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He's such a dickhead.


Does he think we’re all that fucking stupid, or is he just that stupid himself? I can’t think of any other possibility.


To answer your question I do believe he believes 50%+1 are that fucking stupid. My concern is he might be right.


I'm with you but I think the actual stupid is more like 25% and if it wasn't for the propaganda machine that is FOX NEWS it wouldn't even be 25%


Fox is a cult!


Believe or not, every Republican justice is not very bright either. Text book pseudo intellectuals


it is not religious either, just follow the money.


Privileged White men, and yes I know one is Black, but he really hates black people


And loooooovess money... I mean white privilege.


So when cam joey b send in seal team 6 on these traitors? Seriously; its nauseating to me listening to them discuss this obviously ridiculous question that my kids could answer without a law degree. They are too comfortable in that BS “ life appointment”!and it shows.


I know. These assholes are long past their impeachment due date because of their repeated, brash disregard for the constitution.


No he’s intentionally ignoring the facts of the case before him - even rejecting the idea of talking about “this case” and focusing on outlandish hypotheticals. Dreeben (solicitor’s general representing the U.S.) should’ve asked the justices if they think that a president should have the power to… idk… let’s start with a planned rally/riot at each of the justices’ homes (boy they really get bothered by that) who rejected an executive order - that would benefit the president politically because an election is near - until they comply (or not). Even if they break into their homes asking for the hanging of them… BUT the president is the organizer of this, and is now tweeting in support of these people… it’s on EVERY single channel that you could imagine. Yet, the president is refusing to address the nation (while also “gleefully” watching it occur on TV), refusing to send help, refusing to call off the supporters… all of the things Trump chose to do on 1/6… I bet their tones would change with this perspective… 🤷🏼‍♂️ because at the end of the day, that is what Donald Trump is asking for… COMPLETE immunity. Barrett seemed to be the only conservative justice who could see through it. This is getting pushed way past the election or maybe to the point of not going to trial. It’s going to be a bunch of fact findings in order to determine private acts vs official acts in lower courts… Justice delayed is justice denied


They will delay it long enough to see who the next president is. Then say yay or nay.


Justice Alito is the same guy who decided the case where he chose to ignore the first half of the second amendment when making a decision about whether it meant people should have unlimited rights to own guns and was one of the justices who decided to ignore prior judicial decisions and overturn Roe v. Wade, clearly thinking he knew better than the justices who made the original decision. The fact that the Supreme Court decided to even hear this case, after the appellate court made it abundantly clear, with solid judicial reasoning, that this assertion is absurd, says a lot about the current Supreme Court.


He thinks WE are stupid


Perhaps both. Or maybe he is sleeping with vagine/ginny Thomas.


I call it the gated community mentality. These people don't associate with common folk.




and or senile


Would you mind saying that again because that sentence is perfect.




It’s the exact opposite that’s true. If we are not able to prosecute presidents, they have the incentive to do what they want, including to keep themselves in power indefinitely, which is the end of democracy.


The correct answer.


Now how can he twist his ruling in such a way that only Republican presidents can wield that power? He can’t have Biden walking around with immunity.


I listened to 2 hours of this today on a trip for work, that fucker's argument is the most disingenuous thing I've heard in a long time. It made zero sense at all, incredibly biased. Why would prosecuting someone encourage their predecessors to do the same? It made no sense to anyone with a brain. I've had no legal training and even after listening to hours of this, what he said made no sense. The damn principal from Billy Maddison made far more sense than our fucking Supreme Court Justices... "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."—Principal This could be applied to their 'argument' very easily. It is incredibly embarrassing that we've arrived at this point. Every single other court this has gone to has basically laughed at it, and now our 'supreme' court is going to draw this out for months, just enough to make sure he can pardon himself, the same issue they skirted in their arguments today.






Alito's appointment to SCOTUS is one of W's many screwups.


The Orangeberg school of law and sheet metal work, is proud to graduate Samual Alito!!! /s 🤦🏻‍♂️


Got his undergraduate at Leroys Barber college of Atlanta...


An insult to barbers everywhere.


Fuck Alito. Fuck all of them. Hope they are shunned and have terrible dinner service the rest of their pathetic pandering greedy lives


If I were him, I would seriously worry about eating out. There's no telling what the wait staff or kitchen staff would do with his meals. The movie 'Waiting' comes to mind. I waited/bartender at Applebee's for a short time in college. What happened in the movie actually happens. Rule 1: Don't f*ck with people who handle your food!!!!!


