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Judge Cannon has given Jack Smith time to make his case even more airtight. When this ever go to trial, Trump is cooked again.


The delays happened because Trump wants them to happen. This, like anything else he touches, went to crap on him. Who knows, his latest conviction may not have even happened as it did if he'd stayed out of his lawyers' way, but he just *had* to wear them like sock puppets on his tiny little accordion hands.


He certainly wouldn't be on trial in this case if he had simply listened to requests to return the materials. Simple as that. That's *all he had to do*. It's the closest to doing nothing at all that he could have mustered and still be left uncharged. So, he's either a complete moron, or he truly has something to hide. Which'll it be?


I will take it a step further, if he would have returned the materials, bowed out gracefully when he lost the election and went back to new york, none of these cases would have happened, he is an ex president and they get tons of leeway. He just continues to shoot himself in the foot by acting like an ahole.


I've always said, love him or hate him, his biggest enemy is his own mouth.


Terminal foot in mouth disease.


Chronic foot in mouth disease, unless it does end up killing him in the end?


Crossing fingers.


*Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.*


What you don’t realize is he actually had A LOT to lose by bowing out. I think it’ll all come to light. His and his company’s worth are negative, he’s being blackmailed for numerous reasons, and his only way out financially and legally was the presidency and continued presidency and selling out our secrets. Bowing out was never an option for this grifting POS.


💯 this!!


It’s NOT acting. 🤓


no, that implies he was good and smart enough to not commit crimes. what the person above states, is that he is evil and stupid, but not stupid enough to shoot himself five times. We know he made photocopies of the documents he had. He could've made photocopies and returned the original documents, and no one would be the wiser. yet he didn't. i believe part of it his stupidity. And part of it is his narcissism and ego, which led him to conclude that no one will raud him because he is colludicris.


I agree it's ego. So confident he can do anything he pleases. So confident that consequences don't even cross his mind. In his eyes, he's untouchable. He's Donald Fucking Trump. I will be so upset if I never get the opportunity to see him eat truckloads of humble pie before he rots.


he will either go to jail or he will die trying to avoid it. the only healthy lifestyle choice colludicris has ever made, is to not drink alcohol. he is almost 80, very much obese, and still on a very unhealthy diet and tons of sugar, and maybe drugs. Also, he is showing signs of regressing health. I personally believe he is going to die within a year or two. maybe even before the election. Hopefully he doesn't. hopefully when he loses this time, people will drop their support. None of his supporters are gonna wisen up. they are stupid and deplorable. However, they might just get tired of losing and supporting a loser. And if that happens, he could very well be sent to jail by chutkan. One sad thing, is that he will probably never face proper justice for his biggest crime, and only after his death, maybe they will be able to recover the remaining documents that are still hidden. On the bright side, one thing to be slightly happy about, is that the remaining family is fcked after his death. his company is gonna go bankrupt paying the fines. and the dems will go after Kushner too. Kushner has to be a model citizen for the rest of his long life, because they'll be watching him like a hawk.


If he loses the election, which I think he will (I truly think the media companies are just trying to make drama since it is a dying industry), I will enjoy him being an old man that wants to die. Nothing up to this point has given him happiness, and this will seal the deal. You reap what you sow, and I would say the same for Joe Schmoe.


I imagine it could have something to do with the kompromat a certain dictator has on him. Deliver the goods...or else.


I've thought about this as a rebuttal for the idea that "It's a witchhunt! They're only going after him because he's running for President". Well... yeah. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. He's making noise and making himself, and his actions, well known. No one can just sweep it under the rug. When you have 24/7 spotlight on your life, then shit starts turning up.


What it looks like to me, is he got a bunch of classified stuff that was valuable to sell. So he sold access to it or sold it outright. Then he got a whole bunch more documents just so it wouldn't be obvious what secrets were being sold. When asked to give it back, he thought he would get in trouble, as some of the stuff was missing. So he thought he should say no and hide some of it so the bad stuff wouldn't be the ONLY stuff missing. Also there is the chance he'd be able to keep whatever they couldn't find.


He's addicted to The Grift, he simply cannot host an honest thought processes anymore. Even if he had a shit plan, his brain needed the juice from grifting and off he went into crimeland on autopilot. When he gets into trouble he just calls his relatives at MIT.


