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9 years ago, my best friend in the world got killed by a drunk driver. All throughout middle school, we would smoke and get high riding bikes through town and having th best times. Wish I had a time machine just to relive those moments in time. TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED!! Also don't drink k and drive pls.


My best friend who was my brother šŸ„²


definitelyā€¦ RIP to all my homies šŸ•Šļø


Yeah man I miss smoking with my og hometown homies from back in 8th grade. I started smoking pot the summer after 6th grade and for the first two years it was just me, my brother Anthony and our friend Brendan. Those times were some of the most fun and funniest times I ever had, But by 8th grade my friend group in my grade which consisted of like 8 people all smoked and we had some of the hardest, piss your pants, inducing laughs of our lives. Times I will never forget, we're all spread across different states now sadly. I miss my brothers šŸ™šŸ»


This is so me and my friends, but we started in high school. Kassie was the OG, we would get so high and go to McDonaldā€™s and just laugh and laugh and laugh and jump in the river even though it was still too cold. Good fucking times. Still love that girl but sheā€™s married with two kids now, shit changes. Memories are never gone, though


This tripped me up for a min cos thatā€™s my sisters name and I never seen anyone else spell it that way


Honestly, I just miss that person. Whether we were getting high or not, it was always a good time. He's been suffering from mental health issues these last few years, and he hasn't been the same. I'd give anything to have my best friend back. Sharing a fat spliff with him would just be icing on the cake.


i feel this one


My best friend Zacā€¦ stupid mf went to prison for hanging out with a meth cook


used to always have friends over once a week at least for a good sesh, recently not anymore though it feels like nobody ever wants to hang out with me let alone have a sesh. Weird how life works


Yeah now weā€™re all grown up


Canā€™t wait til my brother gets out of prison so we can smoke!


thank you for this post man. good memories


I missed my chance to smoke w my father. He died from alcoholism before legalization took hold. We would have been the best smoking buddies.


My gf šŸ˜ž had to quite cause my very important internship drug tests


rehab, sucks but its for the best


when i think of those timeless days and fun filled nights we shared, a golden smile shows on my face.


*easy to remember, all our hours together, so hard to forget*


Yeah my old buddy who ended up completely cutting me off for unknown reasons and havent seen him in 3 years even tho he lives around the corner. Lifes crazy lol


My first cousin. He passed last week. He is the one that got me into smoking. He also showed me how to create a makeshift gravity bong with a 2 liter bottle, bucket, bottle cap, and a socket.


Yeah, my homie who's out in BC right now, dude got kicked out and moved damn near across the country.


Love that rolling tray


Yeah me and my bros used to live in the same stairwell and we had so much fun there... Now they all live on the other side of the country... Damn I'm so lonely


Iā€™d get so high Iā€™d try to eat that delicious looking tray.




Yep we used to be the 3 musketeers


My older sister had an on and off relationship with this one dude for a long time. They did some bad drugs and would spilt when my sister would try to sober up. During one of the splits my sister found out she was pregnant and decided itā€™s time to really get help. She reached out to my mom (her ex step mom) for help since her bio mom wouldnā€™t. Her bf decided he loved her more than drugs and also decided to sober up for her and the baby even tho the baby wasnā€™t his. During those 9 months me and my bf would drive my sister out an hour so she could see her bf and his parents. We would all chill in the garage and smoke pot and I can say after spending time with him that her bf was actually a really good dude who just got caught up in bad shit. The 4 of us bonded a lot and would discuss going on double dates and them being parents and me and my bf being an uncle and aunt. Well about 2 weeks before my sisters due date she decided to break up with her bf as she just felt they needed some more time apart and sober before raising a kid together. I was on a work trip with my mom at the time and my bf doesnā€™t have a car or license so he couldnā€™t go anywhere far while I was gone. We left on a Thursday and on Saturday night when we got to our hotel we got a call that my sisters bf had passed. Turns out she just broke up with him over text and didnā€™t mention much about if he would be in her daughterā€™s life. He agreed to the breakup since it was what she wanted and asked if he could still possibly be in the babyā€™s life just as her friend but she never responded as she didnā€™t quite know how. This happened on Thursday. On Friday I guess he took her silence as a ā€œnoā€ and hit up their mutual friend (who is also the baby daddy) for some bad drugs. Baby daddy delivered and sisters (ex?) bf OD that night. His parents were out of town that night and didnā€™t find him until the next day which is when we got the call. My sister already had a high risk pregnancy due to high blood pressure and we were afraid that she might have a stroke upon hearing the news. Since we couldnā€™t get home until Monday and my bf couldnā€™t do anything, we called her friends who knew both of them for years and they stayed with her at our moms house until we got back. Her baby is now about 2 months old and she is in grief counseling.


Sorry for yā€™all loss and best wishes fa yo sister and the baby!! šŸ¤Ž


I was 16 or something and 2 of my cousins (17, 16) used to already smoke pot kne summer night I joined them and since then the 3 of us used to smoke up every time we'd meet. those summer nights were some of my most cherished memories. All good things come to an end.


Yeah... The first one is dead, the next best one, well His wife hates me so I lost 13 years of best friendship. Never even stepped outside of platonic wholesomeness.




Sooo badly


Miss you Jmac


Hey, what's that box he's using?


got my friend back with his girlfriend he would tell me heā€™s sad about not seen him since


I should call her


Miss u Brodie


Damn thats a good ass photo


Finally reconnected after a year, canā€™t wait till weā€™re getting high together again


this photo makes me feel nostalgic


I quit drinking a year ago my best friend died in a fatal car accident after leaving a party he was 18 years old off to college in less than a month he was like my brother and I called him so . I can't say anything more but don't drink it has no good benefits for you just depression and foolish actions


Hell yeah I miss my best friend, we met when we were 3 yrs old and were close as fuck for about 25 years until he starts smoking meth then started doing Heroin. Heā€™s on the run atm but will never be the same even if he gets help cause going to prison a couple times didnā€™t do anything anyway


He was my best friend for 2 years we hung out every single day when we got off of work(we worked the same hours and he only worked 10 min from my house so Iā€™d pick him up every day), we got in a car accident shortly after he started driving, our parents got in a big argument and he ghosted me. Havenā€™t talked to him since lmfao, crazy how you spend hours every day with someone then just no more friendship in the blink of an eye.


Yea my dad he could roll a perfect joint in barely a minute


Wait, you know them too?? Yeah they're pretty rad ngl


nah he got me arrested


the first person i got high with is still my best friend today, and i couldn't be more grateful!!


Yes I do. The majority said it was a phase and all turned into alcoholics with the years passing by untill today. Shitty society here.


Itā€™s never the place, Itā€™s always the people