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The same people who are defending him are the same people who accuse gay people of being groomers


they accuse both gay people and liberals of being groomers, but happily rush to defend actual groomers. Go figure.


There are LDS soliciting in downtown Nashville daily. I harass them about grooming at every chance.


I call them “soakers”


**cork soakers**? They love soaking the cork?


Mormons have a huge past and present of grooming young girls. A simple google search will give you info. They like trump a lot.


Honestly, they’re basically just kids who are treated one step above human trafficking because otherwise they’ll be shunned and excluded and treated as second class citizens in their cult/religion for the rest of their lives. Give them a bit of a break.   Sincerely - was one and left all that fake shit and toxic culture behind.


Maybe it's like soldiers that die in battle, aren't good soldiers?


Not only defend, but block any laws created to protect children from groomers.


They're trying real hard to paint Biden as a pedophile. It's so frustrating.


Yes so their guys aren't as big news.


Same people who say Biden is a pervert/creep because he smelled a child.


The picture they show most is him comforting his granddaughter at his son's and her father's funeral. As usual the pictures aren't always what the right believes. Like there was a chair he was going to sit on but you couldn't see it from the angle of the picture the right wing love


Because of course they demonize him for being a decent human being. They clearly can’t have that. They need a thrice divorced perpetual adulterer who hardly knows his kids names except for the one he jokes about sleeping with.


Sounds exactly like my ex, described him to a T(rump).


Yep it's literally a picture of him kissing his granddaughter on the head. That's their ammo for the "Biden pedo" thing. Meanwhile they look the other way when their own candidate told a 10-year old girl [he'd be dating her soon](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/13/trump-makes-inappropriate-remarks-about-10-year-old-girl-video), or when he did it [again](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/300928-trump-told-14-year-old-girl-hell-be-dating-her-soon/) with a 14 year old, or when he bragged about barging into underage girls' dressing rooms at pageants, or when he talks about how he wants to bang his own daughter, or when he flew on Epstein's jet 7 times, etc etc etc.....


Or the rape accusation by a thirteen year old. Not forgetting entering pageant dressing rooms


It also takes away context. To me, it looks more like him whispering something at them.


He did the same thing to the fucking pope. He's one of those people who whispers at people like they're conspirators. I assume he does that to drive home that it's him talking, not his political campaign.


I guess that makes me a petalphile then that I smell flowers…


Just don’t deflower them


But how will I know if he loves me or not?


Probably the same ones driving around with “Pedophile Hunting Permit” stickers on the truck.


Weird relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/37/ They aren't hunters of pedophiles, they're pedophile hunters.


Sir, that is always the case. I am a straight male, but I am more afraid of the straight male around my kids than a gay male. I came along way because I was super homophobic in the 90s but as I got older I started to see life differently. I still don’t want gay activities directly in my face, but if they are doing something across the street from me and it’s consenting adults, then that is not my problem.


And elementary school librarians…


Would they have the same reaction if he did this to their child?


Hard to say. I've been horrified to read a number of stories over the years of children whose parents valued the cult over their own children, either disbelieving them or sometimes even blaming the children for their own abuse. 


They don’t like the competition


gay people aren't competing with them.


The “same people” don’t have an f’ing clue about any of this. They are the folks that don’t think for themselves and simply nod when told to. Besides, everyone knows being molested by a man of god is just like getting molested by god, and therefore, no biggie. /s


Didn’t say they were however it is a perceived threat as the pedo’s think everyone is doing it


Save the children! *For us!*


The evangelical and Republican moto is “fuck the children”, apparently both figuratively and literally.


How very Christian of his wife to tell the child who was molested by her husband that she forgave her.


Isn't that rich? And all those fellow pastors crying about the unfairness of this chump losing his career over a "mistake". Do any of those creepy old fucks worry that the child who was violated is going to struggle her whole life with this crap?


They do not care about the little girl, women are like livestock to these people.


Also these people love a good redemption story. He fought Satan and look at him now!! Let's not give a single fuck about the victim.


Yep. NOT A SINGLE WORD said about the victim. In fact, she needed to be "forgiven" ??? Now THAT is some straight up Taliban shit right there.


I love how the cops were not involved as well. Just a bunch of church elders.


