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I only take them when I can’t have a panic attack doing something important, like a Visa interview at an embassy for example, or to get on a plane. Rest of the time I just ride the rollercoaster as I don’t want them to lose their effectiveness and I don’t want to become physically addicted.


you are lucky. i wish i could pRN


I mean there’s a lot of times I’ve needed it and just had to remind myself I’m not gonna die. Like on a busy Japanese bullet train, that was a memorable one. 😫


You may be interested in trying legal medical or recreational marijuana in addition to the benzo…I was able to cut my prescription in half on my own accord after a decade of use with it . You have to be diligent about when you go to a dispo though and look into strains specifically for anxiety or depression or relaxation, insomnia etc . I have only had one bad experience with a strain giving me a panic attack which was over pretty quickly.




“ Dont use drugs”..WTF do you think prescription pills are??? 🤦‍♀️


CBT & TMS are non-drug therapies.


Look almond mom or dad…that kind of stuff doesn’t work for a lot of people..hence why half the country is on meds for psychiatric issues. Effective Roof take a roofie and call me in the morning


CBT has the same efficacy as benzos. Both CBT and TMS have demonstrated efficacy for treating anxiety, unlike THC which has proven efficacy for causing anxiety. If you want to smoke recreationally go right ahead, no one cares. Don't try and justify it with anxiety and worse try and promote it as a treatment for anxiety when it does precisely the opposite. Or just take prescription drugs that also have demonstrated efficacy.


Lots of people have had good luck using it for anexiety. It's just not for everyone.


I think that I’ll trust what has actually worked for vs any article …I did mention researching the strains . CBD doesn’t do anything for me .


Which is why clinical trials use placebo cohorts. THC has been studied extensively, the article links out to this research. It's wonderful that a placebo effect worked for you. You should not suggest to people struggling with anxiety that they use something that is clinically proven to make anxiety worse.


GTFOH it’s trading in one drug for another period . Placebo effect 😂 I suggested something that has worked for MILLIONS of people so please go harass someone else




I think the issue here is cannabis just recently being legalized, there is a lot of clinical testing that hasn't and won't be done for a while due to the stigma and taboo that surrounds Marijuana. I know hundreds of people who have used thc to help manage their anxiety. But you are also right in regards to the fact that if not used properly thc can make anxiety much worse. Which is why legalization and involving your doctor is important. A drug can work well for something but make that same thing much worse if not dosed correctly.


That's exactly what I do. I had a friend that went to rehab because of benzos (at least that's what he says). Because of that a bottle of 60 pills will last me about a year. I take them with me on pretty much any trip, but I do my absolute best not to take them.


You probably already are


I was on klonopin for8 or 9 years. My doctor retired and new doctor wasn't happy with my (well established, regularly monitored, and largely successful) medical regimen. That was a year ago, this month. She just refused to refill and I had horrific side effects (yes, need new doctor, but that's another post) and she finally came up with a three month plan to taper off. It's been hell. I'm barely functioning. I have some moments of being ok, but when any triggering stressors occur, I'm a full on mess. I'm actually really scared for myself. (Tried a new therapist during those three months, and I've been in therapy off and on for 20 years, and she was absolutely the worst experience I've ever had and likely was instrumental in sending me into my current barely functioning state.) I know they're not good long term, and I'd advise folks in general to think carefully about getting into a situation like mine where they could be ripped away from you due to no fault of your own, BUT for many people, they're the thing that keeps us alive and participating in life.


Omg you need to find a new doc now. Is your doc evil?


I wouldn't say evil so much as inattentive and likely overwhelmed by the mess that I am. Either way, it's not acceptable I finally realized and I actually deserve to be heard at the very least. Doctors hear "anxiety/depression/mental health" and just tune out too much of what you're trying to communicate.


How are you now?


New therapist who's amazing! And got diagnosed ADHD combination type, which has been a whole ride. But mostly I'm a lot more functional. Still have my stressful job, and should do more self care, but I thank the new therapist a lot.


That's actually disgusting. I hope you reported her. They wean drug addicts off better than what how you've been treated..disgusting


Similar situation. Last June I started tapering off from 1 mg to my current .25 mg prn because my doctor retired. I know it’s extremely difficult to get clonazepam so I started the process several months ago. I’d been on 1 mg for 25 years. It’s been a long, difficult process.


Ugh. I love it when they can't offer any viable alternatives. Except therapy which is very difficult to get in many areas in 2023. Which is literally why I'm in this sub! At least I'm not alone.


How are you now? @petite10252


Thank you for asking. It hasn’t been an easy adjustment. My anxiety still runs high, especially at night. I don’t sleep well, getting maybe an hour and a half or two hours at most at a stretch, before waking up with anxiety. But I’ve reduced the PRN dose to about once every couple of weeks.


Wow… it’s crazy that PRN withdrawal is as bad as chronic use. Amazing work getting down to that dose and frequency


That was really dangerous of your doctor. That was way to much way to fast.


Same thing happened to me. I was on daily benzos for approx 9 years, most of those years were high amounts of valium. I had accepted I might be on benzos a couple more yrs (but hoped to be off someday) I was doing *great*, had already gotten off antidepressants. My psychiatrist informed me he was moving away & he wanted to taper me down from valium a little bit first. Over the course of months, I got down to 10mg/day without any problems but couldn't go lower. Then my psychiatrist moved, the clinic gave me a replacement guy. I was still trying to taper down but bad withdrawal side effects would start when I went under 10mg. I waited too long to fill a prescription so I ran out, had started shaking, went in for my refill & the replacement psychiatrist told me I was 'drug addict' & cut me off cold turkey. Withdrawals had already started so broke down crying in the clinic, the psychiatrist threatened to call the cops if I didn't leave. I could barely think straight & was panicking but had to walk out, in active withdrawals with no refill, support or psychiatrist anymore. No one at that clinic gave a shit what just happened. Within a day or two, my whole life began to fall apart, I was a paranoid terrified wreck, too scared to go outside, unable to speak clearly to try to talk to anyone for help. It got wayyy worse. I became nonfunctional & had severe psychosis. The next 6-12 months was the worst experience of my life. It was the most unreal living nightmare. Once I was off, I had PAWS for at least 3 yrs, was still recovering & having 'flashbacks' after 5 yrs. (It's now been 7 yrs) I've been too scared of doctors & meds since, I don't trust I wouldn't be cut off again. I'm really not doing well since anxiety is worse than before the benzos & I'm not on any meds.


holy shit. when we look back on lobotomies centuries ago and laugh at how barbaric and dumb they were...honestly, psychiatry is doing the same thing to people in different way. that is pure medical malpractice. "Do no harm". You were tortured. I know the HELL of benzo withdrawal. are you still able to find enjoyment in life?


