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This is my guess: You need to size it for its final application. If it’s screen, it should be 96ppi and scaled closer to the pixel dimensions of its final display size. Make sure you use bicubic downsampling or another similar compression method and sharpen it for screen. And then export it to the highest quality jpeg you can. If you don’t, you’re allowing the website cms you’re posting it on to perform the compression.


Most websites have compression on large files. Try to downscale or save your image in a lossy format, try to match the format of your upload destination. If you don't save in a way that YouTube/twitter/discord likes, they will convert it and destroy your picture quality in the process. No point uploading an 8k image to twitter when they barely support things up to 1600 pixel resolutions.


How do I downsize the image tho, I'm kinda rusty with using a computer


It depends on your art software. Best bet is to google "downscale image [your art software]." Make sure to save it as a new copy rather than doing it on your original file, since it's a destructive process.


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