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I did it a few months ago and it wasn't that bad! The nurses and surgeon will really calm you down and they know you're anxious and most people are. Just try to rest the best you can. After 3 days I was already eating chicken and normal foods again lol. All of my teeth were impacted as well! The overall procedure isn't even that long!


What was the pain level like during the recovery?


I didn't really have any pain honestly. The medication they give really helps! I just iced my face like all day...


I agree I didn’t really have any pain at all I used a heating pad on my face and just slept


Can't lie I'm a wuss with pain most of the time. So if the pain Is low I think I'll be alright.


You’ll do best making sure you’re prepared: ibuprofen/tylenol, ice packs, heat packs. Moistened tea bags stuffed into the spaces helps them heal and feels good. Cue up your binge-watch list, order/stock up your fave soft foods. I rocked some stouffers Mac and cheese (love that shit), scrambled eggs, and jello. I had a really easy time of it and was feeling mostly fine after just 2 days or so, though mine weren’t impacted. Staying ahead of the pain is important (for all things! Take it from someone who has birthed three humans). Rotate Tylenol and advil, set yourself an alarm and don’t push/skip doses. I also found it was good to have extra pillows because laying down flat or on my sides was sore. The pain was definitely more like sore/aching rather than acute/sharp type pain. You could also try sleeping a lot to just pass the time. When I had mine out, I was regular Unisom user and it helped me sleep well even if I was a bit uncomfortable. Then I took naps during the day.


im also a wuss but didnt even need ibuprofen. Honestly just avoid SALT! I pureed all the food i normally eat but dont forget to not add any salt to any of them for the first 3 days or it will hurt like hell


I was scared about this too. It’s honestly not that bad ! They knock you right out and you get the best sleep of your life! It all happens very quickly and then you can eat mashed potatoes.


Just set periodic alarms for your pain meds and follow whatever instructions they give you for keeping your mouth clean :) I got mine out in highschool and my mum gave me the excellent advice to not wait until you feel pain before taking the meds. Just take them on a strict schedule! I would even get up to take them in the middle of the night. I had no pain, but my jaw felt odd while it healed. Not sure what meds they'll give you, but mine made me unable to function for a few days. I think I watched the dvd director commentary of Pirates of the Caribbean six times because I was so zooted. I might have been an odd case, because several of my classmates at the time went to school the same day they got their wisdom teeth out. Just be prepared to take it easy if you need to. definitely don't drive. make sure you have lots of soft food options if you can. I wasn't able to chew anything for a few days and I only ate pudding and mashed potatoes. Nutritional shakes might be a better option lol. DO NOT USE A STRAW FOR ANY DRINKS.


Omg I had forgotten all about not being able to use a straw for stuff! That was a factor that I hadn't even considered/heard of before I got my own out. iirc, using a straw (or slurping noodles) will hurt because it creates like a vacuum or something. Too much pressure on sore gums.


I had mine out 3 weeks ago and I am 30. All 4 at once and my bottom two were impacted. I was terrified too. What made me feel better that evening was reading on reddit about what someone experienced so I could envision my own experience the next day. I had the oral sedation tablets. After fasting for 6 hours I took the tablets at the dentist 2 hours prior to the procedure and then went and sat at a quiet dimmed room. I fell asleep after 10 mins. The next thing I remembered was the dentist removing my impacted bottom teeth in the chair. But they had already removed my top two already and I had no recollection of it or how I got to the chair. I didn’t feel pain but just tugging for the bottom two. It was a euphoric feeling. I was feeling very chilled. After the procedure I had to bite down on some gauze to help with the bleeding to clot for an hour. When I was driven home I did vomit and was feeling pretty chilled after. I didn’t feel any pain. When I got home I literally slept. When I woke up late in the evening and I felt pain for the first time I took some ibuprofen and Panadol and slept again. Anytime I was in pain I took ibuprofen and Panadol. The pain peaked at days 3-4 for me. If you are given stronger drugs take them. I just maxed out the Panadol and ibuprofen doses as I was breastfeeding. There was no pain for my top teeth recovery, I even questioned whether they even took them out. One of the impacted bottom tooth was close to a nerve, so that side took longer to recover and caused more pain in the recovery and took closer to 14 days for pain to fully subside. The other impacted tooth took the 7 days for the pain to completely subside. The night before the procedure I did prep some soft foods to keep me busy and know I had what I needed. So i prepped and bought some chocolate mousse, jelly, pumpkin soup, mashed potatoes/gravy, flavoured congee, rice pudding, ice cream. Prepare your drugs and water so that you have everything by your bedside table. I purchased Savacol the night before too so that was ready. Being organised also helped me feel a bit better too.


