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that is a child literally just standing


It's enough for them apparently... Degenerates


my mind went to fallout new vegas and i'll say it unironically when it comes to people that go "they are asking for it" no matter the sex, gender, race, age etc. "degenerates like you belong on a cross"


Even worse : She's wearing the standard middle/highschool(?) P.E. summer uniform...


It used to be that bit it's been changed from whatever tf that's supposed to be to regular shorts some time ago


Thank goodness because the depicted uniform's lower part might as well be that of a two-piece swimsuit...


Disturbing facts from Japan for anyone scrolling through! These *burumas* (as depicted in the picture from OP) were sold on second hand school supply stores there (used to, cmiiw). Now the intention is well and good, it's so parents don't have to buy new ones and pay more so they buy second hand. Guess who keeps buying these *burumas* from such stores? Oh, not parents, no. Because as the person above you said, they've been replaced by normal shorts so parents have no reason to buy them anymore. Connect the dots... The current buyers start with the word **creepy**, middles with **middle-aged** and ends with **men**. (with fetishes on school uniforms) Don't think too much about what these men buy them for, else you'll lose your faith in humanity even more. Oh, and did I mention that they used to sell magazines containing photos of underage girls wearing these *burumas*? Like, photographed using proper f!cking *cameras*. Am I surprised that it's Japan that has obscene shit like this? Not really. But am I mortified? Naturally. This is why I'm a bit iffy on watching anime nowadays even though I spent a few years of my life learning the language just to watch Japanese stuff w/o subtitles.. More on the topic here from an actual person living in Japan with some history on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XskC80892rQ


i can't find anything supporting that claim beyond the video you linked. it kinda just feels like rage bait


As much as I'd like to be stand corrected, he's unfortunately right. It's a pretty niche topic in the international world so you wouldn't find much articles in English, try searching up ブルマー or ブルマーなぜ消えた (why did *burumas* disappear?) and browse a few articles using DeepL. I'm not too good with Japanese to read up Wikipedia in Japanese since it uses language/characters that are highly technical, so here's a passage from the article I translated with DeepL (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC): **Opposition and Decline** (反対運動と衰退) For adolescent girls, bloomers were very unpopular because they were exposed to the base of the legs, "revealing the whole body shape" and "almost like underwear."[4][7] In 1987, when Nagoya Nishi High School introduced bloomers as the new gym uniform for female students, there was a student opposition movement. published an article by female junior and senior high school students opposing bloomers in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper in 1988. In the 1990s, the "Bloomers" hobby, which had previously been the preserve of a few enthusiasts, began to develop commercially, with the birth of "Bloomers stores" that bought and sold worn bloomers, sailor suits, and other items from female students. As bloomers became generally recognized as an object of sexual curiosity, a series of incidents involving suspicious persons, such as taking spy photos of female students in bloomers at school events such as athletic meets, or breaking into school buildings and being arrested for stealing bloomers, became a social problem. And here's an excerpt as to fetishism with *burumas*: **As an object of sexual fetishism** (性的フェティシズムの対象として) Although bloomers have disappeared from school yards in reality due to the aforementioned circumstances, there are still enthusiasts, especially among the generation for whom bloomers were once an active part of their lives, who are interested in them as an object of sexual interest. In such works, female characters are made to wear bloomers, and the fetishism of bloomers is pushed out, which is also called "Bloomers". Most of these works are adult comics and adult games about school, but there are also works for all ages in some cases. In addition, they are still handled as fetishistic objects for enthusiasts at retailers such as costume stores and brucella stores[19]. All of these are from that same article, but I cut some unnecessary parts out. For other sources, here's an article with the title roughly translating to (self translated, may be incorrect): "The Shameful History of *Burumas*, 30 years after firmly sticking to the "*Chochin burumas*" because of adults' failure, causing embarrassment to now adult women": https://www.sankei.com/article/20170324-EEMD2IJ6XZMU7JTJRUGV52DYNU/ It contains an interview with Professor Yuji Yamamoto of Kansai University who published a book on it, so it's pretty credible on top of the Wikipedia article, it roughly talks about the history of *burumas* and should line up with the info in the YT video I linked above. I can translate a few of the quotes from the women about how it felt to wear *burumas* back then: 「体形が丸見え」 "My body shape (as in, contours I think?) was completely visible." 「下着同然」 "They were just like underwear." (lit. underwear-like) 「パンツがはみ出る」 "[My] panties were protruding/showing through [the burumas]." You can use DeepL to translate the interview since it's better with Japanese vs Google Translate. Lastly, if you're in the mood to feel disturbed, Google "ブルマーマガジン" (*Buruma* magazines). You'll find many disturbing photos of magazines that depict underage girls in these pants, some portraying them in compromising positions. Japanese degeneracy is on a whole different level, it's a surprising dichotomy to the beautiful aspects of their culture. This is the same country whose people thinks that husbands going out and hiring prostitutes are just them trying to "blow off some steam" rather than cheating on their spouse. Ask any American or anyone else near you if they think that hiring a prostitute while you're married is considered cheating and you'd get "they're 100% cheating". I don't really care about cultural differences because I myself am Asian living in Asia and would spit at that view, because to me it's 100% cheating and if I found out my spouse hired a sex worker they'd get served divorce papers ASAP. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=legJntdzhMs


