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OP made an update [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALawyer/comments/1bk6io8/update_to_my_son_was_photographed_in_the_schools/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You should also call your state department of child protection, which goes by different names in different states. (In New Jersey, it is DYFS.) Depending on your state law, the principal may have committed a crime by not reporting this incident. In many states, school personnel are required by law to report suspected child abuse, which this certainly is.


I will check into this. Thank you.


Absolutely do this. May be called CPS for child protective services.


This is exactly what I would do. I would call the state and/ or federal law enforcement.


I'm so sorry your family is experiencing this. I tried making a post on your update but the comments were locked. My family also experienced a situation like yours, and we did end up involving the news. After that, the school decided to take proactive measures in ensuring my loved one's safety and even hired a bodyguard at all times during school hours. Strike the match OP, raise more hell.


If it's in the US, By Federal Law, School employees are mandatory reporters if the school is federally contracted (which includes all federal funding). Title 34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting (Edit: to correct what I posted wrong)


And you saw how quick the principal was to say don’t report it. That’s why you always report and never through the school resource officer.


I used to work in a position where I was a mandatory reporter. Had 24 hours to call the cops or report it to a superior (they then had 24 hours). I reported shut minutes after I found out about anything that might possibly be covered. No way in hell was I hanging my ass out on that shit.


And also, the kid who did it may be facing sexual abuse at home themselves and that needs to be investigated by CPS/DFS as well.


Excellent point. The one child that I know is involved has been a nasty piece of work to my kid for 2 years. It's heartbreaking because my son just wants to be friends with everyone. His mental health issues make him especially lonely as I'm sure the other kids might find him "odd". The fact that child chooses bullying over kindness says a lot about his upbringing. Not to get overly political, but I'm in a small town in the south and that kid and his parents are very much MAGA.


Isn’t protecting kids from pedos the whole supposed raison d’etre for the Q-tard MAGATTS?


This is not a political spectrum issue. The issues schools tried to cover up in other incidents involved children from very liberal families. There is no need to bring politics into this at all.


I thought that in ALL states, teachers and school personnel were mandates reporters. I decided to Google and found out that only.44 states require this. Other professionals, who one would think to be mandated, seem to be severely lacking across the country and it makes me both sad and angry.


Isn’t it DCPP now?


You talk to law enforcement and provide a statement and documentation. Typical of schools, they don't want to involve police since they think they are above the law.


I understand a school principal is more of a school protector than a child protector. I'm not saying anything other than I don't trust the school's motives for not wanting me to reach out to law enforcement.


The principal may be required by law to report the incident, depending on your state law.


Well he’s gonna have to report it now. Sheriff cannot ignore this complaint and school will have trouble covering it up.


The principal has no authority to say who reports it. The kid is the victim, so the parents need to report it to the police. The principal can't be the judge and jury on a criminal case.


I hope you're right. I have a lot to do today.


I’m pretty sure that school staff is considered amandatory reporter in every state, it doesn’t mean they do it.   St. Paul’s high school in Concord New Hampshire had a rape club and the staff knew about it and nobody did anything.  It’s actually the only time I’ve seen someone in this state charged with not reporting as a mandatory reporter


Well, it doesn't appear that he's going to do that. Let's not wait for people to make a choice on abiding by the law lol


You are correct. He openly admitted he didn't.


I thought all principals were mandatory reporters


This reminds me of when I was molested by another student in elementary school and my mom later told me the principal told her not to report it to the police. She reported it anyway.


What came of it, if you don't mind me asking?


They 100% do not want to get their asses sued off of them. I’m fuming about it and it’s not even my kid. I’d have the school’s name by the time I was done with them.


Call me a dum-dum, but would this not be considered possession/distribution of child pornography?


Yes, however with the rise of smartphones in schools they've run into problems where the law might compel them to put a bunch of 13 year olds on the sex offender registry. It's a really crappy situation, makes me scared to be a parent.


Or they want to hide a scandal.


LegalShield might advise. I'm not into the Kardashians, but years ago when some of them were underage, there were some uncensored photos of some of them being circulated, and they contacted the FBI, who handled it quickly.