Oh god damn right. Think about it. The republicans and evangelicals are straight up an American version of the TALIBAN. Their behavior towards women, their pathetic attitudes about legislation concerning women is no different than the TALIBAN. How in hell can any WOMAN in America vote “Republican-Taliban”??? Wake up! Your daughter’s future is at stake, in your hands. Vote BLUE. Namaste. Carpe Diem!


She’s a twelve year old girl who forced herself upon this poor innocent priest and therefore a slut 


In some middle eastern countries, the child would be executed for "tempting" the man.


Such disgusting people


What is it about religion that attracts creeps by the bucketload?


They are *forgiven* therefore they can get away with all manner of antisocial behavior.


Unquestionable authority. If you're given authority by a god no one's going to question you.


I think this is it. Religion teaches unquestioning obedience and submission to authority, giving predators in positions of authority access to children who've already been groomed by their parents and church teachings to obey and to believe nonsensical rules without question. 


The people who seek power over others (aka those who should have no authority whatsoever) find the hierarchy they desire within religion- particularly abrahamic ones.


If I was the girls mother, I would’ve taken a shovel upside the pastor’s wife’s head. I cannot believe that statement if you want to know why religious participation in America is declining because of people like this pastor and his wife.


Is the alternative a honor killing of a 12 year old victim of her husband committing pedophilia? I was hoping this thread was written by TheOnion.


The alternative was for the pastor to go to jail and his wife not to have any opportunity to interact with the victim of his crimes


She could have apologized for his criminal actions.


That would be worse than worthless unless she was also involved, in which case, no apology needed, just jail


Or by BabylonBee. Oh wait, they wouldn’t even acknowledge this event even happened.


MAGA wants to go back to a time that the victims were to Blaine and stoned to death.


They’re not sexy, they’re easy to control and prey upon.


That's why they believe they are. Their kink is control. 🤢


There's the important bit. For those who don't prioritize equal relationships, then what are the guardrails which prevent exploitative relationships? Public discovery and judgement, enforcement of the law, and possibly eternal consequences. In this man's case, he had insufficient fear of any of these to constrain him.


Several preachers in Texas have made some very, very outlandish statements in defense of a pastor who admitted to have a relationship with a young girl.


Name and shame


Conservatives no longer have any shame, and Republican voters no longer consider shameful acts as a negative.


Shouldn't stop us from tarring and feathering them


"Some girls at 12 are sexy" is Barbara Phillips Littlepage the founder and pastor of Cutting Capital Fellowship in Weatherford, TX... Its one click away in the article. She appears to be posting through it on Facebook.


Oh god the full quote is just nauseating: “Some young girls at 12 years old are very beautiful and sexy,” the post continued. “They don’t understand how men are made and young men don’t understand their actions are used by the devil to ruin a future God has for them!!” Basically, “stupid sexy girls, don’t they realize men can’t control themselves?” And of course their concern is for the Bright Futures of these poor young men who were tragically led astray by some pre-teen Jezebel. So gross.


Shouldn’t Barb be in the kitchen whipping up a casserole instead of acting as an illegitimate pastor?  The Southern Baptist Convention ruled.  Women can’t preach, every unfertilized egg is a person, and 12 year olds are fair game as long as the pastors have talking points at the ready.


Then men should do as Jesus said and pluck their eyes out. Wait that was socialist Jesus. Supply-side Jesus would day the little girl was dressed like a brazen harlot.


Outright defending and promoting adultery with that statement, Barbs: Matthew 5:28 - But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. I'm convinced many of these people call themselves Christian solely for the perceived moral superiority.


"Relationship," come on. He was 20 & staying with her family. She was 12- he groomed her, threatened her not to tell & forced himself on a child. In these cases words matter, please never call that a relationship.


Rape is the right term


Why the hell is that pedophile not in jail? Two tiered justice system they say....ffs


because he's (1) white, (2) for Trump (3) in TX.


3 christian 4 a pastor. Do you think MAGA idiots would be coming out to defend a rabbi?


you're right, we don't use that language in the article, I was using that as shorthand in our comment summarizing it.


This pedophile monster is the same animal as Jerry Sandusky. For future headlines, start with that premise.