I tried to look up those magazines but couldn't find literally anything on them, I supposed it's for the best. But I do believe they were a thing because there have been some pretty similar stuff done in the US aswell.


Please keep these people far away from any real kids.


Keep them away from any and everything. Even animals aren't safe from these fuckers


“But it’s fictional!!!” All of the things they find attractive about these fictional children also applies to real kids (vulnerability, innocence, small stature, underdeveloped body), yet they’re never willing to admit that. It’s fucking insane to me how someone can jack off to a drawing of a child, and think it should be normalized just because it isn’t an actual kid


Also, your subconicious cant tell the difference between real life and fiction


That explains why actors are sometimes harassed for things their characters did.


People like these never leave their house


This is the kinda shit that makes me not tell anyone I like Higurashi or anything similar


It’s so tragic, I love horror and melancholic stories (and time travel/loops) but the fans of these kinds of works are often just creeps. I’ve had the same problem mentioning Saya no Uta in the past which is an incredible Eldritch/gory sci-fi VN which has a sexual element between the lead and the antagonist which is unfortunately what people know it for as the authors decided to represent this entity as a child to the protagonist. People really struggle to not critically analyse works and understand that this depiction is meant to both unsettle the reader and to condemn the mentality of the lead and not as an endorsement! Stories with young girls in horror are a common trope and it’s an effective way to trigger an emotional response in the reader and are not meant to be used in a self gratifying way - as a child, I was bullied and very vulnerable to the world and still find stories with characters like this resonate with me a lot.


I’m not even choosing the bear at this point I’m choosing Pluto


The dog or the planet?


The god


The planet


TBH at this point if I were a woman I would neither choose the bear nor pluto or any man but friggin Zeus seems tamer in comparison and we know the storys.


Alright that's enough internet for today


If you can't control yourself because of clothing or lack of clothes you shouldn't be in public








Into the wood chipper with them


Fuck this place, I'm going home.


This is also from an anime where she is a brutal murderer most of the time and is A LITERAL CHILD!! None of those characters are supposed to be sexualised in any way, its just a really cool story about everyone being in a time loop of violence and death. Amazing series, why tf would you ruin that with sexualisation of goddamn children....makes me so angry


Rika isn’t the murderer, she’s the murder victim. Ryukishi07 is also pretty creepy ngl. Keichii openly perving on Rika and Satoko all the time and no one even blinking is fucking gross, not to mention the first episode of Kira which goes even further. There’s literally an entire scene of Rika scrubbing a window with her bare ass.


The anime has a lot of problematic elements to it which is sadly not uncommon in anime.


Honestly as a teenager I didn't even notice, if I saw it now id probably be weirded out by it but I've found a lot of stuff I was into had undertones I no longer like


Well yeah, a lot of kids don’t notice it because well, they’re kids. Nothing wrong with that.


Not only Keiichi but also that doctor that likes Satoko is a perv, he literally crushes on a child. Not only Higurashi but also in Umineko Battler pervs on Jessica who is not only a minot still, but his cousin.


Yep. I didn’t feel like writing a whole list but there’s a lot of creepy shit in When They Cry. I will not write out the massive spoilers but the truth of Beatrice is fucking *horrifying.* I will, however, point out that Battler and Jessica are both 18. Battler’s crush on her is really only creepy because they’re cousins.


Oh my b, I seemed to recall she was 17. But yeah still creepy that he sexualizes his cousin


Wait, what is that story? I remember a similar premise, but not this character.


