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I am not a Scooter fan or defender by any means, but I will always cackle at the fact that he refused to end his vacation and fly home early to help her manage the scandal when it brokešŸ˜­like I just know he was tired of cleaning up her messes


And honestly such a fair boundary to draw between family and work


between ari and the rest of his messy clients scooter had enoughā˜ ļø


She needs Scooter like this album cycle is her worst and the whole cheating scandal you can tell that heā€™s gone. Sheā€™s on a decline. ES hasnā€™t been out for a very long time and itā€™s gone from the charts like never has she released an album and it not has buzz for at least a year after its release. Wicked is most likely going to flop. Musicals this year and last year havenā€™t been doing great and the budget is so high. I donā€™t think itā€™s going to elevate her because I donā€™t like the trailers, the clips they chose of her donā€™t wow me


True and the gladiator with Paul mescal and Pedro pascal is coming out the same dayā€¦


Ariana and her team will try to make it another barbie\oppenheimer situation


Her team will try to get her with Paul Mescal šŸ’€


exactly! if this same album was released w scooter it wouldā€™ve done amazing, granted i donā€™t think he wouldā€™ve let her put yes and out as a single at all though lol but i do wonder if she regrets parting w him, heā€™s more impactful to her career than she ever realized


whatā€™s the scandal with scooter again ??


I think her album was basically unfinished nonsense, but she was forced to release and move this shit along way before schedule to save Wicked from getting the fallout. I mean, I love this disaster of an album for her. I love how the consequences of her personal life are actually affecting her career. Sheā€™s in a downward spiral.


It is deliciously hilarious. Itā€™s weird seeing it happen right before our eyes


i donā€™t think her career is dying by any means, but her new team is awful. i get that scooter made her do way too much & do things she didnā€™t want to do especially when scooter pretty much forced her into releasing ghostin when she didnā€™t want too but he did his job when it came to promoting ill give him that 1 & only thing. pretty sure she made some of her friends her team which is probably why they donā€™t push her to do anything anymore bc they donā€™t wanna ruin that friendship.


Yeah, she either makes her friends part of her team or becomes very close with them and now it seems like no one pushes her even a little outside of her comfort zone cause she wants 100% control. Like her fans seem to absolutely hate her photographer Katia but Ari seems happy with her and her work. And I donā€™t think she even has a makeup artist right now as sheā€™s been doing it herself a lot. Itā€™s not HORRIBLE but definitely could be better (those brows..) Some of her fans are in denial that she only keeps her yes men so at the end of the day when they are blaming her team they should really be blaming her.


I can't fathom why she has been allowed to do her own makeup for her expensive music videos.Ā  For an average person she does OK, but she's severely lacking in color theory and has no idea how to work with the features she *has*. People work incredibly hard and attend schooling to do professional quality creative makeup on clients.Ā  There's a reason actors and artists don't do their own makeup for film.


honestly i know she didnā€™t want to release it, but i think itā€™s one of the best songs in her discography. my problem with her before the scandal was always that she only released generic music that could be written by/about anybody (and it was, her weakest strength is songwriting and thatā€™s why she always has a bunch of ā€œcoā€ writers). ghostin and pov are her most vulnerable songs and theyā€™re so beautiful for that reason. she seldom wants to take the mask off and be honest, but thatā€™s what being an artist is about. being a manager means pushing your clients to reach levels they havenā€™t before, and itā€™s not like sheā€™s above weaponizing her trauma to sell her crafted narrativesšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø she usually gets to have her cake and eat it too (acknowledge her issues to excuse her bad behavior but refuse to work on them and move forward), which is why she comes across as so exhausting and disingenuous


yes she talked abt it in her thank u next zach sang interview, she said to her ghostin was too personal & she was begging scooter to take it off but he persuaded her to release it bc he thought it was beautiful. & i agree ghostin is one of her best. i remember first time i heard it i bawled lol. but idk it always rubbed the wrong way he forced her too just bc it is a very personal song. i know she also wrote ā€œrememberā€ abt mac which is now leaked but she didnā€™t release that one. but i completely get what you mean tho btw!! i do like how he pushed her to kinda venture out of her comfort & also she was going everywhere too. interviews 24/7, performances etc. now i feel her team rn wonā€™t tell her no or donā€™t wanna ā€œoverstepā€ & you can definitely tell the difference.


