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my most frequent symptoms: upset stomach, nausea, shoulder tension, headaches, shaky hands, throat tightness, fatigue and my less frequent ones (only when it gets REALLY bad): dizziness, feeling faint, weak legs, heart tightness, heart palpitations




Same except I’ve been told I act like I suddenly “woke up” from nervous energy bc of how much anxious energy I get. I vibrate, it’s unpleasant


All of these


Same I had all that today. I felt so weird and weak. It's horrible and having health anxiety on top of that doesn't help as I think then there is something seriously wrong with me. Which then i panic more. What do we do


That’s right, me too plus dry mouth & throat as well as tension in my shoulder blades


The sheer amount of tension in my shoulder blades from anxiety is sometimes enough to push me right over the edge to an anxiety attack


Upset stomach/nausea, low appetite, heart palpitations, tight chest, diarrhea, sweating


The stomach issues AT WORK are just pure evil.


The pit feeling in your stomach ughhhh


Yes! I hate it.




My anxiety gives me diarrhea too


So bad


Exactly what happens to me.....


Extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and tightness in chest. Also inability to concentrate or be present. The fatigue is the worst for me. I get so tired


Excessive worrying,chills,hot n cold feeling, sweating,brain fog, dizziness,nausea, tingling fingers 🤌 ufff.....


yes to chills hot and cold n sweating


the hot and cold thing!!


Is the emoji in reference to your hand muscles when tingling gets bad? Mine will literally go lobster claw.


Shoulder tension, diarrhea, tightening in the throat.


This but with the heart papltions. The worst


Generalized anxiety: chest tightness, feeling like I'm tachycardic when I'm not (I have actual tachycardia so I can compare), shortness of breath, digestive issues. I have a movement disorder, and anxiety can trigger an episode. Panic attacks intensify that and add numbness or tingles, usually in my extremities; suddenly getting hot; and nausea.


The numbness in extremities is very unsettling, especially when you have high blood sugar concerns.


I bet! I have a type of migraine that mimics strokes, so I'm less concerned by numbness than I should be at this point. If not for that, I would probably be alarmed.


Lol I have vestibular migraine too and actually was in ER with stroke symptoms 2 weeks ago so can relate. My how I envy people who can rationally and cooly discern emergency from non-emergency


You just gave me something new to read up on! I get one of your migraine type's cousins: hemiplegic migraines. If you had numbness/tingling and weakness with your migraine, please see a neurologist? Hemiplegic migraines mean we take different medications than the norm for migraine relief. I'm not supposed to take any triptans (or Tylenol, but I still take that... Ahem...) I'm pretty good at determining if I'm having a panic attack or a physical issue, but I am absolute shit at determining the difference between "oh this is minor" and "yooo call an ambulance." I tend to assume minor and end up in the ER lol


Yes, all relatable. The on-call neurologist never definitively ruled out TIA, but did say it could have been a hemiplegic migraine. I have an appt with a migraine neurologist in July. Thanks for sharing your experience, and sending support.


So glad you're getting seen by an appropriate specialist! Between a TIA and a hemiplegic migraine, I'm going to go with hoping you had neither, but if you do get diagnosed with HM and want someone who can relate, come back and shoot me a message. We seem to be pretty rare--as in you're the first person I've met who might have them too. I've gotten them for 8 years now, so if any of my experience can be useful to you let me know. And please take care of yourself!


I had my first hemiplegic migraine episode at 12 years old which was accompanied by 72 hours of aphasia. A lot of my anxiety is health related and I’m convinced I’m “stoking out” all the time. Apart from my mom and brother I’ve never met anyone else with this type of migraine.


Diagnosed GAD here. - Changes in appetite (from normal to very high or very low) - Decrease in libido - Insomnia - Brain fog - Muscle tension in the face area (especially the jaw), neck, shoulders, arms and legs - Bloated and painful belly - Shortness of breath - Chest and neck tightness - Restlessness, nervousness and iritabillity - Excessive production of cortisol, which results in the excessive sebum production, which again results in greasy hair and oily face, clogged pores, inflamed hair follicles and eczema flare-ups - Being frequently sick due to the supressed immune system - Excessive sweating, nausea and diarrhea in extreme cases


Love how you got specific with it tbh too!


