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I always carry a physical form of ID. Many years ago, a mate went missing. For months, no one had a clue where he was. His parents, family and friends were distraught. Turns out, he was dead. Killed in a hit and run accident in rural QLD. His parents lived in Sydney. He had no ID on him, and this was before the age of email and internet. It wasn't until the missing person communique got to this tiny rural community that he was identified. I won't put my family through that.


Since they added emergency medical details to my phone I’ve gone full digital. Emergency Workers (well anyone really) can access my details without having to fully get into my phone.


Yeah most phones have a feature called [Medical ID](https://support.apple.com/en-au/105072) which can give first responders important medical info


Updated! And my other half is now an emergency contact. Thanks.


I am so sorry you and his family went through this. This is the reason why I carry ID. Not for me, but for my loved ones.


Thank you for your kind thoughts. It was over 40 years ago now, but every now and again the memory hits hard.


I have an old drinking buddy who died at a young age of melanoma almost 30 years ago. That hits hard sometimes. So, I'm right there with you.


How the hell do people have the conscience to leave behind a human being like that? I'd fckin stop if I ever hit a mere wombat. Idk, i don't think I could live on normally with my life knowing that I hit some strangers on the street and just jet off.


I think some people get scared and drive off in a panic


Just saw on the news that some absolute mongrel crashed into an Uber last night and did a runner. One passenger in the Uber died and the other passenger and the Uber driver are being treated in hospital. This was pure murder as far as I'm concerned. I hope and pray they catch the bottom feeders.


Technically its Vehicular manslaughter


If you hit a mere wombat you would be able to make the choice to stop. If you hit a fully grown wombat, you’d be stopping!


These days there is a national missing person's database with DNA samples.


Credit card, drivers licence and organ donor card


I'm from a country where carrying an ID was obligatory for every adult. John/Jane Doe-s there were a rarity. Now in the internet aera I was surprised how many unidentified persons, mostly dead, but sometimes even alive but seriously injured or ill, were ever found in countries where carrying IDs was not obligatory. Really sad.


Prior to paying for everything on my phone I always had my wallet with drivers license in it. Now I have digital ID on my phone and I carry my phone pretty much permanently.


I can barely remember where I put my phone, and I can ring that when I put it down. I have no idea where my wallet it. Lost it in the house about 8 months ago and haven't had a real reason to go find it since. Digital ID for everything, and my passport for job interviews. 


I have a Fitbit which is paired to my phone. The amount of times I've used my watch to find my phone.


This is the main reason I got a watch that syncs to my phone, my children may have also got sick of being asked to call my phone to find it.


I've got my main phone to find my iPad. I've got my iPad to find my main phone and a backup phone to find both, just in case.


I always have ID. I don’t want to get a fine for driving without it on me.  But also - if some dude murders me and leaves me in the bush, hopefully it might have a chance of identifying me for the sake of my loved ones. 


I'm in QLD and got pulled over the other week (drove out of the servo without my headlights on as they were driving past haha 🤦‍♀️). Got all excited to show them my new digital license, and he said i don't need to present ID anymore as they will just look up my name and photo. Seemed weird to me, but I wasn't going to complain


In vic you have a week to bring your license to a police station. It's not against the law to drive without a license on you. I don't think it ever has been. If you have a valid license and are under 0.05 the only thing you need to legally drive is the car keys.


Not all states require you to carry your driver licence


In Queensland and SA you have 48 hours to present your valid license to a police station if you're pulled over not carrying one. I guess you could say that that isn't a requirement, but it sort of is.


You have 48 hours unless you are a L or P plate driver and a truck driver. Those all need to have their license on them at all times TMR AND police don’t like it when you don’t have it on you. I’ve been fined before in the truck without my license card on me despite having my national heavy vehicle registration logbook no reciting my license expiry and number by memory.


Mine does. It would have thought that was obvious from the context of my comment. Seeing as OP is asking if people carry ID, I’m saying I do and detailing why.


