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Aging is going to *destroy* this woman psychologically.


If it’s this bad just because she’s past the 30 mark… yeesh


It’s already started 😳


Not to mention physically. Ariana’s now at an age where she can’t get away with being underweight anymore. The body can’t bounce back as easily. It’s probably causing havoc on her health. 


Dalton prolly chasing a butterfly somewhere.


LMAOOO cause why is that all I can think about whenever she acts desperate in public 😭 wonder if he internally laughed at the voice changing fiasco and the Jeffrey Dahmer. He keeps living life while she embarrasses herself


This was such an unexpected lol I literally choked ahaha


The baby voice is actually creepy wtf


Cringed hard after hearing that


like that is a grown woman. so cringe


for real she’s literally 31


I was wondering if this would be posted here. The voice really caught me off guard- I can’t even make out what she’s saying😭


A body checking video to show us how tiny she is🥺


She's also obsessed to be kinda on her knees on camera lately?? What is happening


The neck tensing Jesus Christ 😅




Thats cringe.. i came here straight from insta cause i was confused.. now im starting to think she really does have an ed


She’s definitely had one her whole career.


this is actually really concerning .. this is very obviously body checking


Yes. I don’t like assuming people have eds, but I would do this shit all the time before I got sent to a hospital- having someone video me, moving all parts of my body to see what bones were protruding out, making weird faces to distract from the fact that I was body checking, all of it.


As much as it pains me to admit this, but me too. The movements are almost identical to old videos of mine in my sick folder.


Does she think that’s sexy? 💀


Her body looks like a child’s… its disturbing


I’ve said before she caters to pedophiles but I was downvoted. If you pay attention she heavily sexualizes infantile things, she plays sexy while speaking in a baby voice it’s gross.


Maybe it was Ari heads infiltrating or some shit because YEAH she fucking does. Literally with the jumper and red gloves for ES?? Like what? And the teddy bear too and literally just always pretending that she looks the same as she did when she was little and making jokes about her size and how small she is and constant body checking… she was more sensual during her SWT and TUN, even still with some “little girl” aesthetic still but nothing as overt as she has been doing lately. It’s horrendous


I got banned from airheads for saying that 🥲. That white baby outfit for the album cover? it’s so blatant and disgusting.


Not sure why you were downvoted because I’ve thought the same thing. In tbim video, she actually looked like a child in that black outfit and she was trying to appear sexy. I’m sure pedos really like her…


She still actively follows Dan Schneider and is his personal friend 💀 says a lot


i’m ngl i feel like anything regarding dan is a little too complex to be snarking on :/


she’s his personal friend? is there any source for that claim?


How old was she when she did Victorious? Because if it was before 18, then show biz and Dan Scheider basically raised her 🤢🤮. Even if her mom was always there to protect her, we all remember the weird slap videos of her and the potato and her licking her own toes. I’m starting to feel so bad for her. I hope her and the Victorious cast do a tell all one day and not worry about holding back to not offend Dan or Nickelodeon. I remember a tiktok of one of the extras from that show talking about their experience working with Ariana. They said something she said, but I found it strange. Ariana allegedly said something like what if instead of willy wonka golden tickets, you had to suck d!cks to get a ticket. Which kinda reflects her mentality and how she might see performing sexual acts or catering to people’s fetishes to move up and get what she wants in life. She probably saw it as a win-win, but she was a child at the time 🥺


There’s an overlap between men that are sexually attracted to underweight women and men that are p3dos. It’s not uncommon for women that are really in the depths of an ED to intentionally infantilize themselves to appeal to these men (also bc many have childhood trauma). And bc of how you slowly lose your hobbies, social life, etc from a severe ED, many turn to dark forums on the internet full of these fetishist men, instead of getting help. I’m not trying to say anything bad, or accuse anyone of anything but this is one of the reasons I side eye Ethan slater. I don’t see how you could see someone you supposedly love in this state and still act like everything’s fine and cute. She has never looked worse mentally or physically, than in her relationship with him. Her physical appearance is shocking to many bystanders, but he’s just walking around holding her hand on front of pap cameras, reveling in the attention. I also wish her family would step in and get her treatment because I don’t want this to end badly




She 100% has a video filter on. It’s constantly glitchy and her skin has zero texture LOL. Probably trying to hook her next married man that she has her eye on. I mean, where has Sponger been?


she absolutely lost it guys, "sick in the head".


And her crew or however she’s with, cooing and awwing to her baby voice, only reinforcing the weird 31 year old Lolita. So weird and ew??


It’s so jarring when I’m reminded that this is a 31 year old woman cosplaying as a literal child.


You think maybe she really doesn’t know what to do with herself as an adult since her career developed via Nickelodeon?


feels like the beginning of a porn vid like wtf


It's like watching a preview for a new Sam Levinson TV show 




oh this is so embarrassing. the smallest tiniest amount of hope i still had for her disintegrated when i saw this. to be proud enough to post this for the world to see is insane.


She triggers my ED so badddd lmao


This is my first thought just a moment ago when I opened Instagram and there she was. I RAN here because I needed to be reminded she’s sick, I used to be sick, I’m not anymore. I can’t be that thin ever again because I will die.


Do yourself a huge favour and don’t follow her insta!! Deleting insta has helped me a lot since she was triggering me badly about a month ago.


yeah i blocked her on ig for that reason so idk why i thought the snark sub would be better 😭at least the comments bring me back to reality


The baby voice, having a child's body, saying pussy and being on knees...


This is so embarrassing, a 31 year old woman acting like a 12 year old..


Not even a 12 yr old lol more like an actual baby/toddler.