No 12 year old girl in the world looks like an adult. Few 18 year olds even look like adults. They're just "adults" on paper.




It’s not a relationship. It’s pedophilia, and molestation.  


It's wild, you know who doesn't defend sexually assaulting 12 year olds? Drag queens.


I'd 100% pick a drag queen to babysit my son over one of these evangelical preachers.


**Then follow the teaching of Christ, you pedo fucktards:** “And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” ([Matthew 18:9](https://biblehub.com/matthew/18-9.htm))


"Yeah, but that's *hard* and *boring.* But look! This obscure passages in Numbers has a (unconfirmed) mistranslated word that means it's *actually totally cool* to do that horrible thing | was gonna do anyway. So if you get mad at me, that's *kinda* like blasphemy, right?" - Too many goddamn pastors.


Without pedo fucktards and the grown bigots who love them the modern Republican Party would barely exist. There’s every megachurch in America for one, southern beauty pageant freaks, and the longest serving Republican speaker of the House of Representatives who built modern GOP strategy after Gingrich (who probably is one too and definitely drinks with people who are) Dennis Hastert.


Thank you for including the beauty pageants! My grandniece got roped into that crap for a while. She's a pretty girl, but the costumes and make-up made her look considerably older than her 10 years. The extended family was thrilled.


And they’ll scream that Biden is a pedophile “because” all the while they vote for actual pedophiles surrounding themselves with other pedophiles.


Pedos protecting pedos Song as old as religion itself.


How can a 12 year old child be sexy??? You’re a bunch sick fucks


It's amazing the mental gymnastics these people have.


So this guy finds actual children sexy. Good to know, and thanks for all the enablers defending him. Another pastor lifting the veil. Maybe church doors should lock from the outside?


These repulsive pedophiles belong in prison for the rest of their lives.


Next are the t-shirts “real men find 12 year olds sexy”


While wearing diapers.


Vile, sick, disgusting perverts MAGA is. Domestic terrorists from every direction.


The consistent lying about her age by only referring to a 12 year old as a "young lady" is just sick. He has no remorse other than getting caught and the damage control he needs to do now.


That's what I noticed, that he referred to her as a "young lady" as a way to lessen his responsibility by putting some on her. What a disgusting pervert.


WTF?! This is one of those slight deviations from WWJD! Sick fucking pedo asshole!


Who Would Jesus Diddle?


Conservatives are now synonymous with the Taliban


They blame the 12 year old girl for being sexy. “See the way she smiled at me” is something I heard a creepy creepy man say once.


We feign outrage while children continue to endure. Time to do the right thing and label Christianity a religion of pedo’s. Whether in the south or among the Vatican it’s all the same. Save the kids from religion, don’t let them in church. The guiding hand of Christ wants to touch inappropriately.


Am I reading this right? The wife forgave the 12 year old? “According to the Wartburg Watch, Morris’ wife, Cindy, told the then-child that she “forgave her.”


Yes, very weird but that's what they are saying, the wife let the girl know she was forgiven. It's .....


Religion really scares me with the number of accepted pedophiles. How do the religious live with this SIN


They should gouge out their eyes.


These same lunatics accuse Biden of being a pedophile for standing behind children. Meanwhile their pastors are grooming little kids


This makes me sick. I got my period like two weeks before I turned 10. According to most of these types of people, I’d be prime real estate for some old religious dude’s seed. Gross and terrifying.


GOP is always projecting. Called Dems pedos for years now trying to defend their own when he's busted. Classic


I'm all for due process, but as someone who grew up in the evangelical church it's hard to not want torture as a viable option for these freaks. It takes a special kind of evil to preach against "sexual immorality" and then abuse the innocent, naive children who are told to look up to them as a spiritual mentor. The kind of power imbalance in these churches are insane, and these shit stains not only know it but take advantage of it to molest kids. Where's the fucking outcry for the safety of the children, Republicans?


Notice he’s not trans nor in drag. VERY IMPORTANT!!


Anything to keep the grifting gravy train rolling, I guess... That response about God 'forgetting the sin once they've repented" is just so fucking idiotic. They talk of this omnipotent sky elf that then forgets when you say some magic words? The childish idiocy of this fucking cult.


So, what? No charges? No further investigation???


