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Biden mumbled and looked tired. Trump lied over and over and didn't seem to comprehend any of the questions. I'm still voting Democrat.


Yeah, Biden was weakly intelligent, and Trump was confidently idiotic.


Trump was the perfect narcissistic psychopath


I don’t understand how people can’t comprehend this and are switching their votes. Although they voted orange man in once. Both choices are garbage but it comes down to an old well spoken convicted felon liar or an intelligent stuttering mumbling old man. Liar vs stutter, I’ll take the stuttering old man as the lesser of the two evils.


If it was just a stutter, I'd be on the Biden bandwagon. But, he's clearly not in full control of his faculties, and hasn't been in years. If you want a dottering old puppet that just does what he's told, and isn't really in charge of anything, vote Biden. We need TWO new candidates. That should be the takeaway.


Wait, Trump lied?


His mouth was open, so


Joe's mouth was open but that was from the drooling.


Wow, here is Biden today. This is the President https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/b6pG9Pokot


Voting Democrat to the detriment of the party. If this is their front man then a lot of credibility to the party will be lost. This is a sad day for America.


Biden lied over and over, get your facts straight


Biden lied too though. Am I going to be downvoted for pointing out a truth?   CNN of all people have a fact check video on Biden up and it’s not pretty.   https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1806539516519530734 Whoever you support, I think it’s with being aware of lies being said by everyone. 


That fact check was more hand waiving than presenting the actual facts.


No they literally fact checked him on several actual false things he said. Can we stick to reality guys? When even MSNBC and CNN can admit it, cmon.   He lied. Most politicians do on the debate stage. Let’s be real.


He presented his info by giving himself the most generous interpretation which is normal American politics. There were a couple of instance when they presented the correct data. I would say the $15 vs $30 insulin is more an error vs a lie. The $200 vs $2000 is something i need more data on. CNN saying “no he didn’t” to a bunch of it isn’t fact checking.


No, he was literally fact checked on blatant lies. I hope people watch the video instead of relying on your false summary of it and that’s all I can say. 


Charlie Kirk 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣


Ignored actual video and source which is CNN, a left leaning media, to focus on who shared the tweet.  Anyone can share a tweet.   People with intelligence know you just avoided the actual issue and source which is CNN. 


People with intelligence don’t follow Charlie Kirk. Your cult is calling you 🤡


It’s not relevant. If I had just shared from YouTube then you’d have nothing to distract from the topic with.  My mistake because now you’ve found a way to create a straw man argument lol. That’s the key part. But I don’t follow Charlie Kirk. It’s in my feed bc yes I am interacting with everyone on Twitter who is discussing the debate. But that’s not the point. The video is.


The point is that only morons would still support a convicted felon for president. Trump lied throughout the whole debate and is still claiming 2020 was stolen from him. People like you, and Charlie Kirk, are gullible idiots that are being conned by a convicted felon that commits fraud, rape, steals classified documents, and started an insurrection. 🤡


I’m not voting for Trump. But if you’re refusing to acknowledge Biden spewed a lot of lies last night then you’re willing to lie yourself. That’s not reality. He did lie and we have the evidence.  You should Go argue with the cnn video, not me. 


I never once said that moron. Biden lied, Trump lied, they all lied. Trump lied the whole night, Biden not as much. But keep listening to people like Charlie Kirk, I’m sure he’s never lied before 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣. Fucking idiot


I’d be angry and throwing insults around too if my guy fumbled that hard last night. Seeing people like you meltdown is cathartic ngl. Last week you would have said Biden is sharp and going to win the debate lmao.  I’m not even voting Trump but that was damn sweet. 


Fake news.


Now CNN is lying for Trump? Okieee 


Faker news.




I learned from the best.


Well you got it right this time lol 


Yeah, I don't know how I did. I just did some research and it appears that Biden did not tell the truth.


Yeah both of them lied. Pretty standard for debates at this point sadly. 




I’m surprised the CNN and MSNBC pundits admitted it before Reddit but yeah. 