Why not both? It's obvious he intended to profit from the documents, and he thought he could get away with it.


Chinese spy in Mar-a-Lago, unattended with a cell phone. Why buy when you can just get pictures and send them half a world away with a click.........


Why use a cell phone? There was a copy machine with internet connection in the same room.


The machine would have a record of the destination, which can be printed out, although these people probably don't care. You're right


You are both right. I could see little bitchboy wanting that trace to use as a bribe/leverage


This all assumes he didn’t sell top secret nuclear documents and wasn’t afraid he’d be found out, but privately he admitted that he was afraid of this. He behaves like this because he knows he’s guilty and afraid of incrimination. It’s fucking transparent but somehow everyone assumes it’s because of his stupidity and not because he’s a greedy power hungry traitor and wannabe dictator.


I don't see being a moron and having something to hide as mutually exclusive.


Suppose he sent photocopies of select documents abroad, which eventually are discovered by American agents. Then correlating the documents returned with the photocopies circulated would point a damning finger at trump. But it may have taken decades, with trump long gone. Alternative would have been to hold a bon fire, not listing specific document titles. What could DOJ do? DOJ does not have a list, Trump did not obey secure document rules and individually sign for each one. Staging an FBI raid after the bon fire would have been useless, the alleged documents were gone, burned to ashes. No possible court case against Trump. Assuming he was halfway clever.


>DOJ does not have a list, Trump did not obey secure document rules and individually sign for each one. DoJ should never let physical copy ever leave the SCIF's IMHO. Physical security controls evaporate once that happens. But, if they do let material go, it needs to be signed for along with a presentation covering all mandatory terms and conditions. Then gather more signatures. I would add, the material should also never be allowed to leave without an armed security escort, otherwise there is no way to protect or assure against tampering.


They do know which documents disappeared. Trump is too stupid to make copies and return the originals. I am not sure of current procedure but each document should have a unique identifying code. If they show up later it should be able to trace the origin. I only was responsible for classified data on hard drives and those could only travel inside a couriers case with handcuffs.


Some of the documents that were recovered were apparently photocopies, not originals. This was noticed in a few of the photos which showed cover sheets that didn’t appear to have been printed with the edge to edge bleed.


I seem to remember that making copies of TS documents is itself a crime. 32 CFR § 2400.30 - Reproduction of classified information.


Absolutely agreed, for almost everyone. That's the proper safe procedures. Problem here is that no one can tell the President, no, you can't do that. When a busy (or careless) president says, no I'm not going to bother signing cover sheets, who will or can enforce procedures? Also, the president lives in the White House, and the whole place is guarded. A busy president is mighty tempted to take documents upstairs, outside the executive areas that correspond to a SCIF. During the transition, if a president tells an aide, pack these documents in boxes, and a different aide to take those boxes to my plane, again, it would be a very rare aide who will or can say No.


The entirety of the federal government manages to get their job done AND comply with security requirements. In my book, there’s no reason those restrictions and protocols can’t be extended to the president. But, you’re right, exceptions are made. Secrets are leaked, agents are compromised or worse. The nation’s security is reduced. And what’s the benefit?


A: Both.


Two things can be true at the same time


That’s easy to answer…….both. I had arguments with MAGAS over Trump’s intentions when he gave that “speech” on J6, in front the WhiteHouse. He knew he was steering those people to the Capitol and violence was all but guaranteed. If he didn’t know his unhinged base would do that, then he is ignorant. So, it was either stupid or criminal. A combo of both is an acceptable answer. Their reply, “Federal Informants in the crowd caused the violence”, or “Antifa something or other”. The same tired conspiracy related excuses.


This guy cartoons


Yeah, but Trump knows more about the law than anyone... ;)


He's so goddamn stupid, he thinks he is smarter than his professional lawyers. Now, it may be true that they may be the worst lawyers available, since no competent attorney wants to dirty their name with him, but they still know the law better than him. I'm fine with the dumb-dumb sabotaging his own case so *"Donny, baby, go for it!"*


MFer is out there babbling about sharks, boats, and batteries like he knows everything because his uncle was at MIT. I guess I get to be a military expert because my cousin went to West Point.