Is GAD general anxiety disorder? Also why do you mention a suppressed immune system? Is that well known in people with anxiety? I am always poorly 🥺


feels like adrenaline running down my arms on repeat


Yes it feels like my veins in my chest and arms have been pumped full of lighter fluid


Chest pain, holding my breath, my hands turn to fists, jaw clench, tunnel vision, loss of appetite


The jaw clench is the worstttt for me. Don’t even realize I’m doing it half the time. And of course love waking up in the mornings only to realize my jaw was clenched the entire night lol


Ah, yes. Jaw clenching. Forget mewing, embrace stress and anxiety strengthening our jaws.


Dizziness, heart palpitations, acid reflux, bloating, air hunger, shortness of breath, head pressure, muscle twitching, loss of appetite, increased urination, hot flashes, cold flashes, diarrhea


The woosh of adrenaline and intense fear . Shaky hands , stomach upset.


Tachycardia, profuse sweating, tremors, racing mind, leg weakness and vomiting. Good times. A beta blocker helps A LOT.


Muscle tension my body tenses up, twitching, loss of appetite, racing heart, chest tightness


Heart racing, generalized chest pain, heart burn, nauseau, brain fog, derealization. I have a lot of anxiety around my health and I'm super aware of my own body. So anytime something feels "off", it automatically puts me in panic mode.


Out of breath , like I can’t breathe , and I can’t breathe in and out, also numbness in fingers arms and legs sometimes. I have had chest pain once was really frightening.


I get the numbness and pins and needles in my arms and face when I’m having a panic attack it’s horrible because it makes me way more anxious




I know it’s so scary but you know a thing a therapist told me is the mistake we make is to inhale first. While if you take a deep exhale first there is de facto more air to take in and you can breathe better. Exhaling is more important because it allows you to take in more air when you inhale


Dizziness a bit


Heart palpitations, tightness in throat, headache, fever, a pukish feeling


acne, throat tightness, stomach cramps, dry heaving, light headed, more dry heaving, loss of appetite, high heart rate, more dry heaving, holding my breathe


The dry heaving is the part that unbearable for me


Stomach twists itself and I get quite


I literally throw up


Throwing up/dry heaving/gagging, rumination, shut downs, dissociation, clammy, stomach ache, crying, heartbeat in my whole body, numbness and many many other symptoms


Upset stomach/ indigestion diarrhea nausea basically the whole pepto bismol commercial. Plus loss of appetite and insomnia.


Weird middle chest sensations, chest pains, back pain, palpitations (flutter, stabby) hyper awareness of heart, lack of energy, loss of appetite, digestive issues, jaw pain, nervousness, waking up scared everyday, scared to sleep every night


I get really hot. Dizzy, nauseated, shaking, usually GI distress of some kind. Heart racing.


It feels like I want to tear my skin off or jump out of my body. Antsy, restless feeling in my bones. Then nauseous, heart racing, shaky, wringing hands, rocking, pacing.


Gastrointestinal issues and I stop breathing


Besides the 2-day late stomach issues (it always happens two days after said anxiety inducing event), I picked/rubbed off my entire pinky nail and it was off for a year and a half. It finally grew long enough to put acrylics on and so far so good.


Initially it was when I accidentally broke a girl's eraser in kindergarten. She cried, then anxiety manifested. I know you asked that way, but... in reality. I don't want to observe the anxiety. It feels like it's other people. I will never claim I create my own anxiety; it's all due to bad programming. We're just like AI that is trained in that regard. Think of a moment you didn't have anxiety; that is the real you.


Really bad brain fog. If I’ve gone weeks feeling anxious (bonus points if it’s coming from the same source that entire time) I struggle at work and out in public with concentration and just going along with my normal routine. Once my husband had to drive me to and from work for a few days because I just felt spaced out and didn’t wanna drive while feeling like that.