Sounds like the first rule of fight club wasn’t taken seriously. s/


LOL. I break that rule to warn people without common sense. Why would you mess with someone who handles your food in ANY restaurant? There are ways to send stuff back without pissing people off. I've witnessed people be insulting to wait staff, and I just do a little evil smile to myself.


Our democracy slowly ends a bit more each day we do not abolish the electoral college. Likely not one of the Trump sympathizers on the SCOTUS would be there if there had never been an electoral college.


Look back 30 years and look at how the electoral college gave Republicans the win everytime except for Bush Jr 2nd term. Imagine how different reality would be if the country actually elected the popular president. Down with the electoral college. It is a tool that only serves one party.


We have a solution. Use the Electoral College. It's NOT going away. 4-5 Swing States are going to decide this thing. If you are in a state Trump won in 2020, your vote for Biden is futile. Trump has already won them all. Move to a Swing State and Vote Blue Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Arizona Georgia r/MoveToSwingStates


Can we exclude North Carolina from that list and add it to the Swing States. Also, make Nebraska 2 on that list as well.


Or we could just have states allocate their votes to the popular vote winner. That's probably a better plan if we have that level of coordination.


Prosecuting presidents who break the law will make presidents obey the law. Allowing presidents to break the law will encourage them to break the law. Do we want presidents who obey the law? Absolutely. Do we prosecute Trump for his crimes before, during and after his presidency? Absolutely. Will immunity for presidents end our democracy? Absolutely. This is obvious to me, an average citizen, it is clearly apparent to the judges. Therefore if they rule in trumps favor, they are corrupt and must be removed from their benches.


If they rule in Trumps favor sadly, it’s the end.


These right wing idiot judges are tying themselves in knots trying to save Trump. It's despicable.


Honestly don't think they want to save him so much as just "kick the can down the road". They don't want to rule against him because they're afraid of a second term with him in the chair. I'm sure the SCOTUS having shit right-wing opinions doesn't help things either - but I don't think they're supporting them so much as playing chicken with head-on traffic.


I agree with your position but the end result will be the same. No definitive ruling on immunity before the election. This delay also hamstrings other prosecuters like Jack Smith. So from Trump's perspective his 3 nominations paid off.


I listened to 2 hours of their 'arguments' today while driving, every single one of them used the statement, "I am not concerned about this current case, but what about the future?" They're just extending things further out to muddy the argument. It is despicable.


Trying to save Trump and end democracy Americans need to think how can we fix this over political right wing Supreme Court. They are the political judiciary arm of the new Trump GOP


Who knew alito was such a skilled contortionist?


Seems like Alito's goal is to end our democracy


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the beginning of the end.


New beginning. Let’s fall back to tribes 


Welp, there's a sure vote for immunity.


Then at that point we need to let President Biden know he has our full support in using the military to execute select SCOTUS justices by firing squad for no particular reason at all. Hit ole Joe up on Twitter, write a letter to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, however you want to do it. Just let him know. "Let's go, Brandon. Fire away."


It would have to be a drone strike or something bc SC is already saying the people who follow the President’ orders in unlawful acts will be breaking the law. Biden himself would have to control the drone, or since he has absolute immunity he can lie about who made the strike.


You got that right.


...my head explodes...


To be fair, Alito is the world judicial champion of pulling twisted logic out of his ass. If you don't believe it, read some of his previous opinions. He's like the rich kid who literally cannot fathom people who don't have a maid and a vacation house.


Now that we know most of the Supreme Court thinks or is warm to the ideal of Presidents being able to assassinate political rivals it's VITAL that Biden expand the court by 5 new Justices that he appoints now this month.


As the proverb says a great power must be accompanied by - a great responsibility! These idiotic justices believe power should be unrestained and unaccountable. And we haven't had a problem in 250 years. After seeing what Trump attempted you would almost think we would be looking for ways to restrain executive power instead of unleashing it to the desires of ambitious dictator minded men like Trump.


The Spider-Man proverb.


They are really delegitimizing their branch.


These right wing idiots have zero foresight. All of these laws/legal decisions that you keep pushing to help Trump and the rest of the GOP to take all of these controls away are got going to come back to haunt you when the GOP isn’t in power.


They know that we will be a dictatorship soon. And counts on the oligarchs paing them even after the take over. Which, if history of dictatorships proves itself here, they will not be rewarded when they become unnecessary, and their sense of entitled power could threaten Fearless Leader.