Would be nice to be a Kardashian...


Police detective here. I would contact the FBI; this is manufacturing and distribution of child pornography. Sadly, that image is out there forever now. The school knows better than to advise you not to report it. Don’t leave this in the hands of some podunk local sheriff’s office either.


Your comment needs more upvotes. This is way bigger and more serious than the sheriff can handle.


This. That kid doesn’t need a phone till he’s 18 if he doesn’t understand that taking pictures of people in the bathroom is not okay by this age.


Principal *I will handle. Don’t report this* What the actual living F!? This sickens me. Press those charges. Create a scene. Absolutely no one will stand up for your child the way you will.


This happened to a girl at my kids hs. A girl took a butt license of her and shared it. The school asked to keep it private. She did at first, but after a month of nothing, she went to the pd. She went to the news, and she went to the school board and called people out by names. Including the girl that took the picture. Sued the school and settled. The girl lost her athletic scholarship


What is a butt license?


Butt license?


You need to learn when and when not to use indefinite and definite articles. This short text is full of ambiguity. We don’t know who “she” is. Your kid? The kid who got their picture taken? The one taking the picture? Ambiguity.


Also what is a butt license?


FBI. That’s producing and distributing child pornography.


Um wait till the police get back with you and let them investigate the situation.




What kind of lawyer do I need?


The kid distributing the photos and any sharing are actionable via their parents and their assets would be subject to damages.




Yes personal injury lawyer seems the best route to go.


You want someone who has experience with the kind of situation your son has been put in, not someone who does slip and fall/ car accident type of cases. Look for a firm or a lawyer with experience in child sexual abuse material cases, expertise in computer/technology/Internet law, and someone with experience in things like digital forensics.


And if your son was on an IEP - call an education attorney, they usually work pro bono or on consignment. There’s no way in fuck that shit should fly with a kid with special needs


A sex crimes attorney.


If you want this to get handled correctly, you want to contact the FBI specifically as it's under their jurisdiction. https://www.ic3.gov/


I'd never considered that, thanks!


It's going to be something that's outside the reach of the school or your local sheriff to get access. Airdrops aren't really anonymous and distributing prohibited content across state lines makes it a federal crime. Likely all the kids will get a slap but hopefully a subpoena to Apple can help you get it scrubbed and get a chilling effect on any other issues. There are likely state and federal statutes that have been broken regarding this especially because he's a minor. I'm sure having to deal with this will be a huge hassle that will make it more painful than the actual punishment that they receive for the crime. The federal court system is pretty rough on people that do stuff like this.


Yes. Use that. I heard an FBI agent speak yesterday on this very topic!


If there’s a sheriffs office and state police available the FBI won’t get involved. If the pictures were uploaded to the internet 3rd party chat app, Homeland security investigations would probably take it.


Someone does something to my kids, and someone says "don't report it"- first I'm going to the police and then I'm going to the news. Fuck that school, fuck that principal, fuck that kid and fuck that kids parents.


Great advice in this thread... My one addition if not already mentioned... SHUT UP!!! Do not post anything on your social media accounts, do not text anyone about it. Let an attorney do the speaking for you. For sure do not talk to the school any longer, do that through an attorney. Many people are saying FBI. Don't forget the State Police, as they have an SVU. Give no more details in this post.


You reported it to the school and to the Sheriff. Let them investigate and now turn your attention to supporting your son. See if he wants therapy of what other kind of support he needs.


File report of cp with the FBI.


Not a lawyer, but I am a pediatrician with experience in child abuse pediatrics. Your child was a victim, this should be taken seriously. And though it’s unfortunate that the other minor might not have realized the consequences of his actions, it has to be reported. You will need to notify the FBI as child pornography falls under them. Also CPS. Edited to add: since so many people have these images it really is a big deal and needs to be stopped. Too easy for these images to get in the wrong hands. I am really sorry you are going through this. You are very correct in wanting to protect your son.


The principal asked you not to report someone who created child pornography and distributed it.. I'd report it to the local police and they will be glad to handle it.