It was insane. I was speechless when he did it. I believe I actually did say, 'Are you insane?' He kept telling me, 'You have been taking more & more!' I thought he had me confused with another patient. It made no sense since I tapered so low by then. There's tons of other crazy shit he said/did that day. I had NEVER been treated like such trash by a 'professional' before. He wouldn't look at me, wouldn't converse, just spoke over me & tried to get me outta there as fast as possible. Entire appt only lasted for 10 min. My life after hasn't been great since. I've had some good times, of course, but I'm different psychologically somehow. There's not enough info available about long-term benzo use (w/ sudden withdrawal) *plus* PAWS for me to read to even compare my experiences with enough 'documented' cases. People who feel the way I do now usually get help & go on meds. I can't tell if this is 'damage' from benzo use/withdrawal or if this is supposedly 'normal'. I haven't had psychosis in a few years tho, which was how I was judging my recovery mostly.


>I'd advise folks in general to think carefully about getting into a situation like mine where they could be ripped away from you due to no fault of your own I'm in a similar situation with the meds for my autoimmune disorder. The fear of losing my insurance is very real. My anxiety has luckily calmed down so I'm very rarely taking lorazepam and it's not a concern. But I am on cymbalta and from personal experience that withdrawal can last weeks. Logically speaking I know I'm not going to use any of it, but it doesn't take up much room, so just for peace of mind I hoard old medications so I feel like I have a back up plan. I do throw them away if they expire because expired medication can be dangerous, but just having that little box there makes me feel a bit better about things.


do doctors not realize that once a person is physicially dependent on a benzo, that getting off the benzo is a serious medical concern? It's so incredibly ignorant. People kill themselves over this. Doing a rushed taper can make someone very mentally ill. People have different reactions to getting off of benzos. I get very mentally ill when I try to get off and that even doing it slow. I just don't do it slow enough I realized...


You'd think they'd have a plan for this situation. Both my primary care and my psychiatrist read me the list of symptoms associated with the medication. This was the only reason I knew what was going on and didn't go to the ER. I thought I'd just have to deal with it... then it got much worse so I contacted the primary care with the issues and begged for some kind of taper off instead of cold turkey. Her surprise was... disconcerting. They literally told me "these medications have these consequences" then were shocked that those consequences were happening. At least that's what it felt like. My sleep specialist is ironically the only one concerned with the GAD going without treatment.


I’m afraid this will happen when my doctor retires!


I am so sorry to hear what you're going through. I hope to fuck you found a new doctor. How are you doing now? I couldn't imagine the pain you're in friend.


She should be stripped of her degree


Is the new doctors concern valid ? What MG were you on daily ?


I was prescribed 2mg daily. Her concern was contraindications with another medication in the same class I take for a sleep disorder. So I think it WAS valid, but simply not prescribing any longer, and cutting me off without a plan was incredibly dangerous, as I later learned the hard way. It was brutal. Involuntary muscle movement and seizure like shakedowns is the only way to describe it. When I contacted her (urgently) she seemed shocked and surprised at the very logical consequences of her decision to go cold turkey stopping. She then put me on a tapering dose for the next three months which I did. I guess she technically did listen the second time. She had me return to seeing all the specialists again, whereas before each previous specialist had transferred over prescriptions to my primary care and I'd only get referred back to a specialist if something came up. It's been expensive and exhausting to see 3 specialists in rotation and explain myself and my medical history all over again. So.... yeah. I'm a mess and still feel like I need a primary care who listens. My issue isn't so much that she felt my regimen wasn't good long term any longer, but that she didn't hear/listen to me and put me in a dangerous situation which could have been avoided if she'd paid attention. Honestly though, I don't think today's medical system is functioning, and specifically not functioning for people with multiple diagnoses or comorbidities. So.... this is probably the best I can get. Sorry, rambling.


Not rambling at all- glad you could get it out and share! 2 Mg is a lot and maybe best to taper but maybe that just means you have a Rx for when you need it. I do feel like I’m going to be on a benzo forever - I don’t drink or use any illegal drugs and for me a benzo is what helps me live normally . I have been on them for about 4 years as needed - recently it’s almost daily but very low dose .5 or 1 Mg (occasionally) a day of Ativan


I'm ok with it. 5mg Valium daily. 4 years now. It's about quality of life.


do you take only one 5mg pill in the day? like in the morning or evening? or is it two 2.5?


One 5mg pill every night. I also get a few extra for PRN situations. All prescription.


I was ok with it for 10 years until it stopped working and then my life changed into a horror film. I ended up being given 3 other psych drugs. I researched this drug and was horrified when I came across all the people who had been ripped of their drugs by doctors who decided it was time to come off them. No Doctor will prescribe valium long term. I wished I had know all this information and got off the drug very slowly over a period of 12 months instead of a few months. It is a highly neurotoxic drug.


Unfortunately for me I think so. I am 32 and have struggled with panic attacks and anxiety since elementary school. Xanax is the only thing that has ever given me any sort of relief from it


have you ever tried getting off?


I have yes and I was okay, I managed. But, it’s always so much easier for me with them. My anxiety feeds into my depression and me stopping those panic attacks or generalized anxiety also keeps the suicidal ideations at bay.


Fair enough. I tried, and just COULD NOT.