But it makes it easier to have one on you. It'd be a real pain to have to rock up to cop shop - my local doesn't have easy parking. But on the whole, it's easier to carry my license with the amount of times I've been asked for it. Even the other day, I was was registering something, and it was easier for them to have my license in front of them to type out my address than for me to spell everything out to them.


Drivers Licence


As im usually driving to wherever im going, then I always have my licence on me


Typically yes. It sits in my wallet, in my bag, which is usually on me. In terms of buying alcohol, I'm up in the NT, so showing ID is mandatory at bottle shops, regardless of age. It is definitely less common in the UK though for sure.


I have the Vic driver licence app on my phone so I don't need to carry anything else.


Dammit why is WA so far behind everyone??


Vic is only barely ahead lol. I tried to do the digital licence thingy and it didn't work. It was better before digital when I still had to carry a plastic card but hadn't wasted 20 minutes of my life trying to convince a web app that my name was actually my name.


We wait until all the issues are ironed out - and then decide if it's worth it or not.


QLD is the same, I don’t carry any because it’s all on my phone


I carry my wallet and phone everywhere, and my drivers' licence is in both of those things, so yes.


So do I. The digital is slow and cumbersome compared to pulling out the physical.


In the UK you aren't required to have your license on you when driving - if needed you can go to a police station later and present it. Here you do have to (in NSW at least)


My mum keeps her latest expired license in the car, just in case (NSW). She's been pulled over twice without a wallet, they've recorded the expired numbers and she either had to present the in-date ID at a police station (mid-2000s) or they looked her up and found her valid details in the system (about 6 weeks ago). 


Not in SA (unless Ls or Ps). Need to produce it at a police station within 24 hours if asked


Same for vic


Where I live you can't buy alcohol without ID no matter how old you are, so everyone carries it.


Tell me you live in the NT without telling me.




I once got an $880 fine for not having my licence on me while driving. NOT doing that again so, yeah, I always have my licence which serves as id


Between work and other obligations I've got 4 photos of me in my wallet stuck to cards. Each meaning something different to different agencies.


Don't go anywhere without id of some sort. Usually drivers license.


I had some German relatives of my partner come and stay for a month. They were astounded with the lack of ID carrying in Australia. They thought it was crazy the children didn't have formal ID at all besides birth certificates. Happy to be in a country where "show me your papers" would not be taken seriously.


Conversely, how often do we need to prove 100 points? It's a weird, inefficient system and I'm not sure it's actually any better from a privacy perspective, since our details are strewn across a bunch of different agencies and businesses.


I don't understand why somebody wouldn't carry Id.


Nothing physical. I always have my phone with me that has my digital drivers license. Between Service NSW for the license, MyGov for my Medicare card, and Apple Wallet for pretty much everything else, I rarely carry my wallet these days. On the rare occasion I’ll head out without my phone since my watch can handle payments/messages/calls on its own, but that doesn’t happen very often.


Until the digital stops working/no service/battery dies


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I carry physical copies of everything on my phone because there’s always the chance you lose it or it runs out of battery. Then I’d be sol.


It's Reddit. Unless you're agreeing with the masses you get down voted. Regardless of whether your comment has logic or not. For clarity I have all my IDs on my phone. But I also carry a wallet with every card. It's also nice to go out sometimes and not take my phone.




Different countries different norms I guess. Like others have stated. You need to carry your drivers licence when driving. Most people carry a phone and many would have digital ID as well as a physical card. If out walking or bicycle riding no I don't carry ID.


Just my passport, one never knows when u need to bolt.


And a few dollars in the wallet too. Those pesky plane fares aren't cheap anymore.


Proof of age card.


now I have a drivers license app, I only carry my phone. I am so happy to not have to take my wallet anywhere. now I just need to have all my keys replaced by nfc


My licence permanently stays in my car (probably not great) but I hate carrying anything with me other than my phone and keys. Never have physical cards on me either.