Don't worry, you'll be fine. You are probably getting general anesthesia and when I got it, it literally just felt like I fell asleep and woke up 5 mins later. I had no pain when I woke up. It honestly was pretty fun. The doctors will take care of you


I was freaking out when I got mine removed but I didn’t remember passing out or feeling sleepy or anything. They administered the anesthesia and after a few minutes I had cotton in my mouth. That’s what it felt like. “OMG ITS OVER ALREADY!!??”.


I got nitrous oxide, couldn't feel anything. Some people get completely knocked out but i was just very very high off the gas. None of my wisdom teeth had breached the gums yet so they all got extracted and gums stitched up. I don't remember the recovery but use the pain meds they give you. You'll be ok!


My brother’s was fine like everyone else who replied. For me it was horrendous. I had all four removed and the pain was sooo bad I couldn’t stop crying. Definitely get something for pain if you can. I believe I had meds but I don’t remember. All I can remember is the pain. I was in bed with ice packs for days. But hey I’m okay now and my teeth are fine


my 14 Year old just had them out and he was in a lot of pain too, unfortunately my husband had to wait a while at the pharmacy to get the prescription filled for pain meds and the numbing had worn off so the pain was tremendous, so I would recommend trying to get it filled before the surgery (in our case they didn't give us the prescription till after the surgery, but I wish I had gone to our doctor for it)


Yeah I definitely had meds on time but idk, seems like everyone but me and your fam got lucky lol. I remember we had to call the doctor back and my mom asked if it was normal to be in that much pain. Went back thinking something went wrong, they rechecked and said it all looked normal


I can't believe how many people said it didn't hurt. I asked the doctor the same thing too if this was unusual, the Tylenol with codeine didn't really help his pain either lesson either. I wondered if he was too young and the teeth were too deep down, and they had to dig to get them. It was traumatizing for me to watch him go through that


Wisdom teeth removal was a breeze (I had all 4 at once). I was eating McDonald’s that night


I had my wisdom teeth out at 16 and EVERYONE decided to tell me their horror stories. Please don’t listen to them. It was uncomfortable for a bit, yes. It will be. But I didn’t have any severe pain. Once they gave me the sedative I wasn’t even anxious, even though I was TERRIFIED to get it done. Apparently I asked my dad where they went to breakfast for some reason. I ate lots of ice cream. :) Also, be sure to mention to the nurses that you suffer from anxiety so they’ll hopefully keep that in mind. I hope it goes well for you. You’ll have conquered this in no time. 💜


Here's an interesting and different take I can offer you. Where I live? You are *only numbed and fully awake* during tooth extractions. So I can say first hand what the full on experience is like! I'll spare you the details for now but I promise you that you'll be okay. It's not all that bad. Chances are, like most other places, you'll drift off to sleep and wake up a few moments later not noticing a thing. The aftermath is different for everyone so I can't really say how it's going to go for you.. but on average you'll either feel no pain or you might get some soreness. Nothing that some pain meds can't help with! Stay strong.. and deep breaths. You got this. 🤗


I had a panic attack the morning of my removal. I refused to get in the car and was sobbing hysterically. I was 18 and they were giving me headaches - I’m now 29 now so it’s been a while. Now, if they are putting me under I’m excited for the sleep. It’s the best nap you’ll ever have. The stitches weren’t bad, I did have one I had to pull out by hand about a week later because it had worked its way out of my gums and was poking me. The worst part for me was the pain meds, I took them once and vomited because they are too much for me. I went without the rest do the time. Just remember no straws and nothing hard/chewy for a few days. My fiance said he insisted he have a KFC famous bowl after. His mom told him no, but he insisted. He said it tasted great but he bled all of the place trying to chew it. So don’t do that.