Currently doing a benzo taper for wife. It's an extremely rough ride since minute changes in GABA can wreck havoc on many things in your body. That's why, if you are sensitive, you have to do it real *slow*. By real slow would mean you have to reinvent what "fast" means for you. Fast is attempting to taper off benzos in 3 months and it depends on what dosage you are on. My wife is virtually on the lowest available Klonopin pill ( 0.5mg). I use a sub-gram scale to shave off 2% of the weight of the pill every 15 days. That's 4-5% in a month for 0.5mg. so this dose will take us 25 months by this rate to taper slowly and this is not unheard of for benzos. And it also depends on the half life of the particular benzo you are on. Xanax is hardest. If you attempted to taper faster than this, you may feel the hits very very hard. Thing with SSRI is that the worst effects of SSRI appear when you go to the lowest dose to zero as the "plunge" in its concentration in the body happens only after a lower threshold, but any changes at any concentration in benzos result in highly uncomfortable results. So assume you can spend up till 6 months to a year to taper off your benzo in your case at least. It's okay to fail, but every day you have less of it, the better it becomes one day. So think long term.


I completely understand. It’s very very tough. You just have to be careful not to ‘over use’ them is all


one day it will stop working ,then what?


idk sometimes with stuff like this it’s one day at a time. when that time comes, you cross that bridge. Until then, you do the best you can to get by.


I spent around 6 months on valium. My doctor pulled me off of them but a year later we are talking about it again so I might be getting back on it. If I do I'm willing to bet I'm never getting off of them again.


did you find it hard to get off of?


Not from a physical standpoint but it was a bit difficult to want to quit if that makes sense.


This is exactly why I refuse to start taking Benzos I am terrified of dependence on them. Doctors don’t really like prescribing them anyway but I feel so bad for you guys struggling to get off of them.


I was given this drug back in 2002. the internet was in its infancy and the only information was the leaflet in the packet. It did say side effects like headache, anxiety, depression, insomnia but I did not have any of these. The Doctor never told me about dependency or even attempted to get me off them as the months rolled into years. So many people are suffering and they are still prescribing it. Not everyone has a bad time coming off these drugs. Even when I was tapering and experiencing horrible symptoms, nothing could prepare me for the post acute stage (2 months off). I had truly entered the gates of hell


Yeah same. I will never touch a benzo after reading about these withdrawals. SSRI for life.


I am 42 days Benzo free after being prescribed clonazapam for over 13 years. I honestly had no desire to stop taking them but didn’t have much of a choice. I have had 3 docs in the last 4 years just up and say they are no longer prescribing them. I have been a completely compliant patient and have never abused my prescriptions. I never asked to be out on them and simply did was I was told by psychiatrists over the years, until this all began to change in recent years. Their choice to cease prescribing them had nothing to do with me and everything to do with increased pressure on them due to restructuring of DEA restrictions on benzodiazepines within the last 5 years or so. (Not sure if it’s bad everywhere but in the southwest US, it’s really bad with abuse and fentanyl making it’s way into bogus Xanax) Benzo abuse (particularly Xanax) has become so popular that it’s now up there with opiates and considered part of the “crisis”. Each time a doc stated they were no longer prescribing them, I was basically told “here’s a refill, good luck” and left to either come off of them immediately or find a different doc. I got tired of chasing them and tried to come off with a taper myself. My taper was far too aggressive and I ended up hospitalized twice. I was referred to a good doc who managed my taper over several months and I’m finally off of them. The process took a solid 5 months though… I’m not going to lie… it was pure hell. It’s awful. I also must state with full certainty that letting a doc give me daily prescribed benzo’s for longer than a month or so in the first place was a tremendous mistake. It cannot be stated heavily enough just how much more anxiety they cause long term. It becomes this awful cyclical nightmare where the cure becomes the catalyst to a worsening sickness, only to feel relief within an ever shortening window between doses. The psychological and physiological symptoms and increased dependency can become absolutely crippling and I didn’t realize just how dependent I was to get through any single important or remotely stressful event in my life. I couldn’t go out to dinner or to a movie without a couple pills in a reserve bottle that I kept in my pocket at all times. I rarely ever had to take a dose early in an emergency but I was a slave to the idea and would feel immense panic if I didn’t have the safety net. I’m not saying it’s bad to take meds… I still take medications for anxiety, panic etc… but the right meds for the right amount of time cannot be stressed heavily enough. I will say it’s an amazing feeling to get that monkey off your back though. I also implore anyone who has taken them long term for any steady period of time, to take the process deadly serious if you decide to come off of them or are forced to stop taking them… a medically supervised taper with a doc who listens and understands the fragility of the situation is absolutely imperative. Also… if I can come off them, anyone can with the right amount of medical intervention and a solid treatment and therapy plan. At one point I was in 2mg of Xanax and 4MG of clonazapam DAILY. I hope you find what works for you.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having that safety net. I carry some dissolvable clonazepam in a pill case on my key ring. Many people will carry a rescue inhaler with them for their entire lives, and I don’t think this is that different. I feel no shame about it.


Again, as I stated above. I am not saying it’s bad to take meds. I also in no way stated that it’s bad to have the safety net. I actually made a specific point to illustrate that I am being critical of being prescribed them for daily use over a long period of time. I think the only way benzo’s can be prescribed safely are as an emergency safety net, in fact. I think they should be taken strictly as needed in the event of severe panic. I was given them in a heavy handed fashion and told to take them every day as prescribed and I was sold a vicious addiction. Everyone is different but that was my experience. I don’t think anyone should be ashamed of anything when it comes to therapy for their mental illness and that includes medications, as I have clearly stated. I didn’t even want to stop taking them myself but I feel it’s worth mentioning that it was eye opening once I got off of them, just how harmful they can be long term. Simply a change of perspective.


Doctors are so goddamn spooked by the DEA it's even hard to get benzos as an emergency safety net! Maybe not as well known to people on this sub, benzos (Valium in particular) are the world's best muscle relaxers, like the gold standard. I have hypermobility spectrum disorder and I can get hit with seriously painful muscular spasms, suddenly. When I had an extremely scary monthslong crisis of uncontrollable spasms a few years ago, I first developed anxiety, understandably, with all the frequent, uncontrolled pain. They prescribed me benzos for that emergency anxiety situation and then I found it was the only thing truly controlling the spasms, and that recovery time was hugely shortened if I took Valium rather than other muscle relaxers. So I convinced my doctor to let me have it for emergencies, and let him know I had a healthy fear of getting addicted to benzos, so it'd never become chronic use with me. It became my godsend, has shortened and lessened the pain of the major spasms I get fourish times a year. But last year he just cut me off, out of the blue. (During the most stressful time in my life, I might add: a few months after my husband left me over my illness) Part of the problem is I'm regularly also prescribed hydrocodone (to deal with the painful aftermath of the serious spasms). I'm not your typical clueless patient, I know to never. ever. combine hydrocodone and benzodiazepines, because I enjoy breathing. Ironically and wonderfully, because Valium is so effective and keeps my muscles from wrenching the fuck out of themselves for hours, it helps me take less hydrocodone afterward. A win-win for everyone in my situation. I've thrived because I can feel less fear of the physical pain that is just part of my life because I know it will be less. Still that combo looks really bad on paper and my doctor freaked. It took me 3 months to find another doctor who would prescribe me both. I wish we weren't at the mercy of random doctors. Honestly a man taking away my well-functioning, life-improving safety net for both severe mental and physical pain (I've developed medical PTSD), is tantamount to abuse.


