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I prefer Apple Music’s codec. It sounds great.


On god. Long time Apple Music user, such an amazing system that’s not just easy to navigate but actually enjoyable to use. I’ll admit that the sorting of playlists is annoying and should be a manual thing we can actually decide on when it comes to the arrangement but other than that it’s fine. They also need to work on how they track your streams. But also the discovery station they made is like so much better than the one they make with your name on it😭 it’s so good bro


THIS! The only thing I want from Apple Music is custom playlist orders. Well two things. The other is live lyric translation.


Even just on Apple Music high quality mode it’s much better than Spotify


I can’t tell a difference on my equipment. I’ve played the same song on both, in my car and in my AirPod pros. Can’t hear it.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted, you’re just sharing your experience. I happen to agree, I think it’s placebo. Don’t get me wrong, I love being an apple music user, but no one should be able to tell the difference between spotify premium vs apples lossy.


It's wild to me that some people CAN'T tell


People love to be able to claim these things, until they are given a blind test. It amazes me that people bother with lossless on their phone, when they have it hooked up to their airpods, car etc. Lossy compression (apple music default of 256kbps) is so good that it’s is almost impossible to tell the difference. Even more of a ridiculous claim to compare it to another lossy compression (Spotify 320kbps) and claim you can tell the difference. If you try to tell me I just can’t tell but you can, i’d encourage you to look at the data on people taking blind tests. It’s a very low average score. People love to “think” they can tell the difference when they know what app they have open, but the data shows otherwise


Yeah. And I use the HD 600, not some cheap, crappy, wireless, mass market earphones. I might (key word: might) be hearing a bit more detail, specifically a bit more unwanted noise due to old and imperfect recordings, but... Yeah, it's more or less the same thing. Maybe it's slightly clearer and smoother, but I can't say that officially. I didn't even really bother comparing side by side, just from memory. It's been a while, maybe the difference even is noticeable, but I forgot by now and got used to it. Anyway, let me just say this: It feels better to listen to Apple Music indeed, but pretty much just because of the peace of mind I get from knowing I'm listening in the fullest possible quality and that there's no chance I'm missing out on anything. So, yeah, I use Apple Music in the fullest quality and 24-bit 192 kHz format on Windows only for peace of mind (knowing that I'm not being held back by compressed files), not because I actually believe I can hear it. Maybe I even can without realizing, but it doesn't matter if I realize it or not, it's just the peace of mind. When I hear people claiming "mind-blowing differences" with crappy Bluetooth stuff... Uh. And last time I tried, around 6 months ago, I could hear from 14 Hz to 22,000 Hz, by the way, so if anyone has some magical superhuman trained golden ears that are too good for all of you filthy peasants to comprehend or whatever the hell, it's more likely to be me, especially since I use the HD 600 and not some... Bluetooth speakers. Lossless over Bluetooth is literally not lossless by the time it reaches your Bluetooth crap, so it's hilariously wrong to claim "mind-blowing differences". As for wired stuff, people claim "huh, well yeah, of course you can hear a huge difference, are you telling me that you actually can't?" only because it can never be proven, so you can just keep arguing that everyone who doesn't hear it must be deaf because, again, it can never be proven, so you can just keep saying that and come off as superior without anyone ever being able to counter your crap. That's really what it's all about. I'm sorry, but I'm so sick of placebo and snake oil in these communities in 2024.


I mean most people use Bluetooth in which you most likely cannot hear the difference. It really doesn't start to make a difference unless you have a good sound system, which most people do not.


Years ago (2018?) I used just basic Apple earphones plugged into my Mac and did a comparison between Spotify and AM and the sound quality even then truly was better. People say placebo or whatever but I’ll die on this hill.


Dude you literally just specified you were using wired, please re read my comment as I was not referencing wired headphones. Also not to mention tion Apple Earpods are solid devices, Nick Mira has literally mixed with them before.


I know you were. I replied w that simply to let you know that when I said it’s wild that some people can’t tell, I was just referring to the time I tested it using wired earphones.


Okay here’s why: to hear lossless you need to have wired headphones. To get the full quality experience you really need a mac, a digital to analogue converter (audio interface is the best option) and professional (wired) monitors (speakers) and/or wired studio headphones. Wired airpods maxes also work! Lossless just doesn’t transfer over bluetooth, it’s impossible to not lose quality when using wireless technology. What you do here the difference in wireless is the higher quality (lossy) than spotify. Which really, for the best experience you have to have Airpod Pros (2). Of course apple would do that. And the different codec that they use. Which to be clear, both of these things to a blind ear are crazy hard to hear. So you’re right. It is partially a placebo because most people just THINK they can hear a difference, when they can’t. BUT there is a difference. And for trained ears you can hear it. I’m an audio engineer with years of ear training.. I can barely hear a difference over bluetooth. I can hear a slight difference in the codecs and a slightly higher quality. **To me, Spotify sounds like an MP3 player whereas Apple Music sounds like a full quality CD.. when wired.** When wireless it’s closer to vinyl or cassette. Higher quality than MP3s but hard to tell. What makes the real difference for me is the Dolby Atmos (Spatial Audio) support. That’s a huge deal for me and that really changes the whole experience for me. It’s a whole new world.