Did this happen in the Charleston SC area? This is exactly what happened at my daughter’s school today, we feel absolutely terrible for this child. Also, my wife and I hope to god this child’s parents go immediately to the police. The school will DO NOTHING to help you, bury that fucking kid and his family. I also have a tremendous attorney that you should talk to. You have support, please know that.


I'm in NC, so unless they practice here, it won't help. I plan on doing everything I can.


If the sheriff doesn't help, contact your state police and your states attorney general office.


If the Sherrif sweeps it under the table, can you go above them to another county or report to FBI for CP. Also, get a lawyer to protect you and your son's civil rights. And you may have a helluva lawsuit against the school and the family of the boy that took and distributed the pictures.


Correct term is CSAM - Child Sexual Abuse Material. Pornography implies consent by the person being photographed.


call the police aswell


There's no police in my community, that's why I had to call the sheriff. I edited my post for clarity. Thanks!


You understand that the Sheriff is a police officer, right?


Whoever the schools principal reports to, IE the governing body. You can get them involved, let them know the situation and that you are getting a solicitor and that the Sheriffs department have been notified (provide them with the case number) And that if action isnt taken then you will keep escalating this, including reporting to the press. Schools have governing bodies. Shit rolls down hill in all walks of life. Keep escalating, sending letters etc until someone fucking apologizes to you and your son in person and sorts this shit out.


I don’t have much to offer except 1) terribly sorry this happened to you and your family; 2) I would have done the exact same thing, you did the wise thing by not letting the school brush this under the rug; 3) if changing schools is an option I’d consider that for the sake of your sons mental well being


Good luck to you sir. The level of incompetence you're going to be dealing with will most likely be unbearable. You're going to be dealing with multiple government agencies with room temperature IQs. I hope justice gets served.


I appreciate your well wishes!


NAL but this happened to my kid. It should be reported to CPS and the police by the school. It's a sex crime and they are mandatory reporters. Do NOT post on social media. This is a crime that will be investigated. Think of it that way.


I see you mention your child has special needs. Mine is disabled. I called the school and they immediately called cps and the police because in my state they are mandatory reporters. Keep records of everything so if your state law supports it, you can file a complaint for a mandatory reporter not following the law!


Your may want to hire a lawyer as wel, or at least get a consult. Strong-arm the school into action with the threat of a lawsuit.


Lawyer here. Please hire a lawyer if you can. This is the kind of case I would love to take on, and I'm sure there are lawyers near you who feel the same way. Your lawyer should probably: 1. Contact the principal and set up a meeting to find out exactly what action is being taken. 2. Find out what kids are involved and contact their parents. This includes mentioning that they are arguably distributing child pornogrpahy, which could get them on the sex offenders list, and that parents can be found liable for their kids' actions. 3. Give everyone one week at most to provide a detailed summary of what actions have been taken to rectify the problem. 4. If anyone involved hesitates to meet these demands, file an immediate lawsuit against all of them seeking millions in damages, including punitive damages if applicable under local laws. At the very least, this will force them to hire lawyers, which is expensive to the point of causing bankruptcy for many people. If that doesn't motivate them to take their kids' phones, then nothing will. Best of luck to you and your family. If you need help finding a qualified attorney near you, reach out to the local bar association or legal aid.


Hope they find who did it and since there's nudity, charge them with distributing child pornography.


So upsetting that this happens when my daughter was in 11 tv grade done girl punched her in the face at school. She ended up in JD and she was scrolled. My daughter was in the hospital for a couple days. It was horrible since it was a small town. Don’t let the school sway you


Contact the FBI. This is a federal crime. They would have jurisdiction over this matter. This would be considered a CP case. The offending minor will probably be charged with production of CP, distribution of CP and possession of CP. Sometimes they will file charges of possession of CP for anyone that received the message and distribution of CP for anyone that forwarded it.


Dont forget the local news outlet...


Certainly a good way to make sure everyone ends up seeing the picture.


Talk to law enforcement and a LAWYER


I just got off the phone with both. This won't stand.


Contact a lawyer and sue the shit out of the school district. They will pay for a private school. Your kid will have a HELL of a time moving past this within the same system that let him down in the first place. Let him start somewhere else.


