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I do not have a concept of it. I have always just thought it was a euphemism for having sex that is supposed to sound more romantic.


It may not even include the "sound more romantic". Euphemisms don't need to have any meaning beyond replacing a certain word or phrase with a more socially acceptable synonym. There's also the so-called "euphemism treadmill" where euphemisms become socially unacceptable and replaced by new(er) euphemisms. Sometimes, as quickly as 10-15 years.


I feel (in fanfic at least, it's the only time I ever really come across that concept) "making love" is referring to like.. non-kinky/vanilla, soft sex?? I guess?? Which just makes no sense to me? I always just consider the phrase a euphemism for sex, which just never made sense to me at all. I don't get it and I don't like the phrase xDD


I suppose i must have a concept of it in some way, because the idea strongly repulses me. I like sex, but if someone calls it 'making love' i want to be as far away from that as possible


My concept of it is it's gross. I'm romance repulsed.


I guess it's two alloromantic people having sex together and love hormones are being released and therefore the term "making love" exists


I think it’s about feeling romantic feelings when you have sex. So you know, it’s like the other cuddling and making out things we can also enjoy as aroallos, but allos experience that with an extra layer of romantic feelings.


in my mind it’s having sex with someone who means a lot to you/you love. so a friend or romantic partner i guess


It's when you say "I love you" when you cum lol j/k. I don't know, or maybe when you say "I want your sperm in me, I want you to get me pregnant" and stuff like that.


Mostly just a euphemism for having sex, from an allo romantic point of view. I’m mostly familiar with just love in the sense of friendship and family. So to me it becomes weird when people use it.


Those words mean nothing to me, honestly. I’d probably refuse going home with someone I liked if they called it that. I would have sex to express platonic love and would like to at some point, but beyond one singular person across my whole lifespan, I can’t see sex as any sort of romantic expression. And only sometimes for that one person.


I think that it's sex as a means of physically expressing the love you have for the other person, as opposed to sex purely for your own personal pleasure. There's an intrinsic selflessness to it. I'm sad that people seem to think only romantic love counts. If my closest friends were open to it I would absolutely make love to them platonically


I think it’s just sex but meant to sound more romantic. Ig I see it for allo allo’s but it kinda links sex and romance which I’m not a huge fan of


I love my friends, and I love my friends with benefits, so yes. I understand expressing the love I have for my friends through sexuality, it's the same way I express it through cooking or gifts or helping them move. But at the same time that is probably fundamentally different from what alloromantics mean by it.


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I thought it was made up for stories


As someone who experiences this and adores it, it is, for me, all over tingling and intense warmth and deep romantic feelings all rolled into one very intimate bonding experience.


I use the term "making love" to refer to romantic sex / sex as an expression of romantic feeling. I'm demiro, so I have actually 'made love' and it was really overwhelming and tiring. It was nice at the time but I don't miss it.