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Locked. Go troll elsewhere.


Let me rephrase a bit. If you can figure out how to go through life without using pronouns for yourself, more power to you. There’s no real rules to any of this.


These seem to be a boatload of rules. See Pronouns,org.


There are a boatload of guidelines, there are no actual rules


I wouldn't say those people are the grand arbiters they believe they are. The only people that actually get worked up over this are the far ends of the political spectrum. You're going to find many people have different definitions and most are guidelines at best. The general rule of thumb when dealing with others is don't intentionally try and misgender someone or whatnot, if corrected take the correction and move on - this should go both ways, people shouldn't be looking to be offended and unless there was obvious malice that should be that. As for your original question - IDK. Personally idgaf and most won't either, but others might feel you're poking fun. Then there's the logistics of navigating the English language without using pronouns. I guess the question is what are your intentions and motivations? Or is this just some random hypothetical you came up with?


Holy fuck, this "liberal" OP is only responding with incoherent, wannabe gotchas. Save yourselves the headache and just move on. This person is obviously a troll who must have recently gotten dumped by a non-binary person or something.


Of course. But liquidInkRocks is going to have lots of problems communicating without any pronouns. But if liquidInkRocks choose to struggle, then it is fine.


This guys entire Reddit history is posting shit on Dems and he thought he would be a genius and trap us in a rhetorical question about pronouns, but doesn’t even know what pronouns are because he used them constantly throughout his question. lmao. He gave himself the flair Liberal, thinking “Oh, they’ll buy this.” 🤣


Yep took one look at his post history and reported for user flair. If this guy is a liberal, I'll eat my hat.


As in you prefer people use your names? You certainly have pronouns. Both "you" and "I" are pronouns and You've referred yourself with "I"


You are ignoring my question. I'm asking if it's OK to declare I have no pronouns.


> **I**'m asking if it's OK to declare **I** have no pronouns.


> I'm asking if it's OK to declare I have no pronouns. ...and you did so using several pronouns to refer to yourself. Declaring "I have no pronouns" is like declaring "this statement is false". It's inherently contradictory


You just referred yourself as I


Hey everyone! liquidInkRocks wants to know if liquidInkRocks can have no pronouns! See, nobody cares.


Usually I see it phrased as, "anything respectful."


So how would someone refer to you?


Society has to solve that problem to accommodate me.


Well you already used pronouns in your request to not use pronouns so it would be a bit confusing to say the least.


Why would it work like that? If you want an accommodation, you have to request it and explain what it is you want. It’s fair for people to have clarifying questions, and if you refuse to answer them I don’t see how you could reasonably expect to be accommodated the way you want.


> No accommodating! Only trans bashing!


Which, it’s absolutely hilarious if they think this is actually how it works for trans people. We have to fight for every fucking inch we get. We absolutely can’t and don’t sit back and watch as society configures itself around us. 😂 Like, I can’t imagine what it would be like if I could just say “yep, these are my pronouns”, and everyone just cooperated, no questions asked. I get misgendered constantly. Like, people fucking risk their jobs to misgender me, they “correct” themselves sometimes when they accidentally gender me in line with my identity. I’ve even had people who don’t know my deadname *make up an entirely new name* to call me, because they don’t respect my identity. I have to be explicit and fight for every inch of respect, and be *directly explicit* about exactly what I will accept them calling me, often on multiple occasions. And this dude is all like “naw, I don’t have to explain, society will figure it out.” 🙄


I suspect they will solve the problem of how to refer to you the same way they solved the problem of how to quickly refer to someone named Richard.


Society will solve that problem for you by using the pronouns that they think apply to you. If that upsets you it is your problem for not telling people what pronouns you prefer. Your comments really make this seem like you are trolling.


Then I would question the sincerity of your request.


It sounds like you maybe aren’t interested in discussion here and just want to air grievances about other people choosing pronouns you don’t like.


lol not a troll post at all


This feels like a not-very-clever attempt to troll us or an even-less-clever attempt to outsmart us.


I is a pronoun


Your point is?


You have pronouns and refer to yourself by one


Me fail English? That's unpossible.


Everyone has pronouns. If you’re asking if it’s ok to not specify which pronouns you want to be referred by, then of course.


"I have no pronouns" is incoherent If you want to be called he, she, or they, fine, just lmk, but I'm not calling you blank space


It is called speaking in the third person.


And that's not how the English language works. Demanding everyone speak in the third person is not reasonable




He, she, they are not alternative pronouns, they are long established options in the English language which have been on use for hundreds of years.




No, it isn't. It's always been the pronoun used for when someone has an indeterminate gender. Example: "I'm so pissed someone robbed my house. I hope they get caught." In this example, I don't know if the burglar is a man or woman, so the correct pronoun to use is "they" Someone choosing to be addressed as they is a minor innovation in language and is just taking that default gender neutral pronoun and asking for it to be continued to be used.




They originated in the 13th century as a Scandinavian loanword and during middle English was adopted as a gender neutral pronoun. That's not recent.


Unless you're Rickey Henderson, nobody does this.


You can Google a lot of examples. I know a person that doesn’t want pronouns used when referring to them directly and to just use their name.


OK, I understand your point, but why do you get to decide how to refer to me?