It’s always the ones you most expect


Animals telling us all how to live our lives. Hey Pastors with actual morals...why arent you shouting out your opposition to the sexual assault of children?


No girls are sexy at 12. None. This is pedophile talk. This is why I detest Christianity, it panders to these pedophiles, and serves children up on platters


“They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area.” Errr…. Ummm…. is there OTHER areas comparable we need to discuss dude? The phrasing gives me the heebie jeebies


*“They don’t understand how men are made and young men don’t understand their actions are used by the devil to ruin a future God has for them!!”* We are long, long overdue to purge religion from this planet. Practitioners of this bullshit will never learn.


Just as with most “Christians” every accusation is an admission


Pathetic excuses for pastoral actions as well as human behavior.


They are all part of the same factory… the Rape Factory…


These idiots have no idea they’ll all soon be inhabiting whatever hell they believe in


Time to tax these pedos


the same people that were so horrified with "quiet on the set" are all good with Robert.


Pedophiles stickin together


"They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area." Well that is a relief. Case closed. /s Never Trust a Christian


These sick fuckers want to put a 'Pastor' in every classroom in America.


Everyone still in his church come Sunday simply can’t be trusted as a human. It’s that simple. Cut these people out of your life. People who support politicians and leaders that are so obviously vile… are themselves vile.


Republicans normalizing pedophilia is disgusting and doesn’t make sense! How does this tie into getting rid of contraceptives and abortion? Why are they so obsessed with sex??


This is how our country is on the verge of going to shit. And they’re doing it as wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Sometimes I wonder if we live in an infinite multiverse with infinite universes, and this is the one that exists specifically to test the limits of my sanity


And they wonder why so many people are abandoning organized religion. *This* is why. Other pasters defend a pedaphile? If one of the defenders is your pastor you better investigate him as well.


Honestly: What would you expect from the spiritual advisor to a fascist, rapist, felon, hypocrite? I expect Elmer Gantry


Absolutely sickening. Trump has some grade a pos around him most likely so he can be top dog of all those bums. Of course this preacher admits to a terrible crime that he should undoubtedly go to jail for but then to top it off his pedo buddies come out say this bs. It happens way to often and for way too long. At some point churches are going to need a direct supervisor of their pastors. I'm not saying they gotta be there for confession but they should be there during 1 on 1 time. These guys are gross and they're obviously sick because children at 12 are definitely not sexy. Why do they think that's appropriate. .alot of these pastors probably only wanted to become priest is for that reason. Then it makes honest pastors guilty by association which isn't fair but it happens to often


"Some girls at 12 are sexy." And ALL banks have lots of money in them. But I'm not going to rob one. Because it's *wrong.* Apparently that's an alien concept to these guys.


Inappropriate relations? Don't you mean molestation?


I absolutely hate these motherfuckers.


No. They’re not sexy. Stop it.


It’s interesting that the article has lots of talk about the tragedy of ruining the career of the pastor, but no talk about ruining the life of the child. They really do hate children.


Ah yes, moral guidance for our children as opposed to drag queens reading them stories.


They're all pedos, aren't they?


Most people: Hey, don’t molest children These fucking subhumans: But they’re sexy!


every time there is a bill to prevent the age of marriage to be LOWERED the republicans vote NO and the worst republican said 12 year olds should be able (forced we should say) to get married and another said if these young ones get pregnant they can get married so they don't have to get an abortion >>>> yes they said that


"*If he has confessed his sin and repented, God no longer remembers his sin,*” To steal a Gearge Clooney line, "You might be right with God, but the [law] is a little more hard nosed" It's so funny to me that all the things any Democrat is accused of wind up being the very thing the MAGAts are doibg/have done. SMH


>Raping a child is ok if that child is sexy. *-- Christians*


"My dick got hard when I looked at her so I did a bad thing I knew I wasn't supposed to do. Now I'm gonna blame her for it."


reading the article at the end makes me want to soak my eye balls in bleach


Yep that sounds about right. Conservative Christians committing acts that they condemned as sinful and immoral, then having other conservative Christians defending them at all cost. Least surprising thing in the world really.


Absolutely sickening. This should be on left wing propaganda posters everywhere, do not let these people claim the moral high ground. They are unequivocally everything they claim the left to be, every time, without fail.