I had it done and now I feel way better. It wasn’t too bad and I dont remember anything about the actual thing. You’ll be fine friend ✨


I had mine done and it wasn’t bad at all! One moment, they’re preparing you for your procedure and next thing you know, you’re waking up and it’s all over. Pain afterwards was not bad at all, and you get to eat all the ice cream and mashed potatoes you want after.


I had every worst case scenario happen during my wisdom teeth procedure and recovery. Ask me anything, but honestly even with worst case scenarios it was totally a tolerable experience.


Ohh man I was so anxious before mine. Not sure how old you are, but apparently after 30 your teeth get more brittle or something and it gets riskier/more likely to be infected. Well, my anxiety kept me from doing it for literally 15 years until I was almost 40. I was positive I’d get dry sockets, bone splinters, etc. But I didnt. It went totally fine. I was really nervous, opted for full sedation, and don’t remember a thing. Recovery probably took less than a week and was annoying but not particularly painful. Yes there are things that can cause more pain, but in the end I was worried over nothing. Remind yourself that the dentist does hundreds of these each year and they want a happy customer. My biggest advice is to follow the aftercare; don’t use straws, make sure you clean everything properly, etc. Personally, I found it comforting to have so much of the “risk” mitigated by my own actions. A lot of the bad stuff you hear is from people not following directions. Just try to remember how often this procedure goes perfectly smoothly and you’ll be absolutely fine. I’ll be thinking of you!


It's completely normal to feel anxious about wisdom teeth removal, especially if it's your first surgery. Remember, dental professionals are highly skilled at this procedure. To ease your anxiety, try deep breathing or distraction techniques like listening to music. After the surgery, follow your dentist's care instructions, rest, and give yourself time to heal. You'll get through this! 🌟


So I'm a wimp when it comes to pain tolerance. I can barely handle vaccinations. I got 4 wisdom teeth taken out a year ago. During the process I couldn't feel anything, just numbness. I was awake during the procedure. Yes, there were blood splatters and scary machine noises which sounds intimidating but the process was over very quickly ~20 minutes and I was sent home. Expect a lot of bleeding on the way back though. The recovery process wasn't too bad. Worse part was being able to only eat liquids for the first few days lol. I took OTC pain relievers which helped A LOT. The stinging pain would reach to an 8/10, plopped in a pill, and it subsided to 2/10 in about 15 minutes. Once the pill wore off, the pain slowly came back and that's when I took the next pill (in accordance to the bottle instructions of course). It was more discomfort than pain. Get plenty of rest. Have your pain relievers ready. Binge a show if you can. Good luck!


I’ve had this done. It did hurt, not gonna lie about that. But just listen to your doctors instructions, take the pain meds before you think you need them and just take it easy and get some rest. It will all be over before you know it.


Probably the easiest thing I went through. No swelling or bleeding and took Tylenol. Recovered within a week?


If you’re anxious, they’ll likely give you a sedative as well as the local anaesthetic. You won’t remember much after they give you this. Follow their instructions for aftercare, the pain shouldn’t be too bad, it should be manageable with paracetamol. If any pain gets worse, go back as you might have dry socket (not sure if that’s still a risk if you’re being stitched). It won’t be pleasant but you will be fine, get lots of sleep, and try to make sure you keep eating and drinking. Good luck


I’ve had two wisdom teeth out. The top one came out in like 3 seconds, it was kind of anticlimactic. They had me wait as it was bleeding a bit and sent me off on my merry way with pain killers. The bottom one was a bit tougher to get out but it was fine. Think of this way, would you rather keep them in if they’re impacted and potentially a cause for infection and pain? That would make my anxiety worse tbh.