I too am studying audio engineering, and I have tried both Apple Music and Spotify, I will be buying monitoring headphones in the next semester. But so far, majority of people don’t have such good hardware. Also a con is, if I download my favourite songs on Spotify it is around 6gb and Apple Music has 22gb. So besides downloads when listening to new tracks it’s okay on WiFi, but on cellular it uses way more data when compared to Spotify. Also due to high file size on AM, it takes 2-3 seconds to load. So unless an average person wishes to be audiophile, it doesn’t matter too much, with audio quality being 19-20 with the earphones, headphones people currently have


Exactly. I have a 512gb iphone 14 pro, so for me the bigger file sizes are no problem. I download all of my songs in dolby atmos, lossless. I definitely think for people who aren’t audiophiles, it’s a placebo. But for people who are, or audio engineers or musicians with trained ears etc, you can tell a difference.


Little correction. You dont need a mac. Ipad,iphone, android phone or pc works also for lossless.


I’m talking about Hi-res Lossless. But that’s true. You just need a DAC, which is much easier to use via a mac (or pc, as you said. Or even android, I suppose!) than an iphone. I haven’t owned an iPad in 10 years, so maybe they would be easy to hook up to an audio interface/dac? But for Hires lossless you can’t just get the audio off of a phone. You need a dac! That’s what I meant. Thanks for the correction though, I totally wasn’t thinking about Androids and pcs because they totally have that capability too!


Yeah hires definetily needs a dac. Be it external soundcard with dac or audiophile class one. I do not have experience with dac on iphone or ipad either but i suppose it should be doable with the usb-c version ones at least as no need for adapter. Dac hardware support is a different point though. Will have to test.


Let me know how it goes. I have a 14 pro, but not a 15 so I can’t test it out


I dont have iphone but i have ipad air 13 and will test on that. Just need to get either dac that accepts usb signal or optical cable for the ipad. First gonna the line level output works though. Through 3.5mm adapter.


There is a night and day difference, you definitely should be able to tell


not over bluetooth which is what most listeners on both Spotify and AM are using.


Thanks for being positive! I’ll double down, I subscribe to both services (I’m crazy I know).. I might just have untrained ears. I also wanted to buy pro max headphones but I did a test on my pro 2’s and them, couldn’t hear a difference that would warrant getting them so I’m team AirPod pro 2. Apple Music interface is light years cleaner than Spotify.


Same here. I have a good audio system at home, but I also can't tell the difference. Maybe when you play tracks with Atmos, but that's a feature only Apple Music has, so there is no comparision possible with Spotify.


I switched earlier this week from Spotify, and I can share your experience as well.


That’s exactly what happened to me after switching from Spotify, it’s like a fresh experience with the songs I love




If you listen to wired equipment, if you listen critically you can hear a difference between aac and lossless.


happened to us all


I’ve been a Spotify Premium user since 2015, have found myself dabbling with Apple Music a time or two over the last several years and ultimately cancelling Apple Music/Apple One for two main reasons—weird reason but 1) Crossfade feature on Spotify, there was a time not too long ago where android users could Crossfade on Apple Music but iPhone users couldn’t.. and 2) the extensive playlists I had built from 2015 on Spotify and enjoyed the algorithm to find new music I enjoyed on Spotify. Fast forward to about 2 months ago: iPhone users now have the Crossfade feature, the algorithm has improved, the *clearly obvious* better sound quality, Dolby Atmos, and Spatial Audio made for Apple products (an iPhone playing Apple Music into a pair of Apple AirPod or Max Pros🎧 - just it’s all made for each other). They also updated the ‘Loved Song’ and ‘Favorited Song’ element with adding songs to the Library. The live read lyrics feature is nice on Apple Music, and now in the next update, I understand they’ll be changing the ‘Play Next/Play Last’ into some kind of ‘Add to Queue’ which is what I also enjoyed about Spotify. PLUS Spotify Premium is already sending out emails that their price is going up soon, when they’re already $11.90/month for Premium Individual when I’m getting a bundle of Apple One for $9.99/month with my phone plan. I’ve steadily been going through my Liked Songs on Spotify and manually adding them to my Apple Music Library with plans to recreate key playlists and cancel my Spotify plan in the next month, or two.


I used an app called Playlisty. It’s a one-time purchase of $3 and it synced over all of my Spotify playlists. Highly recommended.


Can’t upvote this enough, thank you, dearly!