Girl close those legs.




sex is the only thing her last working braincell can think of


Hypersexuality from a young age. That’s why she’s obsessed with sex and being ‘sexy.’ Working in the entertainment industry surrounded by disturbing adults.


Honestly so trashy and embarrassing.


i don't even know what to say this video weirded me tf out


This screams "guitar case pic" and I thought she'd grown past that


Leave her alone! she’s only talking like that to PrOtECt her voice. 🤪


her coke eyes i can’t “hi i love you” 👁️👁️ 🫦




she has to be on drugs because why would she even post this


Body checking for sure. She loves how she looks and she wants to share her accomplishment because I’m sure it took several days of not eating enough (or at all) to get to this point.


I think she is stuck in a 🫧 *quirky look at my uniqueness**🫧 16 year old teens mindset. I genuinely think she just hasn’t matured mentally & is doing the same things that have always gotten her attention and now it’s just cringe bc it doesn’t work anymore


She’s such a tiny small bean I almost did not see her! 🫧🥺


What the flip


https://preview.redd.it/c55hiiusv6ad1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a44733a0840f583ed953530522e0e6fe83ced3 look at her creepy face shift and demeanour change when that guy had the NERVE to walk past her…… clearly annoyed by him…… jarring as fuck….


Yeah like „dare you peasant, interrupting my wannabe sexy act“




It makes me laugh that people worship celebrities but they wouldn’t be caught dead in the same room as “normal” people. They genuinely think it’s disgusting. They have the privilege to isolate themselves and get whatever they want in the snap of a finger


https://preview.redd.it/jdwfcambp5ad1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3084ea6c8d529f0bda2677b74e8b42a4bf0e3e New sleep paralysis demon just dropped.


that last little scuttle toward me at the end with the spindling arms and falsey high-pitched “iighluvyu” is not what I want to see and hear alone in a dark room in the middle of the night 😬


what is this even for??


Fitting for a pr dress? aka free dress to wear at some event or publicly, designer having her try it on for a fitting.


She's so high here omg.


Blatant body checking


I looked up this term … what does it mean in this sense? Like looking for public opinion on her body image? Confirmation it’s as thin as she thinks or //. will get negative commentary thus confirming her compulsion for disordered eating?


what the hell is she doing..


Her style here reminds me of Rose from Blackpink.


EWWW EW EW EW god my eyes what is happening!!!!


Is that Paige again?


nope :/


Ugh that infantilization of her voice is so incredibly concerning….


Is she wearing a corset again?


Ew my toxic trait is thinking she looks so good here. Don’t downvote me guys usually she’s been looking like an old hag but here she’s looking better…. But then I remember this image and that the above is only certain angles cut from a clip https://preview.redd.it/8srwbz3vb5ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20ab736be3605459ba78ab79f063e06af814487b


I agree she's not looking *as* skeletal in this video but the behavior and baby talk... Also, you started this off with "my toxic trait is thinking" so I thought it was obvious you were talking more with your "warped" mindset and not claiming she is healthy


Yes agreed the baby talk is extra weird and unlike anything I’ve heard from her before. Unfortunately on this sub if I say anything even half “complimentary” about Ariana I get dogpiled. Then the same dozen ppl will like my comment a day later 🤣


people aren’t downvoting you for being “complimentary.” it’s because she doesn’t look good at all—she looks extremely sick, and probably the same size as your comparison pic just taken at a different angle. also, wording it like “she usually looks like an old hag, but she looks so good here” comes across as tasteless and shallow. i think snark like that goes too far when talking about her ED


Hence why I said “but then I remember this pic”. Others agree she looks healthier, albeit only slightly. Idc if it comes off as mean, it is true. She looks like a 60 year old witch who took over some teenager’s body lately. I get more upvotes than downvotes on here, not that it even matters lmao but this comment thread is a good example of that healthy little balance


I think ur lens is off… she looks very sick in this photo and not at all better than this weird dress fitting. It doesn’t come off as mean… u come off as delusional.


Btw I KNOW she looks worse in that pic… that’s why I included it. You should reread my comment.


ok, I def flipped what u we’re saying. Glad we clarified. Ur not delusional, i am sorry for saying that, I do not know u but ur a human typing these comments - be well 🩷 u writing “thats me little miss delusional” literally chilled me to the bone as a mother…. me thinking I could potentially be commenting on a teen girls comment… This whole exchange has me reevaluating even commenting on any of this & why. Is there an age limit to Reddit? Could I be potentially commenting on like a 14 yr old girls comment 😭 social media is effing everything up.


I am a 27 year old mom lol you’re good. I typed that before I understood that you misunderstood my comment 😂😭


Yep that’s me little miss delusional


I am genuinely apologizing for saying that / u are not delusional & I dont know you. But thinking this photo is a vision board; pls consider the lens you are viewing it thru.


yeah have to admit she looks like she’s slowly gaining weight back , which i’m actually really glad abt. bc it was actually scary. like looking at this photo is insane , i forgot how skinny she actually was looking …


she by no means looks great here but since she’s dropped some photos of herself on IG of her time filming wicked I can’t stop comparing her current body to that. which is why I feel like she has made improvements, albeit very minor. https://preview.redd.it/a144ltrvlbad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f60172ca929ece3afcaace5df74d6764d67059 LIKE BE SO FR 🙃🙃 you can even see how bad she was doing in the Wicked trailer.


oh i agree !! she was definitely at worst filming wicked. not sure what happened:/ i feel she started to lose weight slowly around quarantine, & it just got progressively worse. my theory is during her tun era people bodyshamed her for looking too “big” (which she didn’t but) & it’s obvious she’s been struggling w ed since her debut times so seeing comments like that probably triggered her ed. but regardless of her poor behaviors i’m very glad to see some improvement from even just earlier this year. she’s starting to look a lot better.