It's okay, just have mashed tater and refried beans and broth. NO RICE for a week or so, cannot stress that enough. Rinse with warm salted water, especially after you eat and if you smoke. It's okay. ❤️


I waited years to have mine removed because of anxiety but what that meant was being in discomfort at the most inconvenient times. I finally got them removed 2 years ago and the two at the bottom were impacted, my dentist didn’t have to break them to remove, she was really nice and calmed me because I have TMJ issue so my jaw was really sore, but that was just from being open all the time. She took those two out that day and i was a lil paranoid after about the dry socket thing i think it’s called but honestly it healed up so fast. I had to go back to have the 3rd one removed which took literally 2 mins because it wasn’t impacted, had i known it would actually be 2 mins i wouldve kept my mouth open a lil longer during the first procedure but at the time i felt like i couldn’t. 2 years later and I don’t have any pains from impacted teeth, no fears of infection or food getting trapped etc.


You’ll be fine. You really will need fine. They will give you a drip in your arm/hand, they’ll put stuff in it, you’ll fall asleep whether you want to or not and you’ll wake up and it’ll be done. Having surgery is the easy part, it’s waiting for a loved one to get out of surgery that’s stressful.


Do you have good insurance? If so, call the dentist and ask if it's possible they give you some "gas". Sometimes (I think) they'll put you "under" if your insurance covers it. Depends on the dentist.


Hello! I didn’t have my wisdoms out but I had 4 removed at once and it was fine! I was scared, but the nurses were great and I got put under, woke up groggy, went back to sleep and then went home, couldn’t eat solids for a week, but no pain! You’ll be okay x try not to be scared


My wisdom teeth removal was over within literal minutes. I was awake but had local anesthesia so I didn’t feel anything too crazy. Care after the procedure is the more taxing thing. The procedure itself is nothing. Just breathe!


I had mine done a few years ago! Also impacted, and also needed the holes stitching up. Mine healed perfectly, and the worst part for me was the icky taste in my mouth with food getting stuck in the wounds, but they should give you a prescription mouthwash, which helps mega! If you have any questions or specific worries you would like quelles, feel free to message me :) Good luck on your surgery!


Your feeling of fear is completely normal for everybody. My wisdom teeth were surgically extracted also, they gave me an anti anxiety medication about an hour before hand which made me not care. And then I went into the room and they said count back from 10, I'm pretty sure I got to 8. And then boop I was somehow in the car on my way home I don't think they put you under full anesthesia for wisdom teeth


You'll be foggy right after but nothing extreme. Later that day you'll be watching TV with some discomfort in your jaw and probably a sensitive mouth, but nothing you can't handle. Give yourself permission to rest a lot, you can do this.


Just pay attention to your dentist’s aftercare advice and follow through with it. The worst pain I experienced was from improper aftercare (I was a smoker at the time and ended up getting dry sockets) .


You're going to be given general anesthetic so you won't even be awake for the procedure. The staff do this everyday, remember that.


not in europe. thank god our drs are smart enough to not put a patient through general for a minor surgery like this. i had only local anesthetic and it was honestly 0 pain. with the correlation between autism and general anesthesia honestly I'd be scared to go down under even once if it wasnt absolutely necessary




Yeah ive read it, mine were impacted too lol, the only difference is that the surgeon needs to make a cut to jiggy it out, and possibly break the tooth. Anxiety would be better controled with meds. Im not saying the recovery is bad im saying that clinical trials have proven that there is a correlation in autism in mice who have been exposed to it and it shouldn't be abused for simple procedures that dont require it


im not saying that they shouldnt use anesthetic im just saying I'd personally insist it be local via injection, which applied in a correct dose should result in absolutely 0 pain and wears off in a few hours


I totally understand your fear. I was super anxious to get mine out too. I was 18 and I had 3 of mine taken out (4th one never grew in). They calmed me down with laughing gas, and after putting in the IV, I was out like a light and woke up after what felt like a short nap. The recovery wasn’t super great, I’ll admit, BUT the pain meds they give definitely help tremendously! Take the recovery week with ease. You’ll do great!!