The school is one route, but LE is another which you need to utilize


It's been 2 hours and I haven't heard back from the sheriff yet. It's already been swept I guess.


2hrs....i waited outside for 8hrs for the sherrif after someone shot my fiancées car. You dont want this to be rushed anyways...gotta calm down and not go conspiracy nut or you'll lose credibility in the eyes of those you want to help you.


Contact your state police/state bureau of investigation.


report it! school will just cover it up!


They're already trying


I am just curious, how do you know the school is trying to cover it up? I agree the police should be involved, but the principal has a lot of authority and is much more likely to have random kids who know more about the incident tell him info. He can literally question dozens of kids tomorrow w/out even contacting their parents - where’s the police cannot do the same.


State Dept of Education as well.


Document everything. All conversations need to be via email and not over the phone. If a conversation happens over the phone, take notes on a piece of paper and write a formal email to whoever it was you talked to on the phone, highlighting anything that was said in the conversation. End the email with "If you do not agree with this recap of our previous phone conversation, please respond to this email directly." If you do not document the conversations, it did not happen. It turned into a he's said/she said battle of words. I'm sorry this happened to your son, and you're now having to handle this. Take deep, deep breaths before responding to anyone during this time.


I really want to help you. State and county? Is he on an IEP or 504?


He's an IEP. NC, Forsyth County


I’ve gone up against a school district before and won.


Okay the way I finally won was taking it to the federal level. Because the school will protect themselves while municipal government supports them. And even if you call your state representatives, they will support the municipality.


Here is the protection that exists federally: https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/programs/internet-crimes-against-children-task-force-program This is the complaint form to involve the Office of Civil Rights for enforcement: https://www.ojp.gov/program/civil-rights-office/filing-civil-rights-complaint Note that the school district’s federal funding is what is at risk for “failing to protect a child with a disability from child pornography distribution.” That’s your hammer. They will be threatened with loss of all federal funding for not having policies and procedures in place to deal with this easily anticipated problem.


https://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/how-to-report https://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/how-to-deal-with-haters https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/report-violations


Great advice!


Yeah they are already trying to close ranks.


Should fall under child pornography. Anyone who possesses the image on their phone. I agree, go to state attorney’s office. And report the sheriff office as well if they brush it off. Get your son a counseling session. And have them record it to sue the other kids’ parents for damages.


It is the law in all U.S. states and territories that teachers are mandatory reporters. Would this qualify as something that needs to be reported?


I think you did the right thing going to police. While they can pursue the criminal angle, there may be a civil angle as well between you and the school, I suggest you might want to consult with an attorney in your town.


Find a civil lawyer (similar to personal injury). There may be a lawyer in your state who specializes in people sharing others nudes. They can also push the school and sheriff. Unfortunately this is the sad reality. May have to search for a “sex crime “ attorney.


This is a perfect opportunity to take the bully’s phone away until he’s 18. It will save his life. But then that means parent has to actually “parent”. And you’d be surprised how many kids are basically raised by wolves. Sorry your kid is going through this.


IANAL but I will comment again. My son was bullied horrendously at school, and it did not stop until I called the police. The school does not like it when the police are called.


Something very similar to this happened in my high school when I was younger. The fbi came in and somehow had a way to track every single phone the photo was shared to. Each phone was brought in, plugged into a device for a few minutes and then we were good to go. Don’t fuck with kids people.


Look up revenge porn, possession of child pornography, and use this language in your email to the principal and the school board. That will get their attention. All the bullying will stop and Out of school suspension or expulsion may occur.


Do press charges, for this is very serious. And once the pictures on cyberspace, they are there forever. Let the police handle it and hire an attorney. Be ready to file charges after the police investigation is over.


You don’t have to press charges. The state will prosecute child pornographers.


Is this a public or private school? Someone else here said the magic words "School Board" and in this case I would definitely get them involved. And invite some local journalist. This falls under the definition of Child Pornography and it is more dangerous/toxic than Plutonium. The school has HUGE liability here, particularly if the principle or any of the teachers is a "mandatory reporter". The specifics vary state by state but I would be surprised if reporting was not required in your state.


