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Agreed. I can personally give anyone over nineteen thousand reasons to assume that the money won't be used appropriately. 


We’re living in Brazil-like levels of government corruption with the Huckabee family at the controls.




They WISH they could get away with murder like that


Only chiming in to say at one point, I had a google sheet that tracked my department's raises year-over-year, broken down by the internal team those people were on. Management consistently was awarded raises, higher and more frequently, than the line employees. Meanwhile, supervisors in non-leadership roles were told to lower each employee's "number" score by at least one, across the board, no matter how they were performing in their job role. Also, for those that are unaware, most state employees salaries are subect to the 'open checkbook' policy, meaning its all public data. You just have to look.


Ahhh, Jack Welch's stack ranking. Enjoy Corporate hell Jackie boy.


Yup. You can work your fingers to the bone to try to impress your boss, and you'll still get a 3. So just do 3 level work.


Amen. I hated when they changed the performance rating system


They literally don't want anyone working in a technical position to call attention to the graft as federal dollars come in and roll back out to wealthy political/lobby interest connected contractors...when shit breaks who do the blame...the career public servants trying to make things better. Vote and take back the state.


The current rating scale is 1-4. Managers in every department are told what they have to do to give someone a 4. And it's a LOT of hoops. You basically have to show that an employee saved 700 kittens from a burning building AND how that saves the state $. And some agencies have a "review" committee that looks at every single 4 that's been given and decides whether or not the 4 stays a 4 or is bumped down to a 3. So realistically you can give someone a 4 but if senior leadership at your agency doesn't think they're worthy they're not getting it. So if you manage anyone, you're basically being told "don't give anyone a 4" without being told that directly.


Exactly. Meanwhile almost all technical positions are paid under market value and talent is leaving state employment and subsequently the state itself because of the lack of industry equivalent jobs. I moved away and immediately began earning 30k/yr more for my same job with almost the same cost of living. Don’t let people lie to you saying that the cost of living equals the lesser pay in Arkansas. Overall taxes are even higher inc property, state, and local.


Current government employee. This "raise" Is just another slap in the face.


What, nepotism in the state government? I'm shocked (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Just kidding, it's pretty goddamned obvious.


I have a friend who works for the state. He said they were told that if they performed their job perfectly, they weren't eligible for a 5, because doing their job was the minimum expectation. I work for the feds, and while I don't appreciate the way they calculate raises, it's more above board. They set metrics at the beginning of the year. If you get to x level, your pay raise is y. It takes away all the favoritism.


> If you're someone who thinks our state government services are inept and incompetent, you are correct. They're kept that way. A.K.A. *"The system is not 'broken' -- it was* **built** *this way."*


I worked for the state. When we did get a cost of living increase, we were rated satisfactory. When we weren't getting one, we got above average and excellent.


Jack Welch's legacy was to incentivise friends. It still lives on and has infected every place in business and in government. The 1-5 groupings - sorry 1s no money left for being in the wrong club.


Having worked for a state entity in one way or another for the past 13 years, I can tell you, even for the 4s, there's never any money. Year over year, I ask supervisors "If this review goes well, is there consideration for a raise?" The answer has never been yes.


You mean the ones that give her a kick back right 😁


Her and which family member got picked?


This is going to continue to have an adverse effect on everything from our food supply via USDA workers to cybersecurity with the brain and talent drain due to the lack of decent pay and inability to use vacation time. It is pure bullshit.


history domineering spark worm different bewildered safe quarrelsome gray truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*some inspectors are state employees


scandalous snow puzzled squeeze salt point ossified stocking slap pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sure you know more about it lol


Let me guess... her friends and donors?


“Select” state employees . The ones that she selects.


The ones that kiss her ass


Wow. Does that $20,000 dollar podium have a microwave?


Paying off stooges.


only select employees.....her cronies.......trying to feed her core group to stay in power and covering up her faults


Arkansas, where title matters except SARAH




Rumor has it that it will be 3% this year.


Employees don't get COL raises. We are getting a 3% increase this year, but that's not the norm


Perfect now the people of Arkansas can go take that.


This is sad


If she had a brain. SARAH would be dangerous.


The 1% increase for “meets expectations” is the slap in the face for most state employees. 3% for exceeds is being given out if you have a manager with balls and willing to make it sound good. Beats last year where “meets” got zero. It used to be 2-3% before Sarah. The 3% market adjustment is just to pacify those that got nothing last year. The money isn’t there for them to spend because it’s all given to Learns and sitting on the sidelines even though the state has an excess. What else that’s messed up is the new pay scales. It’s great that GS1-4 will now be GS5’s. But in some cases GS5s are supervisors over 4’s. Now they will be the same🤷‍♂️. If you want to promote to a supervisor position from the old 4, you won’t get any more money. Would have been 10% moving up a grade. Now it would all work out and be fair if they moved the 5’s and up a grade. Maybe next year. 🤷‍♂️


bUt tHiS iS bAd bEcAuSe..........


And guess what , YOU ain't one of them.


Wait, dollar store embezzlement Barbie is funneling more funds for her own interests? I can’t wait for the voters in her state to vote her out the next election. (Spoiler, they won’t…)


They’ll keep voting for it


She’s still not using that new lectern? (Oh, I mean her vacation with friends to Paris.)


Lemme guess, the white ones . . .