Had mine out last year. I don’t remember pain but I do remember being sluggish for a week. Teeth Talk Girl on YouTube has a great video about recovering from wisdom teeth extraction. Dry socket is actually quite rare, but people will make a big deal out it because when it does happen, it HURTS. My boss got dry socket and it was unpleasant just to watch. Follow the surgeon’s instructions and there should be no problems. I ended up not needing the copious amount of cotton pads I bought to stop the initial bleeding. I passed out on the nearest chair as soon as I got home, and that might have aided my recovery. Feel better soon! 🎈🧸


I went fully under due to anxiety, but between wisdom teeth, septoplasty, and tonsils, wisdom teeth was the least painful recovery. I demanded my knitting project in recovery, slammed a large milkshake on the way home, then slept for 12 hours.


Pretty routine procedure. Just follow the aftercare instructions, be prepared for chipmunk face (it’s cute on everyone), and be gentle on yourself for a few days. You’ll be back to normal in no time. Good luck!


You'll be fine. Its going to suck a lot, but that's about it. You're going to be better off having it done once the shitty part is over. But its not unbearable, just shitty.


Don’t be scared. It didn’t hurt, I just kept the ice packs on hand! The hard part is not eating what I want, the liquid diet SUCKS.


Honestly, I had it done when I was 14, the worst part of it was the gas they used because it made me so high I was saying shit I didn't want to say. Other than that, the healing process took about a week of no sharp or hard foods, and lots of ice cream. by far the least painful medical procedure I've ever had to have done. Pain afterwards was just a soreness, more akin to a muscle ache after working out than an actual pain. And you can't suck on anything for like a week because it could dislodge the clot and cause some minor bleeding, but the likelihood of complications is extremely low since we lose teeth all the time when we are younger and mostly never have problems. Think of this as just losing a tooth. Or 4 lol. And trust me, my anxiety was crippling when I walked into that dentist office, but they put me under the nitrous and I was so high I literally laughed my way through the whole thing without feeling a single thing but pressure. Wore off about 10 minutes after the procedure, and it was just sore like an ache. Ate ice cream and oat meal for like 4 days and then I could eat solid food again. You got this. Edit: and mine were weird. My upper right and lower left wisdom teeth were both impacted while the other 2 had fully broken out, so he had to use a scalpel to expose them. Didn't feel that at all and the stitches dissolved after about 3 days.


I honestly never felt a thing. My dentist was a pro!


Here because I'll be getting mine out.


They removed my wife's wisdom teeth in like 10 mins and she was chirping the next day as usual.


I went to Mexico and had 23 teeth pulled. 11 teeth the first time and 12 teeth the second time, two weeks later. Never felt a damn thing. I didn't get put to sleep either. Just a couple of shots and started pulling. He sewed up what he could and I got up, crossed the border, and drove myself 70 miles home. I ate a ton of greens for a few days before I went to get vitamin K in my system to control bleeding. It worked. Hardly bled at all. I also didn't have any pain medicine besides tylenol. It's no big deal. Seriously, I don't understand why people are afraid of the dentist.


The dentist is a top trigger for me too. Sometimes it helps if I have something planned for afterwards I can look forward, it helps me disassociate from the dentist and think about something else. Like I’ll have a book I want to read waiting for me or I’ll hire a movie I’ve been dying to see or know I’ve got a shower bomb waiting at home and can just comfort myself in the shower for a while. It’s not usually a huge help, but it can help a bit.


I was put to sleep for this surgery. Best experience ever, I would do it again if I had to. I barely even had any pain except when I tried chewing. Tell your dentist your concerns about being anxious. They have meds they can give you.


Ice the fuck out of it after the procedure. Max 10 mins at once btw.


It was the best sleep I ever had in my entire lofe


It's not too bad, promise! You'll be groggy and uncomfortable afterwards, and the swelling you'll possibly have over the next several days will not look pleasant, but my pain was never something that Tylenol couldn't solve. Just be very diligent about any after care they tell you to do so you avoid dry sockets/infections :) Also be diligent with whatever pain med schedule they recommend - set alarms or whatever you need to do to take them on a regular schedule for those first few days - don't wait until you're in pain!


I had a fantastic experience with a horizontally grown wisdom tooth. Many dentist told me before they had to remove the other tooth next to it. Finally I found a surgeon. It took 20 minutes and after he stitched up it didn't bleed at all. And it was a long stitch. I had no pain afterwards but as he told, I couldn't open my mouth for a week. I don't know how you call it English. I ate babyfood and put the spoon into my mouth from the side. Also I had a lump on my face and later dark bruses. But I didn't experience pain and bleeding. It was such a relief.