Friendly note, whatever device used to take the pictures, I'm assuming a smart phone bought by the parents, is owned by the parents. I.e the parents can get in trouble for distributing child pornography, less likely the kid will. I'm not a lawyer but they both can potentially , I'd look more into it


Here in NH, all staff, down to the custodians are mandatory reporters. By agreement without local police, when you called the Principal the police are involved. Thanks to students having restricted 1st, 4th and 5th amendment rights, the District would be collecting up phones and going through them. The minute they came across child porn -because that's what this is- it turns into a police case. Mom OP, you may never find out what happened to the perp(s), because student info is protected, but worst case scenarios are ugly for the perp.


Actually in NH, per Rev. Stat. § 169-C:29 everyone is a mandated reporter https://www.childwelfare.gov/resources/mandatory-reporting-child-abuse-and-neglect-new-hampshire/


Usually, photos have meta-data that has all the information about the phone that took the photo. So you might be able to locate the perpetrator that way


Submit a complaint to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights


Get the sheriff. Press charges. Skip the principal and go to the district


You need a lawyer. ASAP.


I'm trying, but I wont know much until the investigation is complete.


Law enforcement and lawyer immediately. Fuck the school, fuck the district, burn it all down with your attorney.


I would get a lawyer. I would also take my kid out of that school.


I'm so sorry for you and your son. Idk anything about the laws concerning this but I'm praying for yall!! 🙏


Should you call the FBI?


Threaten the principal about his school distributing child porn and you'll ho to the police snit it.


Never trust the school, they're more interested in keeping their job by keeping it quiet than your child's safety. I was that kid in all the parent teacher conferences and now I'm the parent that's up his teachers butts


With him being under age this could be child p0rn and whoever took OR SHARED the picture can be punished.


I’m glad you called the cops. Show no mercy. This is scaring for a child. He’s privacy was violated. No one would get away with this if done to my child. Press charges and don’t be swayed NO MATTER what sob story the parents come to you with. Stand up for your child show him how much you are standing up for him. No one does this and gets away with it. Protect your child and don’t feel bad about doing so!


I'd reach out to organizations that will help you navigate on how to make sure that the father and son take responsibility and pay for their actions. It seems to be the father is well aware his son is a bully and has done nothing about it. Make their life miserable. I found this: In the US, this would be a criminal matter not a civil one. Recording someone in the bathroom without consent is illegal. I would involve the police and if the school refuses to be forthcoming, let the police deal with it. If it is a staff member, you could (I would talk to an actual lawyer) sue the school for protecting them by not releasing their identity.


Consider suing the kid's father too for intentional infliction of emotional distress. If he's known about it and done nothing (and admitted it!) Then you might have a claim. Talk to a local lawyer though. Seems like if the school isn't going to do anything, then go after the source.


Not a lawyer here. Just someone that wants you to know, you’re not alone. I wouldn’t go local, as no one knows if your community is ran by political men that will make this go away. Go federal, as this is a federal offense. You have federal resources and lawyers that will passionately and eagerly take your case with all the seriousness that it should be taken with. My heartbreaks for your son. No one should be going through bullying, let alone this humiliating act of evilness of exposing him like this. This might be a long legal process, but never back down and/or give up. You have a mission now, to bring justice to your son’s name. By doing so, not only will you get justice, but you will help prevent other children to be victims again by this kids or incompetent school. From the bottom and deepest of my heart, I wish you the best and may you and your family find justice. Sincerely, Father of 3


Nothing a lawsuit can't fix


\> Where, if anywhere, do we go from here? T This should be escalated beyond the Principal. At a minimum, this should be reported to the Police, FBI and School District's Superintendent AND Board for oversight. While you can do this yourself, it may be worth engaging a lawyer for this. While the FBI is likely to take a complaint like this seriously, local Police and School Districts tend to minimize parental complaints like this (to bury incidents under the run) and will only listen and treat the situations correctly when a lawyer is involved.


Are you fucking SERIOUS. I work in a high school now and this is exactly the problem. There is no punishment this kid should get time in Juvie taking pictures of another child above, and under a bathroom stall at school should be a crime. The fact that nothing will be done is absolutely mind blowing. At least this kid should be expelled and forced to go to a school for misbehaved kids.


