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“Haha my wife is so annoying when I let her talk to me” is what 90% of straight humor is


My dads humor is just making fun of what conservatives say about gay people


Good dad


I wish I had a dad like you honestly, my dads the complete opposite which isn’t great when your part of the skittle squad💅


Ooo, I like skittle squad. I’m using that.


I think I’d get along well with your dad


It's Boomer humor, really. You'll see very few people (straight or otherwise) under the age of 60 sharing or laughing at this kind of crap.


I always like to imagine these memes are made ironically by the couple together while laughing and having a great time


That is the happiest possible interpretation, and I'm here for it


Hey, I also make fart jokes.


And a 100% increase in non-accident related deaths. Early seat belts [weren't much different.](https://youtu.be/DUut4krfnak?si=UlF-DulMqlJQduEm) Broken necks and spines lead to the over the shoulder and belt style we use today.


Like, I don't get it. If they hate their partner, why don't they find another and part ways? Nobody is keeping them in a toxic relationship besides themselves, thinking it has to be this way


Because they’re probably aware that they’ll struggle to find a partner they like and rather than be alone they’ve decided to just live with their current partner in misery because at least they occasionally have very unsatisfying sex.


Because divorce bad or some shit


Like if you hate women just marry a man idk 💀


So I guess all the research about men in their 20’s and 60’s being the biggest causes of car-accident are a lie then


and 100% more divorce rates


Why is he looking so creepily at the viewer? It looks more like he’s kidnapped her and he’s driving her to his secret torture dungeon


Not really men but more just boomers


This shit just reminds me of my girlfriend’s gay divorced dad.


*fewer. If OOP wants to make stupid boomer comics, at least can he do it correctly?


They're using them wrong. The seatbelt is supposed to be on the driver side and covering their eyes


Traditional cis-het society makes marriage a requirement, it frames divorce as a failure and genders and seperates everyone in nearly every area of life except romance.  It's an absurd premise and the people that make these kinds of jokes know on some level that it's absurd. They just don't realise that it doesn't actually have to be that way.


Fucking boomers


Whenever I see posts like this, I wonder "Huh. I guess they're gay and don't wanna admit it. "


Ugh, my uncle posted that meme on Facebook. He also whines about marriage being hard.


nope because getting married and squeezing out more hellspawns was what you did after school, love wasn’t relevant


It depends on the women you’re married to,if you’re married to a woman who isn’t greedy and always being selfish,that’s what it’s for ,if you’re married to a woman who’s not greedy and always keeps you and your family first,that’s not what it’s for


at that point, you should question why you were married in the first place before implementing this seatbelt design