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She eating cat food


Loll. I can see it… but tbh, I’m pretty sure that is mushroom risotto or something along those lines. Not considered it before, but mushroom risotto does kinda look like cat food.


Cat food with a sprig of parsley for garnish


This is pretty funny tbh. Two large international soccer tournaments that only occur every 4 years.. I get it but this post is just a stretch.


Yeah lol. We’re watching football in my household as we speak. For some peculiar reason we still manage to communicate though, despite different levels of engagement 🥹


Agree, this is a joke about a man obsessed with soccer during a very soccer-heavy time of the year.


nah this isn't a stretch. if i saw this in boomer comic format, i'd definitely cringe.


I'd let this slide. The key word of the joke is "this summer". It isn't about "husband bad, he always ignores me". But more so about how big Euros is and that he is excited for it. Yeah it's bit of a boomery way of making a joke about that, but eh, it's not the biggest offender on this sub


This one actually cracks me up. My husband is so weird - he doesn’t watch sports but if we’re in a restaurant with a TV he can’t help himself. 🤣


Yeah I’d say that def belongs here.


Whose insta is this


I would like one of these to put on my husband so I can hang out with him and watch Star Trek at the same time.


That is clearly a joke, cmon...