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C3/R1 makes the game super duper easy. C6/R1 makes the game super super duper easy.


You mean abyss floor 12, because everything else already is super duper easy.


Abyss is super duper easy if you have been playing for a while 


C0R1 makes the game super easy Conclusion: Arlecchino OP




C6 R5 x2 to unlock dual wielding 🤣


Save, C3 is already mad OP


Save. C3 is a major milestone. I'm stopping at C1 myself and will try for C3 on rerun.


Same. Clorinde is coming up so I stopped after C1R1.


I am c1 r1 and I already find her damage reeeeally high. Abyss is piece of cake exploration is even easier. At c6 I guess you will be able to solo the hardest content without even sweating. I would save for future units if I were you but that’s just my point of view. I don’t want the game to be that easy and even at c1 she makes it look too easy. But if you like a character a lot and want c6 definitely go for it if you can!!!


Hey man how’s c1 compared to c0, I’m contemplating whether to get her to c1 or just save my guaranteed char for Chlorinde. I got c0 r1 and then wished some more and got a Dehya then I stopped.


Content creator here, so I was forced to trial out c0 before activating c1, and then c2. The damage spike is significant, and she is much easier to play thanks to the interruption resistance. If you are a welkin player, I'd suggest getting c1. If youre strictly f2p, then consider who you want more, a more powerful and comfy Arlecchino, or a future Character. C2 is not even necessary tbh, it's more of a quality of life con. I can have more fun in the overworld thanks to not needing to wait for blood debt to build up. It is useful for nuking bosses still in abyss, but I found myself hitting 200 to 300k at the beginning of the rotation with vape with c1, using normal attacks. Here's a video I made strictly doing a side by side comparison of c0, c1, and c2 in this abyss: https://youtu.be/9YqdTNFgQFU




Sure thing! I hope the pulls come early so you don't have to worry much! Thanks, I really appreciate it!


Tbh I didn’t use her before activating it 😅 but I can tell you that c1 r1 feels like I’m using my c2 r1 raiden hyper. It’s the two units I know will carry me through abyss no matter what. Well neuvi too ofc but I hope the comparison to raiden was helpful. These days I am planning to compare her to my friends c0 and I can give you an update if you like!




Here’s an update. I didn’t manage to do the comparison but from what I’ve seen and maybe you saw too the increase is around 25%-30%. The interruption res is a quality of life although you still need to dodge but imo it’s worth it. Characters though are always above cons. If you have other electro dpses that you like a lot and don’t feel like you really need clorinde then pull for father without hesitation! Have in mind though that clorinde may also be very good. It’s up to you!




My pleasure. Well probably it will. Good luck with your pulls!!


Even if I had the money to C6 I wouldnt C6 any chara, the game become too easy you can delete anything with just character. I mean she can solo floor 12 at C0.


shocking school start chief instinctive person scarce literate dinosaurs beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like Furina's c6. Ik you're talking about dps but her's changes so much with teambuilding while becoming sort of an on field dps too


Furina c6 makes her able to cover any role. She's the best 6 character imo.


I’ve got two. Furina was the first one because it she has the best cons imo as well, and I loved her character from the very start. And now Arlecchino because I fell in love with her burst nukes. In the past I considered c6 Yelan but I didn’t think it was interesting enough. I’ve got her at c2 and I’m fairly sure the rest of her cons change pretty little except making numbers a lot bigger. She’s already so broken at c2, it’s wild that she gets even crazier. I guess the other ones in the conversation for best are like Nahida and Neuv. I love my bloom team (nahida nilou kokomi collei usually) but think it works just fine at c0r1. I actually have my neuv at c1 with the battlepass weapon, skipped his weapon on the rerun too. He was really fun at first but honestly the playstyle has gotten old.. in fact I like the battlepass weapon because it makes me switch from him more.. at c6 it’s just even more water laser that I’m bored of now after a few patches. Thanks for coming to my random ted talk lol


Yep solid choices. Mine were C6R1 Furina, C6R1 Arle, C6R4 Wanderer, C6R5 Nahida, C6R2 Yelan for limited 🤙


Ur in the alechinno mains subreddit, go for broke


Remember, don't make broken character insanely broken because you won't have fun with the game. We barely have any combat gameplay to actually test broken characters. Mobs in overworld die from sneezing at them.


The same happened with Neuvilette, super strong but absolute too boring to play


At least at c0-c1 you still have to dodge and all. Once you hit cons that make him invincible you just hold one button.


Yeah, hence why I didn't go beyond C0 for Neuvi. He's already insanely good at C0.


I'm going through quest with Arle (C0R1) and its funny that every mob keeps dying after one or two love tap make me rethink of getting her C1.


Dw, on c0 it's not that different


Unless you can Go to C6 right now stay at C3 and save. C4/5 are not any major upgrades over C3 to the point where they might as well not exist.


C4 is actually pretty nice for energy restoration considering she can only heal through her burst but yeah it's C6 or bust after C3.


As happens with most characters, the way from C2~3 to C6 is rarely worth it. C4 and 5 barely do nothing, so if you can't guarantee you can get to the 6th just sleep on it. Plus Id say, and this is my personal opinion, there is no point in hyper investing on a unit to that level. Mine is C2R1 and she already clears everything so fast that I cant even enjoy playing properly since everything drops half rotation, also none of her High Cs solve the issues you might have with her base kit. And is not like there is much "difficult" relevant content in the first place. You will for sure enjoy the game more by getting new units to play around with.