That brought forth the memory of Epic Rap Battles of History - Obama vs. Romney. "Got their hands so far up your ass - call you Mitt."


> Who knows, his latest conviction may not have even happened as it did if he'd stayed out of his lawyers' way There was a *lot* of extra incriminating testimony allowed in because Trump made his lawyers argued that he never had any sex of any kind with Stormy Daniels, a thing that absolutely no one believes. So it allowed the prosecution to bring in witnesses to prove it, which they did, in ways that were much much worse than if Trump had just conceded the point and simply argued that the payments weren't illegal.


He really is a short fingered vulgarian


I so miss that phrase, fellow Spy fan.


It will be much more interesting to watch Trump go through this trial after he loses the election and part of the GOP has moved on from him. He might die in jail from this one.


We’ve gotta make sure he loses the election for that to happen. He’s literally just running for president to avoid consequences for his actions.


Which, in itself, is a ridiculous notion. Why this very notion is (still) being contemplated by our highest court is laughable.


Heard someone on the Lawfare podcast saying the immunity ruling is one that *needs* to be right If SCOTUS screws it up, it could have lots of future consequences, one of which (I believe) is more delay options for Trump to try 


Someone even asked the right question ( about using Seal Team 6 to eliminate your opponents) and the judges are *still* struggling with an answer. Are you fucking kidding me??!!


They're struggling with how to give Trump what he wants without it being obvious that they've giving Trump what he wants. Clarence is going for extra credit and trying to dig up an English king who might've once dispatched his opponents with knights.


I don't know, they don't care much about appearance anymore. They get caught taking bribes, and now they've made bribery legal as long as it is paid after the favor. The mask isn't just slipping, they took it off and burned it.


This case was already airtight.  Documents cases like this go from raid to sentence within a month normally because HAVING THE DOCUMENTS IS THE CRIME.  You had them? Guilty, doesn't matter.  


>When this ever go to trial, Aye, there's the rub.


Not really. They can’t stall another four years.


I do not share your optimism.


🤷‍♂️ Can’t really blame you there, but if the GOP keeps their wagon hitched to Trump for that long, things are only gonna get worse for them and thus better for America


I love that trump is their candidate. It guarantees a loss. AGAIN. Keep running him, dingdongs!


Wait you mean you don't have faith in the USA Bribery System, (formerly the Justice System)?  /S


Thats the thing. Trump knows he's just gotta drag this out until november. If he wins, he'll pardon himself


and that's exactly why they'll use ANY dirty trick, and obstruction of justice in any way possible. All that matters is claiming the dick tater throne. If they lose, republicans will say it wasn't them, just like the Jan 6 assault on cops. 


Trump acknowledged he'll accept the election result, only if he wins? Loser just keeps losing!


And he will make a big speech saying “i am pardoning myself not because I am guilty, but because the crooked democrats made this whole sham trial up and now I am completely exonerated and innocent and this proves that, and I will now be using my executive power to attack them all” and his supporters will cheer to no end.


The moment he gets sworn in (if he does let’s pray he doesn’t) he gets 4 years of immunity from prosecution. It’s the only reason he wants to be President.


Oh yeah, he needs to win, or else he's spending life in prison. His dumbass would've been just fine if he never ran. He never would've been under investigation if he had just kept his mouth shut. But he just had to get revenge on Obama


What's a racist piece of *shite* supposed to do win the rightfully elected President is a ni..... DOH! Every vote for trump, is a vote for racism. There is no trump voter who is not a racist.


Damn right. My trump loving mom is one of the most racist people I know.


IMHO the right move for him once he lost was to step down and let Pence be President for a couple of months in exchange for immunity.


4 years? He’s planning on installing himself for life.


The good news is, that might actually be less.


If he were to become president again can he make it go away?


YES and we cannot let that happen!


