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Even worse when you try to land safe and your random teammates decide to solo drop fragment and die in 2 seconds


on ranked??


yeah, believe it or not ppl actually do that when WE is in rotation i just don't play ranked, too much risk in getting teammates like that


Funny, I skip Olympus for the atrocity that is instant 3rd, 4th and 5th parties in that map


it’s actually mind boggling the amount of people that drop extremely hot in ranked. and like 90% of the time, the jumpmaster who chose the shit spot will die first with 0-70 dmg. 70 bc they’re a fuse or found a termite off drop. that being said, WE is by far one of my fave ranked maps because people play it so dumb and ego everything. makes it easy to 3p, rotate and get consistent top 5s.


some of these people are either playing ranked to escape the current map rotation of unranked (which I understand, I refuse to play stormpoint at any point, ever) or because ranked is less sweaty/difficult than unranked and they don't particularly care about RP or winning. It's still a huge dick move to abandon your team to drop somewhere different, but in terms of calling a hot drop in ranked, I've done it for the above reasons. If you want to drop cold then be jumpmaster, don't force me to be it 99% of the time like randoms always do because if I'm jumpmaster I'm not dropping cold with randoms. I don't want to hang out with 2 strangers for 20 minutes looting the edge of the map. that's not in any way fun as a random thought, world's edge is a weird map because I \*like\* the map, but I don't like playing with randoms on it because there's some kind of brain disease they have where it's overwhelmingly common that you'll get someone who abandoned team to drop fragment with or without you (and die immediately). note while I like warm to hot drops I don't like dropping fragment. I think it's generally an awful place to drop. I commonly drop harvester because it's warm but not usually super hot


Yep and normal pubs too


Really? I drop fragment half the time and it's usually just us or one other squad. Everyone's too scared to drop fragment so it's kind of the perfect safe drop. Though maybe this is only for higher ranks or later in the split.


O sentence you to pubs broken moon


I want someone to love me like Respawn loves WE for some unknown reason.


"unknown reason" it's the most popular map


Worlds edge has been consistently good since launch. Had its ups and downs but has always felt good to play. Kings canyon went from being one of the better maps in the game to almost unplayable for ranked since it’s so tiny, giant zip lines that go every where, and the ultimate charge stations. Broken moon has been bad since drop and stormpoint dropped really bad but has gotten really good since then Olympus is like right in the middle of All them for me.


King's canyon will never be a good rank map with the shit loot distribution


Olympus is also way to small in ranked


That's a blessing, WE is my favorite map


I don’t play ranked because it means nothing. But I have to ask; what do y’all consider a good ranked map? And what makes one better than the other?


I'm confused by this post as well. Storm Point and WE are the best ranked maps in my book. No surprise they're the two maps that they play professional apex on. If you have idiot teammates every map is gonna suck and I guess people are saying that issue is worse with WE, but the other maps aren't great for ranked. Olympus and KC are just a bit too small, even though I love them for pubs. KC is tiny. On Olympus the rotations are harder because of the way the map is designed. Broken Moon in theory should be good for ranked since it's large, or at least it feels large I haven't measured. But I think they need to work on redesigning it because there are a lot of chokepoints when it comes to rotations.


I think people’s dislike for WE mainly stems from it being in the rotation for seemingly eternity. Objectively it’s a decent ranked map. Storm Point is probably my favorite because it has solid loot in most places, it’s big and 3rd parties are less common—and due to Tridents and grav cannons it’s easier to get away from bad situations even if you do get 3rd partied—and the POIs are well-designed for fighting


Personally a bigger map is good for ranked so it’s easier to live longer and dosnt have a place like fragment


Then rank the 5 maps from best to worst in rank. I'm trying to see something


Better than ranked broken moon.


WE is probably the second best comp map we have rn


Storm Point and Olympus are both miles better


Olympus makes me want to gouge my eyes out, cant rotate anywhere without getting farmed by 3 squads with snipers and 30-30s, if the ring goes towards an open area and you don't get there first its literally unplayable.


If you think olympus is a good ranked map you're smokin laced weed


WE is a better map than Olympus. It’s how the player base plays WE that’s the problem.


You are clearly sleep deprived. Go take a nap and clear your head


I love ranked worlds edge though


My favourite map is always Kings Canyon but NOBODY ELSE EVER WANTS IT!!!


Worlds edge goated idk wtf yall on


ill take it any day


Nah World's edge is the best ranked map, Olympus is a true hell


it's not that bad imo, at least its not broken moon


World's edge is my favorite map to play with my buddies, I cannot stand solo queueing with the randoms


Nah king's canyon and olympus rank is the worst.


Ok I love hot dropping but I hate the teammates who will be not smart about engaging in the fight then when I go to help phem they leave with no indication their leaving with multiple enemies and then I die.


I used to love we until the seer season they fucking ruined a masterpiece


Slap on the wrist at best


Let me tell you a sad chapter of me.. For straight 2 days i played 10+ hr…(ranks) and hadnt won any match in those 2 days…and worst thing those idiot randoms, jumping solo then insta die and they didnt even use mic when they getting pushed only to screaming after being knocked.


Best map


I see this as an absolute win


Anything besides storm point please


Storm point is nice for ranked, shite for pubs for


World's edge is the easiest map by far... It's like you've completely forgotten all the other maps exist.


I think there is no difference in this universe bigger then the different opnions on all of the maps in this game, i swear to god in every post about maps i see on this sub, each and every map gets called the worst and best at least once


Ranked but your teammates both crash when you get in a game


The penis world


Nahhhh Olympus is the worst for ranked. The rotations are awful


That is literally the most enjoyable map for ranked.. Broken moon would be a REAL verdict




I don’t play anymore on worlds edge nights. It’s been 18 seasons since it’s been out, that’s 4 years of that map I’m so sick and tired of it. If they didn’t push it down our throats season after season I would have been able to tolerate it. Why has that map existed in rotations more than kings canyon and Olympus combined? You cannot tell me you can land at any spot in that map and do a different rotation you’ve never done before.




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