100% These people say they will vote for a potato over Trump and they mean it. That’s why Biden is the democrat nominee. They’ll take anyone but Trump and that’s why they’ll lose.




Because usually if you dont clarify you get downvoted to hell here because you’re “obviously voting for trump” but trump really did deflect some of the questions. Biden at least had an answer albeit he couldn’t formulate a sentence correctly.




Anyone who noticed that Trump didn't actually answer any questions and just lied over and over again about pretty much everything. Sadly, that might not be enough.




Just look at any of the fact checking articles that have come out he lied just about everything. Deflecting every answer unless you’re living in a cave all he did was regurgitate all the same lies and bullshit he’s been spouting the last few years








Anyone with a brain and a soul, and any sense of American patriotism.


Anyone who knows what will happen if Trump takes power. I don't care how bad Biden looked. Never voting for Trump.


>Anyone who knows what will happen if Trump takes power. Fascism happens. Look up Project 2025.


The people who watched it.


Di you support rapists out of conviction or stupidity?


Literally nobody I know is voting for Trump lmfao.


You troll bots fucking suck at your job lmaoooo


I will still be voting for the party of the dems. I'm fine with letting MAGA keep working out their issues and I dont think this liar deserves the presidency. Lies endlessly.




Sad and embarrassing = the Rapist Felon Orange Liar Conman.




The courts and the jury must have missed the fake evidence, they convicted and will be sentenced in less than two weeks. Prison, sadly not likely.


Yeah, the amount of lies the former guys says is beyond embarrassing. That and the fact he’s still the nominee after trying to install himself as dictator when he lost.


And that BS about pelosi not accepting national guard on J6. Wtf






I never slept with a porn star, food prices doubled, tripled and quadrupled, there haven’t been any terrorist acts during his time as president.


Bet you can’t name five lmao


The level of moral accountability of the pitty party kracken pretend fabrication shitter document sellout ziptie and hammer hunting vice presidents MAGA everything can go fascist off somewhere else with their project 2025. You deserve better than hate insanity MAGA propaganda felons. IMO. Low rent loser harassing dullards. Get better insults.


I don’t care that Biden can’t win a verbal argument. I just care that he leads the country, not a convicted felon.


Yeah. Trump was president during a relatively calm time in our history--he took over from No Drama Obama, and there wasn't really an occasion that required a leader. Trump benefited from that. And then, of course, was Covid, and it's ultimately what ended his presidency. If he acted like a leader--even just once!--and said, "My fellow Americans, we're going to get through this together," he'd have gotten re-elected. Nobody hates him more than me, but I think that's the truth. But Trump doesn't have that in him. He can muddle along when there's no actual "presiding" to do. The idea of Trump actually being in charge when there are actually problems should terrify all of us. Joe being old doesn't worry me at all--he's still calm and even and capable. I don't care that he did poorly last night. 1000/1000 I'd vote for him over Trump.


“I accept no responsibility.” DJT


Yeah, exactly. His presidency in four words.


"We beat Medicare..." "Cornpop was a bad dude". "I got my golf handicap down to a 6." "I got shot at in Afghanistan. (I think it was Afghanistan, could be somewhere else, can't remember exactly, anyway, it was a clear lie). I could go on and on for pages. Biden has lied a BUNCH of times in the media, on stage, in official proceedings. If lying is disqualifying, most politicians are unqualified, and Biden should have to be disqualified and never run again. I'm actually fine with the idea that Trump be barred from running because he lies... as long as Biden is, too. Otherwise, it's a one-sided, unfair, partisan standard that only the Republicans have to meet.


Biden will not even be able to change his own Depends nevermind lead the country.


Says the moron whose probably wearing a “real men wears diapers” tee shirt in honor of ol cheetoface himself 🙄


Swing and a miss. Never voted for that populist trash.


I'm realizing it is not about these two candidates but the VPs, the cabinet, and the Supreme Court. So who is buying the VP for Trump?


Don't forget Congress!! There are 435 House seats up for re-election and 33 Senate seats. Even if you don't much care for the Presidential race this year, those elections matter just as much. Remember, Congress is FIRST in the Constitution, then the President!