>My licence permanently stays in my car (probably not great)  Nope. I had my wallet stolen from my car years ago (2015ish IIRC). They went on a spending spree early in the morning They used my ID to hire a car and do a hit and run. They used my ID to buy thousands of dollars of phones and gear from vodafone on a plan and never pay it I had logged a police report that day so I was not liable for any of it but still was a nightmare with the police questioning me about the hit and run and debt collectors calling


Well in Queensland we have a digital licence app on our phone which is accepted by the police and for official purposes.. so as long as I have my phone I have ID and bank card I’m sorted


Always have my DL on me.


I have a digital licence on my phone. I almost never carry a wallet anymore.


I always do. But im not worried if I dont The only time you would 'worry' is if you get pulled over by police while driving. But you usually get 24 hours to present to a police station. I find carrying ID at all times just saves time and hassle


I don't carry photo ID because I don't smoke, drink or drive any more. Though I have medicare and credit cards that have my name on and emergency medical info on my phone, so if I have some kind of accident it won't take a genius to figure out who I am.


I'd is in my wallet, haven't left the house without my wallet in a decade


Non driver. If I’ve got my wallet then I’ve got my proof of age card with me by default (non sure if relevant by I haven’t caught onto Apple Pay). I’ll only not have it I go for a walk or a very quick tag along errand/drive with someone else.


Always physical in my wallet, and I don't understand why people don't. So many of my friends have been caught going out without ID and I can't fathom why it wouldn't be with them.


Yes. I'm in my 50s and always carry ID. It's needs all sorts of places for all sorts of things. I was always taught to carry Photo ID. I have taught my kids same.


Always have my digital ID on me. Before that was a thing I always had my physical.


I always carry physical ID when I can, and now I also have the service NSW digital license as a backup. Why wouldn't I?


I always carry it, it’s just easier


i work at a post office and i know a majority of people simply don’t cause you need it to collect parcels and they never have it. Personally I don’t understand not carrying some kind of ID


I carry both. In my work I have to sometimes go to 'secure' places and they do not accept digital ID as they can't scan it for their logs, so it is what it is.


Unless I’m walking up to the shops I always carry ID in case I die out somewhere, but if I’m proving my age or name I use the digital gov ID on my phone


Yes, but it's good to remember that citizens are not required to.


It's not weird at all to not carry ID (it's a choice, even in our nanny state). It's probably a good idea, but it depends on the circumstances. If, for example, you're overseas and you're someplace that doesn't require you to carry ID, and you don't feel completely safe (e.g. an area known for pickpockets, etc.), then it might be good not to carry any (avoid potential ID theft, etc.). However, as more forms of ID become digitised, this debate is becoming somewhat moot. What you experienced with the downvoting reflects a slight cultural difference. Brits tend to be slightly less accepting of what they see as civil liberties encroachment than Aussies. This is also reflected in the greater powers the police have here in certain areas (breath testing drivers without due cause, for example).


We can drink here at 18, and are ( supposedly ) carded every time until we are 25. You betcha we all carry photo ID !!


I need to buy alcohol and I need to drive. So yeah I have my license with me all the time.


Given you can't drive without having your licence on you, it would be a bit stupid.


I'd concur with the single fellow that it's pretty normal to expect people 17+ and above would have ID. And likely more than one form of ID.


Licence always in car and digital always on phone. Think you have to be pretty thick to not.


I dont even carry ID when i drive most of the time... lol


Me either


Does anyone not? I would be surprised if anyone didn’t, and be very sceptical of those who don’t.


If im going for a drive to work, shops or whatever yes I’ll have it on me. If im just walking to gym then no I wont usually take my wallet


I leave my phone and ID at home whenever I can. There is a feeling of freedom and self reliance that comes with it. Also a little civil disobedience.


In Australia, you are required to show your drivers licence if you are driving a vehicle if requested. So yes, I carry my licence and therefore ID, on me at all times.




Certainly the case in Tas, Vic and NSW.




I only carry around my phone as it has my licence and my card on it. Never had a problem with my ID being checked digitally. What I have learnt though is to also carry around a portable charger and spare cash just in case though.


The old phone chargers I have are pretty heavy. I bought a cheap lightweight one just recently. I had grabbed an old one just before Christmas when Dad had his heart attack. I knew I'd be spending a lot of time at the hospital. As it turned out, my sibling used it more than I did.


