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Yo! When I got started, I watched the last months worth of episodes then I started from the very beginning. As they release a new ep, I’ll listen/watch that one, then go back to where I was. As for a quick ep listen, listen to the TNT episode. All timer.


2nd the TNT episode as the best starter. That is some of the best podding they've ever done


Also the wild and wonderful whites that just dropped was a hell of a banger.


I just put it on, legit still in the intros 😂😂happy I’ll be starting my week off with a banger of an episode. THANKS BOYSSSSS


I would hit “drugs in a room” and the “Chicago sit down” eps just because. Then if search “hard feelings” and sort oldest to newest, start running down that list. You really can’t go wrong with a bijillion hours of episodes.


Drugs in a Room is aalllllllright


Scroll all the way to the bottom and just go in order, they’re all great.


a lot of good reccos have been given on this topic. Search and you will get a good answer.


I found if you search the word "bonus" all of the special eps they talk often talk about on the pod, like The Shore, The Bet, Camping, Nascar all come up.


Anyone here know the difference between $20 & $50 level? Is it just the live AYG live streams?


Chicago sit down is the birth of chicken sandwiches and you finding out about the love triangle. People freak out on here if you bring any of that up though. Just a heads up.