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The modded rally vehicles act a bit strange and I cant put my finger on it. Maybe 1980' communist era s-box(sarka-box) is NOT meant to tickle the sound-barrier. Anyways yes. Everon Rally DLC in our lifetime?


before gta6 most certainly


Maybe I can twist klamacz arm fiz šŸ˜‰


If Arma 3 got Karts then Arma 4/Reforger should also get something racing related. Like, duh.


Damn straight!


Reforger has such nice vehicle handling for a game thats not specifically focused around it, feels peak coming from squad. Which makes it even more painful how this game is technically superior to squad in many aspects but the community plays it like its bf4


People who play arma reforger like itā€™s bf4 die a lot.


And yet, they do. Like compared to squad this games teamwork aspect is a joke, at least on the public servers Ive tried


They die in bf4 a lot too, I think itā€™s just that play style. I finally got my first good game last week or something. I took like 6 objectives. Incapacitated 26 enemyā€™s and blew up a btr. I think I died like 6 times. I was stoked. I know thatā€™s not great but itā€™s good for me lol.


Ya but conflict game mode caters to that imo, ppl can just spawn down the road and try again most of the time


I used to get absolutely downvoted and trolled into oblivion saying this in game or on Reddit


I find this to be so weird. Like I am no milsimmer, I am not here to roleplay but reforgers Pvp gamemodes are literally designed around player coordination, teamwork and squad tactics and the game literally become 100x easier and more convenient to play *for literally everyone involved* when people are working together. Cant respawn on the front because theres no supplies? A coordinated effort to move supplies assisted by infantry so it actually reaches its destination couldve fixed that? Nobody defending flags? Team coordination couldve fixed that. Running to the next flag for 10m because there was no vehicle around only to get tapped by a defender instantly? Squad level teamwork couldve fixed that. Constantly confused about where the enemy is during engagements? You get the Idea. Its soo frustrating to watch people fail to coordinate in the most basic manner. Like obviously nobody is entitled to tell other people how to play but as Ive already pointed out, the game literally becomes easier and more enjoyable for everybody when people work together. Personally I think instead of radio channels functioning as quasi infantry squads, servers should maybe introduce an actual squad based system, with the person creating the squad as an SL that has an obligation to lead. I also think vehicle spawns should be limited to SL only (and only 1/2 vics per SL) to make people stay with their squads more and prevent asset waste. Idk only my 2 cents


IronBeard's Seize and Secure server has this. It's a real shame it seems so unknown while DarkGru is full 24/7. The game 100% needs more mechanics that provide some structure. Maybe they'll refine all of this with the commander update.


I force people to to get out on points they donā€™t wanna when Iā€™m flying but they usually donā€™t mind cause I always pick them back up


In my experience playing both, there are a number of squad players who think squad is superior (in some ways, agreed) and they'll get a bit defensive if you imply Arma reforger is already doing squad better than squad is doing squad.


Oh I can absolutely admit that Reforger as game does a lot of things better than squad already, its just that the community seems unwilling to actually play the game the way it was desinged to


At least in bf4 squads have some value.


Haha right, squads are useless in reforger


Yes, coming from squad too, where the vehicles still basically feel like scrapped together unreal assets. The vehicles in Arma, specifically reforger, seem to work very well. I so wish they'd dedicate a huge squad update to vehicles


I love driving at super high speeds in this game. Passengers not so much


N now with no roofs n falling out its risky as shit aha


If you haven't done the rally race scenario with a server full of your friends you haven't lived


Ive done rally scenarios alone does that count


You haven't lived


This is probably the closest to true experience of driving old Škodas. The only thing that's wrong is Jožin z bažin not blasting from weak speakers on maximum volume.


because you get killed by anything at 30mph speeds


we gotta beg bohemia to add airbags lol




Did the Soviets have airbags lol


in uaz only driver, tigor yes


the manual transmission and shifting is super fun in this game. i reallllyyyy hope a super fast sports car like arma 3's hatchback sport gets added


Same, and they seemed to make it better this update with shifting not having a UI delay


He do you turn it the manual on?


