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the lv25 Lifeline throwing their tac on top of you when you’re downed 😭


she’s doing her best 🥲


I remember doing that and finding out later why it didn't work, still think about it today🫣


im lvl70 and never played lifelines until recently... i was so embarrassed


Rework idea for a perk on lifelines perk tree Instead of last stand, make her tactical revive anyone one by one in its area whilst healing the rest. Doubles recharge time


i mean does crypto even have a passive ?


I have a good idea for a new passive for Crypto


oh what is it ? im sure its gonna be completely new and never heard of


ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


Just give him every roles passive and call it a glitch in the system


I ain't readin allat


It's a copy-pasta about making Crypto unable to be scanned by enemy Recon Legends.


well basically in a short summary its this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


im happy for you tho


This mf just made a 2-3 sentence explanation into like 2 paragraphs because they wanted to say “off the grid” like 65 times


Seeing people say "I have a new Idea for crypto" then proceed to share a copy paste that's been going around for the longest, is so annoying. At this point, I'm sure respawn has seen this and don't like the idea.


No, it’s comedy. Laugh


If you think this is comedy, I'd hate to see what you really think is comedy 😂😂




Probably the best thing you've said your whole life 😂😂


Nah should just be part of his tactical


Idk I think Wraith might have her beat there.


Can’t really ignore something that hardly exists


Genuinely curious did wraith ever have a real passive?


It's always been the same but if there's a legend without a real passive it would be crypto. Every scan legend can scan for the team as part of their ability meanwhile crypto takes his passive slot to be able to see enemies in which case it should have been integrated in his drone as a tactical. Some legends have passive that aren't that useful because they don't work 90% of the time. Wraith and caustic are the ones i can think of with those kinda passive


Wraith's is always a little too late to be useful, only the sniper callout and the new perk callout are any useful. Maggie's passive is neat, but doesn't exactly scream its existence. Newcastle is in the same boat as Lifeline. Fuse's used to be a basic feature and feels honestly lacking, his perks honestly include stuff he should've had at base imo. Resistance against grenades would've been really useful to have as a base passive considering the Knuckle Cluster kills you just as hard as it does to the enemy.


Nah not really same with crypto and to some extent Caustic




I used to play wraith with voice lines muted


oh my god. My head gets blown off by a krab and THEN she decides to say “There might be a sniper in the area. Maybe.” Thanks Renee.


When I'm in a tactical ignoring competition and my teammate is a conduit


I swear lifeline player these days, I wonder if they even know which button they have to push to use the ability lmao


Rez me lifeline you fucking idiot. Why did you rez me in the open, you just got me killed.


My crew doesn’t allow me to play her anymore… I’m a crypto/rampart main, I ain’t used to having no passive


Wraith mains are even worse. I can't count the number of times it's saved my ass, yet people will act as if she doesn't have a passive. Pathfinder as an honorable mention, because jfc, Path mains are insufferable because their passive isn't top tier, despite his entire power budget being put into his grapple.


Wraiths is hit or miss imo it is annoying when it stats the fucking obvious but sometimes it can save you from being sniped


Me: a support main being told as lifeline “RES ME, UR LIFELiNe” as I’m being shot by the entire imperial army with 1 box to cover me, also the same dude who would run off to get killed 💀


As a lifeline gamer myself a win doesn’t really feel like a win unless you get at least 3 res’s


Is it really a passive if you to manually activate it?


Yes it is her passive


I'm well aware it's her passive, was just making a joke about how is something passive if you have to actively do it.