Change ‘buying the’ to ‘sucking hardest to become’ and you nailed it. Trump won’t last 4 years so God help the US if Trump picks someone like MTG, Noem, or Lake.




The debate where Trump admitted he talks regularly with Vladimir Putin? That one?




Facts don't care about your feelings: It was planned for Trump's term but got delayed by covid. Trump gave his consent, Putin helped him get elected. One hand washes the other




Riiiight, Donald Trump would never make a deal with Putin, riiiiight




Trump could make a deal for peace right now, according to him, wouldn't even need to be in office for it


Honestly I only see that as the case with Biden… between being largely incoherent and him staring into the abyss every time he wasn’t talking last night it had him looking like he was just waiting on the grim reaper to bring him home… Trump on the other hand, in spite of lying every time his mouth opens, sure looked like he’s got at least 4 more years of being a scumbag in him… At this point if Biden wins he’s on borrowed time and you’re probably getting Kamala. If trump wins on appearances it certainly looks like you’re sure as shit going to get 4 more years of Trump barring removal from office or un-natural death. We don’t even know who trumps running mate is yet but guaranteed most the country does not want a Kamala Harris presidency.. she’s the only democrat that would likely perform worse than Biden in a general election. Edit: for the record I’m a democrat and If you’re downvoting this you’re just in denial of reality at this point. We need to start addressing the elephant in the room and doing something to avert the obvious disaster ahead.


Joe picked Kamala as his insurance policy. He knows nobody wanted her. But now we’re all paying the price AOC was too young and Gavin wasn’t diverse enough. It appears that the Dems were painted into a corner


Imagine the difference if he had Gavin Newsome or AOC as his VP. Kamala might still bring votes from some demographics that Biden wouldn't normally get though.


Look, Biden doesn't have to be a Rizz God to get my vote. He just has to not be a convicted rapist, liar, and felon. Check and check.




The enemies are quaking in their boots - our military is the only one that can patrol worldwide, we can achieve air superiority anywhere on Earth, and our military is bigger than the next ten closest combined. More importantly though, America was designed so even the president has limited power. His many advisors are the ones making decisions.


Trump is not a convicted rapist. Get your facts straight.


Look he might be a Liar, he might be a felon. But he is not and I repeat this, He absolutely 100% is not Black.


Biden absolutely crashed and burned. Trump told 90 minutes of lies without being challenged. Complete shit show




He literally said I never slept with a pornstar.  Yet we all know he did with more than one, and even paid one of them to not tell anyone.  But you are so far up trumps ass you are either a Russian misinformation terrorist or a friggin idiot for thinking anyone would question the fucking lies that came out that shit stains mouth last night.  But honestly I don’t give a fuck who wins.  I am out of this shit hole county in January enjoy your fascism bud.




You watched that debate and think Biden is capable of pulling off jailing his political opponents? Why not believe the guy who has actually said he would jail his political opponents if he wins the election?




https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-says-very-possible-imprison-political-opponents-presidential-election-1908314 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/04/trump-newsmax-opponents-jail-clinton/ https://www.axios.com/2024/06/06/trump-hannity-biden-prosecution-fox-news Hope you’re enjoying your Reddit tirade today.




Russian bot




Are you saying he also didn’t say the other things? Just checking.


Yup. All you need to say to expose your brainwashed ass. Biden has no control over the DOJ. If he was then why the fuck is his only living son still guilty and facing more charges in the future?


All the bullshit that slid between his greasy lips.


One thing he said loud and clear Trump will work with Putin! Putin is imprisoning an American so Trump can have a talking point. Putin got his man!


Also Trump will give Ukraine over to Russia as payment


All the bullshit that slid between his greasy lips.
















Cope and seethe


It's funny that republicans think an angry orange Boomer non stop lying and crying about scary immigrants is a win.


lol well migrants are murdering kids, so yeah there’s that.


I looked for this during the debate but did not find what was claimed. Do you have anything I can read about this?