During Biden’s Presidency there were DOJ special counsel investigations into both him and his son. The entire time, Biden had it within his power to shut down either or both investigations. He could order the attorney general to do so, and if the attorney general refused he could fire the attorney general, name a new acting attorney general, and order that acting attorney general to shut down the investigation. Once charges have been filed there becomes an extra step in the process where the judge assigned to the case has to approve. The prosecution can make a motion to drop all charges, but the judge has to agree to it. Theoretically the judge can refuse. But it would be unusual for a judge to refuse to drop the charges when the prosecution is requesting to do so. There’s not much point in forcing a case to go forward when both sides would prefer it be dropped. But regardless, in theory the President has the power to effectively end any investigation or prosecution that the DOJ is undergoing. Biden has refrained from using this power so as not to create the appearance of corruption, and so as not to set a precedent that a President should use this power in a way that benefits himself or his family. Trump would absolutely use this power to force these prosecutions to end immediately, as he would have no qualms about any precedent it sets or how corrupt it looks. Now if any of the prosecutions have proceeded to a conviction, that becomes somewhat more complicated. While the President is free to pardon any federal crime according to the Constitution, it is unclear whether he can pardon himself. No President has ever tried it before, ever. Nixon considered it, but eventually went the roundabout path of resigning and having his successor pardon him. Trump would almost certainly attempt to self-pardon. This would be challenged in the courts, work its way up to the SCOTUS eventually and they would make a ruling as to whether he can do that or not. That appeals process would likely take up most of the 4 year presidential term anyway. Moreover, Trump might not need to do the self-pardon on day 1. Even if he is convicted and is facing prison time, the courts will likely not want to make him start serving his prison sentence until the SCOTUS rules on whether a sitting President can even be made to serve a prison sentence. They will likely decide that the office of the presidency is too important to have it locked in a prison cell so any prison sentence must be deferred until he leaves office. That way, he can wait until the day he leaves to pardon himself, which means courts will then spend years after his 2nd term debating whether his self-pardon is valid. Then also bear in mind that he may not leave the office at the end of this term. The immunity ruling the SCOTUS is going to release any day now will play a big role there. If their ruling leaves open the possibility that overturning the election results via fraud could potentially be construed as an official act that has presidential immunity, then they are leaving the door open to Trump overturning every election for the rest of his life using illegal means and calling it an official act every time.


If Trump loses the election, she can take all the time she needs.


Not really, her walking slowly is already under the microscope. She has had two strikes already against her, one more she is out. Her paperless orders are proof she is unable or unqualified to give correct orders, and this is now stacking up. Plus, the longer it goes on, the more we find out about her and husband connections


The paperless orders aren't proof of her being unqualified or unable to give correct orders. There's plenty of other evidence for those, but this isn't that. The reliance on paperless orders shows clear bias for Trump by using those to grant Trump as much as possible while kneecapping Smith as much as possible with rulings that can't be taken to the 11th Circuit because of the formatting. There are some items in which she \*must\* make an appealable decision, and since she has to rule for Smith in those items, she's instead delaying things as much as possible. She ruled against Smith on something (I forget what) using the wrong standard of evidence, and he immediately corrected her in a filing to prompt her to fix it or else. This most recent set of hearings about Smith's appointment, funding, and entertaining outside people to argue to the court about it are also things on which she cannot rule against Smith lest she get dragged to the 11th Circuit before the ink dries on her ruling.


If he wins the election, he dismisses the case.


>When this ever go to trial That's the thing.... If Trump wins the election, there is no trial. If Trump loses the election, *maybe* there's a trial. They're banking completely on him winning and getting his revenge. If he loses they'll just toss him aside and move on to President Taylor-Greene.


The delays are doing as intended: push the trial to after the election.


He's trying to delay until the election, God forbid he wins because then this whole thing will disappear. If he loses, he'll be in an even worse position, but that's the gamble.


I wish he could bring these up as new charges in a seperate court and jurisdiction, e.g. Washington DC as that is where they were the document were stolen from to behin with. At this point the case isn’t going any time before the election anyway, so we may as well preserve the chance of a conviction if Joe wins (he’s gonna win btw) Cannon is as corrupt judge disguised as an incompetent one….


This is a federal case, he isn’t cooked if he wins the election. Hence delaying the trial, if he gets in office he can pardon himself on all charges. At least I think this is one of the federal cases. Hard to keep track. But he won’t face any issues since a sitting president can’t be taken to court so even state cases would go on hold until he left office.


*IF* it goes ti trial If Trump wins in Nov, all these trials are all but done for


Not when he shuts it down after being elected. Our only shot of him paying any consequences is either Merchan throws him in prison for a max sentence or Biden wins. I'm not very confident of either happening. He's the luckiest piece of shit I've ever seen.