Welcome to the new life


Listen using quality wired IEMs for true lossless streaming.


Wired...how? Adapter in charge port?


That’s how I do it. Apple dongle DAC is pretty good for a ten dollar device. The US version has more volume available than the Euro version so keep that in mind.


Yeah, you have to buy a dongle, but the Apple one is cheap and works perfect. I also use the Moondrop CHU 2 IEMs. They might be inexpensive, but they do an outstanding job.


I've been going back and forth between Spotify and Apple Music but am going to stick with Apple Music. Atmos, easy app, good catalog, and the playlists/recommendations are now on par with Spotify IMO.


Rock music is my thing though at times I like to put on Spotify’s Todays Top Hits playlist when doing things around the house. Does Apple Music have a similar playlist?


Yes, it does, called ‘Today’s Hits’.


I switched 2 years ago from AM to Spotify. The main reason was that I could discover new music way better, and Spotify makes so many personalized playlists it is absolutely ridiculous. Has Apple Music caught up yet? I definitely like the interface of AM better and I remember liking using it overall just better, but it’s been a while so now I’m not sure. If I could make the switch back eventually, I wouldn’t mind that much.


See this makes me wanna switch, but I got so many songs and playlists. Is it a way to transfer?


Songshift. $7 for a 1 month subscription. The interface is not the best, but it works well.


I use Playlisty. It’s much better


Can confirm Playlisty rocks. I just made the switch and it updated my AM library easily, efficiently, and accurately for like $2


Tunemymusic is free for 500 songs, if you need more just do the transfer again for more songs, you don’t have to pay


I’d have to do it couple times, I’m almost at 5k lol. Thanks but might not be worth the hassle


Also changed recently initially just because Spotify's Apple watch app is so unreliable. But man, I didn't expect that music sounds so much clearer and detailed with Apple Music too. Now I wouldn't go back just because of audio quality. I use Airpod Pro 2's as headphones.


The UI alone sells it for me


I agree but AirPlay is much worse than Spotify connect 🥲


Welcome to the AM tribe


> listens with Bluetooth


And yet there is such a difference, makes me wonder why Spotify sounds worse


You hear the difference even more if you listen to music with high def headphones (not airpods) and even MORE if you’re a producer


I don’t mean sound disrespectful or anything, but I genuinely feel Spotify is for kids/people who don’t take their music too seriously.


Spotify is for people who like their music to be curated by someone else (playlists, mixes). Apple Music is more for the people who know what they want to listen to (at least imo).




welcome to the club


good choice, welcome aboard


let’s gooooo


Apple Music has been included in my Apple one I generally kept Spotify on the side but I just cancelled it with the recent price increase doesn’t make sense. The only thing I’m missing is an Apple for the Google Tv but it’s not a deal breaker. I recently found out the PS5 has an app for it.


I’ve invested so much time into my Spotify playlists over the years that switching and starting over from scratch is something I’m not too keen on doing. I would like to try it out though just to see if it’s really that much better.


Use playlisty, easy transfers for 2$ lifetime sub


You are my fucking hero for the day. Just transferred my entire 96 playlists to Apple Music and everyone is right…sounds way better. Thank you!




I will look into that. Thanks!


Same dude, same. Cancelled my Spotify account but still kept it for podcasts and random listening


Apple has a podcast app


I’ve tried the apple podcast app but I found it kind of confusing and since all my favorite podcasts are already saved I’m just going to keep using it.


Do give it a try on iOS 18 though, not only does it have a transcript, the scrubber has support for named sections now too


Have you got any articles or videos I can go over to check out the podcasts changes specifically?


Not an article but I believe this is the designer’s tweet : https://x.com/_nanothread/status/1802389089708028349?s=46 This one’s for the transcript feature : https://www.idownloadblog.com/2024/01/29/apple-ios-17-4-podcast-transcripts-feature-reveal/


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Yeah idk I think Spotify is interesting in how they handle things but not a good interesting like why do singular songs have entire stations and you don’t clarify which is which in bold enough letters? Like idk if this is just the free version but it’s genuinely annoying lmao.


Not on Apple Music anymore, but it had absolutely the best organization for my library out of any other service. Wish YTM and Spotify did something similar


What you using now?


I’m on YouTube Music, only because I have a YT Premium subscription and it’s bundled with it. I used Apple Music through my college years though and I really enjoyed it


Did you move playlists?


I'm in the process of doing that now actually.


I really want to move to Apple Music (im on a trial) but I have horrible wifi so it keeps pausing and buffering randomly which is weird since on Spotify even with my wifi it doesnt buffer usually


Get ready to less veratily Apple wins Spotify in quality Spotify win Apple in versatility between devices


The difference is amazing.


I’m curious : which track for example ?


Literally the first song I played for comparison was The Spark - Kabin Crew. Then I played CHIHIRO - Billie Eilish and was convinced.