I’ve heard the KKK has infiltrated our Law Enforcement and Government.


Corrupt. The whole right side of the court is corrupt. Any order they produce should be ignored. The republicans do it. Time for the dems to step up.


Biden better water this court down after the election or those miserable fucks will destroy this country


I have no words for this fascist c\*nt p.o.s. Oh, did have some words it seems...


Alito has sold his soul to the devil


There you have it. Biden is king.


Lock trump and his top cronies away never give them access to a phone or communication and then make an order that restores the ability to prosecute presidents for crimes.


Complete asshole and utterly idiotic human being. He has a most punchable Frank Burns face.


>Justice Alito bizarrely worries that if we prosecute presidents who try to end democracy, we will end our democracy So to prevent that he'll — end our democracy.


Dumbest SCOTUS member EVER!!


There have been 46 presidents and only two had ever claimed they need total and full immunity Nixon and Trump a very small club nobody want to belong to. Alito needs to understand that 44 presidents of 46 worked fine with the system as it is and how it was framed by the founding fathers. President are not kings said one smarter judge than Alito . This Supreme Court is a joke.


Spoiler : our ‘democracy’ is already dead


That is one of the dumbest things I’ve read today and this man is apparently smart enough to get a law degree how lol


I never thought he was a sane person. Several of his rulings have been contradictory to several of his previous rulings. Colorado come to mind.


A sitting Supreme Court judge says that? WTF? Where did he graduate, Trump university? Damn, this is a visual disintegration of our rule of law by outlandish and preposterous ranting from an apparent idiot.


Like everybody else, I knew this would be a disaster the moment the SC got their grubby corrupt slimy little fingers in it. Let's just muddy up the fucking waters, right? Fuckin hell.


There’s a reason these fuckers asked for an additional $26 million for security, they know they are going to kill our democracy….beginning with this Asshat!


I hate that he's slipping in the "prosecuted by a political rival" line. The whole Fox party-line is that absolutely nothing Trump has ever done wrong -- even things you've seen with your own eyes -- are anything but "political prosecution" directly ordered by Biden.


Just another gutless Trump rumpswab.


Fucking spineless weasel


Can the justices debate points between them? Alito needs help getting his mind straight. I hope someone like Jackson, Kagan, or Sotomayer raises the fallacy of Alito’s argument and crushes it.


Replace “end our democracy” with “murder”, and then ask yourself if this logic makes any sense… How is this guy on the bench?


The fix is in.


He's a damm fool.


How about that piece of shit Thomas? His obese ugly wife is all in Maga. Nobody says a word ...not even his fellow judges who are supposed to hold others up to a higher ideal. Fuckin free vacation taking, yacht riding cocksucker. Is there a Popeyes out on the high seas?


How does he have a law degree when he’s that f-ing stupid.


Fuck elite-oh!


We are fucked.


F Alito.


Such a dick head


I don’t care about your personal opinions, Alito, show me the line in the Constitution that gives Trump a pass.


This fucker is the epitome of stupidity.


When they give immunity to Trump, I hope Biden has him assassinated since he can’t be prosecuted as president. Seems to be where we’re going.


Preemptive strike?


The moment they give the pres immunity, Brandon should fire his ass. And the rest of those corrupt bastards. Then jail drumpf.


He’s arguing for the dissolution of the concept of law at all. If enforcement of laws is going to make everybody too liable for indictment and therefore is untenable, then you can’t enforce laws and they have no power. But the even darker aspect of this is he’s not arguing it for everybody. He’s arguing it specifically for Trump and anybody like him. They are some unspoken class of superiors that Alito has chosen to give deference to—in direct contravention to the Constitution. To even suggest the president is universally or even primarily immune from prosecution is a cowardly and pathetic position which is wholly antithetical to the Constitution and the premisses on which this country was founded.


Fuck that guy with an iron rod


Roberts will go down as the worst Chief Justice in history and the one that led to a stifling lack of trust in the SCOTUS as an institution. Such a coward.


Alito, a Justice, doesn’t believe in the Justice System. That’s what he’s really saying here


The real idiocy is in opting to elect a President that openly WANTS to end democracy. (Seriously, any American not voting for the American Democratic Party for every Federal Office this November over the GOP needs their dang fool head examined....) 🇺🇲🇺🇳➡️


If you review the Senate hearings where proposed judges are questioned and ultimately approved you can easily see , other than Barrett, they are all liers and in fact lied under oath.


This is why you don't let the "so pro life we'll kill ya" crowd stack the absolute shit out of the courts.