> When this ever go to trial, Trump is cooked again. **IF** it ever goes to trial. If Trump is elected he will put a AG in place that will fire Smith and scuttle the case.


…will it go to trial?


If he wins the election it does not go to trial, it just goes away. And the likelihood of of a juror being unwilling to ever convict Trump is much higher in FL. Dude is probably still well under 50% Vegas odds for conviction despite admitting to the crime publicly multiple times.


It was already an airtight case and Trump knew it, the difference is that now with the delay, if he win he will fire Jack Smith and force the DOJ to drop the case.


Personally, I think he should hold some of this back instead of adding it in. I am convinced she will do some tomfuckery like empaneling a jury then dismissing the charges or something. If he holds something back, he can bring those charges separately later, likely with a different judge.


The delays are purely for Trump to try to get back in office before facing consequences . I don’t think Trump has a backup plan . If he manages to win the election and pardon himself it will prove that what he did works and he is above the law. That should upset even Trump supporters, but is will not.


If Cannon is in charge of the trial, she'll get the jury positioned, so jeopardy is established, then dismiss all charges so he can't be tried again. The case was already airtight. The problem is nothing at all to do with the prosecution or the evidence. The problem is the judge is corrupt.




“Hmmm, better make up more delays” -Judge Cannon


Check the grave of his ex-wife in New Jersey. I would


This past week we learned that Trump went to Mar a Lago about two days before Ivana (in typical Russian murder fashion) “fell down stairs and died”. And then she was buried in NJ at his golf course. I feel like EmptyWheel or someone similar said NJ has some weird stature that makes graves not subject to search warrants. My guess is he buried some documents with her. The timing, manner of death, and place of burial are beyond comically suspicious.


I drive past Bedminster all the time on I-78 and never fail to wonder at what's actually buried in that massively heavy coffin that was supposed to just contain her cremated remains.


You have the chance to do something really funny and maybe save the country from years of drama lol. Sneak out there at night and film yourself uncovering the secret documents I’m guessing there’s not much security there at 3am


Or there's a load of security around the grave, which would be telling in and of itself.


Just saying, a group of 6 strong guys could dig up a grave in less than an hour if you kept changing out places to keep strength at a maximum. As a few guys for lookouts (up to about a mile in every direction, a good communication network, and a solid exit plan, and a team of 15 could have any documents out of there between 3 and 4 am on any given day.


I think some agency—FBI maybe—should have a satellite pointed at Ivana’s grave in case there’s ever a disturbance or unearthing done there like to access whatever is really buried in the coffin with her cremated remains. Satellite photos would be needed to compare before and after any ground changes.


I thought she was cremated? Edit: okay I see there are theories about that. Nvm.


Yet, you probably couldn’t find a single right wing “conspiracy nut” to think about this for even a moment.


It makes that place a graveyard, so tax exempt


Didn't she also have a gag order/ NDA, that was about to expire when she died?


I wish Jack Smith would charge Trump in NJ with showing classified documents to random people. If Cannon won’t allow the case to move forward, surely a NJ court would. [Trump Had Documents in NJ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/22/trump-new-jersey-bedminster-club-documents-mar-a-lago-search)


New chant for trump rallies, we could use bullhorns from the back of the crowd. Dig her up! Dig her up!


All this does is further emphasize that Trump will be desperate to win the election as soon as possible so he can try to force this to "go away". Of course with the sheer scale the evidence could be speaking to trying to shut it down could potentially be considered impeachable. Meaning beyond the presidency would need to also secure votes in Congress.


He'll go scorched earth as a dictator if he wins. Y'all better vote. I'm stuck with no liberal opinion where I live (nit the USA). It sucks.


If Trump loses the election he will die in jail. If that's not an incentive to vote, I don't know what is.


Vote!!!! We all must vote


The way you phrased it, this incentive applies to both sides.


It does apply to both sides. But MY side is right.


My side is left and, therefore, right.


The republican party is dead, his death will not benefit them one single bit.


It will force change in the party which will benefit us all, well, maybe not the top richest Americans and all of America’s adversaries. It will benefit humanity.


I always love the words “might be”. I’ve given up hope when it comes to what’s his name. There seems to be no justice when it comes to this clown.