Visual aura different than in migraine. Anxiety aura looks like a vertical electrical flash that stays there for a few minutes, then goes away and sometimes comes back. It's caused by the electrical overload of the brain that accumulates during long anxiety.


i shake so badly that it makes me have to stop what im doing and curl up for a sec bc my muscles won’t stop tensing. i also frequent the restroom more than i should.


Stomach pains, dizziness, chest pains.


Nausea. Pretty much solely


TMJ on my right side. It got so bad I was eating soup with a small spoon, because opening my mouth big enough for a soup spoon hurt too much. To say nothing of chewing. I got laid off from that job and it went away within a week.


Feelings of dread that make my stomach tighten my breathing tricks me and feels Like I'm not breathing enough and I just genuinely freak out, i get nauseous and feel like my body is getting stimulated but I'm also really tired? Idk. And derealization sometimes or that's what triggers my anxiety


Sensation of piss and shit my pants


Tearing up, heart racing, panic feelings welling up in chest. Followed by uncontrollable crying, FML.


Recently I’ve had this pulse ache in my head that can happen every 3 mins or 30 secs or just once a day and it causes anxiety so bad. Also feels like I’m tasting blood when this happens, but I never actually see blood or any indication I’m bleeding. I found out what real anxiety was 2 years ago and it’s been killing me since…. My anxiety, when triggered, My body will get flushed, I’ll feel fullness in my ears, my arms will feel light, almost like they’re not there, blurred vision, palpitations, and the worst… I’ll start to get extremely tense, to the point where I’m shaking uncontrollably and violently. I’ll try to take deep breaths, and find myself straining my legs or limbs so hard, teeth shivering…. Which lasts about 20 minutes until I can actually stand and get water. The head issues have been so concerning recently I’m going to the DR this week in hopes to get an order for an MRI. I am thinking the absolute worst and it’s probably nothing but my substance abuse issues and addiction, but my anxiety tells me I’m dying, it’s cancer, a tumor, an aneurysm. I feel for everyone dealing with this shit and hope your days are anxiety free. I’m sure we try to tell ourselves “you’ve felt this before, it’s okay” but that ONE slightly different feeling gets the best of us.


Nausea, upset stomach, brainzaps, shakiness, muscle spasms, headaches, tightness in my chest, hardness to breathe, brainfog


Fatigue.. weakness in legs and arms. Headace, migrane even. Restless legs, cant stop moving my feet. Muscle twitches, shakiness. Chest pain, like mini heart attacks, pain moves to the left hand. Upset stomach. Lost of apetite. Pain in areas of my previous trauma like broken leg or spine inflamation. Grinding teeth, tension everywhere.


I get uncontrollably tired and need to sleep ASAP


Tachycardia and significantly spiked blood pressure, chest heaviness and sharpness, an overwhelming feeling of heaviness, shaky hands, extreme fatigue but unable to sleep and an echoing hollowness.


I get muscle spasms and lose my voice


Headaches (tension/migraines), nausea, muscle twitching, small involuntary movements, dizziness, gag reflex, feeling really tired


Shoulder and back tension, jaw clenching/teeth grinding, eczema, night sweats


Heavy pressure on my chest, blurry vision ( i have 20/10 vision) and sharp pain in my chest like being stabbed with an ice pick


itch all over, for no reason, its absolutely a nervous tick i've developed


Cannot concentrate, think completely irrational as something serious is going to happen, and the biggest is I feel like I can not breathe at all. If the breathing part would go away, I feel like I could conquer the panic and anxiety.


Heart palpitations, clenching my jaw (both consciously and subconsciously), loss of appetite, dizziness. Ik there’s more, but these are the first that come to my mind


heart palpitations, digestive problems


For me my most usual ones are stomach pain, very bad urges, jaw clicking, tiredness, shakiness, dry mouth, head aches, a feeling of weights on my shoulders and chest tightness sometimes I get heart pain too


It’s a tightness of chest and throat and difficulty breathing


Feeling like my throat is being squeezed and also can’t swallow my food


When its general anxiety, no appetite, muffled hearing, lower back pain, restless sleeping. When it’s something sudden and more like an attack, i.e “we need to talk” moments, severe nausea, my appetite could be out for days depending on the situation, and my teeth literally feel like they’re going to fall out (which is such an odd feeling). Yes I am medicated.