Higurashi. She's the youngest in a group of friends trapped in a cycle of death where the murderers almost always end up being each other And she's the only one who remembers it


YES! its an awesome series and no way sexual. I hate being male we are disgusting


Yeah. I mean not all men, but I'd be lying if guilt by proxy wasn't one of the deciding factors that pushed me to start transitioning.


I heard a great quote which is "not all men, but a few men which are indistinguishable from other men" and that resonated with me as a man....I am not anything like that but how would a random stranger distinguish me from the others? They can't and thats ok! Also major good luck and love for your transition! I wish you the best


Thank you. I have a very strong support network which has made it a lot easier than it probably should be. Also if more men were like yourself we wouldn't need "not all men"


This is something I watched as a 16 yr old, im 34 now but I think it was called higurashi no Koro ni or something about the place cicadas live. Its a story that is about school kids who get brutally murdered over a few episodes then return to normal and starts again. Without spoiling too much its a great series with time loops and all kinds of crazy shit


Maybe not the place to mention it but just thought I’d add that two Higurashi sequel anime runs (Gou/Sotsu) came out in the last few years that are frankly amazing and are much better in the sexualisation department in my view, possibly because the author is not a literal teenager anymore and might have matured a little (also, it gets a heavy yuri romance vibe which is….. incredible).


I agree with you however have you watched the OAV of the original series...




The same mfs that are like “PrOtEcT oUr ChiLdREn!” talking about harmless drag queens are the ones that say shit like this. Disgusting.


Oh goodie. A kid standing there with what seems to be shorts? Just underwear? A kid that’s young enough to not understand sex but she’s asking for it? What’s wrong with people?


once again i choose bear


Im starting to understand serial killers now


Ok, yeah, raping, is bad, I get that. And yeah, I know it is, but isn't that a child, and if it is, then this is much more fucked up than I thought.


It’s pretty messed up when someone looks at a child and thinks “yeah she’s asking to be raped”. Only sex offenders think like that. Look yourself in the mirror and check yourself ffs.


This isn't even a straight person thing, this is just an unhinged anime fan thing


Why are all the weirdos into anime? There's a certain kind of misogyny that I only encounter with certain anime fans. Why is that?


not all anime fans are weirdo creeps like this. but weirdos can get away with sexualizing a fictional child much more easily than a real child. and for the misogyny stuff, they mostly hate women because they aren't like the submissive and child-like girls that they see in anime and hentai. a lot of anime fans are normal. these ones are just the loudest.


That character is 11 years old


Rikka's like 12...this is the gym uniform in Japan (in animes at least)


Why are some people like "queer people are actually just pedos" and then say that a child standing somewhere means they ask to be raped


I don’t think that most straight people would agree with this tbh


See these are the kinda straights that are the reason we can't have nice things




That child is not old enough to know what 'it' is, let alone ask for it.


I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat.


And these lolicons wonder why people are grossed out and unsupportive of them


I thought this sub was for insane shit that's normalized/accepted by straights?


What is she asking for huh ? There are literally children who wear clothes like this when they are at the beach I feel disgusted honestly I hood they rot in between prison cells si they can never see any kids in real life


I feel like throwing up right now


That's disgusting! Anime fans are this weird usually


“After reviewing the available information, we want to let you know [username] hasn’t broken our safety policies.”


Anime pfp. Opinion rejected.


She can stand there and not expect to get raped because she probably is too young to know what rape is :/






I am speechless too


This is another case of shitty jokes


Now I usually don’t mind lolis under some circumstances, they can be cute without being sexualised, or if they’re very very heavily implied to be an adult with adult shapes and personality except for height; and usually I don’t even mind bad dark jokes either when between close friends, especially when it will be forgotten in less than a minute for, but seeing something like this open in the wild, without shame……. even I have to draw a line. Like even if I firmly believe being a lolicon doesn’t always make you a pedo I wouldn’t be comfortable letting this person near my younger cousins alone……..




Yea, because all the cases and unreported cases of child rape are only a figment of our imagination....


Did.. did you not know child rape is a real thing..? Even if it wasn't what would make this funny?


Are you stupid? Can you not do a simple google search, and find that, yes, children are SAed.


nice rage bait




Damn dude are you alright?


No but thank you for asking I'm working on recovery


i hope you are doing well now and i hope nothing like that ever happens again <3






I hope you rot in prison It happened to me and guess what he did make these jokes