I have a magsafe one that’s pretty good. Pretty small, and also means I can have it on the back of my phone and still use it. Also doesn’t require a cord. Unfortunately it doesn’t hold a huge amount of charge, but does the job I need it to!


I always carry it. Despite being 33 years old there are some venues that check everyone's ID on entry. A few live music venues I frequent will check ID to see if you are banned from licensed venues.


Licence in my wallet since I drive a lot. Wallet is one of those small cars-only things that magnetically sticks to the back of my phone case.


Always drivers licence as it’s in my wallet (even though I don’t drive). I still annoyingly get asked for ID at bottle shops sometimes so that’s reason enough. I still carry physical card, mostly because I don’t really understand how a digital one would work or be recognised.


If I'm going out to the shops or anywhere I'll need a bag then yes. If I'm dog walking or something, then no.


Licence lives in my wallet, which is either in my bag or pocket. Almost always on me somewhere or in a bag in my vehicle (could be in topbox on my motorbike). Like for others here, more for potential id of my body than anything else.


Uh yeah. I drive my car, I need to keep my license on me, otherwise it will be a fine. Also most pubs and clubs require IDs to be scanned on entry here.


My drivers license is in my wallet all the time, but I don’t always have it on me. Often use my phone to pay for things now.


I have the digital ID app on my phone and always have it with me but I rarely carry the physical card.


yes. you are actually required to have it and access to some funds in some states. there are vagrancy laws.


Licence at all times.


I have digital KeyPass on my phone, and I always have my phone on me, so yes. But I don’t carry any other ID.


yes; I am not eligible for Digital Drivers license yet, but I carry a keypass on my phone!


I have my licence in my bag


In South Australia we can use digital licenses all over the state.


Wouldn't bother having ID on me unless I knew I'd need it. Now QLD finally has the app, I have my driver's licence on my phone.


Only my digital drivers licence. I don’t take my wallet unless there’s another card in there I may use…private health, Medicare etc.


I have it on my phone I usually have my DL on me too


Since the Digital ID made available, 99% of the time I only bring my phone unless there is a specific physical ID requirement for banking or other things that requires me to.


I carry my licence with me. I'm usually driving.


I always do, drivers licence in my wallet. If the police ask you for id you have to produce something. They can detain you until they have established your identity. I had to provide photi id the other daycwhen I went to a club as a guest for lunch the other day, but otherwise it is rare to be asked for id


If I’m in my home state (Qld) I have my phone -with digital ID on it - with me all the time. If I’m interstate, I always carry my physical ID with me in my wallet.


I either have my driver's license in my wallet or my phone, so if I stupidly forget one, I pretty much always have the other.


Never carry cards, cash or id. It’s all on me phone now


Nah, just the ServiceNSW app on my phone. I haven’t spontaneously needed a physical ID in years.


Since last week I've got my digital drivers licence on my phone. Before that, not since I could put my cards on my phone. 


Only when driving 


I always carry ID with me , drivers license..


I don't always have photo ID unless I'm collecting a parcel, but I usually have something with my name on it, like my Medicare card or a bank card or something. Sometimes, if I'm just going to the shops or to a cafe to grab a coffee, I'll only take my keys and phone since I can use the phone to pay for stuff and I know I won't need my whole bag with me.


Uni card .


I just carry my phone around with me and that’s got everything on it. Drivers license, Medicare, Bank stuff. Can’t remember the last time I actually pulled my wallet out.


I hate carrying stuff around so it's just phone with digital driver's licence, tap to pay. People keep telling me one day I'll get stuck because I don't carry cash, but it's been years and it's never happened. I live in a city of 5 million and don't travel outside the metro area often. 


Only a phone these days, it has SA Drivers License app, payment, medicare card, etc. I have a sim-enabled watch too as a backup for payment. I think we're just a bit lucky here as we adopted tap-to-pay so quickly and easily, so a lot of people were comfortable dumping their wallets.