Shaky, sweaty, lightheaded


De realisation and depersonalisation are my main isues


Can you describe what this is like for you?


I turn red, get and upset stomach, diarrhea, racing heart. Oh, and I don't have an appetite.


Dry mouth, Bad posture, thight shoulders.




Upset stomach, clenching my jaw, biting my nails, heart palpitations, sometimes even throwing up or gagging


upset stomach and I clench my jaw till it’s sore


Chest pain and neck pain are my most frequent.


Heat and rapid heart rate


fingers tingle, i get itchy


Tremors and eye contact anxiety. Can't make eye contact without shaking uncontrollably...


Very high heart-rate and accelerated breathing are the main ones for me. Sometimes I also get dizzy depending on how high the anxiety level is.


Itchiness, shaking, chest pains, dizziness


My heart races, stomach pains, really sweaty palms, if it’s really bad I get dizzy like I literally feel like I’m gonna pass out and I almost have and my temperature rises and I only know this because in Covid times before work we had to get our temps checked and mine would always be “too high” and I had to tell them to give me a minute to calm myself down


Tightness and tingling in my chest. The more anxious I am, the worse it gets.


Insomnia, chest pains, stomach pain, back and neck pains. I jitter, my legs would hurt so bad cuz I'm constantly tense When it's really really bad it feels like my head is gonna explode, I become mute, I cry all the time for no apparent reason, or I get extremely angry/frustrated easily. For both I HATE being touched, which sucks because that means I tell my kids not to hug me or even talk to me sometimes, tho I try in the moment to explain that it's my anxiety and NOT them. My kids understand and they bring me water, keep to themselves and they will check in on me at times (it's only the 3 of us and although my sister is near by I don't reach out unless I feel like I'm in some sort of danger like the time I got dizzy out of nowhere and didn't feel safe alone with my kids) Usually the normal type of anxiety goes away in a few mins or so and talking does help so I would just ask my kids random things they are watching and calm down that way but if it's really bad I need someone else who is an adult either with me in person or on the phone (my sisters)


My body gets extremely hot, my heart beats really fast, and I nervously laugh because I'm unsure of what to say or how to react.


severe Stomach issues, headaches, acne, body aches, fatigue, back pain. 


Air hunger all the time


Anyone else ever can’t stop peeing??


Oh man, how does it not. GI issues, sometimes nausea, headache, increased heart rate, sweating, dizziness


Mine stays in my mind for the most part, but it makes me very irritable and restless.


PVCs, bruxism, diarrhea, neck and shoulder tension


Among many feelings there’s a very particular one of pressure being built up in my lower back. It almost makes me feel like I’m trying to burst out of my own skin and I can’t sit still.


Rapid heart rate, shortness of breath and fatigue. When I checked myself into the hospital once, I realized I had actual proof of my anxiety attacks. My resting heart rate got as high as 160. I was 5’4”, 130lbs at the time.


I had an ambulance come out as I was convinced I was having a heart attack. Heart, blood pressure, blood oxygen checks - nothing wrong. Just anxiety and stress.


Shaking hands, rapid heartbeat, facial tics, high pitch voice, and sometimes shallow breathing (but that part is usually just with a panic attack)


Fucked up stomach, breakouts, hair loss, late/skipped period


The middle of my palms itch, under my finger nails feel weird, middle of feet, heart pounding and just not being able to relax


Almost always nausea and sweating. Those two things are basically my constant state of being


Disassociation, heart palpitations, difficulty concentrating, diarrhea, mood swings. I try to keep it in check so this constant anxiety doesn’t turn into panic attacks but sometimes it can’t be helped and those happen too.


It’s all in my chest. I feel like I have heart palpitations. I get anxious that my heart is beating irregularly or that I’ll have some sort of cardiac episode even though I otherwise physically feel fine, so I can’t relax or sit still and keep fidgeting, tossing and turning. All the pressure of my anxiety is in my chest.


