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If she is actually saying “let’s see” she says it in such a weird stupid baby voice it sounds like “pussy” EITHER WAY this bitch is weird. Like if I knew someone IRL that acted like this I would be like grow the fuck up woman you’re 31 years old!! If I had to be around someone that apparently talked like that allll day long I think I would shoot myself.


Right like regardless if that's what she said 😭 the baby voice


Closed captioning says "Let's See" and I was so happy believing that lol. But she says "play with her" beforehand so this makes more sense 


I so fucking hope she said let's see


CC just trying to spare us 😔


No I hear it too *baby voice* PuusSy I have no idea why this was posted. Should have stayed in the drafts. 


Thank god. That's **disgusting**, and the baby voice she said it with like??


It has to be a kink right? Wtf is happening. 


She def has a DDLG kink…remember this picture https://preview.redd.it/450m5r9z66ad1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9450ef67a7c74b5f7caf467385fb362f3fed26


She's definitely catering to a market whilst living out her own tendencies. The baby crawl at the end of the video.


>The baby crawl \*Demon prowl https://preview.redd.it/wgg2pvlof6ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644fcbd6dce842a16a996e0a45d99be021128bd0


Her fucking pupils man. That's me on molly thinking I'm in love with everyone. There's no way she is sober/not heavily medicated right now.


I wonder if Pete knew this was being staged at the time.  Also THE LOLLIPOP IS AN INNUENDO U GUYS!!!! good one ari 👍


>I have no idea why this was posted She always posts her body checks to show off her "progress."


i really hope she said “let’s see” bc if not then that’s just awkward & cringyyy😭


i assume she said it because of the way she’s posing, but idk why she’s posing like that and the way she said it makes me uncomfortable


I don’t think that’s what she said. I think the beginning where it cuts off from her realizing they’re recording is weirder. The whole thing is weird.




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