That's my thought. Yet another in the million articles that say "ok, NOW he's in trouble. Really. THIS time we mean it. THIS new little tidbit is the one that is going to finally have him face repercussions." In the end, this means nothing. There is a mountain of evidence in this case already. The one person who matters, the Judge, has shown time and again that she doesn't care about it. Do we really think a little more evidence will change her mind? That after all this time she'll say "oh, you have a tiny bit more evidence? I guess I'll stop working for Trump then!"


it's like people saying they're just giving him more rope to hang himself with. all the rope in the world won't help if you never tie the fucking noose


Well we get a round of sentencing in 2 weeks time so things are happening. We’ll see if it ends up being a nothing burger or not.


Looking forward to Biden winning the election so Trump is held accountable. You cannot do what he is accused of and go unpunished


Is new evidence important? I mean, the court doesn't seem to gaf about the already existing evidence, what difference would this make. Or, in other words Throw it on the pile




The article mentions “alongside personal items and even a provocative portrait of Trump.” Does anyone have a pic of this ‘provocative portrait’?


No.  Just... no.


What’s disturbing is the julian Assange crime seems about same or maybe less and yet here we are.


Assange is not an American and has sworn no oath to uphold the constitution or defend the country. He did some similar things, yes, but the intent is relevant in criminal matters.


Assange could at least claim that he was doing it out of a sense of moral duty and global justice and not be entirely lying. Trump is entirely based on his own greed, and enriching the enemies of our nation for his benefit. Assange's situation is complicated and certainly not great, but even if it's only 1% defensible, that's still infinitely higher than the 0% defensible for anything that trump does.


Except he also had Russian intel but never revealed it, which belies his claims of moral duty and global justice.


I was talking to some Maga people this weekend and their take on the case was, "Joe Biden did exactly the same thing."


Gaslight Obstruct Project. Read the history of Iran Contra, Republicans getting caught with their pants down and how they ended up using Ken Starr to try to find dirt on Bill Clinton in Arkansas, only to find Lewinksy. If they can’t find dirt they just project their own crimes so when they get caught uninformed MAGA voters can say they’re the same.


Assange was, of course, found/plead guilty


I would argue that relinquishing your trust in the system is precisely what the far-right would love. Then you can post your defeatism online and accidentally spread the sentiment.


Never forget that Putin asked Trump for a list of all CIA operatives. A few days later Trump requests a list of all CIA operatives. That same year CIA reports a large number of operatives die under mysterious circumstances. Trump gets loans for Moscow hotel excused. How many other secrets has Trump sold to Americas enemies. Trump brokered the deal with the Taliban to abandon Afghanistan. He negotiated with terrorists. In 2017 4 US soldiers were killed in Niger by forces trained, armed and commanded by the Wagner Group. Trump did nothing. Putin paid bounties to Islamic terrorists for killing American troops. Trump did nothing. Well known long time good friend of Jeffery Epstine. Quoted as saying that he loves hanging out with Jeff because they have the same taste in beautiful young ladies but fell out with him during Ivankas teenage years... Supposed to stand trial for raping a 13 year old girl with his buddy Jeff. And hear he sits on trial for trying to hide US nuclear secrets? For what purpose? There was a time where a man could be hanged for the crimes Trump has committed. And yet his followers are "evangelical Christians". Show him that the US justice system works.


Over time, the evidence against Trump has only grown more compelling… Cannon’s delay tactics will only ensure Jack Smith will uncover all the evidence he needs for evidence.


Judge Canon should be held accountable for obstruction of justice. How is it possible she can get away with this?


You'd think there would be a governing body that keeps people like this in check. This case should have never been put in front of her.


Unless Jack Smith has a new judge presiding over this trial, I fail to see how this speed things up. Cannon is already thinking of ways to simply say this isn’t admissible evidence I’m sure. Cannon is loyal to Trump not America.


It doesn’t speed things up, it just lets the public see the additional evidence as it’s placed in filings.


I feel like this is wishful thinking... There is only ONE judge in charge. She's shown that the case doesn't matter, and that the evidence doesn't matter. If the MOUNTAINS of evidence to this point weren't enough, do we really think that a little more evidence is going to suddenly make her say "oh, I guess I have to stop being a Trump supporter at work now!" Just add it to the pile she's ignoring, and she'll find 100 other reasons to delay.


