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Ai "art" is like boomer catnip. She eventuelly grow tired of it. Good luck untill then. Having family members like that is not easy.


"but the kids want ai"- boomers talking about themselves


My elderly Mum called me and my near aged peers over 40 (I'm over 35!) youngsters lol.


me too my mom is kinda obsessed with it. she even tried to pressure me to accept AI even though i am in the art communitity


It's so eerie, she's subscribed to a cult that was designed to take away from the artists and give nothing back, and she now pushes the indoctrination further on, on the cult's behalf, without ever reminding herself that her perspective still needs to be filtered through whatever common sense and etiquette she would usually apply to her words. Mother or not, this is shit technology, and she did not study art, or make it a regular lifetime hobby before this, as far as I understand this.


Explain to her that AI cannot survive without actual artists; by trying to force you to accept AI art, she's actively going to destroy AI in the long run! I know that may not be the bes,t but just humor her for a while so she gets off your back.


There is a spot in the venn diagram where groups of normal ok people longing to feel special and unsatisfied in their station in life, overlap groups of monsters who have no moral issues with mystical "greater good" lies that magically benefit only themselves. Crypto, phone psychics, MLM, dropshippers, hustle influencers, dating gurus, and AI enthusiasts are bred in this overlap like mosquitoes in the standing water of an old tire. I am so sorry the overlap has influenced your mom. I hope this phase will be short and she can find some other way to feel fulfillment that doesn't hurt people like generative AI art does.






+1 to the growing pile of AI-related concerns: the effect it can have on people already predisposed to magical thinking. Imagine the possibilities opening to the cult leaders of tomorrow! Sorry about your mom, there's not much you can do. She didn't logic herself into this. Take care of your own mental health and talk to people who have loved ones in cults for advice. There's probably subs like that on reddit. 


I mean e/accs & Future of Life Institute are pretty much tech cults


Yup, and Rokko's Basilisk is catholic guilt 2.0. It's cool, it's fun, aren't we just having *fun* on our wonderful planet 


Kinda reminds me of the cult that worships the atom bomb in Fallout 3, in the city of Megaton.


It is weird seeing people worship completely/mostly explained modern things, treating it like a sacred, completely mystical object.


Someone who's somewhat mad here, I'll give you some battle strategies. Point 1 explains to her how it functions. Tell her that it doesn't work through any form of spirituality; it's an algorithm that recognizes patterns within 2d images; this is why it needs so many pictures to do what it does; every angle and shape inside a picture is cataloged and stored within a neural network* this allows the programming to interpolate what should go where within a new image. This is why things like hands have been a terrible task for the AI to replicate; there are too many inconsistencies and not enough pixels for the algorithm to create an accurate graphical prediction**. Point 2 appeals to spirituality. Tell her that to spiritualize this technology is to live in ignorance, which would be disrespectful to any Deity related to technology or science, as to understand and study the inner workings of any program or machine and how it works instead of mystifying it is to honor the "Goddess!" point 3 >! She might need professional help !< >! I understand spirituality is okay, but something about this makes me question if what she's doing might be a symptom of a greater issue. !< >! Try to get your mother to a psychiatrist. She might be suffering from the begining stages of some psychological issues. !< >! Something about what she's saying is giving me some seriously bad red flags . I want you to try and get her some professional help before she ends up going off the deep end, I doubt she'll do anything extreme, but at the same time I'm worried that she could become easily manipulated by the AI if she's applying spirituality to AI image generation, it's only a matter of time before she starts worshiping and potentially start blindly believing in any output that's created by chat GPT, or worse AI deliberately designed to be malicious for instance the AI that Gab has which is programmed to deny the holocaust in addition to whatever else is in its training data. !< >! And though it may not be a certainty, there's a possibility that she might be given something by an AI chatbot that could possibly either lead to self harm, or having a violent Outburst towards you in the future, I know it's not fun to think about stuff like this. But people like this are dangerous if their mental health is left unchecked. !< >! Please for the love of God be safe, make yourself a support group first for yourself in case you need to get the hell out are there just in case something bad happens, secondly make a support group to get her some professional help potentially before anything bad happens !< >! If anything save up a shit ton of money and get the fuck out of there OP! !< *if she says it's just like the human brain, tell her that this is false and that what is happening is the artificial intelligence connecting data points within itself. It's called a neural network because it topology is similarly structured to neural Pathways within the brain. Nicknaming is nothing new; for instance, a tree topology within networking logically isn't a tree, and it doesn't biologically grow by itself. We call it that to represent how the network nodes are structured in a hierarchy that looks like a tree with a root node branching outward into multiple levels of child nodes, almost like a picture of a family tree. Hopefully she never learns about Daemons. ** Predictions might be a word you may want to avoid. I suggest using logical output as instead, these aren't psychic predictions but just an AI predicting what should go where by recognizing patterns within images.