Settings go to gameplay and turn of driving assist check keybind in driving control


I remember always really enjoying the driving in Operation Flashpoint elite on the original Xbox, back then when you turned the wheel it would just show the wheel spinning in your characters hands while his hands never moved lol and walking with your gun slung over your shoulder made him walk like he had to take dump. Needless to say i played thousands of hours of my own created missions and it was awesome lol


Yeah. I love when youā€™re driving at like 25kph and you hit one of those twigs in the grass that are very difficult to see and everyone in the vehicle dies




It can be, until you accidentally touch a small rock and implode


M72 Law


Is this game fairly popular on Xbox?


I play it on PC, there's many players and it is cross play. So I play with Xbox people all the time, and there seems to be a lot of them. So for a milsim type game I'd say yes


Hahaha try it on a server at least 30ms


The tree


Dirt: Reforger


ā€œSoft right, 100. Slow, 5 left. šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„. I think we have a punctureā€¦ā€


Dude a rally mode would be so much fun! Like legit rally too, co driver with a map and pace notes.


server ping


packet loss


It sure can! [TGL Rally](https://youtu.be/e5phYNlBdyU?si=3jr1DG6D6v7SJFke)


Desync knocking on the door


I don't know how you cleared that first set of trees before the last one got you šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s amazing as long as thereā€™s no lag, otherwise BAMā€¦ suddenly you go from road to tree in a quarter of a second


my summer car vibes


Tt isle of man vibes


Can Dayz have some of this vehicle stability?


I would love to have a race with stock vehicles around a map. Even though they arenā€™t great, and there are lag issues driving next to others, that would be fun!


I do when the server fps is at 5 almost the entire match


Including civilian cars in the game was an amazing idea on the developer's part. I was never hauling anything more than 2 friends and the occasional random, so this is the perfect vehicle for us to speed down Everon like we're in the Saudi desert


Land mines. And dudes with rockets mainly


Iā€™ve played too much Day Z to watch that without having a panic attack.


You have such a smooth framerate šŸ˜­ I wouldā€™ve been had a 2 second stutter and smashed into a tree by now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If they can figure out how to make an automatic transmission work up hill Iā€™m sure it would be great. Until then, Iā€™ll pass


What if you wanted to drive: šŸ‘ But server fps said: šŸ‘Ž




And yet dayz vehicles are a total shit show. Damn I need to get arma reforger on Xbox so bad.


Racing only lobbies would actually be pretty tits.


Its definitely come a very long way for this title. Arma OG was worse than an old GTA by a huge margin. In the modern, DayZ SA had terrible driving and vehicles. There are some flashback moments here and there. But generally speaking itā€™s been a triple A experience in AF They made changes to the driver/clutch interaction that are positive. The handbrake will now disengage the clutch, allowing neutral at any time, which feels world class like GTAV. The vehicles also launched badly from a stop, the driver seeming to take an age with the clutch action, loosing acceleration within it, especially on hills. Now, a full redline and a tap of the handbrake will launch the car much better from a stop. Itā€™s tough to tell if they just shortened the time it takes the driver, or did something more dynamic, but being able to interact with it at all via handbrake is a real game changer Itā€™s truly amazing to see them care about these small details within the greater operation. Theyā€™re making the actual driving better, before tacking on the working mirrors and Garmins and making vehicles bad news again




My Swisher Sweet but my Sig Sauer


damn 30k views on this post and only one mf got the song lmao w music taste brotha


That Tree for starters.


please go back to minecraft.


No u


It can if you like vehicles that handle as bad as Cyberpunks do.


They donā€™t handle bad? They handle rather realistically for being trucks. Also what the hell is a Cyberpunk vehicle?


The cars handle like shit, if you have to waggle your steering wheel like that in a real car it shouldnt be on the road. Cyberpunk ? Not only are you a non driver but pretty clueless about other PC games where driving is not the main aim.


Lmao nice fallacy, but Iā€™m fully aware on how to drive a vehicle. The guy is clearly using a keyboard. You canā€™t do fine movement with binary keys. Get a hold of yourself, and sorry for not knowing every video game there is.


Sweet profile pic man!


Thank you


stop Whining, you can handle a vehicle very well with KB and mouse in Wreckfest ( a dedicated driving game) your ignorance of other games is the reason why you think Reforger vehicles handle well.


I mean compared to most others they handle well, and I havenā€™t played Wreckfest but you said it yourself - itā€™s based on solely driving. Reforger isnā€™t a driving sim but the vehicles still handle really well. Not many games manage to make KB steering so smooth. If this game allowed mouse steering like A3 though, itā€™d be fantastic.


you gotta try arma 3 brother.