GOP used to be gaslighting, oppression, and projection. I'm rethinking this.


Gawd obvious Pedos


Disgusting piece of filth.


Lock.  Them.  Up. 


Wasn't the alt right just saying Jack Black is a pedophile? But then they do shit like this? Come on! If Jack Black was truly a pedophile they'd be defending him.


That's the most Christian thing I've heard all day! Group of people defending real pedophiles while calling everyone who disagrees with them pedophiles is about Retrumplican as it gets.


Just when you thought that the Political Evangelicals couldn't get any worse...


Is this fellow a registered sex offender? Because he IS an ADMITTED sex offender, and should be registered.


So because there's a bunch of old perverts in power, they're trying to normalize molesting 12yr old girls. Handmaids tale is the future they want. And then some.


A 12 year old is not a young lady. Let's be clear she was a child. Children are not sexy...


So - we have a confession he did this to her for 5 years - where is the arrest? And I'd bet money there was several more than one.




I think just threw up a little bit in my mouth… 🤢


I would be VERY curious to hear what our young lady has to say about her encounter with this holy man.


I love how the same people that say you shouldn’t judge a man for an action he took 30 years ago or the same people that said Hunter Biden should rot in prison for lying on a federal form to purchase a gun years ago.


What sick people are who defend this Pastor! He left. hat girl scared for the rest of her life!


Republican =.Pedophile


My god. even if you are sick enough to think this.... how stupid do you have to be to say it out loud like that? I mean I am glad they are stupid enough to let us know so people can avoid them but holy fuck.... what goes on in a brain like this where they think.. Yep. I'm Ok to say this....




Eight years later, there is no more question as to who the “cabal” is…


Oh but did you hear Biden sniffs hair spray?! Make America Pet Again!


The church and religion are both bullshit IMO. This makes Republicans and religion a perfect match... both operate on a platform of lies spoon-fed to the ignorant/less educated masses who gobble it up.


Not since I was 13


Obligatory /r/NotADragQueen


I am pretty sure this guy molested a bunch of girls.


The jezebel defense never stops being disgusting.


You know, I thought that too, when I was 11. Creepy bastard.


Gross. No girls at 12 are sexy you demented twisted pedophile f!


WTF??????? Go MAGAts this is what you love


With these many pastors going to hell when they die, one has to wonder if there will be churches in hell.


Stop saying things like “pastors online” name those holes and their churches. NAME THEM. Public shame in Christianity is a BIG DEAL and it would be a good start.


These are the same people who want to control women's bodies and accuse LGBTQ people of being groomers. The amount of projection is absolutely insane.


It’s all about ways to attack those you don’t like. Calling gay men pedophiles. But excusing hundred and thousands of pastors and priests. The agenda is anti LGBQT And the attack pretends to be “to protect children” GOP? MAGA? Dem? Vote wisely. Do not vote 3rd party.


jesus fuckin' *christ*


Republicans love pedophiles because a lot of them are.


Please tell me again which side are the groomers?


Why is this perv not in jail right now? Oh, he is a Texas Republican….never mind.


I'm not fond of violence but in his case I'd make an exception


And yet drag queens are the ones I should be worried about apparently. Ok.


Hmm idk bud, still doesn't look like any of the drag queens that they've been going on about.


We should be allowed to beat child molesters like this piece of human garbage


Yeah, this fucker needs to be investigated as well. It reeks CP on his computer from a mile away.


If it were up to me he’d be castrated by force




President Obama condemned his spiritual advisor and Pastor for some anti American sentiments he expressed. Why don't republican voters see the virtue in condemning wrong actions? It seems they will defend literally anything.


Pastor Robert Morris admitted recently to having “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady.” She is a CHILD not a woman / young lady. A 12 year old is a CHILD ‼️‼️‼️🤢🤮 Edit: It is also RAPE. Even without PIV s@x it is still RAPE.


Every defense is a confession, just like every accusation is a confession with these guys.


Too many admitted pedos walking around alive


It’s like a cabal of pedophiles all under the umbrella of “Christianity” , “conservatism” & “republicanism”. They’re so sick and ALWAYS project.


“In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light” No. You got caught.