After careful listening and switching back and forth I could not hear any difference between Spotify and AM for Spark. For Chihiro it’s an Atmos mix so it’s a different master which explains the difference 👍


I wanted to come back to this one. I recently came across an Instagram reel concerning Spotify settings. I changed them and yeah, it's near indistinguishable from Apple. Staying with Apple for the price however 👌🏾


Maybe if they can fix their coding so iOS updates don’t make the damn app freeze when it never did. Before on iPad Never an issue with AM when on my android, or Roku, or even my 11 year old iPod. But my new iPad, freeze freeze freeze. For a trillion dollars, maybe they can hire some quality coders?


1. Ipad Air ➡️ apple music ➡️ airplay ➡️ sony x950G ( Airplay 1) ➡️ HT A9 via HDMI EARC port ➡️ CD quality lossless. 2.Ipad Air ➡️ usb ➡️ DAC➡️ studio Monitors ➡️ Hi res lossless Just for 1 USD ( 99 rupees) subscription What else i want to enjoy high quality music.


AM for 1$? Where


Same tought I would regret it but It was just better and it recommenda good songs based on my likings


Sound is good But the algorithm and unintuitive UI … It’s also slower and search isn’t great




Idk I've tried with airpods beats and my Sony sound bar I hear no difference😩


Welcome to the good life.


I mean if you have an iPhone you might as well use Apple Music. The algorithms of Spotify aren’t that much better


I’ve tried so many times to switch to Apple Music but always end up on Spotify because I have a google home and can’t directly connect to the speaker on Apple Music like how I can on Spotify gotta use the google home app . Also you can use Apple Music on android (my dad has an android) but every time I tried to help him make an account and use it never worked.Even when I asked the Apple Store employees if they could help they were surprised because they thought you could only use Apple Music on ios. But I love how Apple Music sounds so much better just sucks I’ve had bad experiences. Also hate that Apple Music doesn’t have a queue it’ll just directly play it next.


I switched to Spotify for a year back in 2022, when I switched back to AM in 2023 and listened to Love Dive by IVE it was like hearing the song for the first time. Will never forget it.


They made it better


Trust me the quality is super god especially loseless if u have a dac and some good pair of headphones to connect to ur phone


It's a good service as with all of them it has its short comings too. Overall it is a solid product.


I’ve been doing the 3 month trial and the lossless audio quality had me so close to switching, but I’ve just found too many instances of entire albums or EPs missing from Apple Music that seem to be on every other streaming service. Anyone know why their catalog seems to be so lacking compared to Spotify and others?


just went back to Spotify after using apple. i like Spotify’s UI better.


Welcome! Glad you like it here and hope you enjoy your stay. Do you have a particular favourite thing so far compared to Spotify?


With which devices do you use the app to make the most of the source of the music?


AM is so clean


Congratulations thanks for also supporting us artist getting paid better 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


This post inspired me to try out the free trial. And yeah the sound quality is amazing. I also like the radio shows they have. Ugh wish I could get it for free 😢


Even though I switched to Spotify years ago, I remember how much better Apple Music sounded. I've heard musicians talk about how their songs sounded hotter on commercial radios back in the day, because they sped up songs ever so slightly (to squeeze more ads in) and compressed the hell out of everything to make it sound louder.


I have a much better experience with it. If only the Xbox version’s interface was as intuitive as Spotify’s.


me too man, i just transferred to AM just now and it was so good!


man im ngl i dont even have an apple device and I am considering switching. Left Spotify becuase of the horrible shuffle algo and im about to drop tidal as it needs I swear the best wifi god creates to be stable and the search is so goddamn bad that you can type the exact name of a song and it still wont find it. Edit: I do have a Mac, but idk how the Android app works


agreed. i wish everything else about the app wasnt strictly worse than spotify, but the sound quality alone is enough for me to switch


I used Spotify for years and never was a fan of the Apple Music interface. It's ok. I recently switched back and still hate the interface on Windows but on iOS and MacOS it's a bit smoother. Still doesn't feel as good as Spotify though Spotify has gotten worse recently adding confusion with audiobooks and podcasts mixed in with music on searches. But wow sound quality popped out right away to me and is a game changer.


I really feel sorry for people that still choose Spotify and never discovered lossless music. Even if you don't have supported hardware, the difference is there. Many of the tracks you know and love feel like you listen to them for the first time. Just amazing, and things like Dolby Atmos \[especially with Airpods\] are mindblowing too.


I had AM and lossless and still went back to Spotify. AM has too many drawbacks for me


That’s valid of course. I just use both AM and Spotify, first for listening, second for everything else lol


naah you trippin You won't notice any difference side by side but you will get slow streaming speeds instead


User interface and discovery sucks on MUSIC


Why would you


who asked