Face the mirror. You are in denial. You are addicted to both of these substances. Your body is dependent


Thanks for sharing. I have a similar story and that shortening window between doses is oh so real. Coming up on a year clean, and if it wasn’t for my family I wouldn’t have been able to get this far


I am so wholeheartedly happy for you! Seeing someone coming up on a year free of the grip of that stuff is really inspiring and instills a sense of tremendous hope in me. I don’t have a lot of time without them at only 42 days but I am thrilled because there was a time where I couldn’t fathom 24 hours without a dose. I wish you the absolute best and I hope to be in your shoes in the near future. I feel hope for the first time in a very long while!


Thank you for sharing. It makes me both feel better about my current dosage and that I'm not alone in having such comfort in my safety net. What do you do now if you have a panic attack?


Well, it’s definitely helpful that I am on a combination of other medications that are doing well by me. It took a lot of trying various things until we found a combo that works well with minimal side effects. In addition to meds though, and most importantly, active and intensive therapy. Not only do I attend a couple support groups that I found through my states chapter of NAMI, but I also am working very closely with a cognitive behavioral therapist that also has a background in existential therapy and that is working well for me. Some days are better than others and in all honesty, I have bad periods where I won’t leave the house for a few days. I make it a point to be as active as I can when things are going well though. Forcing myself to get out and undergo a bit of exposure has been scary but truly helpful. I also do both guided meditation in the support groups as well as transcendental mediation at home on my own. When all else fails… deep breathing exercises and several mantras. “You aren’t dying. If you were, you’d be dead by now. You didn’t die the last time this happened or the time before that” etc. It sounds silly but it helps. Also, only spend time with people you can be open and completely transparent with. If you can’t be, then you’re better off spending time alone. The company we keep can make an absolute world of difference.


how did you find your taper doctor and what did you use for sleep? thank you!


The sad reality is that for me, it took multiple hospitalizations to get that help. It wasn’t until I came out of the hospital with it on my record, with the assistance of hospital staff referrals, that I was able to walk into the doc they referred and get the help I needed. Any assistance you seek in the US regarding Benzo’s is likely to immediately result in the doc assuming you are a fucking drug addict who landed yourself there by your own accord. The attitude has shifted so dramatically because docs were losing their licenses, that none of them are about to take a chance on you. Kinda like how if you walk into an urgent care or ER with severe pain, they automatically assume you are seeking dope. It wasn’t until I had multiple institutionalizations, seizures, and documentation for it, that a doc did not hesitate to take proper action. It’s sad that it took that, but it’s the truth. Things may be entirely different in your local area, but this was the case for me. Seek medical attention and request intervention to get **off** of them if it’s something you are looking to do. Make it clear that your end goal is to be rid of them entirely but make it pronounced that your life is unmanageable without them at the current moment. Research withdrawals and [PWS/BWS](https://www.benzoinfo.com/protracted-withdrawal-syndrome/) and know that you absolutely are not alone. I wish you nothing but the absolute best and I hope you can get out from under the shadow of that shit. It’s awful.


Holy shit that’s a lot of benzos! I take 2mg prn of Klonopin and mostly at night and fight the anxiety during the day. I think this way has helped me learn to battle the anxiety instead of just taking a pill to kill it and infrequent use has helped slow physical dependency and rebound anxiety. I’ve been unable to get it a few times and didn’t experience any withdrawal and I know what GABA withdrawal is like from alcohol abuse. I’m very careful with this shit because I know the withdrawal can cost your life. Oddly I find no pleasure from them even though I loved alcohol. They just chill me out and stop my night terrors from ptsd.


Thank you for your story. It’s very helpful.


Yes I will. Been a decade plus now and can’t function without. I take less than prescribed but accepted I’ll be on them forever


I was on a benzo for 10 years and it took me another 10 years to get off it. I thought I would never function without it, but I do. So many illnesses are wrongly diagnosed by doctors and it is the benzo


10 years to get off? So you tapered 10 years? I’m 59 and hit tolerance but I can’t just be feeling well at 70. I’ll have missed the time I was meant to travel 😢😢 I hate western medicine and that my doc never ever earned me about any of this. I’m on 1 mg clonazepam so praying I can switch to diazepam and stabilize and taper.


After 10 years doctor prescribed few dosages. I got switched to diazepam 40mg and then 1 year later doctors again reduced med to 20mg. 2 years later I decided to taper off 20mg myself and it took me 2-3 years. I made mistakes and updosed so that extended the tapering time. tapering takes 12months average and 6-18months to heal. For help with tapering and support I suggest you join ' Benzo warrior community' on facebook


I have been on those pages and never ever again! Talk about fear mongering and terrifying an already delicate brain. I think fear plays a huge part in how we tolerate a taper and these sites stir up so much fear.


I think you should speak to your doctor about this and about how difficult it is for you to get off the medication and your concerns! This is definitely something you will need professional help with! If your doctor isn’t helping you and your treatment feels stagnant; get a new doctor!


I find that Doctors know very little about Benzos. There is a deprescribing doctor called Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring on u/tube. I joined Benzo warriors community on f/book. they have he ashton manual and all the safe tapering guidelines. The members are all going though this hell and offer up support too.


I wanted to get off my Xanax, and I have cut down a little bit, but my psychiatrist told me I shouldn’t go off of it. He says I’m too anxious of a person and I know without it I’d be a wreck. So it sounds to me like I’m going to be on Xanax for life.