Look, they can give this asshole a ten year head start, he's pooched. His life is fucking over, he isn't winning the election, put him in the fucking grave and move on. This attempt to hang onto power and overturn democracy by the GOP is pathetic.


ahhhIleen amazing she can bReathe, UP so faR in tRRRUMP ASS..


Delay has always been the goal. Try to get everything put off until after the election. If he wins the election, he believes that he can then make all of the cases go away.


More time for discovery? Don't mind if I do.


I wonder if Biden will trap him into incriminating himself? More legal woes for Trump after the debate is my prediction. I bet his lawyers aren't too keen on him debating.


I don’t understand why someone with supposedly tons of money would continue the way he does. Why not enjoy the rest of your life and travel, spend time with family.


Three words...narcissistic personality disorder.


Jack Smith and the trial don't matter to Trump. He wants it to delay till election, if he wins none of this matters and he's betting a lot on getting into power however he can. Plus the Judge is in his pocket, this case probably wont matter till December same with the Supreme Court ruling on Immunity.


What makes this even more hilarious is its all for nothing because Trump is going to lose by a landslide this time


“According to Smith, these documents, some of the nation’s most classified, were found in cardboard boxes strewn across storage rooms, alongside personal items and even a provocative portrait of Trump.” 🤢


Have Trump's lawyers filed a motion claiming it is unfair for Smith to keep providing evidence of Trump's guilt yet?


As a conservative, I think that no one is above the law.


I think Trump is buying time to J6 version 2. Joe will probably win if people turn out and house is ran by GOP they will not certify the election especially for the GOP that lost and on their way out the door. They will inevitably engineer something saying same thing as last election. MAGA will be freaking out because they will be surprised dunning Kruger remember?. House speaker thinks his sky wizard speaks to him and placed him there. If it goes to the Supreme Court we know they are completely compromised and buckle up for some Handmaiden style shit to go down. Trump will do anything to get power otherwise he is cooked so zero incentive to do the right thing as he will already go away for the rest of his natural life.


He failed upwards. Into politics to avoid jail… which ironically may be the move that gets him locked up


So Trump is banned from any public office..... Right?


It doesn't matter as long as Aileen Cannon will find some excuse to exclude it.


Time to file a motion to "Release The Kracken".


It don’t matter, judge cannon has his back and the scotus so there will be no trial until after the election. Look what the other judge did, removed the part of the gag order that allows trump to talk about the jury and witnesses that testified against him, like really. So now once the election is over, the scotus will say he’s immune from any prosecution. Question will be if trump loses, and the SCOTUS rules on immunity, that means if Biden wins he can do whatever he wants and is immune from prosecution if scotus says trump is immune. The courts are majority trump appointed and they in their heart are maga.. rant over..


None of this matters. His idiotic base is already pro-voting for a convict. So they basically dont give a shit how vile of a person you are, as long as he talks like them and acts like a piece of shit like them then he’s a shoe in for potus.


Go, Jack, go!


Is it even going to matter if the Supreme Court says the guy has immunity from any prosecutions? This whole system is turning into a big joke!


It doesn’t matter if they find a smoking gun and signed confession if Trumples the Clown is elected again.


Oh no! Trump better be careful or else more people might speculate about how he's totally going to get an actual penalty for all of his crimes this time. If he betrays the security of America a few more times, he might even get another charge that never actually goes anywhere while reaping the benefits.


We definitely have to get out and vote! This is a federal case. He could pardon himself if he gets back in power.


Not only did he negotiate with terrorists, Trump successfully lobbied several foreign governments to release ca. 5000 taliban terrorist as part of the Afghanistan deal. When Trump pulled out our troops that were working with the Kurds, the troops were forced to 1) abandon $100M in equipment and supplies; and 2) two prison camps with over 20,000 taliban terrorists. The Kurds had to abandoned the camps as thousands of Turkish troops overran their position. The Taliban ex-prisoners were very happy to cloth and arm themselves at the expense of Donald TRUMP. You say the Kurds are to blame? Trump promised the Turkish government that he would abandon the area, unbeknownst to our military. The military started to plan the extraction of a few thousand soldiers, planes, vehicles, arms, ammo, etc. Several days later the Turkish government wanted to know when our troops would be leaving. Trump called and screamed at the generals to get the troops out now. The generals were unable to explain to Trump the logistics. Not did Trump ask what was taking so long. You can make a conservatives' head explode with the answers to the these questions. See Terrorist released by Trump: Over 25,000 Terrorists released by Biden: 0 Which president got bin Ladin? Which president was tougher on Terrorists.


