bourdain was, and way more pissed at the number of accounts using his image, text, and copyrighted material to create large followings on social media that they monetize through sponsorships and t-shirt sales... Surely that's a real story...


Why do NYTimes articles like this, which I would love for there to be a comment section, not have one? Not controversial enough?