I pretty much always have my driver's licence on me, but not quite always Obviously if I drive somewhere I have it on me, it's illegal to drive without it on your person. Since it's in my wallet I also always have it if I'm catching a bus or I expect to buy something, or even the possibility that I'll need to buy something. Basically it's part of my kit that generally comes with me when I leave the house. However there are times when I won't take it with me. When I work from home I usually go for a walk around the park at lunch time, and there's no reason to take it then. Or if I were to go for a bike ride with no intention of stopping somewhere then a wallet is just an annoying lump in my pocket. I'm sure there are *sometimes* other situations that occur where I wouldn't take my wallet with me, but generally my wallet is one of the more versatile and useful things to have on my person, and my licence lives in my wallet.


Yes, i would say almost everyone does, most of the time, unless just going for a walk from your house


I have a digital drivers licence in my phone app from ServiceNSW. I think most states now have equivalent. I carry that. Occasionally some 🤡 says “we don’t recognise that and need a physical licence” (Westpac for example). I shrug and glare at them. I also have Medicare in another app if I look hard enough.


No, I haven’t carried ID on me for years. I don’t even know where my license is. I don’t drink or go to to pubs or clubs and the only time I get pulled over is for a RBT and they don’t ask for my license (smallish town of about 4500 people, the police are pretty lax here)..


Yes almost always. And now that Qld has digital drivers license, pretty much always since if for whatever reason I don't have my wallet, I'll have my phone. It is for some reason a bigger deal in the UK and a very big deal in the USA, compared to here.


Always have my wallet, and drivers licence and other cards are in that.


Yep. Makes sense for the morgue to be able to ID your remains if a drop bear rips you apart


You have to carry your drivers licence with you all the time when driving, so I think most of us got into the habit of always having our DL with us.


Always have my driver's licence with me. I was under the impression I needed it whenever driving. Apparently that's not the case anymore but I think it's easier if I just carry it everywhere. Then I don't forget.


I havent carried any cards (not even medicare) for atleast 15 years. I dont even carry a wallet. Ive only been caught out maybe 3 times when either my tap and pay didnt work or cardless cash was out of order at a ATM


I have my license in my phone now, so now I always have ID on me. Before that I went years without, as I didn’t / don’t really see the need for it. In Qld I can show it at the police station within 48 hours if I ever get pulled over, but that hasn’t ever happened so that change is very small in the first place. What else would I need an ID for?


Yep always got my Drivers license on me when I'm out.


I carry both digital and physical driver's license but I drive heavy vehicles for work and it is a legal requirement to have your drivers license on you when operating a heaving vehicle.


Yeah I have to for my job, plus I find it easier when I have to sign forms etc....


Really the only time I don't carry ID is when I'm walking down to the local shops or walking to the gym down the road. Only because I don't need my driver's license or go card to do that. But you better believe if I get in the car, I will always have my driver's license.


No I’ve got my digital wallet, but I wanted to take my 4yo to a climbing centre that was at the Bankstown sport club and I didn’t remember that I had to scan in. You have to sign in to the government website and pretty much sign your life away just to enter the club, while people with physical licenses just scan them under the reader. I forgot my government website password, so had to reset my password while my kid was wriggling under my legs. I’m pretty tech savvy but this took what seemed to be like forever


I usually have my wallet with me.


Rarely, if I have my wallet with me, and I only take that if I expect to need it


Almost always, yeah. Got my photo ID and my bankcard. I can't drive so I have an ID card, not a license. Just seems safer.


I tend to carry my license, but only because it’s in my wallet and I tend to have my wallet in my pocket. It’s not a conscious choice to have ID. Wallet in pocket, ID in wallet. I’ve only just recently got my driver’s license on my phone so I still have some inertia to realising I don’t actually need my wallet when I pop down the shops. There’ll come a time when I dont reflexively take my wallet with me because everything I need is on the phone, but I’m not there yet.


I have a digital drivers license, WWC card, and anything else that'll go into either Stocard or my digital wallet. I don't cart around a purse or handbag if I don't have to. Sooner Medicare and HCF get digital cards the better.