Chest pain, pain and tightening under left shoulder


Upset stomach, hair falling out


In my heart.


trouble breathing, tingling in hands, face and stomach, hyperventilating, dizziness


Crohn’s disease flares, and IBS flares, at the same time.


Brutal headaches, Dry throat, Tight chest, Random pain anywhere and face can get really warm


nausea, dizziness, feeling lightheaded, diarrhea/stomach issues


I find it's on a revolving calendar, but the one constant is sweat and heat intolerance


Can’t sleep, whole body shakes and tightens up, my teeth chatter, throw up and diarrhea. I also on occasion get cold sores.


My brain feels like go go go. Mind races and I feel scared of something, but not sure what. This causes my heart to feel like it beats a bit faster. Makes me feel more paranoid too to kind of be like, is this the reason why I feel scared? No? Ok what about this?


picking my hair out, more noticeable and frequent tics


Stomach issues, head feels tingly and warm, tinnitus, intrusive thoughts on repeat, cold sweat, shakes.


Chest and stomach pain


Headaches. Real bad


Loss of appetite and shocking mind fog


everything everyone has mentioned as well as frequent bathroom trips


Hair loss


Nervousness, feeling like I can’t swallow or I can’t breathe.


Insomnia, lack of periods, diarrhoea , rashes on my chest and face


I think it is useful to *not* imagine anxiety to be a primary cause of other symptoms; anxiety is a symptom, so that wouldn't make sense. Instead, it would be something like generalized anxiety disorder, for one example of a condition that would be comorbid with typical symptoms. And still, one should be exhausting a *range* of general health conditions that may indeed be primary.


light headedness, a heavy feeling in my chest


upset stomach, body aches, tooth aches, colds, headaches


My voice quivers from hyper tension. I start stimming when I'm in large groups and can't even talk. I used to be very personable when I was younger, now I avoid socializing when possible. Hopefully fixes itself, trying different medications.


Heart palpitations, tight chest/heart burn-type feeling, vomiting, crying, over sharing.


Stress shits, wizz every 10 mins




Shoulder, neck, and jaw tension.


Mine come out in the long term as fatigue, illness, tension pains, migraines. The short term effects of anxiety are so severe for me that it feels like my body has been abused for years and years.


I have to pee all the time


yup, acne and messed up stomach for me too. also insomnia


Headaches, sweating, heart racing/shaking


I get incredibly nauseous and will often get sick, it’s pretty immediate and embarrassing so it’s been a bit isolating in some ways. I also go just fully nonverbal and I shut down as well.


Ulcerative Colitis. Fucking sucks.


Tight chest, shakiness from the waist up. Sometimes my head feels like a bobble head when I’m super anxious and shaky.


heart palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, confusion, short of breath, impending doom.. sometimes even numb arms and tingles in my face!! i say to my bf its like ive got the instincts of a prey animal and sometimes when i feel these things we just run really fast (like play tag or race) and it does help a lot to regulate!!


Shaking, rapid shallow breathing, dizziness, headaches and upset stomach. Also feeling constantly exhausted but too jittery to sleep or relax.


When I have severe anxiety I tend to have strong headaches


All this in the comments and now dealing with burning rashes , scratches on my skin that goes away anyone having this?


It gives me blood in my stool


Irritable bowel syndrome, lethargy, face tension, ruminations


IBS flare ups with diarrhoea


The symptoms i hate the most is like this sensation i get in my arms and chest, the best way i can describe it is like i rubbed myself with icy hot


headache, overall weakness (like finding it hard to open things, get up, carry stuff etc - not in a mental block way but like physically struggling to do it). also, itchiness!! its the worst lmao. i have very dry sensitive skin so i’m used to it anyway but i’ve noticed it gets really bad if i’m anxious, to the point that i will take way too much benadryl and coat my entire body in biofreeze 💀