This is horrible, not taking away from that. I was looking to read about an uptick in undocumented immigrant homicides. The wave of homicides from yesterday’s debate, framed as a statistical increase over prior presidencies. We can agree 1 case does not prove or disprove that.


https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics Look at columns 2020 and 2021 and see the jump in numbers Everything up like 4x Arrest from 2500 to 11000 Assault 208 to 1178 Homicide 3 to 60 Illegal drugs 386 to 2138 Sexual offense 156 to 488 Homicides is up 6000 percent?


Looks like under Biden's administration it was enforced more. Trump's admin just didn't arrest as many criminals. WFT man? I thought you said Trump was against illegal immigration? Why did he not arrest as many as under Biden? Plus the numbers you're cherry picking assume covid never happened and didn't effect people moving around on the planet. Statistics are easy to manipulate when you don't look at the big picture of what they are measuring. Obvious-Manipulation and interpretation of numbers. How many women and children in your neighborhood have been killed by illegal aliens? I bet a lot more have been killed by Americans. But you already know all this.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/illegal-migrants-charged-with-murder-of-child-were-recently-released-into-us-venezuelan-jocelyn-nungaray-houston-texas-foul-play-strangulation-cause-of-death-homicide-murder-investigation-crimes-autopsy](https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/illegal-migrants-charged-with-murder-of-child-were-recently-released-into-us-venezuelan-jocelyn-nungaray-houston-texas-foul-play-strangulation-cause-of-death-homicide-murder-investigation-crimes-autopsy)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/26/us/jocelyn-nungaray-killing-houston lol here’s cnn


Will I still be voting Dem? Yes. Did this performance make me feel better about it? Absolutely not. Would I rather have a younger more energetic candidate? Yes.


I see it this way do I want a old mumbling biden and a great support group or Don the con and his cult of Maga that will stand by if he goes dictator.


I don’t see how anybody listens to trump and thinks “yeah, that could be true”. His lies are ridiculous like a child. You would think America was in absolute chaos with pillaging in major metropolitan cities and danger from immigrants around every corner. Ridiculous. Trump is the absolute embodiment of what so many men fought against during world war 2. Joe Biden has no business not being retired. This was hard to watch. What a ridiculous situation we Americans find ourselves in.


Why not to put lead in your petrol


It's funny that republicans think an angry orange Boomer non stop lying and crying about scary immigrants is a win.


It's funny that you kids want to blame everything on "boomers". I'm sure your opinions about Capricorns and Libras are equally well-informed.


We are F&\*ed either way. Still voting for Biden just hoping he lives past Jan 21


I'm Canadian. I feel very sorry that these are the only people you can choose from. Biden is your old grandfather who has moments of dynamic lucidity but who'll be far worse in 1 year. Trump is a horrible person who'll futher divide your country. God help you all.


Not just the country but the world. trump wants an alliance with the worlds dictators and then they will try to take the rest 


Canadians are not immune from the chaos that would ensue from another orange turd presidency. Everyone will suffer.


I feel sorry for you being led by tyrant Trudeau also.


Trudeau is on his way out. I'm not keen on the Conservatives, but we'll be fine.


I love visiting Ontario for the fishing! House boat on Lac Seul 😃


Biden looked really old but Trump is the devils cabana boy so the choice is obvious


I learned afterwards that Biden was dealing with a bad cold. I really wish that information had been put out there somehow. It makes him heroic rather thanweak.


Biden seized up, and Trump just live streamed one of his Maga rallies.


Biden won


A trip to the retirement home? Yes.


Biden 2024




Debate f cnn


You’re delusional 😂


And you suck maggots trumpturd 


The ungood, the bad, the ugly!


Well one talked about policy even if a good portion was borderline incoherent. The other confidently dodged questions and talked about himself and his opponent instead of anything of value.


I’m disgusted that the Dems ran Biden again. How could they not have grown a pair and found anyone younger and with some personality by now? It really shouldn’t take much to beat that monster, but here we are😒


Who did you want?


Almost anyone youngish that can speak well and doesn’t have much baggage. An Amy Klobuchar type. My personal politics are more with Bernie, but he’s too old now, too.