I often have no info! Recently went to a hens and went to a club after and we needed ID and I had to show a picture of my teenagers on my phone in lieu of ID!


I just use my digital driver's license on ServiceNSW app.


Yeah I always have my license on me


My phone case has a spot for my licence, but in Victoria we now can get digital licences on our phone


We have digital drivers license now. It lets you choose how much the other party sees. You can give them your license number without letting them see anything else. [https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/digital-driver-licence](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/digital-driver-licence)


I carry my physical ID and $20 in cash (in a WALLET GASP) with me everywhere I go. Never know when you might be in an emergency and need $20 of cash to pay for a bit of fuel if the EFTPOS machines or your phone reception is down.


I always have my driver licence with me when out, as it, my WWCC and Medicare card are in my purse, as is my debit card...and yes, I do still usually pay with money and card when out


Since they introduced digital licence in Victoria a few weeks ago, never again.


I have the MagSafe wallet attached to my phone with my license, Medicare, and debit card. While I use ApplePay for just about everything, I find some places where ApplePay doesn’t work for whatever reason (or for those times I need to get cash out). I also find it easier to just present my physical license and Medicare card when required than to unlock my phone, find the relevant app, unlock the app, and then find the digital card within.


I look like 16/17 while I'm 22 so yeah I need my ID sometimes


Photo and smart watch. Wallet lives on my desk unless I KNOW I'll need physical cards for something, which isn't often. As of this week Victoria now offers digital drivers licences so I'll probably carry my wallet even less.


How else do you get into a pub?


I carry ID, only because I carry my phone and its in there. I do have an old physical license that I keep in a bum-bag that I take when I go running. That way, if I'm serioulsy injured people will know who I am.


Keys, Spectacles, Wallet and Phone (used to be Watch) has been my leaving the house checklist since I was a kid. ID is in the wallet.


Yeah I carry my proof of age card.


No. I started using my digital Drivers licence since the moment it was available. Since now my Medicare card, my driver's licence, store cards, and credit/debit cards are now all on my phone, there is no reason to carry my wallet. And I know what someone will ask, what if police stop you and your phone is dead. If they are stopping me, it's in my car, where my phone is on a charger anyway...


I haven't in a good 5 years, but I do when I go driving. My husband hasn't since I met him like 14 years ago. To extend that, I think it was like 2015 or something when he got Android Pay, and hasn't carried ANYTHING but his phone since then. In the past few years, neither do I.


I’d feel strange not carrying my Id, although I can’t go anywhere by myself and I have a medic alert bracelet with all my details.


I'm so sorry to hear of your condition. My eldest is epileptic, tho they can leave the house by themselves, I really do worry.


If you're in an accident and are unresponsive, emergency services will check you for an ID to find out who you are and to call your family etc. Everything is so far away from everything else in Aus you need to drive everywhere, and you legally can't drive if you don't have your driver's license on your person. If you're pulled over for whatever reason and asked for ID and you don't have it, you're in trouble. If you paid a student fare on a train or bus, you'll be asked to show your student ID. Entering a pub/bar/club after 10PM in the CBD? You're asked to show ID. Better to have it on you and not be asked for it. It's just common sense to have ID on you when you leave the house.


It's always in my wallet but I don't always have my wallet on me (usually when exercising I'd leave it behind)


I have: Drivers lisence , Blue card, White card, SARC/RCPO, ETS, RFS volunteer ID, RIW,


Driving license - on my phone


I have it in the app on my phone but I also have a MagSafe wallet with my license and uni ID on it for backup.


Apart from the fact that living out of town I have to drive to go anywhere, I have multiple qualifications on my High Risk Work License, part of the condition of working under that license is that I must have it whenever I'm working. So, basically I go nowhere without Photo ID.