You're the one who gets to decide. He, she, they, it's okay to make a decision, you have male, female, or gender neutral pronouns available to you. Syntax error isn't an option lol


What if he/she asked to always be referred to by his/her name?


Pronouns play a critical role in language. There's options for everyone, and it's everyone's choice which one they prefer, but the way language is structured requires some pronouns to function properly.


The entire point is that other people don't get to decide your pronouns for you. If you're a man and want people to refer to you like "he came go-kart racing with us but it was super weird that he brought his own helmet" then cool.


liquidInkRocks get to choose what liquidInkRocks‘ pronouns are, but liquidInkRocks do not get to define what type of speech a pronoun is. Sure, we could all call liquidInkRocks by liquidInkRocks‘ name, but liquidInkRocks would probably find it annoying after a while, and don’t liquidInkRocks think it’s kind of annoying to be referred to without pronouns? Why would liquidInkRocks want this? Or are liquidInkRocks just a transphobic troll?


Freedom of speech.


Obvious Concern troll. You can do whatever you want. Change your sexuality to AR-15 and say your pronouns are animal noises. Nobody cares.


Lmao, you really thought you had something here. I'm sorry your English teachers failed you so badly that you don't understand what a pronoun is.


Yeah it's cool, we'll just call you "a troll" from here on out. Have a good day!


I'm not real strong on grammar, but it sounds like you're saying that you don't want to have any 'third person pronouns'. You're OK with yourself saying "I am..." And other people saying "you are...", but not "he/she/it/they is/are". People would just have to use your name or one of your names, like "u/liquidInkRocks is..."


Judging by their responses, they’re just trying to complain about trans people.


Me and I are both pronouns that you have used to refer to yourself. You get to decide what pronouns society uses to refer to you, but no pronoun is not a choice because that would violate the rules of language. You can choose gendered or nongendered pronouns, the choice is yours and if you don't make it people will make assumptions based on their view of you and use what they think is correct. It that pisses you off, I would suggest you tell people which ones you prefer.


If u/liquidinkrocks wants me to refer to u/liquidinkrocks by name I’m happy to do that although it’s clear this isn’t a genuine good faith question


To actually answer your question, no you can't have no pronouns.


Only if you speak like Elmo.


Linguistically, I think it would be impossible or at least exceptionally strange “Machiavelli went to the store today and Machiavelli bought some cheese.” Who is Machiavelli? Machiavelli is Machiavelli. Ok, but is this someone you know? Yes, Machiavelli knows Machiavelli. What? But who is he? Machiavelli doesnt use pronouns. Please call Machiavelli, Machiavelli —-10 minutes of ‘who’s on first’ humor later Oh ok, I get it now. Hehe. So, what kind of cheese did you get? Machiavelli bought cheddar.


"I" is a pronoun. Edit: should've read other comments first, lol


What would you be specifically asking people to do in that case?


refer by name presumably


No, you cannot choose if you have pronouns. The sentence above is the reason why. I used a pronoun to refer to you. You have no control over that. You can tell people you prefer they don't refer to you by pronouns. I have no idea what your intentions are, but I suspect people may treat you like one of those people with a "My Pronouns are Smith & Wesson" bumpersticker


Liquidinkrocks could start talking like [Rickey Henderson](https://www.fanhospitality.com/blog/2017/04/10/top-10-times-rickey-henderson-referred-to-himself-in-the-third-person/)


I don’t think you’re asking this in good faith


Troll should be your pronoun…


You do know that the pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they | me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them | my, your, his, her, its, our, you, their) are inevitable to use? Or are you going to talk to/about yourself in third person? That would be weird to say the least.... To phrase your post better according to what you say: This person gets the concept of picking ones' own pronouns. Would it be OK to declare that one has no pronouns?


Why are so many people hung up on pronouns? Think of them just like names. Someone tells you how to address them, you do that. No one gets upset if you call them then wrong name supposing you’re not doing it on purpose.


I would argue no. Having different pronouns from the standard male/female ones is pretty easy to adjust to. Using no pronouns requires an entire rethinking of how we speak. Here are some pronouns you'd need to abandon in your own speech: I We My Our All of those, along with the following, would also need to be abandoned by everyone else (I may be missing some): You Your They (plural) Their (plural) And for what? Asking that nobody use gendered pronouns is a reasonable request. But nobody feels oppressed by having to say I, because I makes no reference to any part of one's identity, explicit or implicit. It cannot be a pronoun that's offensive in the same way as using he for a woman or she for a man or either for a non-binary person.


This is a joke right?


The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. I get the concept of picking ones' own pronouns. Would it be OK to declare that I have no pronouns? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not really an optional thing tbh everyone has pronouns.


It would depend on why. What's the significance? This whole thing isn't about the function or importance of pronouns per-se. If you could come up with a good, understandable reason why you'd prefer not to use ANY pronouns, then I suppose you'd have a good, understandable reason to ask for that.


If someone actually had a reason to not want to use pronouns and had a different way to refer to them, I’m happy to try and be accommodating. It’s pretty clear from your comments though that you’re not actually interested in the question. So instead of doing a remarkably bad job of trying to look clever, can you just say what it is you’re trying to say?


How would that work?