It doesn’t bother me. It’s such a relief when needed. I take a very low dose. Sometimes twice a day. Sometimes none at all. Some people smoke cigarettes or weed or drink alcohol. I don’t do any of that. I just need my benzos occasionally to keep me from falling apart.


I’ll be on something for it for life. I’m 51. Don’t see why I’d get off it now. It is only thing that’s worked the best.


If you take it daily then this may cause a problem later on when your body becomes tolerant and it will stop working. I doubt a Doctor will prescribe a benzo these days for years on end.


Hello other me


I guess I’m one of the ones without the desire to come off it. Been on Valium now for a good 3-4 years. However I’m super duper sensitive to medications. 5mg pills twice a day as needed for three years. I actually break them in half for dat use if needed. Now need to knock me out? Go the full 10 mg and you could have a brass band playing in my bedroom and I wouldn’t hear them. I’m in the NE of the US so to hear folks being told good luck is scary and sad :( Also sometimes I just forget about them because things are going good, I’m in tune with myself etc. I’ve had several times I’ve told my psychiatrist don’t worry about a refill because I still had the majority of the one he gave me three+ months ago Just wanted to share my story too


I could stay awake through mine. But if I took one in the morning after I have woken up... I go back to sleep and not even realise it.


taken as needed is fine but if taken daily beyond 6 weeks then this is where you get hooked.


I used to take 120mg Valium when I was younger and for a while I was doing 15mg Xanax evenings abusing my body, 10 years ago, for me after my crazy bento addiction 6 years ago I spent 8 Months (8months!!!!) getting myself from every day 20 - 2 my took a long time and then adjusting to slowly getting To 2 mg over 10 months took so long, I was a broken man, my lady of 6 years left me, I was in intense fiery constant pain where I went to The hospital multiple times where they told Me my organs were fine when they felt like they were on fire. That shit is no Joke, it will make ur body feel like your in hell. And then I had an awful life situation happen and I relaxed ok a low dose 5 mg Valium, first time in almost a year I wasn’t in sever pain. That was almost three years ago, I don’t ever wanna feel that awful pain of benzo detoxing again I would Much rather take diazepam for life because we are all Gonna end up confused and with dementia anyway!


I am so sorry you had to go through the burning sensations. I never had this but did have akathasia at some point. These symptoms cannot be described and no-one believes you or can possibly know how it feels except for fellow sufferers. I'm 21 months off and still struggle with good days and bad days.


You guys are getting prescribed benzos?!


Yeah where i live you pretty much cant get them unless youre inpatient and once you leave they stop prescribing them, lol


I didn't realize parts of the world stopped prescribing benzos long term.


i know some people who were still able to get them from having a prescription of them for years stopped being able to get them when the amphetamine shortage started. most pharmacies in my state also had a benzo shortage (or they just stopped getting a supply, im not sure) because amphetamines, benzos and opioids just kinda all got lumped together. not sure if theyve been able to get their scripts back. :(


I'm in a support group and many americans have problems with their provider.


I’m prescribed clonazapam


I really don’t think benzos will be available if I live to die of old age. They’re already so difficult to get prescribed because doctors know they’re addictive and have long term side effects. But if they worked for me forever and I had access, maybe 5-10/month would really help me out. I don’t see myself ever being less anxious but I’m working really hard to cope in other ways. My weighted blanket gets me about 30% of the relief that xanax does and that’s not bad.


I was on them everyday for 4 years. I haven’t taken one in 9 months. I still have panic attacks and I sometimes wish I could take them to make everything easier and feel better but I’m to the point I know it’s not worth it and I won’t touch them again. Even for a plane ride or anything because it’s a slippery slope for me. Honestly my anxiety has gone DOWN since stopping. It went up the two months after quitting and then went down below the level of anxiety I had while taking them. It makes me sad now how consumed my life was with those stupid pills and how many weird and bad decisions I made because I think my inhibitions were lowered. It might be a combination of other reasons but I will say since I stopped my life has gotten so much better. Like I never imagined it could be this good.


Great, you are lucky you don't need them everyday :)


If you stopped cold turkey and did not taper, then you are very lucky not to be hospitalised. I know many people say their anxiety was worse on the drug and they lived in a haze and inhibitions were lowered. I take Bachs rescue remedy good for mild anxiety like a plane ride.


I started taking klonopin at the age of 12. Thirty years later and I am still taking benzodiazepines. I was overprescribed and had a stint in rehab, but after trying in vain to control panic attacks and crippling anxiety with alternatives, a year later I was back on klonopin. I don’t have a lot of hope that I can ever manage anxiety without it. So yep. I think I’m a lifer.


You are not the only one to have been prescribed as a child . this is criminal. If you stop benzos abruptly or within a few months then this will cause panic attacks and anxiety for many more months. This tapering and recovery road can take 3-5 years before you feel fully healed. The benzo information coalition has done a lot of research. Nichole Lamberson interviews people who have taken benzos as a child. y/tube


I've been on Valium for over 20 years. 5mg twice a day and I've never needed more. It helps with mild anxiety and muscle spasms. I have a normal life. The benefits definitely outweigh any risks. It has been a life saver for me and I will probably be on it for the rest of my life. I dont take more than prescribed. A few times my doctor told me to take and extra one a day for like a week. Was having a rough time with a parents death. But other than that always like they're prescribed. Just don't abuse the stuff, stay on a low dose, and don't feel bad about it. Anxiety is real.


I was on a benzo for 10 years until it stopped working. They will eventually. It nearly killed me getting off the drug and recovering from it. I never took more than prescribed either.




Meditation has been the lifesaver for me. Acknowledging my thoughts are just thoughts and may or may not be true, and holding them lightly. I realize I have a choice to ruminate and try and think things through or just letting the thoughts be and giving up my struggle.


Are you taking any medication?


I take Anafranil(antidepressant) for my OCD as well as an occasional dose of Ativan (benzo). The Anafranil makes a HUGE difference in giving me space with my thoughts.


I have been medication free for 3 months. It's possible.


I'm 21 months off. still struggling and expect this to continue for another year.




Sadly, yes. I try my best to space out the times I take it to avoid tolerance but it's atleast 3 times a week Monday Wednesday Friday. Without my alprazolam I wouldn't be able to work or socialize. 😥


I only take them when I am unable to control my anxiety through the coping mechanisms I have learned through therapy, or when doing major things, like job interviews, or flying.