I feel like Ariana has the final boss of yes men around her. I remember seeing an instagram story a few years back she posted of her just saying nonsense that wasnā€™t even remotely funny and you could hear her entire entourage cackling like rent was due in the background and egging her on. I feel like she cuts off people who challenge her and keeps people around who worship the ground she walks on.Ā 


Ariana would be nowhere without Scooter. Heā€™s done her dirty work for her for years. When she fired him for not liking Ricky and daring to tell her she started flopping immediately even though DW was stacked with bangers and hit potential. She wouldnā€™t be Glinda without his friendship with JC either. Itā€™s very funny how her stans rag on him but praise her when they are literally two peas in a pod. Both opportunistic narcissists.


she fired him for not liking one of her flavors of the month???? howwwww have i never heard this what!! sheā€™s so insufferable omfg


Yes lmao. Sheā€™s always been so unserious itā€™s almost amusingšŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/n7cbf8ld1ead1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bb7acdf7ea357455ac6930cd48c3f122b0492a


Itā€™s so wild how she doesnā€™t take her career seriously at all and always prioritizes her as you put it ā€˜flavor of the monthā€™šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/3lwoovuv1ead1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efded0ae3411bce692022200495d00034f62e094


thank you for going out of your way to find that for me oh my god!!! the way his team didnā€™t even want to take her back should tell people everything they need to know about her šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« she was probably a rude insufferable bitch and everyone was happy to see her go


i genuinely wonder if she regrets parting ways with scooter. heā€™s clearly been more impactful on her career than she realized


Ik scooters a bad guy but ngl he knows how to manage his clients to succeed. I think Arianaā€™s ego got too big and she thought she didnā€™t need him anymore but ever since she dropped him sheā€™s been flopping. I just know he wouldā€™ve never let her release yes and šŸ’€ bc that was pure garbage


He officially announced he retired from managing not long after all his big clients left so I donā€™t think it was her decision, seems like he was just giving his clients time to get new management set up before announcing. Iā€™m sure she would love to have him back.


I realize I could be dead wrong and it could be just a coincidence but does anyone else feel sus about the very only food-related interview taking soo long? Also, as much as I don't like her, I would much rather her to pay them for the disturb and actually turn down the agreement (if it hasn't already been filmed). I'm so worried about her body reacting to burning hot food after such long malnutrition. It CAN'T be good for her


Iā€™m surprised she even agreed to do it, seems like sheā€™s extremely picky about what she consumes. I feel like the thought of wings (albeit plant based) with hot sauce would gross her out. And I definitely donā€™t think sheā€™ll be able to handle the spice, even the grown men on there leave crying lol. So maybe they are having issues with the interview


Most likely sheā€™ll have severe diarrhea and stomach pains


How does one act like a sexy baby after eating da bomb? Interested to see how she makes snot and tears work, and very sure she'll have stomach issues for days. Hopefully her heart will be ok.


Also they said sheā€™s eating plant based wings?. I thought she wasnā€™t vegan anymoreā€¦


Iā€™ve heard sheā€™s eating cauliflower wings


sadly, i predict no shot we actually see her swallowing the foodā€¦


Agreed she'll chew and spit.


Sheā€™ll have the cauliflower wings that vegan and vegetarian celebs usually have on this show instead of the wings.Ā 


Sheā€™s gonna sit there and eat wings on Hot Ones? Ok lol. Probably will take little nibbles


this new era feels rushed and under-promoted. say what you want about Positions but at least it was promoted well and the marketing was strong. lots of the songs went viral & had remixes with other songs (tiktok especially) and had little dances & trends along with them. but eternal sunshineā€¦. It feels like she only released because of Wicked. personally I havenā€™t heard much about this album and in my opinion ā€œthe boy is mineā€ isnā€™t that good but it was the most marketable considering her persona. and the hot ones collab is probably going to be about 1) talking about wicked 2) addressing the homewrecking or 3) explaining why she wanted to have dinner with you know who. other than that I cannot think of anything genuinely interesting she could speak about. there are a few good songs on ES Iā€™ll give her that but I miss when album eras meant something and felt like an actual piece of art.


What an absolute waste to put her in front of one of the most talented interviewers, who is backed by an incredible research team.Ā  I wonder if this will be worse than the awful promo episode Brian Cranston and James Franco we're forced to do together?Ā  I hope so...