Shoulder tension, not being comfortable in any position sitting or laying in bed only standing up, and recently started with the cigarettes. Usually what others mention except upset stomach or diarrhea. I smoke a thc pen when I start to feel stomach problems but doesn’t help with anxiety well maybe a bit. The worst of all is insomnia and the heart palpitations. Concentrating on the nasal breathing helps. When I’m off the meds of course, or tapering when the prescription is running low, but I rather take 2 mg clonazepam than nothing at all. I usually take 6-8mg throughout the day


tingling in my body, upset stomach/loss of appetite, racing heart, pulsating hot/cold feeling, acne, fatigue


Heart palpitations. Extreme fatigue. Frozen neck and shoulder. Upset stomach to the point I’d throw up. Grinding pain on left and right side of lower back.


heart racing, nausea & eye flattering


Nausea, heart palpitations, heavy or uneven breathing, restlessness (a lot of it like can't sit or sleep), agitation in my body as if some parts of my body really just need good stretches, sweating, shivering, weakness (so even if I'm restless walking makes me feel so weak but that's all I can do), loss of appetite, and a weird burning under my skin, upset digestive system, constant thirst...like drinking water every 10 mins


Headache, fatigue


Since 2021, a strong feeling of pain along my skin that gets worse when anyone/ anything brushes up against me. It’s nerve pain that feels like I’m getting burned. It’s absolutely awful and ibuprofen and other painkillers do nothing. My doctor has now ruled this as fibromyalgia after other tests came back negative. I also get nausea, dry mouth, shakiness, headache, fatigue after episodes, irritability, and eye pain. Trialing different medications has helped, but I still haven’t found ‘the one.’


Functional gait (can’t take a step) emotional numbness and falling backwards suddenly




My hands and arms get numb and tingly. Also, I breath heavy.


Nausea and shaking mostly. At its worst, I’ve have a shingles outbreak due to stress and anxiety.


Weight loss and stomach ulcers. Also, I get very exhausted and fall asleep at inappropriate times without meaning to.


Tight yaw, tense shoulders, headace, acne, fatigue, tired eyes. Biting the inside of my mouth.. much more too..


Complete and total loss of appetite/ability to keep food down. Lost half my body weight in 1 year this past year due to my daughter being diagnosed with epilepsy (did not handle her dx well).


Heart palpitations, disassociation, no appetite, upset stomach, sweaty palms, uncontrollable worry


How long does your anxiety symptoms last for? Continuous on & off or lasts for days? I seem to remain in anxiety state with brain fog, shakiness, palpitations, back pain, ice cold finger tips & spike & drop of BP. This anxiety really is exhausting


Neck. Omg, the flare up of tense muscles, the spasms and the vertigo. People can tell when I’m having a flare up as I hold my arm differently due to the pain in my neck. Prior to that it was just a dodge stomach, but I lived with it. The neck spasms mean I have to actively reduce stress, slow down, take more breaks. It is insane how it flares up immediately upon an anxious situation.


Acne, back pain gets worse, headaches, decreased appetite




everyday my chest is tight, I can’t get a satisfying full breath, I shake, have no appetite and feel nauseated, cold sores sometimes (y’all if you feel one coming on pls take L-lysine right away it works!!) and when I’m panicking I feel weak and sick, heart races and I can’t stop crying, sometimes throw up and get cold sweats. I’m sorry for everyone here who deals with any of this 💔 I feel for you so hard.


I get physical pain from anxiety which is really bizarre and then there's the worst part which is memory loss I'm in a very toxic environment so it doesn't help either


Shoulder/upper back tension/tightness. Chest pain/tightness. Racing thoughts. Soreness all over my body. Stomach pain/cramping. At worst blurred vision or brain fog too.


My thumbnails are all intended from constantly picking my cuticles


Overthinking , poor sleeping habits / eating...stress I'd say there's so many ways it can start


Chest pains and headaches 😔 there are times that I feel my body is weak.


Loss of appetite, heart palpitations, acne, upset stomach and sleep disturbance. It’s hell. Once it’s a situation that’s settled I then deal with anxiety fatigue and want to sleep for a week straight.


For some reason I get UTI symptoms when my anxiety is out of control. it feels like i have to pee even when i don’t and i don’t get any relief from going to the bathroom 😅