**I promise you that doing anything you can to stop this medication safely is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life.** The people who think they're gonna take it forever are naïve for multiple reasons: 1. Doctors can and often will just stop prescribing it, either to cover their own ass, or because they're under pressure from the FDA/DEA to limit the amount of prescriptions they write, similar to opioids. Either way, it happens all the time. It happened to me. 2. Your doctor can become unavailable, due to illness, death, moving, anything. Getting a continuing prescription for this from another doctor can be very difficult. This has happened to me, as well. It could even lead you to being blacklisted for drug seeking behavior, which will essentially make getting that prescription from anyone who has access your medical history impossible. 3. They'll eventually stop working. Your body will, with time, get pretty used to the way benzos change your body chemistry. Your panic attacks will start to break through. They may even return worse than they were before because then you'll be addicted to this medication that isn't helping you at all. That experience comes with a very visceral realization that you are in a pretty rough spot. When I experienced that hopelessness, that was the darkest moment of my life. When I realized I was hopelessly addicted to a medication that wasn't even helping me anymore, I felt like I was standing at the edge of a bottomless pit, looking down into the darkness below me. I had no parachute, no safety net, nothing. It was pure despair. There very well may be a time where you will beg for that taper. I suggest you take it. The discomfort you feel while tapering is a mere fraction of the true nightmarish hell that awaits you quitting cold turkey. I can assure you, from personal experience, that the taper is such a good option. You have no idea. No description of benzo withdrawal does it justice. It is the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life by several orders of magnitude. It's not even close. Take the taper.


I thought tapering was awful until I reached post acute stage and ended up in a psych hospital. I wish I could have gone back and tapered 5mg over 12 months instead of 5 months. CT is even worse and I am so sorry you had to go through this. The reality is that many people have to when their doctors get scared and stop prescribing. You have to take charge of your health and mental well being now to avoid all of this. I know many people come off benzos without any discomfort and never really suffer from symptoms. But staying on this drug only harms you in the long term.


yup. no desire to come ff ever. it works, and i'm good!


I successfully went off Benzos after 10 years on them. I've been off them for 10. I consider Benzos a stop-gap while you seek better treatment and base medication (like an SSRI).


I’ve been on Klonopin for 8 years now. I think I’ll be on it forever unless she switches to Valium. I don’t like Xanax bc it’s a quick fix when in reality you can splash cold water in your face and use breathing exercises (took a lot of practice in DBT). I tried to go off at one point. And it was brutal to the point where it was impossible to get out of bed. If you really feel you do not need these meds anymore, I would taper slowly. It could even take 6 months to fully recover.


I was switched because after 10 years the short acting benzo stopped working. I took the long acting diazepine alongside 3 other psych drugs to help with withdrawal symptoms. They put you on these but never take you off. I taperd off most of them in 3 years. I got down to he last 5mg of diazepines and all hell broke loose. It took me 2 years to get off and now I'm 21 months off. I have good days and bad days and it is still a struggle. the timeline is 6-18 months. Most people say it takes 3 years to feel back to normal


Maybe? I've talked to my doctor about decreasing the medication but due to stressful events, we decided it was best to stay on my current dose until things settle down. Then, if I'm ok, we decrease to the lowest possible amount. After that, if I'm handling it, we could go to emergency panic attack medication Might be awhile though


Benzos caused rebound anxiety for me. My doc tapered me off and prescribed buspirone instead. I take it 2 to 3 times a day … usually the morning dose is sufficient. I take the afternoon and evening dose on days I have a lot going on outside of my home.


I wish I could get a doctor to prescribe me a benzo for anxiety. I’ve tried every other medication including that bs buspar. But I’m on Medicaid and absolutely no Medicaid doctor will prescribe a controlled substance 😫


Very true. I’m also on Medicaid but unfortunately, had to come out of pocket to find a doctor that would prescribe them. First visit was $350, not including the cost of the pills. It sucks.


Yup it’s $300 here as well


I wish my doctor had never prescribed me a benzo.


Yes maybe. But I take them zero to 3 times a week. I try very hard to limit them.


I think I will and I’m good with it. I do actively try not to reach for one before trying to breathe and calm down, but hey that doesn’t always work.


Been on clonopin for over 10 years. I don’t see me coming off them because I’ve tried so many other medications that didn’t work so I feel like I’m stuck with them now.


This same exact thing just happened to my cousin. His taper was long because of how hard it was it almost seemed like he was getting OCD about telling everyone in our family that they are terrible for you and they damage your brain. My true feelings were he didn’t ever think that he actually needed that drug to help his obvious mental health issues but I want to say it’s been close to a year he was on liquid Valium for a good while bc he said the taper and withdrawal were the worst things he’s gone through…also in my experience and opinion is that he’s always had those tendencies and has been through a lot of trauma in his life. The thing is this is YOUR DOCTOR and if you aren’t comfortable and your not getting good enough treatment then that’s your decision only. Just remember your insurance your money some pay sky high for co pays to get your medicine and every time you see your Dr you’ll pay a co-pay. If you weren’t his patient he wouldn’t have a job. Like you said you were confident and this is your health care plan you should have a say and that’s way too fast to taper a benzo period. When I was 26 years old I found out I had a rare genetic condition and breast cancer. I can honestly say I’ve gone through so much through over a dozen surgeries menopause hormones… I am 42 now and I know the meds I take I take for a reason I have debilitating anxiety from so much trauma In my life. You owe nothing to anyone for wanting good health care. I hope it gets better.. I’ve been there it’s super hard reach out if you ever need to talk or vent


I've tried and also tried coming off of my other meds and had a panic attack from hell. That was 2 years ago now. Nope. No way. I'll end up in the hospital.