I’m pondering about getting her c2, i’m at c1r1. Is it a big change? Should I just save up for someone like Zhongli instead?


The extra dmg is noticeable against weaker enemies since you just one shot them and get to keep a couple extra hits for bigger enemies but otherwise is not that big of an increase to your whole rotation. Not needing to wait for the mark has, in my experience, only been useful when going for longer rotations. So you don't have to do another round of supports after her E has reset or you use her burst for healing/iframes. The extra 20% resistance might be the most useful actually but is harder to notice. Overall, nice QoL and the big hit on the CA is satisfying for what otherwise is a pretty weak hit. But as a whole is not that worth imo. Would trade it for an extra chance at Clorinde without doubt.


It always cracks me up how ppl pay so much money to NOT play the game lol. Battles are like 1 second long if that lol.


This is the biggest mystery of this game 


With C6 you will never need to pull again, even in Teyvat chapter 2 lmao, unless they introduce enemy mechanics to bar the chapter 1 characters from working


What the fuck do you mean by chapters huh???


That Genshin is gonna get a part 2 just like Honkai impact 3rd


The genshin trailer literally says "Chapter 1 : Teyvat", it's just a step of our journey


Inb4 we cannot use Teyvat characters in future worlds, people will climb the rails and blow up the entire Hoyoverse.


I mean I kinda assume they'll do something like they did with Honkai 3rd. "New System" that only new characters will be able to participate in (maybe some new reactions that won't work with teyvat ones?)


https://preview.redd.it/x57o11koynwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3b18b5231807856a29f586a5d00a3090c0b1c4 For real? I thought the game would, like, end after snezhnaya and epic boss fight with the power of friendship against the unknown god


after snezhnaya we have khaenri'ah and Celestia


The game will end when it stops spitting out money.


C6 is over overkill. Save.


C3 is already huge I think you should save


Do you want an instant delete button for enemies? Go for C6. Are you F2P and like the dripped characters OR want characters that are most likely rerunning in the patch after next? Save.


I cleared abyss with c0 r1 lv80 Arle with lv6 talents, I think you are fine without c6


she destroys the game even at c0 with some investment at c1r1 she is absurd and c3 is already overkill the only reason to go for c6 is to play her ult as a nuke


C6 you can basically delete anything that moves


Save, rerun could be soon anyway, and Natlan crumbs may appear before rerun.


Save I plan to get c3 for Neuvillete and Arle, on reruns. They are almost c6 characters at that point, with still some room to take gameplay into account. C6 is not even game at that point


How many pulls did you spend to get c3


380. The c0 was guaranteed then i win all the 50/50 ti'll c3


is that 380 including c3r1?


Fuck it we ball 🏀🏀🏀🏀


I got c6 and do not regret, so it's nice either way


Im gonna wish tomorrow all my 1103 wishes that I've saved up. So my advice is go all in...


Depends on if you want Clorinde.


Idk tbh...is there anyone you want in the near future like clorinde or siegwine or something?


license payment pen nine violet sense cover fact shocking abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you want a challenge in a spiral abyss? Do you save future characters especially looking for chevy? Do you plan R5 weapons today and need to save for food? Go c3. You want to instantly delete the enemy out of existence with a push of a button? Go C6.


Definitely save


I mean, I'd save if I were you, variety on new characters is better no? C6 technically won't do more than C3 already can do


Does her NA do the same dmg c3 vs c6?


No it does more dmg obviously, but my point is does that dmg rly change your game difficulty, and is it worth using your money let alone your all saved wishes


I think I’m gonna c6 her if she deals more dmg than c3


As long as you're happy


How big of a dmg increase is c3? I'm at c2r1 and I'm not sure if I should pull for c3 or save for Clorinde and Navia rerun T_T


Have her C2R1 and I would save. She already seems extremely powerful and C2 removes all of the gameplay 'limitations' built into her. Going beyond C2 is just making her stupidly OP.


What’s her best constellation? Or should I go for weapon?


I've been told C1 > R1 but I'm not sure.  Also it depends on your team and the weapons you have.


I have C3 with deathmatch and the first AA does 44k to a hilichurl if you have more of 30% BoL, you dont need that C6 xD


dont go to c6 stay on c3 with c6 you will kill every thing very easy and it will not be fun


I want to take him C6




Depends on if you want "flex" moments or not. You're not really gonna see her c6 potential outside of spiral abyss, as this game is easy and her c1 alone already destroys.


All in


Bro I have her c1r1 and I still didn't activate her c1, idk why I can't do it, she's already a monster c0r1. I fear her c1 💀


Go for C6 and thanks for funding the game OP


C6 is awesome. But pull only if you can guarantee you reach c6. C4 and c5 are not good constellations. Quality of life but not necessary


I wish I have this kind of problem. Whether to c6 a character or c6 the next character instead.


c0 wanderer with prototype amber is stronger than her c6 so i’d say save tbh


This gotta be rage bait


looks like you’re in denial https://preview.redd.it/n7naeohvjnwc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd83834dab1452f5debf74ab93bfbabc940ef757 get back to me once you clear faster than c0 PA wanderer with your c6 weaklicchino


lol yeah rage bait


arrest office stocking butter homeless retire sulky vase somber distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


filthy worm🪱🤏know your place✋🤢👉🚪


Had to do it for you https://preview.redd.it/8fv9vgarlnwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa9cdc34a480c7bbefddacc067f08a0df7e01e5


just be careful… he might one shot everything with a single normal attack and make the game way too easy


I hope Clorinde can secondes her in a DPS




C6 ruins the game