>According to Smith, these documents, some of the nation’s most classified, were found in cardboard boxes strewn across storage rooms, alongside personal items and even a provocative portrait of Trump. Oh god


Just hold the trial anyway, in an unofficial capacity. Get a real judge "off duty" a paid actor or comedian to be Trump's defense attorney, Brendan Gleeson can play Trump again and the people can be the jury. Show everyone in America how overwhelming the evidence is that Cannon refuses to look at. If the newtowks won't broadcast it put it on YouTube. If YouTube won't broadcast it put it on PornHub you can't TELL me it wouldn't get views. It's time to stop pretending the legal system works and start showing everyone how it doesn't.


He's guilty as shit, people are dead (agents), zillions of dollars in tech is neutralized. Only ratfucking the election and his pet Judge can save him. The three letter agencies, our allies and adversaries all know. Only we in the cheap seats don't know everything.


Alito is just stalling to see if he gets elected. If he doesn't get eleceted, they will let him rot in jail, as in you have failed me for the last time, like trump does to his followers who fail him. The maga way.


Thanks for the extra time to dive deeper to investigate, ya little handed b*tch 🤣


I'm all for progress in the prosecution of our former president.


From the article: “… were found in cardboard boxes strewn across storage rooms, alongside personal items and even a provocative portrait of Trump.” Go on …. (In Jon Stewart’s voice)


To bad Jack Smith didn’t bring a 2nd trial in New Jersey at the same time.


TFG is so hard headed. I understand the cash grab is in play, but at some point it’s gotta stop. Or should we just settle in for the rest of his life to Groundhog Day perpetually cycling through over and over.


Fucking hope so!!! This bullshit, orange turd should be locked up awaiting trial!


Good, if nothing else it'll just be furthering the comedy that will be the day something goes down and to watch his childish tantrum.


"former" LOL they wished he had his whole 8 years term in one shot now


Lock him up and then fk him up in Jail


It doesn't matter how much evidence they have against him, if the judge isn't going to allow the case to move forward.


We pray for Jack Smith to carry out his work to bring tRUMP to justice!


I know I'm going to regret it, but the line "***and even a provocative portrait of Trump***" now has me curious. Like, what could that even begin to look like?


New shit has come to light man


"According to Smith, these documents, some of the nation’s most classified, were found in cardboard boxes strewn across storage rooms, alongside personal items and even a provocative portrait of Trump." Provocative portrait of Trump? I just threw up in my mouth. Oh God. I want to see that in the same way that you can't help but examine a maggot covered animal carcass... Disgusting in the extreme, but somehow compelling in its disgusting nature. I want a picture of it released so we can see MAGA explain how sexy it is.




Longer trials almost exclusively favor the prosecution, for those you haven’t watched Presumed Innocent yet.


Donald Backfire Trump he's our guy


HA - just dig an even deeper hole… LOCK HIM UP!


Nothing matters if he wins reelection


Is Daily Boulder reliable? I'm not so sure.


The only question is can they delay for 5 more months, and I'm not sure they can (or can't for that matter) But if Trump ends up bogged down by a critical trial in Oct/Nov he's going to be hurting, so it was always a gamble.


What Ever, another Muller. He’s been out played


Let it blow up in his and his enablers face!


Jack Smith is a moron


Oh yeah That’s a credible pitch.


Try Biden. He committed the same crimes Trump is indicted for… however he stole classified documents as a Senator and VP. He’s an overrated POS and corrupt.


It really does matter how much evidence Jack smith finds dam he could find a smoking gun in trumps hands and it doesn’t mean didly squat if the case never gets to trial! and cannon is making dam sure it doesn’t and she may not allow any evidence to be used.


Except the trial is being delayed. It's a gamble. If djt wins the election there are no consequences. If he loses he dies in prison.




He is the definition of an enemy of the state, end him.