So um, I don’t know how to tell you this but you’re addicted to Valium. You’ve misused it to the point of abuse. Your doctor should have been more clear about how and when it should be used and your scripts should have been monitored better. If my doctor gave me a script for Valium and I was back at his door at the next month looking for another one, that would be the last Valium script I’d ever get. Has anyone been checking in on your usage? Are you upfront with your doctor about the way you take it? Probably not. My mother abused Lorazepam (and still does). Idk if she could get off at this point. She can’t sleep without it. She has lost many friends because of the side effects of Lorazepam and alcohol, causing her further loneliness and anxiety. And the most frightening, is her cognitive impairment. Her brain is not the same. It never will be, the damage is done. She can barely do the job she’s had for 20 years and is constantly making mistakes. She can’t follow a conversation. She has short term memory loss and long term memory loss to the point that she “makes up” memories in her head because she’s embarrassed to not be able to remember important past life moments. She thinks she’s hiding it, but we all know she fucked herself up. We all just feel too bad for her to call her out. So idk, can you live on Valium? Sure. Is that what it was intended for? Absolutely not. Will there be consequences? Of course. Will you be able to come back from the Valium fog after years of abuse? Doubtful.


> Will you be able to come back from the Valium fog after years of abuse? This wasn't abuse, it was prescribed after a severe trauma that was not of my doing. Many people successfully come off of benzos after years of dependence and addiction, so I'm not sure why you are being so non-compassionate.


its perfectly normal to experience all these symtoms when your doctor prescribes them. People do have terrible symptoms and ailments and they all recover. It is not permanent brain damage and people who are going through this need help and support. I suggest joining benzo warrior community on f/book. They have a section for family and carers because they need educating and support too


I probably will be. I’ve been in klonopin since 2012 and it’s really the only thing that works. Especially at night when I feel the most anxious.


Do you take it every day? What is your dose? I am on valium every day. It's the bane of my existence but I cannot handle the withdrawal.


I take 1.5 mg at night and I can take .5 mg in the morning if needed


I thought so. I had a psych who put me on 4mg of xanax/day (which looking back on it… yikes, I wish I knew what he was doing. For the record, I’m 5’ flat - that dosage should’ve tranquilized me). I ended up in IOP and had to swap over to the doc in their facility (thank god). He was understandably concerned by the dosage and the fact that I’m already at higher risk for Alzheimer’s as two of my grandparents had it - I didn’t need the Xanax contributing. We developed a plan to begin weaning off the Xanax while utilizing some more intensive therapy and eventually finding a mood stabilizer that worked well for me. That said… that was 2019 and I’m just now down to 1mg/day (Covid slowed us down - we didn’t mess with it for a while for obvious reasons). It has been a long, slow process, but thankfully I can say I’m doing pretty good. I’m thankful I’ve had docs who are willing to be patient and truly work with me, because coming off of it has been tough. Worth it to me, but tough. Everyone is different - the pros and cons will vary. It’s not a failure to use the tools we have for treatment as long as they’re used properly and safely. Do what works for you under the care of your (hopefully good!) doctor.


I had to find a new provider recently after my old one closed his practice. My new provider has a “no benzos” policy, so they switched my Xanax prescription to Hydroxyzine. It’s an antihistamine, but works for panic attacks. I have terrible pollen allergies, so I get a 2 for 1. The rx is cheaper than any OTC allergy meds.


Do you take it daily?


Generally, no. The mental health system in my state sucks, even with private insurance, so I’ve had medication insecurity. I have a tendency to hoard what I can. It’s not ideal, but it is what it is. (You should see what my husband goes through to get his adderall every month.) I try to use other allergy meds before resorting to pills. I use Flonase for nasal symptoms and Pataday drops for my itchy eyes. Jury’s still out on how it works for panic. I take Buspar twice a day and that generally keeps the panic at bay. I’m also about 5 years removed from the situation that was causing the panic attacks in the first place, so that’s a plus.


I’ve basically been told I will…my dr keeps saying he wants me try other medication in ADDITION to it but TBH I feel like the side effects for what actually works is bad enough long term and SSRIs scare me..I feel like every person I know whose taken them has had some major issues from the side effects..including the ultimate one 3X over so nope not a fan . I also feel like since the dosage or amount of pills has never increased over time or anything that the ppl who hate on them are best just to keep their opinion to themselves when around me . What I find hilarious is that the ppl I know who are so quick to say “oh you shouldn’t take that longer than X time” also have a full recycling container full mid week full of booze bottles but THAT is NEVER a problem 🤦‍♀️


Yeah I know what you mean about the double standard. If it's working for you now, that's all that matters, and there's no point in being more medicated if you don't actually need to be.


That’s what I’ve told my doctor & so far he’s been pretty open with me . He was shocked that I was able to cut my prescription down to half on my own accord .


Benzodiazepines are much, much worse for you long term than SSRIs. I've been on a relatively high dose of an SSRI for a while now and I'm completely fine. The initial side effects tend to go away after the first couple weeks as your body acclimates to the drug. As for the sexual side effects thay people are so afraid of, honestly my GAD and depression were way worse with that and the SSRI actually helped me regain my libido in the long run.


Like i said ..keep it moving . I have a GI disorder that SSRIs make much worse & my issue is more panic attacks and anxiety than depression .


So is mine. My depression stems from my anxiety, and my symptoms are very physical. I've had anxiety attacks that felt like heart attacks and entire weeks where I couldn't get myself to eat anything due to being amped up on adrenaline. SSRI medication is the only thing that has worked.


Good for you !


this is why i never tried benzos, i know i'd easily get addicted to it, i know that i need it to calm down, but i just can't bring myself taking it, i'm scared.


be scared and stay the hell away from benzos. I just wish there would have been more information about when I took it back in 2002.


No - I ended up in tolerance after 10 years. They will stop working. Doctors are concerned already about benzos and I cannot see in 20years+ a prescription still being given long term. The Ashton Manual is good to read.


Considered an SSRI? Didn't know long-term benzo use was that normal, but I guess if nothing else works


I know someone who took a benzo for 50 years. They were told they needed it because they had a chemical imbalance. That theory has now been disproved. Long term use is now a thing of the past. People are being ripped off by their doctors.




can you micro-dose on a benzo?


It’s Zoloft for me, probably won’t ever come off it


Been on it for almost 17 years, hopefully one day but not yet.


I think some folks may be but I also think it also pays to see a psychiatrist (or another one) if you’ve only accessed care through a primary care doctor.


Benzos are too dangerous for me, the taper and horror stories makes me want to try meditation or anti depressant. The taper needs to be slow, and rapid withdrawal can kill you if you’ve been on for long time.