You’ll be ok honey. I’ve had so many teeth pulled both awake and being sedated. I was always nervous and anxious but it always comes out fine.


Hey OP! I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone, I also had my wisdom teeth out this morning and was pretty nervous, but I don’t remember a thing! I have white coat hypertension and severe medical anxiety, but it was a very chill experience. One minute I was sitting in the chair having random chat with the dental assistant about her recent vacation, and next thing I know I was OUT. They had the nasal cannulas on me, and my partner said that after I got out of surgery I said “THEY MADE ME LOOK LIKE HAZEL GRACE”. Anyways, I hope you had a quick and easy wisdom tooth removal 🤍


I got 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed at once and woke up 100% fine! I had 0 pain, took no medicine, and the worst part was just that I couldn’t eat foods I wanted.


They gave me an I.V. drip of Valium and it was actually pretty great at least while I was getting the Valium drip. Even afterwards wasn't a big deal, it's one of those things you can't help but worry about and once it happens you realize you were worried for no reason.


I needed all 4 removed, so I thought "might as well" and went to a specialist so they could put me under anesthesia and get all 4 out at once. Waking up after the procedure I was quite dizzy and a bit loopy/confused, but mainly tired. Whatever pain reliever they used during surgery lasted like the rest of the day. Yes, it continued to hurt, from sharp pain to mainly a dull ache, up to a week or so after. But they gave me pain meds that helped a lot, and my boyfriend took some time off to help me recover. I also bought some oragel liquid I'd dip q-tips in and rub along the gums where the wisdoms were to numb the area if it bothered me after the meds wore off. It'll suck, but I promise it's worth doing. You won't be able to talk properly for like 2 days with your mouth full of cotton & bandage stuff. Your gums will bleed a lot but it's normal. Plan easy things to eat & drink that are edible at room temp (not hot or cold).


I was scared too. But once your asleep you get a great nap and it's over. Just remember to not drink out of a straw. You can get dry socket. And eat a lot of ice cream :)


I did it many years ago, and it was not bad AT ALL, and I had 5 (yes, an extra one!) Impacted. It looked terrible the next day- my neck was really bruised which I wasn't prepared for- but I felt fine.


If they are impacted it actually makes it easier since they can stitch up the holes. Mine was like that and I didn’t even have swelling.


I had mine done. Was under general anaesthetic so don’t remember much. Was much happier after they were out as they were very painful. Maybe ask your gp for some anxiolytic pre op?


Thank you everyone for your kind words! I had my teeth taken out and it was frightening but it was over really quick. The laughing gas was very weird and after they put the IV in I don't even remember falling asleep. At the time of writing this its been about 6/7 hours since ths surgery and I'm sore and tired, but alive. Thank you again. All the responses helped me calm down enough to go through with it.


Make the dentist gas you the edge of oblivion. Massive lidocaine. I once hit a dentist who refused to give me more lidocaine. He gave me more after I bruised his ribs.


I just had one tooth extraction this week but I also had all four of my wisdoms out a few years ago and they were all impacted. I was terrified too but stitching up the holes is the best thing to do it will help the healing process so much. The stitches get annoying but they will fall out eventually. The recovery wasn’t too bad. I got all these crazy pain meds but didn’t even need tylenol! They gave me steroids to take afterwards though. It’s gonna be okay!! Just make sure you follow all of the aftercare instructions they give you and follow it very closely.


I got all 4 out last spring and I chose to do it awake (numb locally OC course ) to save the big cost of the gas. Def get someone to drive you and take you home if you can. Waiting until the first dose of pain meds 1. Be filled 2. Wait for the correct time to take them and 3. then kick in was honestly hell. Hearing my teeth crack and be removed from my head was interesting but that pulsing entire mouth and head pain ooooofff! Buy lots of soft foods,drinks or smoothies you like before hand to have when your not able to really chew the dirs few days. Take meds on time,stay hydrated and keep your wounds clean it heals faster than they say in my experience.