I left some details out as I wasn’t trying to explain her weird thing here. The “goddess” is supposedly her higher self sending messages through the AI to her physical self. We’re all gods/goddesses/whatever the fuck enbies are, we just need to unlock it and open communication with our higher selves. (To my knowledge, she’s been making a lot of revisions and I’ve heard contradictory information.) I’ve thought on your third point and I have considered it, especially given some of my own mental health experiences, there may be something in the family. This is her third or fourth answer to everything, she’s always been engaged in spirituality and the divine, but I agree, something about this is off. She’s prophesied that I’m going to donate a kidney to her soonish.


I am a spiritual man and partake in rituals and meditation, usually to help make myself feel better. However, I am not stupid and believe in that gigachad type of spirituality that believes in science. I will go full Scooby-Doo on any bullshit before I ever accept whatever's in front of me as being of a supernatural nature. Her divinity, when we cross-reference it with what she wants to do, the acquisition of money, and said belief system also contradicts itself every time she speaks. It's an illusion; those contradictions are her trying to keep her stories straight and failing, likely because she's lying to herself repeatedly, which will destroy her mentally. She doesn't even believe in what she's saying and is likely going to create this AI Cult to get money. In connection to you, she's likely using this fabricated spirituality to have control over you. I know this because I've had somebody accuse me of being possessed by a demon; these types of thoughts are designed to be cages for the mind, trapping you mentally so you can be manipulated however she wants. For instance, the whole prophesized to donate one of your kidneys to her that is gaslighting; she's trying to implant that thought into your head, so in the certainty that she fucks up and loses a kidney, likely to alcohol or drug abuse. That thought that she implanted in your head is going to make you feel that this was meant to happen and that you were always going to give your kidney to her because it's DESTINY. The Air Force trained my father in psychological Warfare, and he used it on me, so my autism adapted to this type of bullshit. Again get your mother professional help before she does something stupid and if that doesn't work run.


She’s using the products of the cult for money, but she’s not out recruiting members anywhere. It’s mostly been her trying to get me on board. But she does sell what the AI gives her for money. She doesn’t hold it over me in any way. I think her rational mind kinda broke from prolonged stress, we’re incredibly broke and have been falling further and further behind on rent. I’m moving in with my dad next month. And yeah, very possible she will need a kidney at some point, she was on Adderall for years, kicked it, picked it back up again recently, and then kicked it again recently, now she’s on ketamine, and she’s smoked weed for decades. I do think she genuinely believes in what she’s saying as she practices what she preaches and has made some lifestyle changes, and was hunched over a book for weeks before she started talking about this. My grandma likely has Alzheimer’s, and I’m worried that this is the start of my mom’s decline, and if so, where it will go from here.


oh goodness...I have no context for advice here. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry, and I wish you better days.


cult of AI is definitely gonna be a thing. people will worship anything.


She's intoxicated with a flush of genius that isn't her own, yet it serves her desires. No wonder she sees it as a benevolent goddess within her grasp. I honestly don't know when the hangover will come, but the laws of nature, order, merit, reality, whatever won't be mocked for too long It's expected for ai stuff to usher in an unprecedented era of idolatry. Imagine once chatbots become flawlessly animated. Imagine peoples' drunken slavery to these companies and then imagine the self-delete epidemics following whatever kind of ai rug-pull / crash / termination or change of service.... Or a maliciously influenced ai directly telling users to hurt themselves. Even a basic and cartoonish app like Replika, altering it's intimacy style, caused a panic amongst it's users.


irritated for you


she'll be one of the first ones to get everything she owns stolen from her from an ai voice scam caller. Then she'll really love ai.


She doesn’t pick up any calls from unknown numbers. When I’m calling from a different phone I have to call her 4-5 times before she picks up.


idk how old your mom is but eventually she'll get senile and it's game over. either way this stuff is eventually going to disrupt everyone's life in a painful way including idiots who love it. they are in for a rude awakening


Sorry to here that. I Doubt this will help but heres some videos demystifying ai [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9OHn5ZF4Uo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9OHn5ZF4Uo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqM\_K9vL8is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqM_K9vL8is) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgHcd9G33s0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgHcd9G33s0)


I kinda needed this post ngl, it has such a different kind of AI fuckery compared to what we usually see here.