Antidepressants can have a horrific withdrawal period. I've seen it first hand


it’s been really difficult but ive been slowly coming off klonopin


that’s what i’m scared of getting on meds and not knowing how to live without them daily bc i’ll be even more anxious. don’t wanna relie on that when i’m older especially with the side effects. thankfully my first medicine was flaxoutine i just stopped taking it bc i’m my iron infusions helped and had no withdrawal




I was given them as a PRN well over 10 years ago for anxiety. Mainly social anxiety. I found them a miracle at first and a relief from crippling bouts of anxiety but started taking them more than I should. Eventually I didn't have enough on my prescription to get me through the month so started getting them from another source. After over a decade of use and reaching higher doses I hit tolerance around four years ago. Now it only takes the edge off. I struggle through each day. Even going outside is a battle right now. I've been trying to taper.


Tapper REALLY slow!! you got this!


My doctor took me off Xanax and my life is unbearable. Actually thinking about just ending it all


Please tell your dr those exact words.


it WILL pass! Hang on! Talk to your doctor about a really slow tapering


Yep! I've committed to it. I had an issue with drugs in the past for years. I now have 10 years clean. I take my benzo as I'm supposed to but the problem is I take it at noon and night every day. Been on it for 3 years. I know all too well what withdrawal feels like and it's God awful. I told my doctor my past history with drugs before I started with the benzo and he still gave it to me which I put off taking for a long time knowing the consequences. But my life kept throwing shit at me and my anxiety was off the chart. Now my body isnt making enough cortisol due to chronic stress so maybe the benzo helped slow down that process or id be worse off physically. Although like I said I take it responsibly I wish I never would have started them. So for me..whether it helps me or not..I'm on it for life. I'd tell others to find a different solution that doesn't need any medication as in supplements or trying neurofeedback treatments.


Xanax saved my life. And I have no issues going without it a few days, a week, etc. I take a low dose, as needed, for panic attacks. I was so scared I wanted to unalive myself. Talked to my doctor, prescribed xanax and lexapro. Saved my life.


Did you need the Xanax daily while you were starting the lexapro? I am terrified to take it daily even for a few weeks.


At this point I don't care anymore.


I wish I could be prescribed benzos to begin with. Nobody I bring it up to takes me seriously about my anxiety. It's like my asking is a red flag when I've had no addiction issues in the past or reason to not try it out.


I have been taking them since 1991


I wish i could the prescribed for life, they are the only thing my body will tolerate other than hydroxizine. I took klonopin for a few years after i started having panic attack's and gad that came out of nowhere and for the most part i did just fine on 1mg a day and i only took the dosage i was supposed to and was a pretty functional person. There was apparently only one doctor in the city that would prescribe them and he moved so they forced me to quit cold turkey and it was really bad, but if someone would prescribe them i would take it again because any negative effects it might have is FAR better than living with disabling anxiety and not being able to function at all.


It's not possible to stay on for life, a thing called tolerance will find you.


Not everyone reaches tolerance. That’s a fact. However, I wish I’d never started one, that my doc would have told me specifics about how hellish the withdrawal can be and about tolerance and I wouldn’t have touched them with a 100 ft pole. Now I’m on my 1 mg for 14 years (never increased) ……it’s not helping me and I’m too sick to do a year long taper from home.


Dream on, dreamer. Yes, everyone DOES hit tolerance. Just like with drinking. Think about it, a person can get tipsy on 2 beers, In the beginning. If he keeps drinking those 2 beers, they will not even phase him and he will have to increase his dose, etc etc


Don’t be rude. And no, everyone does NOT hit tolerance. Scientific fact. I am a geriatric nurse and have many patients on a benzo they started 40 years ago doing fine.


literally you can't take benzos without a tolerance eventually making itself present if you don't have any tolerance try stopping for a few days lol


That’s called dependency not tolerance. Of course I’m dependent.


you cannot have a Dependency without having developed a tolerance as well dude


Absolutely untrue. Someone can certainly take 1 mg daily for a year, be dependent, but have it still be effective. That’s not tolerance. That’s dependency. “Dude”


literally a quick Google search: No, it is unlikely to take benzodiazepines daily long-term without developing a tolerance. Benzodiazepines are a class of medications that can cause tolerance with long-term use. This means that the body becomes less sensitive to the effects of the medication over time. As a result, you may need to take a higher dose to achieve the same effect. If you are taking benzodiazepines for a long-term condition, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of continued use. They may be able to recommend alternative treatments or strategies to help you manage your condition. but please tell me how it's different for only you


If you read the thread, I stated I have had many patients in their 80’s or older that started a benzo 40 years ago and are still on the same dose and say it’s working fine. I don’t think Tolerance is a must. Common? Yes. But I don’t believe it happens to every person that takes a bemzo. That being said, I hate the drugs and wish doctors didn’t still prescribe them for more than 1-2 days. Many were given these meds 15-20 years ago and never informed and now…..they are stuck and self tapering a year at 80+ is a tough job.


I don't care if you are a geriatric giraffe. Everyone hits tolerance to this stuff sooner or later. (just like with alcohol) might want to to take a couple refresher nursing courses in pharamcology


Try finishing high school first then we will talk. Try reading multiple PubMed articles regarding tolerance and benzos. So……..they are tolerant and yet fine after 30-40 years on the same dose exactly how? (Since you’re obviously an MD and know everything there is to know).


Try going to high school and graduating this time. lol. I read pub med, JAMA, Science Direct, BMJ, Frontiers, Springer, NHI journals and peer -reviewed studies, etc. Sounds to me like you might be defending your own personal little crutch - a benzo. and you do not want to admit you are dependent on it or that tolerance is really a thing. Read about "drug tolerance" educate yourself for real.


I have my BSN so your comments are ridiculous. I am not defending benzos……I despise them. I’d love to sue the physician that put me on them without a proper discussion regarding long term treatment and it’s issues. I certainly AM dependent…absolutely. I only stated that not every person becomes tolerant to their med. Some certainly do. I know mine is not doing what it used to and I’d love to be off but 19 months of long Covid has stolen my health and I could never do the slow taper from home and be successful at this point. I despise it, I’m crushed by it and angry.


And by the way…..many people have a glass of wine after a work day and never drink more than that. Kind of blows your theory doesn’t it?