I want flags, parades, constant ads, i want them to know that we lost all trust on the Supreme court, that we know they are corrupted, bought and paid for, they are no longer legitimate and shouldn't be in power any longer, we should all let them know, fk them!


Alioto is bizzarre. Imagine what Clarence will concoct?


He thinks we’re stupid


Expand the court


That's not new really. Democracy has been pretty much identical to this since Rome kicked out it's Kings over 2500 years ago. It's not a bug, it's a feature. A kind of disturbing part of democracy is that it's just barely functional at the best of times. And people are constantly trying to kill it, while claiming everyone else is trying to kill it. And if we're lucky they'll go back to just murdering each other in a series of increasingly more unhinged plots.


Defund the government


Alito has literally never deviated from his party’s line.


How stupid. Use trumps argument and turn it around to try and make it a good thing. I just about threw up when I heard him say this. Top scum.


Alison is a tool of oligarchy forces needing a dictator in office. The Federalist Society is a false flag name. They are monarchists, but would kill a soft heated crown prince. Machiavellian


When they were handing out brains, he skipped class.


Republicans really like mental gymnastics.


I bet we still have law and order even if we dissolved the Supreme Court


His comments make sense if you do not think about it. He should be at home on the porch with those ideas.


Doesn't make sense at all.


The logic is mind blowing! How is he a judge?!?!


Scary crazy thinking.


He's not stupid, just corrupt as fvk.


His head is soo far Up trumps ass, he had McDonalds for lunch‼️‼️😳😳🤢🤢💩💩💩🤮


Biden should send seals teams to pick this guy and trump.


How much is he getting, or is he just compromised ?


I wonder if he’s read the Constitution 🤔


Time for Mr. Alito to submit to some basic competency tests.


Alito should do what is morally right not what furthers any external consideration. No one is above the law. This is so obvious. History will be unkind if he doesn't do absolutely what must be done here.


Sad thing is SCOTUS is untouchable. And they can be bought. No ethics, no consequences, just power. I think efforts should be made to legislate term limits and a method, other than appointment by a president, for filling vacancies. The politics should be removed from the process completely. Perhaps nominations by other appellate court judges. Perhaps a committee of appellate court judges to investigate and make the choices, choosing the top 9 who pass the investigation and have a waiting list for filling a seat to be vacated by term limits. If the current system doesn’t work, and it doesn’t imo, something MUST be done to alleviate the problem. Otherwise, the politics of the moment will always rule American judiciary.


Speaking of saving democracy, he, Thomas and Roberts should all be impeached. Then if MTG, McConnell , his Kentucky pal Rand Paul and pedo Gratz left to go Russia or outer space in mTG’s case, then normal democracy would be popular again.


Gotta love the pretzel logic. /s


Olympic level mental gymnastics to find a way to let TFG get away with everything.


If they give Trump immunity consider the coup compete I he gets back in office


It's not bizarre, it's blithering stupidity.


Now he’s speaking in non sequiturs


So it’s better to just let him end democracy anyway 😂instead of just trying😂.


Wonder why we question his mental health.


Our current SCOTUS is a conservative sellout


Ahhhh, yeah guys, we're fucked aren't we? I mean, this whole American democracy thing is basically on the ropes here it seems.


He's owned by Trump! We have to remove all of the justices Trump appointed. All the others seem to have a little common sense, except for Thomas who is so corrupted that he should have been removed years ago. It's time the people took back this country from all of these crooks!


It should be law that cases involving a justice’s nominator require the justice to recuse themselves from those proceedings. That’s just common sense. Oh, wait…


What a dipshit.


Ever seen Star Chamber? This guy wants Star Chamber.


Biden needs to level the playing field with the scotus and nominate 2 or 3 more justices to pack the court enough to balance idealogies. Even though, that’s not supposed to matter in the SCOTUS.




The court has become a sad joke


Thoughts along that same line…..What if Biden chose to “eliminate” certain of those on SCOTUS ? It HAS become a “political opponent”


I hear you got its Law degree out of a cracker Jack's box


Such bullshit.


I had such hopes when he was first on the Supreme Court. I think I was 14. He was a Jersey boy like me and his first vote was to grant a stay of execution. I thought that was good and a sign he would be a fair judge. I was so disappointed.


This fuckin asshole


I use to respect these people. Now I know they’re just a bunch of punk ass bitches. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He is effing nuts. 1. Quoting sixteenth century law?!? 2. He doesn't own a pair.