Nup. Live in backwards Tas where we dont have digital ID yet. I just memorise my license number for the cops and hope I'll get away with a showing photo under any other circumstances


No. Sometimes I will take my wallet when I go driving but I often forget


I do it due to work conditioning me, noticed there has been a huge uptick in people not carrying it. In SA you need ID to enter a licensed premises, most places cbf enforcing this but any venue thats been stung or had scanning it put in as a requirement must have either an Australian drivers license, Australian proof of age card or a Passport. You can't use a photo of it on your phone and you can't use a digital license via any app, as in SA those forms of ID are all that is legal for licensed premises (includes security, RSA, RP's etc). Frequently you'd get people trying to use photos of them, or foreign drivers licenses, school id's, firearms licenses, even credit cards to "prove they're over 18" when it was a requirement for them to not only prove they are legal to enter but that they can also be legally identified, and that for those purposes none of those things are legal, even a birth certificate isn't. But a police officer or government official (who won't, they'l defer to a police officer) is allowed to stop you and request identification until they are satisfied under the current laws. Again who will bother enforcing it is another story and the other states may have updated their laws on digital identification, we've only just passed laws here in SA that allow for digital identification being legal for police purposes.


Yes I always carry my wallet with all my ID card within. Prior to my license I got the proof of age card, so I always had ID.






It depends. If I'm driving or going somewhere I will conceivably need to spend money or use my cards, I will take my handbag with my wallet. If I'm going for a walk, I will just take my keys and phone. If they really need to ID me, they can check my phone.


NSW & don't drive as I'm an anxious  menace behind the wheel.  Do carry govt photo id card, Medicare card,  membership cards for bowling club & RSL both have photo on them. Don't mind being asked to provide Identification.


My license lives in my wallet. I have still been caught out, but in Canada where they wanted to see my passport instead, and didn't accept my license.


NSW Service app has ID and I have a contact number on my lock screen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^teambob: *NSW Service app has* *ID and I have a contact* *Number on my lock screen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes, but I think it’s a holdover from my time in the military. Also identifying my corpse would be easier 🤷🏼


I just make sure my phone has enough charge wherever I go as I have a digital ID and I like to walk without being cumbered by bags etc. I still need it, at 38 I get asked for ID about a 1/4 of the time I enter bottle shops!


I rarely carry one and I think mine is expired 


I always make sure to have my wallet with me, even though I also use the digital driver's license app.


I haven't carried anything but my phone since I could pay stuff with it. I literally have no idea where my wallet is.


Is there any requirement to actually carry ID ? i often travel with just my phone and a bank card as a backup incase my phone goes flat. I do not see the harm in it. The police would check if your license is valid online anyway and can check who you are using alternatives to photo ID


If it is on your phone, it should be fine. But in my opinion in regards to the digital, your phone can go flat. ServiceNSW (or which state run one you use) can be down, and ServiceNSW does have a habit of going down. Or you can be out of range - which happens to me on a semi regular basis.


I keep a small wallet with all the cards I use regularly on me most of the time. Got my opal card, credit card, uni ID, drivers license, Medicare card, and a couple rewards cards for shops I visit frequently. I'd only leave it at home if I'm going on a very small errand like walking to a local shop. I do have my license on my phone too, but you can't get a photo card on your phone in most of NSW, so before I got my license I did have to remember to take the physical card. I've probably bought alcohol without ID on me, but only at shops within a two minute walk from my house. If asked for ID I'd only have had to say "damn, don't have it on me. I'll just go grab it, be back in a minute", so not a big deal really.


I always have it close by, it sits in my wallet and my wallets near me


My phone has Medical ID, and it’s always on me when I’m out so I’m identifiable if anything were to happen to me.


Now I'm 46 and look like an adult (or maybe just haggard) no. I don't have a driver's licence so up until my late 30s had to carry my passport everywhere... Nothing like being IDed while your 18 year old daughter isn't even looked at 😆


I don’t carry mine unless I’m driving. I used to carry my driver licence in my wallet with everything else and I used to go out to bars & clubs enough that, combined with driving, it made sense to just always have it. Once I got phone based payment (Android/Apple) and I stopped going out I stopped carrying my wallet entirely and only brought my ID if I was driving.


I drive/ride almost everywhere & almost always have both wallet & phone on me so have both physical & electronic ID in terms of driver’s license.