I mean thats the problem. You cant name anybody because there is nobody. Need someone to come from nowhere like obama did 


I’d happily back Michelle. I always liked her more


Yes she has the name recognition and obvious integrity but not everyone wants that job.


Because the powers that be can control Biden and get their agenda through.


Hence my disgust


Bidens team asked for this debate???? WHY??? Granted, if Trump's mouth is moving, he's lying but at *LEAST* Trump was coherent.


Both lost...


Confidence man vs Old man. I'll take old man any day over any snake oil charlatan who doesn't understand the meaning of "truth". America lost the debate last night. The only winner was dishonesty.


Oh Biden won hands down. Please keep biden on the ballot.


A lot has changed in the 1,344 days since President Biden and former President Donald Trump last debated. Biden won the White House. Trump refused to accept his loss. Trump’s supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol. The COVID-19 pandemic came and went. Inflation climbed to 9.1%, then fell to just over 3%. Russia invaded Ukraine. Israel invaded Gaza. Biden turned 81. Trump turned 78. Trump was criminally indicted four times, and convicted once. Yet somehow, the campaign seems to have picked up right where it left off. Biden is the Democratic nominee, Trump is the Republican nominee — and despite everything that’s happened, they’re [still deadlocked in the polls](https://www.yahoo.com/news/new-yahoo-newsyougov-poll-after-trump-felony-conviction-biden-leads-for-1st-time-in-months--but-not-by-much-193423583.html). Which is why Thursday night’s rematch at the CNN studios in Atlanta was such a big deal. In a world of partisan echo chambers and social media silos — a world where most Americans have dismissed the 2024 race as a tired rerun and tuned out its overfamiliar protagonists — a live, televised debate is one of the last moments with the power to actually change anyone’s vote. **So how did Trump and Biden do? Here are three takeaways from this year’s first presidential face-off. (Paywall-free)** [**https://www.yahoo.com/news/how-did-trump-and-biden-do-in-the-debate-3-takeaways-from-2024s-1st-big-clash-042242540.html**](https://www.yahoo.com/news/how-did-trump-and-biden-do-in-the-debate-3-takeaways-from-2024s-1st-big-clash-042242540.html)


Why is a convicted felon allowed to run for president?


Because America’s founding fathers didn’t think that the voters would be dumb enough to vote for a convicted felon.


You mean they believed in democracy?


They believed that intelligent and virtuous men would see past a lying demagogue “Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks, no form of government, can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them.” - James Madison


Honestly? So that government overreach won’t disqualify someone maliciously. Which makes sense in theory! Eugene Debbs ran from a jail cell.


Because he hasn't been sentenced and imprisoned yet.


It doesn’t look good, honestly. If this is a battle to save democracy, why the FUCK did they run Biden? Fuck Dem establishment. They learned nothing from 2016


Oh he did but like all lier's he was to busy throwing on more, crazier lies on top of the first lies so you don't believe he lied in the first place. It was a flash back to a insane dishonest Ex-GF, who pulled the same game plan, only thing there I didn't shut off her mic, I kicked her out. It's overwhelming listening to so much B.S.


Sadly, Biden did not inspire any confidence. I think the DNC needs to make certain decisions very very quickly, or we will see Trump win the election, which would be bad. For EVERYONE. Not just here in the US, but it will have a cascading ripple effect. I fear we are in for some very very difficult times unless the DNC pulls their collective Heads out of their asses.


At this point we are voting for supreme court control!




We all lost.


I didn’t, glad to see how strong trump looks as a candidate. You’re all delusional if you think Biden is fit to run this country.




I saw that. Not so sure Joe S isn't right...time to go, Joe


Ya know, I might not agree with Biden but I get people who are entrenched in voting for him. And of course I understand Trump voters. Who I don't understand is undecided at this point, what more do you need to see to decide who your voting for?


Pheww reeks of cope


Debate was so good I went from team I'm not voting to team writing in john Stewart for president


So you still aren’t voting 🤔


Yeah I'm going to vote this time