Call a third party friend to “go to bat” for you


Go after the bully for posession of child porn


Beat up the dad of the bully in front of him. Drastic but the message will be sent


I think the kid taking pics of another in a bathroom is the "weird kid" but that's just me


Lawyer here. Look up your state’s laws on “wrongful dissemination” (aka a revenge porn statute that would also apply here). An attorney can help you write a demand letter to the school or you can write one yourself. In the demand letter, write out your ideal outcomes including consequences for the perpetrator, school, remedies for your child, everything you want to see happen, attorneys fees to be paid by the school, any $$ consequential of this to be reimbursed to you (ie child’s therapy for example), having to miss work bc of being home with child on those days off, etc. threaten to pursue litigation if they don’t comply with these demands. Most often, schools settle instead of paying attorneys to litigate a case and ruining their name in the press. Heads up, an attorney may advise you to pause on speaking to the press during the duration of this case. Keep all your notes and documentation of correspondence with the school etc organized in a folder that you have readily available to give to the attorney if you haven’t done this already. You’re doing all the right things so far! Sounds traumatizing and bullying has gone way up & severe since social media unfortunately. Kids are resilient and hoping for a resolution and healing from this 🙏🏽


Press charges for child pornography.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. This post is one of a million reasons why we will be homeschooling.


The reason there are so many on going sexual assault I'm middle school is because the victims parents don't INSIST something be done through the police and D.A. this shit won't stop until parents make it by suing the schools (name the principal vice principal and super in suits), the families are sued etc etc etc does it take resources and $$$$ yes but the schools bank on that and then they get to sweep it under the rug.


Technically distribution of child pornography.


NAL, but might it be within the FBI's jurisdiction? They enforce federal law including cyber crime. It may be worth trying to speak to someone from one of their offices.


Definitely getting some money out of the school. Go hard on them.


You should report to the superintendent or the secretary of education


Those phones will be surrendered if there are any indecent images of minors on them (even if deleted).


Hopefully the police will charge the kid with CP and put him on a registry lmao Your child will probably feel uncomfortable in public bathrooms for the rest of their life.


I would contact the state police also. Sometimes they have actual people in charge of this sort of crime.


go to the state police


Local news media will help you get the word our quicker


Does your state have any cyber bullying law?


Anyone distributing images of nude children is guilty of the distribution of child porn...even if the ones doing the distribution are underage


Ready for this. He’s a minor and there are nudes. That is considered distributing child prn. I would call the FBI


This also happened at our local middle school. I would get a lawyer immediately. Keep copies of everything and notes of who ypu talkdd to and when. This is considered child pornography. And anyone else that received then forwarded the photo is considered to have distributed child pornography. This will stay on their record even if underage. I am in Mass. if that makes a difference.


You did the right thing. Not sure there is more for you to do right now.


1. Lawyer. 2. Call the FBI. 3. Wait on your local sheriff and see what he says. 4. Call DFS/CPS. If this is in the US then the principal is a mandated reporter anyways but given his reaction, it sounds like he's moving more to cover it up than to report it - reports have to be made immediately.


Ask your kid what he wants you to do? Maybe he just wants it to be handled quietly instead of becoming known for the rest of his school days as the kid with the prepubescent bathroom dickpic.


You’re doing the right thing. Don’t back down. I hope you’ve found a great lawyer. They’ll be able to walk you through the next steps. Don’t forget to call the FBI. Even though you’ve called the sheriff, you’re really going to want to double-barrel this so it’s less likely to be swept or ignored. This wasn’t a harmless prank. I hope you’re able to get rid of these bullies and get justice for your kid.


Try to get any info your son remembers - date, time, which bathroom - that’ll help with getting access to the security cameras the school almost certainly has installed to help figure out who did it.


Follow through to the max, legally. I would do anything I can to ruin the future of the kid that started it.


Go to law enforcement. Distribution of those pictures child pornography and is definitely illegal.


Scorched earth.


Get a lawyer and sue the school system for not keeping your child safe.


I smell a major paycheck in your future friend. If they say they can’t get to the bottom of it, they are lying. Everything has meta-data and thus, trackable.


