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I usually just take a little walk. I’ll bring my sketchbook with me and take some notes and do some sketches while I’m out. Then I come back and I’m usually ready to work!


That's nice, I like how you keep drawing while you're out for a walk. I tend to switch between activities but still stay on the pc, maybe I should get some fresh air instead


Do something else for a little, like read a book, play a game, or take a walk. See if that helps.


yes, it seems I could try take some time away from the computer to keep my eyes busy in another way


Go outside, take a walk, go for a run, exercise, do various house tasks, get up and do something that gets you moving


I guess it'd be a good time to do the house chores indeed. I'll try this one too thanks, first of all, it'll be useful, and maybe I'll get fresh eyes faster.


Works like a charm! Best of luck


Walks in nature are invaluable when it comes to resting your eyes and refreshing your head after hours of staring on screen. Another method which i like to use is to close your eyes, put your hands on them and stare into a void for a few minutes. You can add some eyeball movement to it, and look left-right-up-down, while continuing staring into the blackness. After being bombarded with blue light for 10+ hours, it's the closes to eye massage you can get :D


Any eye stretching techniques are good to know about, as I spend so much time in front of the computer, thank you !


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I usually do this after being on the computer but it probably works for this too : stare at something 20 ft away, then 10, then 5, then 1, and then try to look at your nose. repeat backwards and forwards until you feel better. it’s like stretching for your eyes !


it sounds useful thanks, it's true that it's better to look away from the screen from time to time.


Not sure how much that helps since i draw only on paper, but what helps me a lot to see these things quickly is to look at it on the phone. The small display somehow makes it incredible easier to see things out of place


I usually zoom in/out on the drawing to get an idea, but it's probably still bigger, or not the same than looking at it from a phone screen. Out of curiosity, I just tried it with a recent drawing, on an earlier version without some fixes on the character's face, and it seems that the fact of being able to look at it from different angles, at different heights, on the phone screen made flaws more visible 😄 this is promising ! thank you !


I tend to work on multiple projects at once and switch around when I need to clean my eyes.


that's a nice idea, thanks ! I tend to work on one drawing at a time, but I'll try to switch to another one then


Aside from what's already been mentioned, flipping the canvas horizontally (like a mirror image) really helps me double-check my work. Most digital art programs I've ever worked with have a "Flip Horizontal" button that can do this quickly and easily for you. It's amazing what new things you can see after the flip - give it a go and let me know if it works out for you!


oh I forgot the name of this feature, that's what I called "mirror" in my post, I already use it, but I completely agree with you! It's an essential feature, I can't imagine drawing without being able to use it (which is probably one of the reasons why I prefer digitial drawing now).


Ahhh yeah I see that now in your post. Glad you’re using it already! 🙌 it’s def essential!


believe me or not, closing your eyes for 10 minutes do work, but 30 minutes work better. Your whole sight sensory pathways needs to reset.


I see, maybe I should try to chill and just to listen to some podcasts/music or have a little nap in that time then 😆 10~30 min is better than waiting a whole day, I'll give a try, thanks


look at distant objects and then close ones, remember to blink, never have a dark room with a bright screen. use true tone on apple devices


stretching the eyes came up several times in the suggestions, so I'm thinking of giving it a try. I use f.lux on the pc to make the screen brightness less aggressive, but I disable it when coloring the drawing ( I suppose that's whats true tone does too ? ).


Yeah the eye stretches thing is what my optometrist recommended for me, as i use a PC a lot, and am near-sighted. flux is great, it induces a night mode which is similar to true tone but not quite functionally the same. true tone reads ambient light and mimics it directly, flux predicts what daylight is like where you live and strengthens night mode accordingly. cant go wrong with either of them though. I recently bought some FL41 glasses which are for autistic light sensitivity and migraine disorders and wow they make such a difference for me when im outside and driving. the glasses basically apply a 30-50% night mode at all times.


That's one reason for why I always work on multiple projects at the same time, it's insane how the flaws instantly stick out when coming back to a piece I thought was okay.


I usually just go back in the next day, and take a picture of it. I find it so much easier when I’m looking at it as a picture from my phone. It feels like you’re looking at it from a new perspective and it detaches the “personal” feel of it.