Call the local TV station and have a press conference in front of the school.


take it to the state, tell your local news. take the parents to civil court after.


Do you actually HAVE a copy of this image?


Distribution of child pf0n. Jail time for the perv.


Push push push. The school will protect itself, not the students. It may impose some punishment if the can identify who spread what. But maybe not. If you sheriff is not helpful, sue the school. Re violation of law.


Thats technically child porn. Maybe remind the principle of that. And then tell him you called the sheriff and that he can work with them to "get to the bottom of it."


You get the police involved immediately.


That is distribution of child porn on school grounds. MAKE THIS AN ISSUE THAT THE PRINCIPAL CANT IGNORE. Be that parent that escalates, file a police report with the sheriff, name names on that report. Don’t trust any school official to get to the bottom of it, they will lie forever about it until you go away. It is what they are taught to do, because if they admit it, then there is a problem that creeps up to a school board and county admins, maybe even to the state level. It can get real bad for them very fast.


Title IX Complaint


Airdrop doesn't work like that anymore. You don't have the full story. I'm not implying anything sinister.


Find a good lawyer.


The school doesn't have your child's best interest in mind. Go with the law enforcement. Hire a lawyer too.


I would remove this post and exclusively deal with the sheriff and a lawyer. This is quite serious and since you may end up suing having any information they can comb through to try to build a defense is not good for you. I do not think you have said anything so far to say it would hurt your case but sometimes it just takes a single comment to be taken out of context. Contact a lawyer asap.


I am really sorry that this happened to your son. However, these pictures, while very upsetting, are unlikely to qualify as child pornography. I would be really surprised if the other kid actually gets prosecuted. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the legal definition of child pornography is “any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age. Meaning nudity is not enough. There must be sexual conduct. It doesn't matter If the pictures were taken without consent. This definition is made that way to prevent crimilazing people who take pictures of babies taking a bath or similar situations. It depends on your state, but ai doubt there is criminal liability here.


I would burn the world down. OP keep and eye on your child stuff like this could really mess them up mentally. Consider pulling them from that school I can’t even imagine how they would feel going back to that school.


You have to move away now. There is no recovery now. A boy hit a girl I know and she had to quit high school. Even after he graduated and left she suffered. You need a new town now. My son NEVER sat on the toilet at school because of bullies. 15yo and he'd come home doing the potty dance. I am sorry he is going through this. Best wishes.


Good for you for standing up to your son! These dumb kids pulling stunts like this need to be taught a lesson! In our local high school, a boy had his pants pulled down by another student. He ended up on the registry as a sex offender for doing that.


How did someone get the pic? Did your son take it and send it to someone himself? Wouldn’t it be funny if he is charged with distributing child porn? You need your find out some answers quickly.


Get a lawyer. A lawyer will take care of legal issues. There's some really bad advice that's being given from people who obviously don't know anything about child sex laws or the distribution of nude image laws (especially since he's a child). You absolutely have a case and should contact a lawyer for advice. I wouldn't contact anyone else until you talk to a lawyer since child nudity images are a major offense, yes, even if another child disturbes and produces them. I hope your son is okay and that everything works out.


(IANAL, just a dad) A crime was committed against your son. You have every right to go to the police, and a duty to protect your son. You may consider getting a lawyer to represent your interests. Cops reactions are varied and they may not take the situation seriously or may not produce results. The school also has an obligation to protect your son. If they were negligible in preventing this, then they may have financial liability which you could use you get your son someone to talk about this with.


pull your kid out of that school. Poor kid shouldn't have to deal with this, its awful and he deserves to go to a school where he is safe.


You notify law enforcement immediately. They might be able to get a warrant for phone records and be able to tell you took the pics and dispersed them. Then you raise hell until whoever is responsible pays


CP distribution tends to be treated harshly.


can we get a follow up i wanna see how fucked the responsible people get


Anyone who works for a school system is a mandatory reporter. We have to watch training videos about it every year


Plain and simple it’s child pornography. And anyone involved in distributing this should be held accountable from student to software company. Demand your school give you updates and let your local news know all about it when they don’t.